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<br /> — . i�(3�}1���/�{1�)IIM�I�f(lf0YCI11l111�IIOW Of��kt,t(OCIOd Ulil�l0 QfOpCKS'�tll��1�f�C��. ,
<br /> 'apd Bxwrp raw or herl+Ikc i pNt oF�hop�pctt�: All rcplacenKats and rddidoni cM�l N4o be co4tted D �Sxurity _
<br /> Initrumrnt. Nk"Sflha[ottQuingienteried ot inthffi3lcufltylniwmentu�ho"Property, ..
<br /> � BORRO1VF.k CUVfiDIAti75 Oud Borrowcr la lar�(utly aluil ot die:eau�e hercby convoyed uid Iw�he dtAt to pnnl
<br /> ` end convey�he��pp�rty end U�ae Ua Property Is unencambercd,exap[oFencum�r+ncea of rv�.ord..-Bortower wurann ord �
<br /> _ wlll defmd pe�l(y t4e t6b to tAe Proptrty agQ�H NI d�ma u�d dem�nd��aubJat to My en0u{nbnurcp�of record.
<br /> � '� 11t19 9CCURffY INS7RIJM8Kf combines unUam covrn�nts for natlonnl uu �nd non•unifurm covtnante with
<br /> �� , IimitedvuiiUonibyJudxllctioatoeonsiftme�unifonnsecud�ytnsuurientcoveripgrcalpropeny. `- ' -
<br /> UMSYIRMCOVBNANf9: BoRUwer�ndl.endercovenantand�grceasfdlowa:
<br /> � 1. Papqeal otPriecipd�ed Iotece�lt�ppY�at aad L�k C5ar6n. Bortower sA�tl promqIypny wl�en da6 the
<br /> pFincippYbf ud inlaest on�ia debt evidenced by Ua Nae u�d any prcpaynr.nt and laie chu�es duo unde�Iha NWe•
<br /> � 2;. FSIpA.1(01'1YIG7G�dI�S11MOtC. SubJattoeppIlcnblalawortoawri�mnw�IverbyLender,Bortowerahallpay4o
<br /> [.ender on Uw day mon�hty payments are duo under the Noto,umtl�he Note Is pnid in fult,e sum("IVndf)for.p)ycarly
<br /> uxea ond assexvmn�a wdkh may attetn pdaity over th0 Sccudty Inswment v e tlen on Ua Propetty:(b)YC+uIY Ieasehold �
<br /> paynxnw a grpund rcnts on ttw Property, If en�: (e)ycnrly huzud oc propcny Insuruica prcmlumst(� Y�ly ilaod
<br /> inmr�nco pcuniums, if any; (e)yeazly mortgage nsurance p[emlumv, if uny;end(0 any sums payabie by Borrower lo
<br /> - I.ender,in accord�nce wllh No provisions ot paregraph 8,in Iieu ot tho payrrcnt of mortgage Insuranee prertiluma. TAese
<br /> . itemn are caited"Csttow[tems." Lender may,at any Ume,wticst end hold Punds In m anwunt not to cxcecd tho mulmnm
<br /> nmount a Iender for e kderalty related mottgago loan may rcqulro for porrower�s escrow eccount under tlw &deml Reai
<br /> IIsta�e SNtlemcn[Pmcedurea Act of 1974 es emended hom Uma ro timo,12 U.S.Q�260�a acq.('R6SPA�,unies�enoU�cr
<br /> law�ha�opplies to No EUnds sets e tesser emount. [f so,Lender mny,s�uny tlma collcct end hotd FUnds io en amaunt not ro
<br /> - cxcccd Uw Icsur amount. I.�ndcr may esUmam �ho nmount of Amds due on the bss18 of cum_tii dw3 end rcasonable -
<br /> esUmales of expcndiwrts of Potutt Pscrow Ilems or otherwiso in eccord�uko with appllcebio Iew.
<br /> The Mnds shn11 be hetd in en instiwtlon whosa deposlte ero insured by e federel egcncy, (nswmentdity,or cnti�y
<br /> (tncluding Lender,if Lender i�such an instltutlon)or in eny itederel Home Loan Dank. Lender shall epply No Punds to pay
<br /> Iho Qscrow Itama Ixndu m8y not charge�Hort9wcr for holding end eppiying�ho I�nd�,ennually enalyzing U�e escrow
<br /> accoun6 or veiifying the Accrow fiems, u0less Lender pays Rortower Imerest on tho Punde and vppliceble law pemiln
<br /> l.endei lo meko snch a Charge. flowever,l.ende�may rcqulm Uortower�o pay a one-lime chargo Fu en Independen[real
<br /> estate tex roporting acrvlco used by I.ender In conneetion with this loan,nnless applicaDte lew provides otherwise. U�te;s en
<br /> egrament le made or npplicebic law requircs interest lo be pnid,Lender sAall not bc rcquired to pay Qocrower eny imerast or =--
<br /> camings on�ho I�nds. Rortower end Lender may egrce in wri�ing,however,thei Intcrest shall be Qald on�da F�nds. Lender --
<br /> sha11 give ro Qorcuwer,without charge,an ennnxl accounUng of tho ILnds,showing emAiq end deb(ts to the IAmds nnd tho
<br /> puryose for which each debit ro tho Wnds was madg. 7Le f�nds arc piedged as addiilonal sccudty for ail snms sesnttd by
<br /> this Sccuriry Ins�Nment• -
<br /> '°'--° ii�he ivnus neid 'oy i.ender exceed cee amounn permiaed ro bo heid'oy xpptiwbic iaw. Lcnder snnii na�uui�i i� -�-�-��
<br /> Bortower for�Aa excess FLnds in eecordanco wi�h tho requimments of uppilcabte law. If�he emoum of the FU�s hcld by -
<br /> Lender at eny time is not suflictent to pay tAe Cscrow Iums when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wddng,and,in -----��
<br /> -- snch case Borcu�ver shnll pay to Lender Ne nmount necessary to make up the de(Iciency. 6ortox•eT ahall make up Ihc
<br /> �-- c�cOcicncy in r.o moro than lwelve monthly paymems,et Lenderk sole discrcilon. __
<br /> �-- Upon payment in full of ell sunu secureA by ihis Security Inswment.Lender shall promp0y rcfind to 6ortowc�any ._
<br /> - Plmds htid b Lendcr. If,under ara re h 21,Lendcr slwall a ufm or seil ihe Rro rt .Lender,prior to ihe ec ufsition or `=`'`-_----
<br /> Y P G P o9 P� Y 9 .rc===.--
<br /> _ seie of�ho Propcity,ahall epply eny Punds held by Lender at�he �ima of acquisition or wle a+�crcdit xgainst�he aumc �:.����-
<br /> securedbythisSecuritylnswment. � 4 t'�°-=�'=�
<br /> --�_= 3. Applfcation ot Puymen�. Unless npplicable law providcs mhendse, all paymems reccivcd by Lender under 6�:;:`=:_'�-==
<br /> _— paragrsphs 1 and 2 shull be npplied:(trs4 to any prcpayment charges due undet�hc Nolc:sernnd,ro amounts payablc undcr ,';.K.';;,
<br /> -
<br />