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�S:' ___ _.__. .. .. _... _ __. . _—_ <br /> ! T90R7'HHR Wl'fH eq 4he Improvenknle now or herea�er era�ed on�he propeny�e b all� t , enu�cn,u�d <br /> flaNra now or hereaRer u pan of the piopeny. All �eplaamrnu and addi�tons ahall uiw be covered by thia Securi�y <br /> fnyminem.All of tho forcgoing ie rc&rred to In this Secuflty Insuument as�ho"Ptoperty.' - <br /> BORROWIiR QOVIINANl'9 tha�Borcowcr Is la�v(ully[eiscd of tlio u�ato hercby comeyed und 6as�he right to grant a+� <br /> convey tho Property snd�hat the Yropeny la unencumbered,excep�for encumbrances of rceord. Qortower watrams nnd will <br /> de2nd generally tho tiile w�he Property egaintt ail clnims and demunda,subJect to eny encumbrancs�of rttrord. <br /> THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMQNT mmbines unlfonn covenants Por ns�ianal uso and non-unlfomi covcnanla wllh Ilmlted — _ <br /> — verimions by Jurisdiction m consiiwio a uniform secud�y in.atmment mvcring rcal property. — <br /> - UNIFORM COV[iNANTS.Dorrower and Lender covenant and agree es follows: <br /> �' �-�" 1. Pwymcnt oi Principal �nd Intrrest� Prepayment and Late Charges� Dortowcr s6all promp�ly pay whcn due the `�'�-'--`--"-"-� � <br /> � principal otand interest on tho debt cvidenccd by�ha Noro and nny prepayment end latc charges duo under tho Nom. _ <br /> 2. FLnds�or Tazes and Gisurance. SubJect to npplicablo Inw or to q written wniver by LcnAcr, Dorrower shall pay W ` - <br /> Lcnder on�ho day momhly paymcma arc due undcr�hc Note,undl tlia Notc Is pald In NII,a sum('Funds')lor.(a)ycarly twca — <br /> � ond essess�mnte which mey nttefn prlori�y over ih(s Secudty InsVUment xs a Ilen on tho Propeny;@)yeady leasehold paymeNe _. <br /> - or ground rents on t6o Ropeny,ff any;(c)yeedy haznrd or property insarnnce premfums;(A)yeady Ilood insuwnce prcmlums, — <br /> - --� If any; (e)yeady mongago insumnca prcininmx, if any; and(Q anY snma payabie by 6ortoorr�a Lender, In accordnnco whh �-�---- <br /> �ho provisions of paregreph 8, in Ileu oitho paymenl of mongago Insurence premiunu.These itenu ero cnlled 'Cscrow Iiems.' <br /> I.ender may, a�any time, rnllect and hold FUnds in an nmount not to excoed the maximum emoun�a Iender for e feCerolly <br /> rclated mongnge loan may reqniro for➢nrto���er's escrow nccoum nnAcr�he federal Renl Es�nle Senlemem Procednres Act of <br /> , 197M1 ns emended(rom tlme to�imo, I2 U.S.C.Scetion 2601 ei sr�.("RL+SPA'),unless xnothcr law�hat epplles to thc hLnds <br /> sets e lesser emount. If sa, Lender may, at nny ifine,colleci end holA Funds in an nmonnt na m exceed �he lesser amoum. <br /> � l.e�ndcr mtiy csqmato tho emount of f�ands dne on thc bacis of current data and reaconablc alimates uf expendilure�of Poturt <br />-- - - - Eacrow Imms or othenvise in acmrdxnce wi�h applicnble Imv. - <br /> , The Fnnds shall bc held in nn imiliution whosc deposits nrc insured by e tedcrel agency, inst�umentaltiy, or enlity <br /> _�- (including l.endcr,if Lendcr is such an ins�im�fnn)or in nny Pedernl Home I.nan Dnnk.l.endcr ahnll npply thc Fund+to p.ry�he <br /> �' Escron[tems. Lender may not charge Oorroe•er for holding nnd epplying�ha Rnnds,nnm�ally xnalyzing tho escrow ecenum,or <br /> _ verifying tho&urow ficnu,unless l.ender pnys Dorrower imerest on the Funds and applicnble Ixw permits Lender m make such <br /> _-�-°"''- e charga.Ho�vever, Lender may roqnire Dono�ver m pay n one•�imo charge far an independent real esieto tex reponing urvia <br />--_.:;�y� used by l.endcr In conncaion with this loan, unless epplfablo law provides otherw(se. Unless en ngrcemem le mado or <br /> �t�ffi epplicablo law requires Imercxt m be paid, Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Dormwer any Interest or eamings on�he Runda. <br />�-'°—= Borrower and 4cnder may egrce in wdting, however.Iha�intcrat shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender shail give to 6orrowcr, <br />--•_��4 wiihoul charge, en ennuel necouming af�he Punds, ahowing credits end de6fts to�Le Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> ,�,y�j debii lo tho Funde�vns made.Tha Funds are pledged as eAdi�ional securiry for ell sunu sccured by this Secudry Instrumenl. <br />--� If the Punds held by Lender exceed Ihe amoums permiUed ro be held by npplicabte law,Lender ahall eccaum lo Uortower � � <br />-� �',�� Por ihe exttsa�unds in uccordance wiih�he requirements oi eppliwhle lew. If the nmount of ihe Punds held by Lender et any <br />� ���`=�';�.' Ume ia aot suffident to pay the Cscrow liems�vhen Aue.Lender mxy so notify Dorrower in�vdling,and, in such cacc Dortower <br />`��'�t��' shnll pay�0 4cndu Ihe amount neccssnry Io make up�he Acficlency. Qorrower shall makc up Wc deficicncy in no moro Ihan <br /> �..