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<br /> . . T►NBbEEDOFTMI9T,Nmad�nol�M—.#14�lGyol AuAaet ,1p�.DYUb�mon0
<br /> y»T�. Leroy J. Steg�aa and Bernadeete A. Steguar hu�Dand aad wite �
<br /> . „�ryp»�yp���y��� 903 E 22nd St.. Qra¢d Ieland. HB 68801 �Nn"ttuaWr,"w1�Wiaoneamoa�
<br /> -_� ypTNNM� �plve Poieta Binle� A He6raeks BnekinQ Coryora!!o° � ,
<br /> � W����������� P.O. Box 1507. Orand Ieiand. NR 68802 (MUe1n"ttucte�'�and
<br /> .y� yb�p�qry, Pive Polnte Aank _, _--.
<br /> ��y���������� P.O. Box 1507, Orand Ielend, HE G8802 m������,
<br /> FOA VALUABLE CONSIDERATON,InGUtling lendrtrn ex`analon of cralit Identified harein to Lerov J. 6teAean a¢d
<br /> Bernndetta A. Stegioao. hueband end wiEemare�n'dorrowar',whather one or more)end rhe ws�hereln creele0,
<br /> tlro raeNpt ol which le hxaby ecknowiad9ed•Truslor�eraby Inevaebly prame,tranaler0.conveye end aeslgns lo Truelee.IN
<br /> -- TRU9T,V�ITHPOIMEHOFBALE,torNebenefitandaacuriryolLenOer,unAerentlsub�ecllothetermsendcondt0oneherelmtlerSM
<br /> --- rath Q�e real propeny,de�cribed ee lollowx
<br /> '�"+�'�_ See Attached 6lchtbit "A" �
<br /> �!� --__
<br /> - ¢=>9:��
<br />--- 3°i . _
<br /> :� T 9 . ye.Passt�itre'sye.ea50men1A tlphtf,pd�3)opB7 pnd! ��"�—��
<br /> : oyelher with ell bulldln s ImD�ovemenb,tixtures,sveela,etia pPUne• ����c
<br /> ��,�i� nanca loeotetl Ihereon or In enywi��e partalning thereto,end the reM&isauns nntl profils,ravertions entl remelndoro Mereot,and •' �"°-
<br />- •-=-5�-"� sueh per¢onel properry Nat le attached lo Ne Improvomonts so as to wnstilu;e e fixlure.lneluding,but not Ilmited to,hea6ng antl `.-1?j`+-�:,�
<br /> ?;-[i� CoollnpequipmenCendlopethe�wilhNehomesteadormntl1a11nferas1e,11eny,whlchlntaroaWeroherebyreleaaedanAw�h�stl;sll - - -
<br />. �.-�'+-' ofwhlch,includinyrepleeemenlaendetltlillonslheroto,laherebydeclaretltobeapartoftharealestateeecured6ythalianollhle - —
<br /> -a-.�r'� Deetl al Trual end tll o}Ihe loregoinp 6oin8 relorreG W horein es the"Propery+'. [- �, ��
<br /> Thi!DeaQ o}Trust shall 6ecure(a)lho paymunl ol iho pdnc�0el aum end Interost evideneed by e promissory note or creAll !�-_ . - �t S;�-.�.
<br /> i}�tr'�,", eareement d�ted AuRUet 11, 1993 _,heving e moludry dalo oi AuKUet 11, 2003 � � _ n.', � :�
<br /> � ., 14.000.00 .ond en � '.1� ,`
<br /> �-��<c ..•+ in Ne otlpinel ptlnGpnt amount ot S y and ull motlifioetione,exlensiona nnd renewels .;:y;;,�;,K�,_
<br /> -�:.;....:..; y c r � _:r,i�
<br />. �,.,,_.�_ thereof or thoreto and an entl a I 1 1uWre e A vances an d rea dvances to B orrowor or en o l�hem H mwe t hen one he�eun der
<br /> ^���-- pumuanUOOnaormxepromissorynotesororedifegreomonis(horeincullwl'iVOle�:(b}ihepaymenlofoho+eum�edvancedby :-��,=•�Fp;;��.;Y-.
<br /> i � LenderloproleClNeeewriryoflhoNOto;(e)thoporformancaotellepvenantennCegreemenlsolTmstorselloMhereln:er.d(d)ell --ir �_:.
<br /> ,_,W_�; pr8benl end(uture InAODtedresa end obllgeliona ot F3orwwer(cr nny ol fhem il more than ono)to Londer w�ethor tllrvct inQi+BCL °�. aj��!_;E+;�
<br /> •;i,,��. eb5oluie or wnUnyent end whothor edsing by note,guerenry,ovurtlraN or otherwise.Tho Note,Ihia Deed ol Truat and anyand nll .�r�%v����,;�;,.;
<br /> - " otlferEcevenbihaleec�retheNOtoorolhonvlsoexecutodineonnoclionNOrewu�,inclutlingwllhoutlimitetiongua�flNnoa,soCUdy a .
<br /> - !x�;, epreemenb end e5519nmenlo ol leasos ond rente,s�all be referred lo heruin es the"Loen Inslruments'. ��';�;.� �ci,�%�
<br /> `-:+;''.� Troalor COVenanb end egrees wM Londor ea IoGOws: �;�'�1Y�:.
