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, �. . _ . .___ <br /> � ,. . _ ;...; <br /> ..� , ,��' .�+Ofw998 '""` <br /> , <br /> • ' „ � � ,�, , s ,i : <br /> . ' can4ch�iMlonadherl�fiin�ofan_y�(ofUwPropcny�nrfaconvey��nlieuafcmdomniiia,,�o�enbyusijnedu�d".:- — <br /> ' �ha116ap�idlotRnder.' --- . <br /> fn the sveni"oF#IdaTY�1cind ot tAa'Proue�Y��tti piecteds shdJ be ymlied!a�he sumf acurcd by thB Stturity � <br /> Iripiume�lt whnhtt 9r no1 tArn due;wUb ony Sxces�pald to Borroweh'fq!he evtn�of a par�Ul wking ot-she Proi?edy In - <br /> ' ` whkh the f,Jr muket vd�a bf�he Propcny immedidety befae iho�aking li a�qpl to or grcater�hm the�moun4 ot�(�e wma <br /> eecOrOd by thls uA�y 1ns�mmem ImmeQinteiy Defore iha uking,pntcas BorrOwer and I.ender otlxcwisa bgrce In wdting. . <br /> tpa wm�rewred�y thb SeSyfity lnemitnfint sAdl 60 rcduud 6y tiro an�ounl oi d�e s�n�ltiptkd by)ho tdiowins.. <br /> . Inction:.(�)tFa ta�l amount of�M eume sesund Immedinlely befon:�ha taking,divI ed by(b)�he Poir makel valuq of th - <br /> �ny�lmm2df"fNy Deforo thb aking. Any balanca shnit bc ppid to Borrower. (n dro ereN of w putiat iakfng of U� -- - <br /> 'r�y 1n�whk�tha f�r maka vdue of�he Propeny.immcdimcly beforc eia�ek(n8�'����han�he amount of ihe suma <br /> secuad immedinmly ixfore eha��k�ng,unlcu Doaowcr end Lcnder oiAeiwlu egrce(n writina o�unlue oppikable I�w <br /> ' adetwlu provlde�,�he procEtde aAail6a npplied to tho sums saurcd by tbis$ecuriey Inswment wiro�6r.r or na the sums ue_ <br /> �endua <br /> IP tiw Propeny is abandoneA by Boemwor,or it,afler naico by I.cnder ro Sorcowcr thai�ho wndemnor otfere to mako' <br /> ' en awud or uuk e cinim for dnm�ee,Borrowcr tall�to rcspond to�.endyt withln 30 dAya efter tho date�he noiiw is g�ven, :" <br /> - l.ender is ou�hodud ro coliect und npply tho procaW,at iu optlon,ei�her to mswrailon or rcp�ir of iho�Propehy or�o the <br /> � sums sxutcd Hy thb Secunty Instmmenr,whethcror not�hen due. -' �`' �-�. .. <br /> Unics�l:enGer und Bottowcr othc�wise agree in writing,any e plica�ion ot proceeds to pdncipal sholl not exlcnd or ,'�,l.:��:�'�_:,_- <br /> + postpona�he deo dato of�he monthly paym:nw rcferted eo In puegrepRs 1 and 2 or chan6e tho amount of sucA paynxnu. ' <br /> IR. Nnrrowar Not Rekased� Forb�seance ey I.cnder Not o Walven 8xtension of�ho �imo for paymem or <br /> • modification of emoniza�lon of�Iw sumy secyied by thte Securi�y Insuument granled by Lender m any euccesmr in iNCrut <br /> - of Borrower shail not operaro ro rclease the UaDllhy of thc odginal Bortowcr or QortowcrL successo�a In Inrercs�.Lender <br /> - sliall riM ixrcq uircd to cemmentt proceedinge ugolnrt any sncceuar in imerut or rcfuse eo extend�imo forp3yment or __ <br /> . . olherwise modify emonizatlon of 1M sums securcd by ihis Secudty Insirument by rsason oi eny demand mado by�ho odginel __- <br /> Bortower or Ratrowerh succcsson In INamst. Any forbcaranco by Lendcr in excn:ising ony dght or rcmedy shnll not bq s =� <br /> - wxtvcr of or precludo thc excrcisc of any rigM or rcmcdy. - " -- <br /> !2. Sum.Essore and Assigm Buund�Jolnt and Severoi UaUllity;Co•slgners. 