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<br /> -r.s x ,r - �r-_ � — -
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<br /> _ � TOOBTHtilt 11';1'Ifi:Rll ttw ImptoVtmmla raw 6t li&aAer eteeted an Uie proptny.�nd�11 caxmeaa.+PpunenMkf+, :.;�
<br /> ' a�d flxWra noW oe bS+r*fia�p�ot tAe prc�erCy, Alt rcpt�oemrnu uM�ddiAm+sh�il�w bo covorcd.4Y W�Socurity
<br /> inMrumrnt:.All otthe fatpYoinai�re(Crttd�o in thia Securiq inswment u the"Ptopmy,"
<br /> ' '" BOkROWSR CQV6NANT8 thtt 8ortowzt 1�(zFiully iMsed ot the autC htn0y convoyed ud tw 0»dght 4o gnnt
<br /> wid convey tAe i4ophty u�d tN�t Uro Propeiiy f�tp5tncumbercA.oxapt fo encumbrances otrccord. 9ortowu wuronu end
<br /> iYill'dtfab�enenlfy�Ae QIk W thO Propeny sgtlnil al el�fau ud de�t,3pb}tct to eny encumbruicee of record.
<br /> '— 'EHfS SF.CURiTY INS7RUMRN7'eombioes unifam ivveoanU �a�notlonal ose and non•uniform covenanu with
<br /> -___.-�.
<br /> 11Mfed varimimf DYlu�i�ttion a constltua r uNfortp sewdq insuument wrcdng ieal propeny. .-., --- -.. _
<br /> UNIFORMCOV[INANf9, RorroweruMl.endercovenantuideSree�uPollowa:
<br /> 1. P�yMtnl otPdndpd md Interesl{Pct�yexot�ed Lnte Chtrsts� Aortower chall promptlypay when due Ua
<br /> pincip�of w�d Interest on the debt evidenad 6y the Note and any prcpayment nnd leta chargw duq under the Not^.
<br /> _ 2 F�1IId!�0��IMYt9�IIA IIISVMMt.SOEJCCI IP AppIIC3bI0IAW O}10 P R'flltC01Y8IYtr 6y I.ender,Bortower shall pay ro _
<br /> — Lendcr on Uro day�onthly paymenta ara due under the Noto,umil the Note Is pald In full,e sum('t�und�')for.(e)yearly
<br /> — ta.crs snd essa�ema wd3ch ryay eualu pdori�y over thb Security lnslrumen4 es e lien on�ho Proper�Y:(b)yearly Izasetwld �
<br /> -- (p.Y0A;A1S O[g(OYII7�tt01.4 OR J:r. �ny, if any; (c) yearly haurd or propeny insmanco premlums;(d) yeuiy Ilood �
<br /> . [o�uanne pttmwms,ff any;(e?yc�a�,Y mm��da Insuranco premiume, if nny; end(q any sums p�ynble Cy Bortmavc tn -
<br /> lR,�,y:e,tn asmcdanse wUfi tM pmvt�tnos o8�an�aph 8,in Ileu of thopa yment ot mortgago Ivsuranco Qc.mLuax '�l1r.s:
<br /> fur�ace nlled i6scrow Items.' [r.r�d�r rcry.as eny�3me,collal nnd hold Nnde in nn emount not lo exxc�ed iM m�aLmm�
<br /> onwum a lender for a kdareliy relat,�mortga3e tnaa m:�,y n•quiro Por�ortowerh escrow uccount under J�e Eedxa!ITi:�!
<br /> Esta�e SeltlemenlProadurca Act of 1974 es emendcd fmm umee m Hmo, 12 U.S.C.4 260���r�4.('RQS2A'),unt�a�r.r.NL�r -
<br /> I�w�hat epplla to�tw Ibnd��ets a lesscr emount. If sa Le�L:rm�y�at auy Umo,collul end hold Ponds io an au�a��n rr;n�o
<br />�°�- �-°`° exaed the lesser amounl. Lender may csUmato �ha enwo�i�oi iiu:ds Eve on Uie basls of cuacnt dsta a�.i rcamnabk -�-- -�- --
<br /> estlmates of expenAiturcs of futuro Qscrow I�ems or oihenviso in �u.�cr�iih epplkabio law.
<br /> 7Te Pund+sha11 be held In en insNtutlon whosc deposic+aru insun•A by n federel egency, Insw.m��ialiry,or entiry
<br /> �?��`!� (Inciuding Lender,if Lcndcr Is su:h en incu�ution)or in xny P�c4:ra1 flome Loan Dunk. Lender shall epply�e I�nds to pay ___
<br /> t!w Escrow Item�. Lender mny�chuge Bortower for holding and npplying�he f§mds,ennually analyzing tha escrow
<br /> ,�� aocount,or vedtying �he Cscrow Item�, unless Lendcr pays �ortower in�crcst on tho Idmds nnd epp:icable law pertniu __._-
<br /> -"-- Lender ro make such a ehergo. However,Lendcr may requirc Durtower lo pay a one•time cherge for a.n independent rcai
<br /> -- esta�e tex reponing sciriav used by Lender in connectlon wl�h Ni�Ioan,unleu appflcable law provide�othefwise. Unless en
<br /> _ agroenxnl is made or applicablc law rcqufrcs intcrcst to G:paid,Lendcr sM1all not bo nx�uired ro pay 6ortawer any Intercst or _�_, _
<br />_� cuninge on the fimde. Borrowcr and Lender may ngrcc in wd�ing,howcver,U�a�intercs�shall be paid on�ho Punds. Lendcr �5;j%;:,;-•,___
<br /> shall ghro to 6ortox'er,withou�charge,an ennual accoumtng of the F'unds,ehowing crc4i�s and debhs to�he Fund+and the tF���.y;:::-
<br /> _ purposo for which each debit to�ha I'unds was mada 7iio fimds ere pledged ns edditional secudty(or ell sums secured by �--�-�-��
<br />_. - . _ Ihla Secudty Insu¢araN Cc`:�--. .