�;(� I nveive monthly paymenu,et Lender's solc Aiscrctlon. <br />�.�-;"�j;I7�; Upon paymenl in full of all sums xecured 6y �his Securi�y Insuumen6 l.ender shall promplly refund ro Oortower mry ---- - <br /> -,�;,a, Funds held by I.ender.If,under paregrnph 21,Lender shall ncquirc or sell�he Propeny,Lender, pdor to�he ocquisillan or salo �'rR�"i <br />���;�1�t � of lhe Propeny,shall epply eny�unds held by Lender a��he�ime of acyulsi�ion or salo us n credi�agnfnst ihe sums secured by � r1i.A.k'-fi� <br /> ,..`.et; ' �his Secud�y Imltumem. :,,;i,�. <br />�`'t��'%, . 3. Appllrntlon of Pnymenis.Unless npplicable law provides o�hernise,nll paymemx receivcd by Lender under pazagmpha ;�%`i�°,+, <br />� : � 1 ond 2 shall 6e applied: fira6 ta nny prepaynkm charges due under ihe No�e; second, �o amoumz paynble under paregreph 2; - _ ��;y'=%: <br /> �-,.' � i,.-. <br />�-:�+:`�° �hird,�o inlcrest due: fourth,ro principal duc;and las4�a nny latc charges duc undcr�hc Noic. ° <br /> -" '• $� ;,.i�x -.;.^�.. <br /> __�r��;.. 4. Chatgec; Lletu. �arro�ver shall pey all luxes,acussmems,charges, fines and im�wxi�lans nuri6wnble a�he Propeny ; '�i�_���.-r;--_,: <br /> �j-�.� which may euatn prloriry ovcr�his Securiry Insuumem. nnd Icauhold payments or ground rems, if any. �nrrowcr shall pay i :?;,� - __ <br /> ___; thescohliga�ions in�hc manne�provided in paragrxph 1,or if nm paid in�hm mamrcr,linrronrr shall p�y ihem on iimc dircelly - - - � � <br /> � to�he persnn o�ved paynxm. �orro�ecr shall prompdy fumish a Lcnder nll no�icc<af mnnums to he paid under ihie p�rngmph. `•: �.;' --. <br /> ��yi If Oorm�rer makes these payments dirccUy,IIorrmver shnll prompily fumish io l.ender receipts evidencing ihe paymems. 5 - +t;�9`3'�s <br />- •:r,Y,`;; Uorro�rer shall promptly discharge any lien�vhich has priori�y orer�his Securi�y Instrumem mdccs Dormwer.(a)ngrees fn � ''���� <br /> �YZ !#;' wri�ing to�he paymem af ihe obliga�ion sceured by thr lien in a manner nttepta6lc m Lcndcr,(6)mmcsls in gaxl faith thc Ilen � i�� <br /> by, or defends agains� enforecment of�he lien in. prnceniings which in ihe Leixler'. opinimi opernle tn prevent the - "�',"` - �� <br /> enfommenl o(Ihe lien:or(c)securex from�he holJer nf Ihr licn;m a�;nement xui�L�c�nry tn Lender wlwrdina�ing lhe licn �o y! -i�:' �� - <br /> _ ,�';:�: Ihis Securiiy Inswmcm. If LenJcr Jc�crminrs tha� :my pan of�he Propen��i�+ubjrt� �n a licn ��hich may altain priorily nver .�..,;..' � ��� .• � <br /> ' �. <br /> this Securily Inarument. l.endcr may girc Dnrmscr a no�icc idcmifying �hr licn. Itarrow�cr.hall vnisfy�he iicn nr takc onc or � '� . .S '.. <br />� more of�hc aclinns ut(onh alwrc wi�hin 10 Aaqa o(�hr gieing o(no�icc. - . <br /> , �. <br /> '��i�• Fo�m 3020 B/90 rf::'.•� - - <br /> -�.1-�,1t� vy�)o�6 _ _. .. - <br /> Y�;�.. . . . o -.�,_...� . . r - � -. . . - .. . ...-�� . .. ._ _ . ._.. - ..� . <br /> f <br /> i �'��T� ... . �YI,�" ��f� r,�Y�'�SY�S}1�4{t�:. "'tl+S7F'. i fuf>>'r 4i�t I^?t !^4F'�:'. ..' . _' <br /> .• [ x1F �Ijn <br /> i <br /> �' . . . .. . . . - ``ry __ _i.,�� _ � } rf.'. � - � . . . <br /> �4�i .) .. �:�-. - � . '.' �.�.^ir " . �� _ _ . . . h • . . <br /> .0- �u <br /> .�_ _ _.___ -J.._- _ . :.:.�- . . .. . . - . . ':. .- .. . . <br /> , , � - » F, y „ = - : _ <br /> �� ..�R . . . ..� <br /> ! � i � . ..� ' .. i :.- ' . . . <br /> ffr- _ - . ,ss� . . . <br /> " , • J . �� *l - �. 1 /�Y t t • .. . .. <br /> £ r44 .:51 <br /> . .. .. . �� � � - 1 f j!! •t �ft��. ' ' <br /> . - . � .. _, � - t ry <br /> �� � . `�- . J`¢'�s`4- - . <br /> � � , a} av,i <br /> = 1 F <br /> '. � �-x c ). r ` , . _ <br /> u . '. <br /> . ( .{ . � . _ _ �,y . <br /> ��.. . ,. y ' � -. , -. .. <br /> . ..' - '' S' . I . <br /> \ . . <br /> + ., . . . . _, - _ . , ' <br /> f. <br /> . .f:�. - _ Y�1 - �. ) !. �.` . �: . .. ... .. .- . . � ' - ' . • ._. _.1.. <br />