'ILo eovenants end agrcements of ihis ___ <br /> Sauriry Instrument eha1161nd and bcnefit tha sucasson nnd usignx of l.ender end Qortower,subjec�ro�tw provislona of , —_ <br /> paregreph 17. Bortowcr6 covenanta nnd agrcemenu shnll be jofnt and scvemi. Any[iorco�ver who w-signa�his Sxurity . =_ <br /> Nshvment but dora no�execute the No�e: (e)is co•slgninp�hB Secudty instrument only io mortgnge,grant and rnnvey that '���... <br /> BortowerS Intertst In tho Propchy under the tertns of ihis Security Insuun�em; (b)is no�pcnonnlly obliSaled ro pay tho sums - - <br /> � secured by�his Suur(ty Insimmenr,nnd Lc)agrcea ihat I.enLer nnd nny other porrower may agrce to oxtend,modffy,Porbcar <br /> or mnke eny accomrnodatlona wi�h rtpa�d ro�he umis ot ihin Sewrity hatmmeni or�he Now Wi�hout ihnt Dortowerb <br /> conuM. <br /> !3. Loan Charge�. If tho loan secured by �hia Saurity Instmment is subJcet io o law which se�s manimum loan _ <br /> - `.. cnarges.nnd inri finxily i�i�tiP 7iiid"e�iYidi iFi2 iliv�st c;ciFa la^n cNatg::ccllr�_d ot to�cc!!ect^_d:.^.^_+nnct!lo.^. --..---. <br /> -- with che loan extted Um permlttcd Iiroi�a then: (o)nny such lomi e6:vge shall bc reduced by�he umoun�necess;vy�o rtdnx <br /> - the cLnrgo lo ihe permined IImIC end(b)any Rums alrcady collected from 6ortowtt which cacceded permitted limics will be � <br /> - rofunded lo borrower. Lender may choosc�o make�his mPond by r�ducing ihe pdncipal owed under�he Nole or by mnking� <br /> dircct payment lo Dorto��'er. If a refund nduces principal,the reduc�ion aill be trcated aa a pnnfal prcpayment wnhout any _. <br /> pmpaymem chazge under thc IYo�e. _.. <br /> = 10. Notices. Any norice w Borrou•er provided for in�hla Secnrity Instruro:m shnll bo givcn by delivering it or by <br /> .= mniling 1�by fin�cinss mail unless opplicnble law requiros use of:uiother me�hod.7Le noitee shull be direc�ed to tlr PropeM1y -- <br /> �— Addrcss or any oiher nddmss Raro�ver Aerignaies by notice�o Lender. Any no�ice�o Lender shall 6e given by first class _ <br /> � mafl to I.enderS address s�ated herein or nny othcr address Lender d.+ignmes by no�ire m 6orrowcr. Any nmice providcd for __ <br /> in dils Security Inslrumem sh:dl 6e deemed lo have 6een given to Hortoo�er or Lender when given ns provided In Ih& �,_:- <br /> pamgmph. .�'r::'�-=: <br />— 15. Covcrning Law; Severabllify. 'fhis Seariry inswmem�shnll bc govemeJ 6y federai low and �hc law of�hc _n_r'.