<br /> � . _
<br /> t.� . . !:: � . :,
<br /> TooB7'HFyR WiI7f�iI�he imprsvcmeM�.now or IKrwQe�erocted'an the OroPfhr�ad a11 ���M►1
<br /> Axmra now a.ikre��er r put o!the propeny, All eopl�QanaMi uid rdd�tiau �hNl da be covue0 tAl���urMy
<br /> InnrvmaK.611 oP.tha fore�olnj le nhrredto in ihleSipwriry f�+uNmeM w�he't�ropcny�' r - -
<br /> pOIIRbWLR COV8HAH7'S tlw Horrowcr li I+iivPolly�ei�ed oP the au�Me hercby conveye8 ujd hw Ua ri{M a�rrd rN, �
<br /> — � •tonvsy ihe P[openy uid�hN tho Pro��ty 1�uae�wmbGrai,�exc:pt fot encumbrucets of raord. Borcawet wuror�}ud w111 •
<br /> Eefrnd Srnenliy the Iftlo►c�hePropcny�sinst ellcld�ni�nA dz�unde;wdJcc�lo uiy rncumbr�ncea otrcCOrd:
<br /> , '!'Ht9 S�CURI'('Y[Nb'TAUMBNT combines unifomt Govonante fo�nctlonal use tnd nOn.unlPorm mvenuns wfth I�ml�ed _ _
<br /> . • Viriniom bq)udsdictionto anstttute�uniform.uadry InttNrtient edLedna�l propzny� . . .,
<br />--:..-:._--, - - UNIF9AMCOVGNAN75.AoROwetnndl.ender4nvrnenteMpgreevfoltowr. - �
<br /> 1. l�ymnt of Prlatip�l�nd Uteralt frcPq�l�"!end Lme CMna� Bo�rower�hdl promptly {i�y.wAai duo the -------
<br /> pdnclp;J otend interat on the deDl eWdenad by tha Nata aix�any ptepayment u�d late chuges due under thp Nom.
<br /> 2.klmde tor Tiuen�nd Ineunace.S�bJect lo opppablo hw or�o a wdReo w�tver by l.enAeh Bottowet slull pay Io
<br /> Lender an�M day man�hly payn�rU�ro due undu the Note,unfll�hp Nde Ie paid In fuR,a wm("Funpsq for.p)ytariy uxta
<br /> — ud us�ssnxnta K�htch may atuin priodty over thb Secudty Instrvnxnt x�e Ilen on tlw Property;@)Yeady leaschold paymenb
<br /> or ground rcnte on the Property�IF�ny;(c) eariy haard or pro(xny insumnce prcmfums;(d)yearly itood insurance premlume,
<br /> tf�np�(e)yeady mottg�ge insuronce p�ums.it any:and(�any sumv payabie by Borrowor lo Lender.in ncmrAmca wiih
<br /> Ihe ptovisioro of paragnph 8,In Iiw of the payment of mongage In;ursnco prem(unu.1'hese Itenu ero callal'I3scmvr ltuns.'
<br /> Lendcr may,at eny tima collect ad hold Funds in en azr�ount not ro exceed �he madmum emount p lenAer for a fMerally
<br /> rolated mongagQ loan nmy requlro for Bortower's essrow eccount under No federai Rwl L�stata SelNement Proadures Act ot
<br /> 197q¢v anxndal from timo ro tinw. 12 U.S.C.Scction 2601 er reg. ('RfSPA'),unics.+enothcr law Nnt applia to tAe Funda
<br /> - sda o lesser az�wunt. iP so, Lendcr may, ot any tlme, mllu�and hold Funds in en emnaN not�o extt�d tho lesser onwunt.
<br /> -°° Under n�ey estin�ata�he anwunt of flmds dua on tha basis of curtent dzte end reason.��e atimatea of expendiiurcs of fumm - ----
<br /> Fscrow Itenu or othenvise in acmrdsna wt�h epplicable law.
<br /> The Funda sDall bo held In en Instltution whose deposits s�e tntarcd by e fedewl egency. [nstmmentality. or entity
<br /> (tncluding Lend��r,if Lender b such en(nst(tuNon)or in eny 1@deral Home Loxn 13ank.Lender shall apply�ho�und�to pay tha
<br /> Escrow Itema. Lender may no�charge Bortower for hoiding end appiying the Punds,annually enaly8ng tha escrow eocount,or
<br /> v,ezif,yrrg�ho Curow Items,unlese Lendcr pays iiortowcr intcns�on�ho Nnds and epplirable law permhs Lc�vlcr to makc such
<br /> �s chsrgm. However, Lender may requirc Bortower to pay a o�c+time chargo for an independem rcal estato�aa nportinp strvla
<br /> ; � � uietl by Lender in wnnaqon with this loan, unless applirable lew provides o�hernise. Unless an agreemcnt Is mado or
<br /> _ appllcab�o law requirca intercst to bo paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Qortower eny intercs�or wminga on the Funds.
