�� 1 . !i . .�� ._ _. . . . .
<br /> '.� , .. " . 93*` �n'�ao� ,
<br /> , .
<br /> 'i'00[3THP�N WiTH�tl�he Imptuvanaiu now er heralla ua{M,on ihe�rropeny��nd�I a�anenu�p�u�nep�na+�and :.. .
<br /> � 8xmra now a Aaafier �p� ol�he propeny. All rcptocemda� �ml��dpiqon�eMll �Ix+ I+e coveinQ by t1iU 6ecuriry " .':'
<br /> lne�Nmsnt.Allof�hoforc�olnSbrcterral�of�thbSa^uri�ylnWNmeMt+dys'�'fopeiiy.• �- . .^ .
<br /> BqRk(lWFR COVNNANT9 tiw}�prcowcr�f hwtuily�elsed of the eMste hercby convsfcQ uwi fuq thf riat{i t9 C�"�f.A�
<br /> conrey-�he propenY�d�Mt�ho?ni�rbYty;la unrncumbere0.e:ccept fa encumbro+x+�s ot rcc4r016oirow•er w(�riMa•�nA.will ,.
<br /> 4e@nd dencrally Ihe�lila lo tM Prupe�tYUgdnu�II ctaim+'nd QemMOe.wbJr.�y�o my cncun�itinxa of record, '
<br /> t.-T11I8 SflCUR1TY lNSTIIUhiBNT mmblira unlfomi coven�nts Por natloAsl uu ond mh•unifomi covp�ml with Iimlte4 •
<br /> virlitliinapY7ud�IafJnaconstiiu�e�uNlomiKCUrUylns�rumer�mv:dnyr-�..�tPrupertY, ,
<br /> - . . -- UNIrORM(:OVHNANT9.Flortuw•cr n�A l.qrdcr mver�n�end agreo na fo9towr
<br /> . 1� thymdil nl rrinsiql�I.I�MenMt �Y�oAd'1.ido Ch�tRa� Borrowerebdl prompiy p�y wLe�t duo�6e - - -- —
<br /> pdiiclpd of nnA internt on t1w dobt evidemnd by IDe Nqe ud�ny propnyment nM laro chugee duo undN tho No�o.
<br /> 3.Fu�xh.tor T�Kq�nd 1nwnMce.SubJat to applinbio Inw or io n w�iuen waiver by Lsnder, Rorrowcr ahell.p�y ro
<br /> f:cqdet an�he day nwo�hlyp�ynxnu mro duo under�ho Nae,until Il�o No�o fe pnld In full,a sum('fundsry[or:(a)yearly uxcs
<br /> �nd assessnxme whlch nuy aiialn pdnd�y over�hb Secud�y Instmnknt w a Ilen on�ho Propcny;(b)ya�Ay teaseitqld p�ymente
<br /> --- ot ground rcnts on Ihe P�opCity.If nny;(c)ywrly ha�rd or proarry insumnca prcmtums;(d)yeariy Iluod insurence premiumf, .
<br /> IP eny;(e)yearly nw�tgago insumnca pceasUmn,if nny;and(q any sums paynbto l�y R�rtower to Lea�der,in ocmrd�nce wf�h
<br /> tho provislon�of paragraph 8.In ikw of Ne payar:ra of nwrtgngo Insur�r�co prenilvuu.7Lrs�item�nrc c�lled'Cscrow Ren�.'
<br /> I.cndcr nwy,a�ony timc,coltcci and Aotd ILnds In en nmoun� not to cxca4 rRe nwcimum amount a Icnder for e kderally
<br /> telalcd nwng�gc loan nny raquire Por Horro�rer'e esc[ow ammN undcr�M[oCr.�l Real Iistatc Seiqcnxnt Procedura Aq of
<br /> 1910.w anwtded from�Ime Io�ime, 12 U.S.Q Smion 2601 a req.('REiSPA•►,unlesa anahcr law IMt opplla to�ho FuMe �
<br /> ccia n Icsscr anwum. tf so. Lender nuy, at eny time,mltcei anl haW�uods io an anwum ra� �o excmd Qw laser amouM.
<br /> -° ` I.ender nuy c�iinnte�he nnwunt of�unds dua on tte buts uf currcnt dato:.�mwnablo tstinu�tes of exp::ditur.�of tu:ur. --
<br /> E;crow Itetm or ahenvise in xcord�nco with opplirxble law. —
<br /> 7tee Fads shall bc held in an Irtstitutlon whosc dcposits arc fnsurcd by a kdcrel ugency, Inslrvmentility, or rntliy —
<br /> - ---- (inciudiqg Lerdcr,ff Lcndcr ie such en institwion)or in ony Pederal Homc Loan 6mk.Lendcr shail epply the�unde to pay�hc
<br /> --- Escrow Irem>.Lcndcr nuy na charga Dortoa•er Por hoiding end eppiying thc Funds,nnnually enaiyring thc curow xcoun�,or
<br /> "'_---:,� reritying th:Cscrow liems,unless Ler�kr piye Uorrox�er interes�on�he�unds aod epplicabie lew pemii�s Lender to nuke such
<br /> �---- - - a cAarge.Ilox�ever, Lender may rcqufre Oortox�er m pay a one-Ilme charge(m an independent mal utale lex reporting serviw
<br /> . nscd by I.ender fn conn�riion with �hi� loan, unless epplicable law providcs othcrwise. Unless an agnrmcm is madc or
<br /> - -- appllwbie law rcquiru fmcres��o h paid,Lender shall no�be rcquircd�o pay�ortowcr eny intcrcst or caminge on thc Funcis.
