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.. a .�!'=-:n <br /> - : 'a :T� a.� .��_ -..:..� _ . . _. <br /> . .w._�_� .. ___._.. <br /> , ��~t ' 93• �.pR.990 ,_ <br /> 17.7Y�rota of the Property or�Reorflcl�l Interat tn Borroa•er.Jf ell ar anp part of tAo Projxny or any Inutiso In It <br /> _ _ le eold or tnnsfemd(or if r beneBelal frtaest In Borrou•er is sold or traiskrred and Honower b not e nawral personf wttAou{, <br /> ' . I,ender'e pdor writ�em m�sent, Lender nuy, at I�e oplon. r uiro Immcdlato peynxm 1� PoII of all suma ucurtd by thia <br /> .Secudty IntuvmenR f{owcvcr,tMs opilon ahall not bo excrciccd�y Lcnder if excrciso 1�prohibiud by ftdeml law se ottho d��a <br /> of thle Securl�y Ins�mment. <br /> _ If Lendu exerclsw thla optlon,Ccndcr shall givc Borrowcr notico of accciem�lon.7'he notiw shuil ravldo a�xriod of not <br /> less thon 30 daye from tho daio the nodcc la dcllvcrcd or malled withln wldch FSorrowcr must pay nlPsum�securcA by thSa <br /> Secudry Insuunxm.if Borrower fails a pay thesa suma prlar to the cxplreNon o(this�d�,l.endcr may invoke nny remedics <br /> pemih�erl by�Als Sttrorii�yfnswment without funher no�iw or dcn�and on Borrower. <br /> — t8. Borrower'e Rlght ro Relnslate. If Uorrowcr mcc�s cenein wnditions, Oorrowcr sAall havc �hc rlght �o havo <br />� � � ` - enforecnxnt of this 5ecudty Insttun�ent dlscontlnucd at any timo prior[o tho eadicr oh (e)5 d�ys (ur such olber�xriod as - ----� -- `� <br /> epplicabic law m�y spccity tor reins�etcnxm) Ixfon; asle of tho Propcny pursuant �o any power ot salo mntalnal In �hl� <br /> Secur(ty Instrumenq or(b)entry of a Judgnxm enfordng this Security InsuumenL Those coMitiom nre tl�at Borro�vtr.(s)papf _ <br /> �—� Lender ell sums whi<h then x�auld be due under ihG Secudty Insltument end�he Note ee if no acceleraQon had occurted;(b) - � <br /> curea any default of any other mvenants or agretments;(c)pays ell expenses Incurred in en(orcing�hG Secudty Inslrument, __._. <br /> including,but not Ilntlt<d to,reasoa3ble ettomc�s' tees;e�(d)�akcs such actton as Lendw mry reasonably ra{uiro to sssure <br /> -__ tlut ths Ilen of thts Security Iretrunxnt, L,ender a righis ia�ho Propeny end Bomnser'a obligxtion ta p�y ihe sunn r.ecured by <br /> -�-� ��-° �hie Security Ins�nwent shall rnn[Iwe-u�chnnged. Upon relnstaicment by Ronmver. �h�s Sccurity Ins�mnunt mxl the <br />. . — obligmions sewred hereby shsll rcmain tully effec�ivo as if no ecceleradon had occurr�. H�wever, �hit ri�h�lo reinstale shall <br /> - no�apply in the case of acceleretion under pamgraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change oT I.oan Se��vlccr. The Notc or e partial Interesi in thz No�e (�ogether �rith thi� Sxurity <br /> Instnmunq n�y h sold one or moro tfnus�vithmn prior nolice�o Oortower.A sale may reavp in a change in ihe emity(known - <br /> a+�he'Loan Servimr')that mllec�s montldy payments duc under the Note and�his Securi�y Instmment.There also may be one -- <br /> or more cl�angea of ihe Loan Servicer unreiated ta a sale of�ho Note.If therc is e change of the Loan Servicer,l3onm��er will be =� <br /> , _._ .., giren wdtten nmice of the change in accordance wiih par�gmpB 14 ebove and applicable law.Tho notice will s�a�e the name end __ _. _ <br /> — edAress of the neiv luan Servfcer and Ihe addnsss ro whfch payments ahould be mada The no�ice will also mntaln eny other �.,} -- <br /> infomwilon rrqulrcd by epplicable law. �,i,: - <br /> _ �� 20. flazxrdous SuUstances. 6orrower shnll not cauce or pemiit the presenee, use, disposal, storage, or rclatice of any �f� �,�,__ <br /> _ -- Ilamrdous Suhs�xnces on or in �he Propcny. Dnrrower shall �w� do, nor allo�v anyonc else �o do, xnything nffeaing �he �;t�,��s;,.. <br /> Propeny �hat B In violadon of any Environmenlnl law.The preceding pvo sen�enees shall not epply to�he prese�e, use,or -=°� "�" <br /> ,-•_i�rJ7;9g siorage an the Propchy of snnll quami�fes of Ilmnrdous Subs�nnees�hat are generelly rccagnized m be npproprixie�o nomial J'�'�%•�-� <br /> _'—== ruidentixl uses end�o maincenance of the Pmpeny. �.Fx���_� � <br />�--�=�.`_}� Qormwet shall promptly give Lender wd�mn no�foe of any inves�iga�lan, claim, demand, lawsui�or o�her nciion by eny � � <br />�=�"-�"� govemmental or regulatory ngency or privnte pany involving�he Propeny and any Hn�rJous S1�bs�nnee or L�nvironmenml Lew �-'-- <br /> � t�,ppT-- of which�ortower has ectual kno�vledga If Oarrower Ieamx, or is notified by eny govemmemnl or rcgulerory nmhority, that �=x����•- <br /> £x^.�t�� any rcmovxl or other remcdiaqon of eny Ha�ardnus Subsiancc nffeciing Ihe Propeny is nttessery.Borrower shall promptly take �::- - .__.._ <br /> x� <br /> all n¢cessery rcmedial ac�lons in accordance wi�h Cnvironmemel Law. �-�,_— <br />