<br /> � Borto•xer end Lendcr may egrcc in writins, however, tha� intcrcst shall be paid on�ho Funde. I.cnder ichell give to Dorrower,
<br /> — withaut chargo, an pnnual accouming of�hc Funda,showing crcdits nnd dc6lts �o�hc Funds snd�lic purposo tor whlch cach
<br />. -_-° w,hli ro tht FurNs•�s;mw:.Th:Furas arc Fldgw"zs a"•.C::ia:a;�ari:y far�fl;r.ms•�:rw�,chi:exudt;ln:imir..r.t. -....... . . -- -
<br /> "- == If�he Funds held by Lender excecd tha amoums permined to be held by applicabte Isw,l.ender shall eccount to Dortower
<br /> _ = for th_exeess�unds In accoMnnce with�ho rcquircmems ot epplirnbte lar. If the nmoum of the Funds 6:Id by Lender et ony
<br /> -:��- qma B not sufficlent ro pay the Pscraw Items when due.LenAer nuy so noiify Dortower in�vriting,nnd,in such case Oonower
<br /> shxli pay to I.ender the amount necessary�a make up�In deficicncy. 6ortower shall make up the deficlency in no more�han
<br /> twctvc monthly paymcnts,et Lcndcr's sotc discrction. F'� -
<br /> .S,�?: Upon payment in PoII of all sums secured 6y�his Sttnd�y Instmment. Lendcr shn1l promptly retur.d Ia Sorrowcr any �` �_„'��,"_
<br /> °-:=+:n Funds heid by Lender.If,under paregmph 21, Lender shall ecquire or scll the Propeny.Lender,prior lo the acquisi�lon or sale �, +
<br /> - 2�`.L
<br /> .t�, of the Propeny,shall nppiy nny Funds held by Lender m�he�6ne of nequlsi�lon or sale xs a credi�ngainsi the sums secured by {�1 � �
<br /> ?t`¢;f �hia Sccuri�y[nstmment. �y �
<br />-�%••��} 3.AppllcaHon ot Puyments. Unless npplicable Inw provides oU�ernisc.all payments n�ceived by I.ender under paregrapAs y�-� -���t�("---
<br /> ` ;i• : 1 nnd 2 shall be applled: first, �o any prcpaymcnt chuges due undcr thc Notc:scrnnd,to mioun�s paya6le undcr paregreph 2: �--�`��� ' --
<br /> ��` - -' Ihird,ro Inieres�due:faurth,ta pdncipal due;ond lu�,tn any late chat�es due under the Note. E` ti��'+ ,. •
<br /> "' '�" 4.Chnrges;Uens. 13orro�ver s6a11 pay all iancs,asseuments,chargcs, fines and imposilions nnribulable to the Propeny �'�-t;�'g" -.
<br /> ...r'.-,�,' '�--_'-.:
<br /> __ which m�y altaln pdority over�his Security Inummem, aed Ieasehuld paymenis or Fround rcnu. if uny. I3onower shall pay ;-;��;,5�7�� ?
<br /> theu obtigntions in�he manncr pmvidcd in pamgreph 2,or if m�t paid in�hai manner, Oorm�rer shall pay ihem on tinx dfrwtiy £Sr��<" � -
<br /> Lf �y� lo Ihe person nwtd paymem. Ikvrower xhail promp0y fumish io Lender ali notices o(nmoums�u be pafd under ihis paragrnph. �� �;t'��� "'
<br /> r -,� If 6orrower maku�hese paymems dincUy,Bonoxror shall promp�ly fumish�o I.ender receip�s evidencing�he p�ymenis. ' - �""�-:
<br /> r
<br /> :(� Oorro�ecr shail promptly dischargc any licn whirh has priori�y ovcr this Sccumy Iacwmenl unless Dnrrower. (a)agrccs in .� - �l ,� ,._
<br /> �`�+` wrliing to�he paymenl of�he obliga�ion xnucd by ihe lien in n manner accepiabie io Lender,(b)cunmsts In good fei�h ihe Ilen � - -�' '`
<br /> ;'IC yv) �f.�Xy'ii-fI`r�a! .
<br /> �_.,.��:. by, or defends againsl en(orcement of Ihe lien in. Iegal procecdings o�hich in the Lender i npinion operete lo prcveni the ;._y_;;.}}�, G;,;_:.
<br /> enforeemem of�he Iien:or(cl xcurc<fmm�he hnlder uf�he licn an agmmem s:nisfacmry m I.enAer xubnrdina�ing�he lien�o �r`:i;t ' -
<br /> Ihis Securily Insuumenl. 1(l.ender de�emtinrs�h:rt any pan of Ihe Propeny is whjecl �n a lien ���hich rtuy mtain priori�y over �`.-� :�i'� :� ��_
<br /> - �, this Securit Instm�uem. Lender ma ive Dnrro�cer a nolice idenlif in thc lien. Wvra�eer�hall catisfy�he lien or iake one or ' �I�•'.`��' '
<br /> ;-'� Y YF Y @ � . .
<br /> � --x more of lhe ections set fonh aborc a�i�hin 10 Jayc nf�he giving o(notice. >-- .� .- ,
<br /> .�r;�r'.�. . .
<br /> ,���"� Form3018 8I90 ';`t!>;tj'�:°�;'``�':':
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