�._ . . . .--•,--.---� ,_...�_-��_--_— ; � ., � ��r ' -
<br /> .. � . 93-'. ���
<br /> ''fop��(t w�r►1 a�i it,e improvementR prc�,orihnr;,roflnr ornc�ed on ine propaty,�nd�u�weinGtiu,�neMiicbr.pl
<br /> �ixwrce now or heY�Rer a pn ot tha p(qP�KY�,Atlureyl�K�OniO?la,ud additlau Qu11 a�o 6o'snVcft� 6Y ��A:,S?���1Ur,
<br /> • InKmment.AllotiheforcgoinglsrsfomA,l.��i.q,i1)IY�FCUdlvJpflourdntalhe•Propeny." .�.
<br /> IfORROW�R C0V8NAN7'§t�M;HbrpSwAn ln.}i�jq�Ily;aaUaJ�pf�Ae aute hercby conveyed itpd 1w�t1q.tisht.lO gunt an4�:
<br /> tvnvoy tM ptoppMy ord.�hot tho Proputy�ls;ubenCUplhbr4d,!Ax�H�for eabumbrukYS of,recoM. Ibr�w6f:worNOln onA Hlll:.
<br /> — defrndgeoonUyiheN�le�o�AePropeeyagolnatalli�fniiqAand.dnmriiMs.auaJqetwanycn�mAni�ofreeonl:.
<br /> THI9 SPJCURITY INSTRUMCN'F,wmhlnca uDlb�im�covaonhln for nmional use and non•unJfonu covcnnn4�wllh Itmfl�d,
<br /> � vorl�Horu by J'urlsdictia�toconstiwle�,uMfmm�secutllg;instmman6covedng rwl propeny,
<br />_.�____ UNIFORMCOYfiNANTS.tiarrmvarnBt4f.cndndwvonnnbnnd�esrcewfollowr. - � _
<br /> . whcn,due �he °°----
<br /> l. l'�Y�t ot Rineip�}rnA Inlln'sN.XiKPPD'P1anb�Aqd��aJe CbarRea. Borrowcr.ahnll pM�Y PAY
<br /> -- pdncipzlofudintereston�hCdcpGavld�t�no0:6y��haAumanAnnKprcpaymentandlawchargeaduour.dcNheNae.
<br /> — 2.Pbadv foe T�xed md InrMr�neC:SuhJr,crfn eppliGahin fnw or w n wriucnwaiver by Gender, Rorrov�er shnll pny to
<br /> Ltnder on�ho day monthiy paymentp ani dun�mAur thp�nta,-uniili tho Note is;��Id in PoII,a sum('Funda')toc:(a)ycarly taxea _
<br /> ond asxssments which may ettain pdndly�nvqrAdn 9ecud�g•Inttniment as a Ilen on the Property;@1 Yearly Ienschald pny�rsnta
<br /> ._. or ground rents on Iho Propeny,if 0nyj_(o):ye�dyfi�iarrl nnproperty insurence prwilunu;(d)yenrly ftood iasunnee premiums,
<br /> � IEmy;(e)ytady mortg�ge tnsumnK.p�nm�ums,�IfiAny:end(�any sums payable by Ilonower to L:ndsr, in accordanw wI�A
<br /> �he provisiooa ot puagreph B,Itt�litr�mf thn"ppymcnhaf mottBage insurnr.ce premiunv.71ieu ieems ero cell:d•&crow Items.'
<br /> l.end¢/may,st any tlmo, mlloct��nA�hnlibTuixlu in en a�nount not to cxcced thc nuximum enwunt e lendcr Por a fedcrally
<br /> �� rc�ated mon{�rge iwn may ra{Wro,funtlutrower's esemw account under�he federal Real Cs�ate Seutement Procedurcs Ac�ot
<br /> - 1974 w anxr,dcd ftom tlnm to timo, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et se�. ("RESPA'),unlesa enothcr law that applies to the Funds
<br /> �= sGS a Iesser anwunt. If an, l.endcr may, at eny time, mllat end hold Nnds in en amoum aot to excced the Icuer amount.
<br /> ----�--° Lcndct may cadma�c�ho amount of Punds duc an thc basfs of cartent data artd ressonable estimstca of ezpcadiwrca of future -�--�-
<br /> -= Cscrowltenesorolherwluinoccordancewithepplicnblelaw.
<br /> -�— 71ie f'ur.da shall bo held in en ins�imtlon whox deposi�� xre incure4 by e kdcml egeney, inswmcmality, or cntity
<br /> (including LenAer,if I.endsr ia such en Insti�utloN or in eny Pederal floma Loan Rank. Lendcr shall apply tho�unds to pay the ---
<br /> Cscrow Items.Lender ni�y not chargo 13orrower for holding end epplying the Funds,ennually onalyzfng the escrow aawunt,or
<br /> verifytng tho Qscrow Itenu,unless Lender paye Rorrower imeres�on tho Punds end appliceble Iaw pemills[.ender to m�Jce such
<br /> e charge. Nowever,l.ender nuy require Iiorrower ro pay e onatime chnrgo(or an independent real eswte tex reponing service
<br /> uxd by Ixnder in connectlon wiih tM1la loxn, unless applicabte Imv provides oihenvise. Unlw en agreement is madc or
<br /> epplicable Iaw requlres Intcrest lo bo paid,Lendcr shaU no�bo required to pay Oorrower any imcrat or earnings on�hc Funds. ��--.