<� <br /> = Jurisdicllon in whtch the Propeny is lacnted. In the evem�ha�any provision or clause of�his Sccurity Insimmem m�ho Nota 4;•=. <br />� - coMieu wi�h epplicnble law,Ruch con0ic�xhall no�atfec�o�her provisions of�his Securiiy Ins�minem or�he Nom�vhich c.n [t�=� <br /> � Iw gIven effec�withow�he conlliciing provision. To�his end Ihe prnvisions o(this Security Inswmem and�he No�e arc ii���-• <br /> — declnredtobesevemble. --� <br /> = t6. Borrower's Copy. 8ortowcr shall hc given o�mnlormed ropy ot the ha�e md of this Sccuri�y Inswmem. "Q:= � - <br />.,,,,� 17. '1}ans(er of lhc Properly or e Oeneflcinl lnteresl In Qurro�ree If all or any pan of�hc Prupeny or any imemst in r�� �� <br /> - it is sold or imnsfcrrcd(or If n benc�ci�l imcrcsi in 6oRO�rer ix sold or Irans(crtcd nnd itortonrr is nm a nnwrzl persoN i;.:--_E. <br /> � withom Lenderk pdor wriuen cansem,Lender may.a�i�n opiiun, nquire inmudiate payment in(ull of all snna secumd 6y � _ <br /> �0G Sccurity Insuumcm. Nowcver.�his option shall no�be exereixed by Lendcr if excrcia�is proh@hcd hy federal la�v as of � ' <br /> -� thedateofihlsSecuri�ylnstrumem. i;. -,i <br /> If Lender exercises�hk op�ion,Lender�hall gire Uartoner no�ice of uceden�ion. The no�ice sM1all provide a period of :,} <br /> .,.� , not Iess�han 30 days fmm�he dme the notice is delirered or mailed���i�hin which�orro�cer muu pay all sums ucureJ by�his <br /> Saurity Insttumcnt. If borto�eer Faih to pay thcx sun»prior to �h:expiraiion of�hi+ �xriad. Lcndcr may im�okc any ; <br /> rcmediecp�rmincd by this Sccmi�y Insvumem wi�hou�funhernolia or demand on 6urtomcr. - <br />�--:_;; I& Borrox�er's RFghl lo Rdnstate. If Uarro�xer mtt�s cenain conditions barto�eer�hall have �he righ� �o have ���', �, <br />-_:;� ' enforcement of ihis Saurit•Inswmcm divaminuecl m an•�imc rior m dic cxdier oL (a)5 da s cor such o�her riod ns ��-• - <br /> Y S P Y P� +.;;;_�. <br /> '?i� SmaleF�mdS-Pnnnlrllae.}tsdUk\falnlFPN\11KTHC]1!:\T-PnifmmCmrnm�� 9,Y0 rN��•l./hNCa� ��,•„ <br /> .i� ' ��` - <br /> � (-_' (^?"'^__'^_"_1iS it31^_ _�_',":^— -- _�ir.� ' ^�:^'...�.' �15:� <br /> - � tr'� _ . T_yl�. . . .� ! ' . . .. . <br /> . . <br /> _ ` _ ' ... _ ' _ _ ' _ _'_ _.. . . .' ' _ . _ ' <br /> .-..c .. '= . .. .: -. .- �.-.•: _ � . <br /> - .. -�" . . - .: . .... . ,.- - ,' . . - '. �- t- . <br /> __�_ r . -___ . _—_—__ .._._ ._ _ .. _'—_ _. . - - .:...- . <br /> _ _ _ - _ _ J.,— - - _,_._ ._ — <br /> ' <br /> � . - i v ��:LS�.. ' � • � �i _ <br /> - +a � . t Z- .. - . � . "�' . . . . <br /> .. <br /> S f S. ) �\ - . - <br /> . � <br /> ] . y_ .: l f . `{^''` '. :-.- q - :: ,. ' .�. _ _ . <br /> ' <br /> T.�- _ .. <br /> - i .. -._.. . .: -... �. �� .1 <br /> . ._ <br /> � . . . -. i '. . - ..� ' ..- . <br /> _1-� 1. �J 5 . - �. . . <br /> f)) -.. ..i _ . - . . . . <br /> �� J,, ' . _ - . - a.1 fi . . •l . . <br /> v .1- : .." - � . . <br /> I . �' <br /> �.. r : - . .i . -�- - S- -. <br /> Q � � � , o'nf _. i ' . <br /> _�F ) , t I� ' ,Q_ '- .� .:. <br /> ` {' ' ''o <br /> { ' i '"t � l'. . f.. <br /> . �.. <br /> � , _ " . . . __ �� �... .... _. ..�--- <br /> . . y�. _ a.. _ . "�. ._— __ ___. "'! . . <br />