<br /> - { t. PaymMd ollMSbtWn�a.All IndobtnOnoss securetl�oroby a�all bo poid whnn Cuo. S - -if�� �::
<br /> ` 2.TiN6 Tmator ia tho owner of�he Pro n hns Iho d M entl auMOri lo eonvo the Pro o , UtS.-.:.
<br /> p rty, g ry y p ry,enA warrante thel tno Ilon =� ��':
<br /> � _ Crealed hereby la e firel entl O�jor Ilen an Ihe Proparry,axcopt lor Ilena and encumbrancos sot lonh by Tmstor in wriiing end �?"+ '�'�ji;�(,:;,"��
<br />� dellveretltoLendor0oto�eezECUliono11h1eDenAOlTrusl,endthoozecullonanddeliveryollhisDeotlolTrustdoeanotvlolatoeny �:.
<br /> eonVed or ollior oDti9aNOn to whie�Truslor Is sub�ecL �i:�-� -
<br /> _ 9.T�zu,Asseilmenlf.To pay botore tlelinQUency ell texee.6poclal assecsmenls entl ell othor c�arpos flpcinst the Pwpo�ty
<br /> - now w hoceaRer lerietl. '`-- ` �
<br /> -��,'�''�,•.��, 4.Inounneo.TOkoopthoProp�ilylnauredegalnstdamapeCytiro,hazortlaincludetlwilhlniholorm"oxiflntlCdcovarp�o'.end ��V' �`�
<br /> 6uch oNer hazards as Lontla�mny r¢aWre.In emounts enA wiL�companies ecceD���a�o Lentler,noming Londor ns en aOdiF.ona1 �+". `"��-�-'��.��
<br /> nametl insured,wi�h lose payeble lo t�o LonCec In ceso of loss untler suc�pollelog,lho Lontlor Is eu�horizetl to nO�ueL colltet nnG �J5(j?�,��.
<br /> t�it 4
<br />. Compromiso.alldzimsNOrounderandshallhavethooplionofaDP�Y�ngellorDaA011heinsurencoprOCeeds�i)toanyindeDludnoss F,� ;
<br />. . 6ecurtChor¢byenAinsuchordoreeLentlermaytlotorminu,(ii)tot�oTm5lortobousedbrlhorepalro�restorationoltheProporry r .Fy°� �
<br /> or(11)IOrunyolherpurposeorob�ectcatlslactoryrolontlonvilhoute11oc1ingNOlienollN�CeedolTrustloHholullamounlsscured �
<br /> - . �oretr/Doforo suc�paymont evur look pinco Any appl�catlon ol procuMS to Indebtndnoss sh&8 not extonA or pos�po�e Ne tlue _
<br /> -� � Aalo ol cny paymants unUOr tlio Noro,or euro any Ueluult Ihe:eunCer or�oruunder.
<br /> 6. Eecrow.Upon wtllton AomanO by lundor,Tmstor snall pay�o LenOUr,in sucn manncr as Londer may designate,6ulllctont
<br /> -�5--= un��nu�nAlnlueb.mmvm�hnvMrnmoAuamnormoroollhe/ellowina�(IlnlllnYeaaesncsmantsandel�arr.lureaiaeainst
<br />�....n.-.. .. �.��_'_"_�"'_"__�_'___-_'____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � '"_ _ "_'_-___- .._ ..,_ _ ...a.:
<br /> ' �<�--- Me PrOpOrry,(IQ tho O�amlums on No propMly I^sutanca rCqWmtl hereunaeq entl pli)iho promlums on eny mongogo insurenco •- -
<br />, v:.. :��- requlrgADyLenOer. � � - ,
<br /> B. MalnHnana,RtpNn�nd Complqnca wllh Uw►.Troslor shall knup No Property in 9ood condltion enA repair,shnll
<br /> promplly rep714 or rep�eeo eny Improvomonl whic� moy bo Amm�getl or OasVOyoA; sna11 noc eommR or pormil eny waslo or � �
<br /> tlate�loreUOn of tho Property,shnll nol roinovo.Comolis�or aubslenUalty altor eny ol lho Imp�ovomonU on I�v ProDOrty,sAall not
<br /> �-� ., commil,euHerorpermitanyecctoEadonoinor�pontnoProporrytnv�o�ationoianytew,orUlnnnco.orrapuia6on:endshanpayend � ,
<br /> ��,`+� promptly disC�erg9 et TmStole t05t entl Pxpanso ell Ilans.oncumbrenfA:end chargos luviod ImposoA ot u55o55atl egalnst t�o � . .
<br /> Pwporty or eny part Noreot. . -
<br />. , 7.EmlMnt Oom�M.LonOar is homby essign2d all eomponsallon,ewarAS,Oamngos end olhor OaYmonls or reliot(noroinnitor -
<br /> "Protoeda'1�n eonnxtion wtN condomnflllon or ol�o�taking ol No Froporty or pan Iho�oof.or lor eonvoyanca In Ilou ol con0omna•
<br /> . Uon.Lentlor e�all be en1i11oU nt Itn oD��on to commeneo.oOPOar in nn0 prosoculo in Ils own namo eny qotlon or procqoAings.nnE
<br />-� <'�ti�,, e�eli also 1»enu11M Io mako flny tompromiso or sottlemonl in connoctlon with sucn mking or Oamago�in Ne event�ny portion ol -
<br /> ..:1. -' NlCM{1MnWKMtlnNMallnlNli
<br />' - 011MMt�x�W�WOICaveyrplrvuW6�wp��uw�T.e�l�n[NnNNr��V
<br />