<br /> — Borrowcr and l.endcr may egrce in wdiing,howevcr, �ha�intercst shall bo pafd on�ho�unds. Lendcr sliall givc to Qorto�vcr. -- -`
<br /> �---- wilhout charge, en annual nttnunting of tho Funds, showing credfls nnd debits a the Punds erid �he purpose for which each =.
<br /> ---- d;blt!e!^^.P�!�e e:ss rl�r!c.Th^_TL'.^.d9^_!t��!C�pfc�as edi�ilLllfll E!'tU�i�y[nr nll njmc geenrnl Fy�hi<Ce�yrin•Inqn�mrnt. ,...,. _,_.,
<br /> -'^m If�ha Tunda heid by Lender exceed�he amounts pemilticd to ba hcld by npplicablc law.Lender shell aaount to Borto�ver --�-•
<br />- --_ for Ihe excess Punds in necardance with Ihc requircmems of epplicable la�v. If th:emount of tb;Funds held by Lender a�nny ____
<br /> _ tlme is no�suffident to pay�he Cscro�v I�ems when due,Lender may so no�ify Borro�rer in writins,and,in such case Oorrower '—.-_�'"�"---
<br /> -� shall pay ro Lender�he nmoum necessary to nmke up ihe deficicncy. Bortower shxll mnke up�he deficiency in na more�han �'z"�'��°
<br /> -.'� tweive monthty piymems,ai t.ender's sole discretion. [;�;�M�,:,�=`
<br /> ��-q_�x�y Upon paymeN in full of all sunu searcd by thfs Sxurity instrument. Lender shall promp�ly refund to �ortower any E;;!^,��„�
<br />-�>;;�y Runds heid b Lender.If,under aro rn h 21,Lender shnll nc ulre or sell�he Pro n . Lender, dor ro the nc uisitlon or sate �nr/ .
<br /> .� Y P 8 D 9 P� Y P 9 ..,ry::��:._.
<br /> �»iri,�� of the Property,shall apply uny Nnds held by Lender ai the�ime o!acquisi�ion or ule ns a crcdit agnins��he sun�s secund by �::��_-�r:r:,J.�..=__.._
<br /> �-�i thls5ecudty6utrumeni. �� ` '"� f�.,-��°�'�
<br /> --v� 3.Appllcallon ot Puyn�ents.Ualess upplica6le law proviJes oihenvise,all paymems recciveA by Lendrr under paragmphs � g -'
<br /> �� : r 1
<br /> . .. 1 end 2 shnll bo opplted: firs4 �o nny prcpaymem chnrges duc undcr�hc No�e; xmnd,to nmoums pnyable under paragm?h 2; .
<br /> -� y=�,., Ihird,ro intercs�due;Pounh,io principal due:nnd los�,to eny la�c chxrges due under�he Notc. � �t��1� _-_. .
<br /> Y''�i� 4.Charges; I.lens. Uorrowcr ahall pay ail taxes,ncsessinems,chargcs, fines and impositionc auribmable to�he Propcny fi 4, �i'1y �
<br /> ,.r �vhich may auain prioritq over�his Security Insvumen4 end Ieasehold paymems or ground rems, if nny. Bonower shall pay � ,_. .- LS�+'+ �-
<br /> a---:,�q �hesc obligmions in�hc manr.er proviJM in paragrvph?,nr if nut paid in�ha�mannee W+rm�ver shall pay�hrm on�ime direc�ly : � t-�-
<br /> _ ��] �o d�e person ou•ed paymem. Oorro�ver shall pmmp�ly fumish to Lender uli no�ices of amounts tn be pafd under�his paragrnph. :� ��`� __„
<br /> -� If Oorro�ver mokes�hese paymems dinrtly,Uorrowrr shnll prompily Pornish to[.ender rcceipu eridencing�he paymems. ' . � r
<br /> , ;;' Oortower shall prompUy dischnrge any licn which hx+priori�y avcr ihi.Sauriry•Instrumem nnless 13orco+ver.(a)ngrca in 7,,.��;,,, r = �
<br /> � ti -_
<br /> . .:1?.:ne---
<br /> — wri�ing ro�he paymem of the o6ligminn xecund by�hc lien in a manner acceptablc to Lendcr,(bl contes�s fn Eoad faith�he lien `�'• .�.,;;?_::_-�
<br /> by, or defends agains� enfarcement nf�he lien in, Ie@al procecdings �ehich in �he I.ender's opininn opnte �o prcvent ihe -^�'• °� ��:
<br /> _ ' .. n,,,.__...�,
<br />'-�'a�v.•_! enforcemem of lhe lien:or(c)secures(roin ihe hnlder of the lien an agrecmrnt sa�i,factory�o Lender subardina�ing�he lien w �.-.-r�..
<br /> ,,, __`��. Ihis ScCUrily Inuntmenl. If l.e�xlCr detennint4 Ihal any pan nf�hc Propcny i..ubjitt ta a licn ���hirh may auain priority oecr � � -
<br /> ��5��:, Ihis Security Intiuumem. Lcndcr may pi�r 6nrzo�cer n nnucc iJentifyinp�he lien.Dorro�vcr shail.:nisfy�hc licn or IaAC onc or ,� n
<br />--- {.`�i�� morc o(thc aclions set lorth abovc�s�ithin 10 Ja��.nf�hr giving nf nou.c. ^ � a�: -
<br /> :� :;{:�2:.. .:i..c;
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