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:�i ^ <br /> rwr �� <br /> ay�r� <br /> . . ,,:j ' a . _ <br /> _ . .._.a. �. . ' , � <br /> r�— <br /> ' �` - - ,.,_. - ' --.— . ._ . '�- --- <br /> . _ ... .r. ' _ <br />._:.-:�-�w ,. . ..� - _. - -_-.--�.-- � _--'- <br /> . . � ..�.._.,... � .`._.....r.,,���� - -'-' . <br /> _��� ' I <br /> � ' f <br /> ,..�...�._L.�� 91— l u s 0 0 2 _ _ _ <br /> �T��i�� �-_- <br /> --'�� , applicabk Isw may spacity tor reinswtement)betore saie ot tne rroperty pursuani w any puwer u;au�c cW�uuuui iu u�is - <br /> 3acurity lnstrumenl;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforciog this Security Inattument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) <br /> :�'�,P pAys Lender all suma which then would 6e due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratio� had <br /> '�;i�`_� accurred;(b)curos any default of any other covenanta or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurted in enforcing this Security � <br /> r Inspument, including, but not fimited to.ceasonsble attom�ys'fees; and(d) teke9 sach setloe ev l.ender may neA�►naAly _ <br /> -;�-�° rcquirc to assure that the lien of thia Security Instniment,Lender`s rights in the Property and Borrower's obligadon to pay Ihe ______ <br /> , sums secured by this Security lnsuument shnll continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Secudty <br /> '�'� - - - (nsuument und the obligations�ecu�+ed hercby ahall Kmain fully effective as if n�►accelera�ion had nccurred. Howaver,this �---. -- <br /> ,. _ .. <br /> `� ' right to�iastate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17. <br /> � :�.:�u 19. Sale ot Note;Chan�e of LoAn Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Nolc(t�►getlier with this Security �� <br /> :-��' -`=o- lnsbument)may be sold one or moro times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may reqult in a change in the endty <br /> -A�„�A.•.1:-na 4 : �k1IOWIi 8S�IIC"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly paymenta due under the Note and this Securlry lnswment. There also <br /> may be one or more changes of Ihe Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br />-- ��t` Botrower will be given w�itten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 Above and applicable law. 'ihe natice --_ <br /> �.�:�n���. <br />_-_�:���,��+- , . will atate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mpde. Thc notice wlll <br /> _ � L also contain any other ioformation required by applicable law. �__ a _ <br />—= -w�;��,_:.,�;�. � 20. H�rdous Sebstancea Borrower shall not causc or permit thc prescnce,use.disposal,storage,or release of any <br /> �_�.� ��_°'--- Hazardous Substancea on or in Ihe Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nor allow nnyone else ta do. anything uffecting 1he ,�.�_.___ <br />--�;a� :,;�•,. . r - <br /> --- ,..1,;: ,. Property thet is in violation�f any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shail not apply to the presence,use,or <br />-`_z;;�L. .;,�;y� �.,' ,� ., starage on the Property of small quamities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to norm4l � <br /> residentfal uses and to maintenance of the Property. --- <br /> �,���'�' ", Borrower shell promptly give Lender wrilten notice of any investigadon.cluim,demand,lawsuit or ather action by any — <br /> --� �';�l:. �� " governmental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental <br /> "x� �:. ,.':�. ..._� <br /> ;;..,, ;;�,�._�,.,•,:.- • Law of which Barrower ha.s uctual knowledge. !f Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory �___ <br />_ authority,that any removal or other remediation af any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Properry is necessary,Borrower _ <br />=- '..� '�� • shall promptly take all necessary remedial ecdona in accordance with Environmental Lnw. - ' _ <br />- � ''; . , As used in this paragruph 20,"Hazardaus Substar►ces"are those substances defined us toxic or hazardous substances by � _ <br />- � . Environmenial and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum producls,toxic <br /> � � . pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radiaactive materlals. As -°' - <br /> ` used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Lnw"means federal laws and laws of ihe jurisdiction whcre thc Property is lacatcd ��__�'�.� <br />` ,^'' " that relate to health,safery or environmental protection. — <br /> - • NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und l.ender further covennnt and ugree as followc: �"°-``°"' <br /> ���-�� 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. Lender ehall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratian fdlowing Borrower's ��"'`' <br /> � breach of any covenAnt or agreement in thts Security lnstrument Ibut not prlor to accelerallon under para�raph 17 � <br /> � � unless ppplicable law provldes othenvise). The notice shall specify: (al the dePault;(b)the aMion required to cure the �w� <br /> ��}•� deipult;(c)a dwte,not less than 30 duys fram the dete the noNce is given to wbich!he dePault must be =- <br /> ., . . cured;and(d}t6At ioiiure iu cure ihe deiauii m�ur i�rWre ii�r date specltled ir.ihe noi3ce may resu!!ts acceler�lfoss oP <br /> .- _ . . --_ ___ <br /> • the sums secured by this Security instrument and sule of the Property. The notice ghall further inform Borrower of _ <br /> ="�`` : , '`' .. the right to reinstnte after acceleratbn and the right to briag a court action to assert the non•existence of a default or <br /> ;;�y� • eny other dePense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. lf the deYault is not cured on or bePore ihe date speciFied in <br /> ; '" the notice,I.ender at ils option may reqnire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument _ _ _ <br /> ` without further demand and may imoke the power of sele and any other remedic.w permitted by applicable law. �^i <br /> - " Lender shall be entitled to collect ell expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 2l. �i`P°'^��. <br /> ' � including,but not limited to.reasoneble a/tarneys'Fees and cost�oP title evidence. �"'�� <br /> ' • ;, . IP the power of gnle is invoked,'Ilrustee chall record a notke oP dePault in each county in whMh any pArt of the ��=�_:;. <br /> Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to .,;s.,,c��= <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Aite�the time required by npplicable lew,'I�ustee shall give public :-�"`�� <br /> � • . notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by upplicable law 'Ibustee,wilhout demand on Borrower. � ` <br /> � , shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under Ihe lerms designaled in • <br /> the notice oP sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determinex 'I�ustee may postpone awle oP all or any ,,:.i,� <br /> ' • „ parcel of the Property by public announcement rt the time and ploce of mny previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its r��--:-� <br />- ., �. �..; . desigaee mwy purchase the Properly at any sale. '�; <br /> � ' � ' - Upon receipt of payment of the prire bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the pu�chuser'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> • �•-` � � Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of Ihe slatementc made therein. <br /> ~�`�.°" 'I�rstee ahpll apply the praceeds oP the sale In the i'ollowing order: lal to all cosls and expenscw oP exercising the power L_.�. .._• <br /> �.-_ _ <br /> -. rmn_._-_ <br /> . �sig=b:"-. <br />_ - . . �:'e:�f•.�� <br /> .. �y-�'"'. <br /> }.:;d� �: <br /> � F'orm dU28 4I�/D yr,�ge S u/n p�ixn� �.. <br /> k• <br /> , ;' <br /> . <br /> \ �. <br /> „ ; � <br /> , .. . <br /> T � <br />