<br /> _--- gorrox�cr and Isndcr n�ay ngrcc in wd�ing, howevcr, tha�Intcrcst shall bc paid on�hc�unde. Lcm,icr shall givc to 13orrower.
<br /> ---:.�,vm without charge, en annuol accouming of�he �unds, showing credits and debits m ihe �unds and�he purpox for whlch eacl�
<br /> -- - �. .Yw_ c 1 .A a<<.Ui ro f • 1 h � .C.r .: �
<br /> ---._ - .° ._- 3a,it to the -urds»as.,.o,.�.T":.urc1;ax p.atg..._._.».tia:�l�ud., e.al aunu�:r�..; h!_ u.e;!nslmmcr... -. .., .. -..
<br />---"—'�^� If�he Funds hcld by l.ender exoecd�he amoums p�miitted lo bc hcld by appticablc law,I.ender shatl aaount to I3ortox•er
<br /> ��a,�_:ai for lho exmss�unds In ocmrdance�vl�h the nqulrcmenu of applicable I�w. If�he e�nounl of Ihe�unds held by Lender at eny
<br /> tirtw Is not wftident lo pay ihe Gscrow lume when dua Lender nuy so no6fy Qorroxror in�vri�ing,and,in such case Bortower �_,�,
<br />-t'i'''�`�•����'., I shall pay�o Lender the amoum nmssary lo make up ihe deficiency. [iortower shall make«p�hz A:ficie�ky In no nwrc�han =°�""
<br /> ' �wclvc monthly paymcnu,at Lendcr's solc discrction. -=- _
<br /> � �.` � Upon payment In fidi of all sunu secured 6y �his Stturi�y insimmen6 Lender shall promp�iy rctun:f m Qorrox•er any ���-�
<br /> - "� '^" ' Ponde hcld b Lendcr.IL undcr .,re rs h 21.Lender.Rill nc uirc nr sell thc Pru rt ,Lender, dor�o�he a u(sition or salc r�-����
<br />-r��.(i';;�'� Y V' S P 9 P� Y P N '•�`�,.•1,;,:;
<br /> of�he Proptny,shall epply any�unds hcld by Lcndcr at thc iimc of ncyuisi�ion or satc as a crcdi�agaimt thc sums sccurtd by '•-%-_�,R-.
<br /> ^;1•:S•.:' �hieSecuriy-Inswmcm. �..i�_"!-- _
<br /> f: ��e..r+r,�: �-:F;=;
<br /> �<:;.yi,,-'., : . 3.Appliralion ot Poymenls. Unless appiirable law provida o�hzneise,all paymcros rcccivcd hy Lcnder under paragnphs
<br /> 1 und 2 shall be epplicd:6rs6 m eny prcp�ynMm charga duc under�hc Notc: cccond, �o nmoums payable undcr pnagraph 2; �„-.-�.
<br /> �,.� thlyd,ro imeres�due: (ounh,to principal due;and lav,to any late charges due under�he No�e. a �
<br /> t�' v"T� A.Che�ts;Llen�. 6orroeer shxll pay all tazex,asussmcros,ch�rges, fincs ond imposi�ions atiributable�o�he Pmpetty - �# ..
<br /> �ti�'F s>)'c� which nuy nnain priority orer Ihis S�wsy Insirument, and Icurhnld paynecros or ground rents, if my. 6orro�eer shall pay ' �
<br /> � c;N�11rt . these o611gatiom in the manner prnvidrd m paragraph 2.or if not paid in�ha�n�ancer.Dorrow�er shall pay them on�ime dinrUy �....;"�r�i � '�
<br /> �,,`�� r _� �a Ihe permn o�ecd paym.nt. Ilorm���cr shall prompdy Pomfsh�a I.cnder all nxi:e�af mnonms to be paid und�r�his parzgreph. ',_, �,:.-
<br /> 9i Oarro���er nnkes�hese paymems directly,6orm�rer shall prompdy fumish a•tsnJrr rcceipts evidrneing�hc p�yments. �?-:-
<br /> -�:" '-� 6orrower shall promptly discharge uny lien e�hid�hm priori�y orcr�hix Srcurity Irouument unless f3orroxrr. (a)eFrces in �`i�•.��,.�c�--.
<br /> ,,}+ ,
<br /> ::;ti�"=.'.-`;:i writin to�hr mem o(�he obli �lion secured b lhc lien in a m.im�.r acce Inhle lo LenJer,lbl enn�c}IS in ood fai�h eh;Sien - ` '�` %�'•
<br /> 8 F�Y 6• Y P 6 � �::y;:,.�',:.-
<br /> =;.V�-: by, or Acf.nds ngninst enfurcemem nf ihe licn in. legal prt�ccedmgs�ehich in �he Lender's opinion opera�e m pra�e,r,��ha � :���.-.'
<br />-- - enforcemem olthe lirn.e• tc)xrun�c Gam�he hnider of�he lien an agrecm.m�tidartnry•io Isnder wlw:<l�rating the lien to _
<br /> - Ihis Securi�y Inswmem.fi I.ender de�erminec�h:n any p:m uf�he Properq� i>-,��M1ject�o a lien which ncn anain priarity orer ,' • .
<br /> ' . �` lhis Securin Instrumem.l.��der may Fire Oorra���er a no�ice idemdying ihe fitn. Rnrroner.hall xni.fy tho Iien or lake one nr � �I' �- �
<br /> ` '; .
<br /> .,..',-<'h-`'�'� morc of�hc r.eions set fonh ab���c wi�t.:r 10 Ja�.af�hc giring o� na�im. ',,:� .
<br /> ' i
<br /> �1j-` Form 3020 8180 -�"tij, � � -
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