<br /> :� If Ihu Rmds 0ia19 R�y Lender ezceed�he amounts perml�led to be tr>;E by appiicable law, LenACr shall eccount to � �-_. -- �
<br /> • Borto�cer(or tiw esces:Flmds in eecordance wfth the requircments of applia�b):Iew. If the amount of�he!'unds Aeld by ,s -
<br /> ��,�j Lender a�any time is not su(fictent ro pay�he Cscrow liems when due, Lender may so noii(y Uortower in writing,and,in ; �fi
<br /> ,_„i`�,�-t� such case 13orrower shnll pay to Lender ihe amount necessary to make up the deflciency. Do�rower shall make up Ne '„if�;�j,,;;., -
<br /> .�� delic(ency in no moro�han twelve monthly paymems,e�Lendere sole discrc�lon. n��_-° -.
<br /> U�on paymem in PoII of nll sums securcd by this Securiiy Insuumem.Lender shall prompqy refund ro 6orto�ver uny `;��r _
<br /> �c;;l�' Punde hcld by Lender. If,under paregraph 21,Lender shall ecquiro or ull�he Otopeny,Lendcr,prior to�he acquisi8on or :-±{�_.. -�
<br /> -'t"'��- sela o(�ho Propeny, shWl upply any ILnds held by Lender ot�he�inm of acqnisi�ion or s.le as a crcdi�agalnsl Ne sums "mii,?C;;;'�'�`
<br /> � - �� ucuredby�hisSceurirylnswnxm. •� ' �';�
<br /> 3. Applicatlon uf 1'nymentc. Unless applica6le law provides othernise, all payments received by Lender under ;���; ,2�,_;,
<br /> � paregraphs I md 2 shall bo npplicd:iirs�,to nny�rcpaymcnt chargcs due onder�he Nom;second,�o emou�is payabte under �+,_�
<br /> . �y� paragraph 2:�hird,to Inlercst due;fourth,io princ pal due;md lac6�o nny Istr dhn;ges due under tl�e Note. _ "� i �- -
<br />�--:�r.':�;�". 4. Charga; Uert9. Dorrower shall pay nll mxes, aucssmeNS, cha:ges, fincs end imposidnms andbumbic to �he '"t':"
<br /> - e." Roprny whirh mar�ualn priodly ovet Ihis Secudty InslnimeN,end Icasehold p:�yments or ground rems,if eny. 6orrower i- � .
<br /> shall pny lhese obligaiions In�he manner providcd In pangrapl2,ur If not paid in�ha�manner,Dortowcr ahall pay�hem on �.1�!'.�j��� '�
<br /> ��"''' lime directly lo the person owed pa}�mrm. 6orto�ver shall prompdy fumish�o Lender ell noticex of umounts ro Ue paid under 1,�(������ �_:
<br />..- - - tTis pn�ngmph If Simrnn•er makes ihese paymertu direc�i��,Starrmrer shall prompdy fumish m Lender receipts evidencing - - f.•�6+c ,-
<br /> � ;, fiop�ymenU. •::tL „' _
<br /> Boxoo�er ahnll y+nvnpqy distharge any lien which has priari�y over�his Security Insuumem unless Lormwtr:(a)agrces ;,,' � . •
<br /> ;'`� in xTiting�o the paymcnt of�hc obligation sccurcd by�he licn in a manner acceptublc�o Lendcr,(b)rnmeus in good fai�h the - `
<br /> - . .i licn by,or deknds ugnins�enforcemen�of�he lien in.Icgal prceeedings�vhich in�he Lendui opinion operate ro prevent ihe js t;:'
<br /> ` en(orcement of�he Iien;or(c)ucures fmm the hoiderot the licn nn agreemem salisfaaoq�io I.ender subordinating the lien _::� � -
<br />.. �1,�:��� . ,:�.-
<br /> - �, n. �o�his Security Inswment. 1(Lender detcmiines that nny p�n of ihe Rapeny is subjee�io n licn�ehich may auain priority �, �,�..,-..
<br /> over Ihis Security inswmen6 Lcnder may give Uortow�cr n notite idrntifying ihc licn. Uortowcr shall sa�is(y thc lien or�akc _ '• ,(°,7_�.-
<br /> �-,-� one or morc of�he r.ctions set(onh nbore�vi�hin 10 days of�he giving ot nutic.. � , ..
<br /> 5. tla7ard or I'reperty Insuronm. 13orrowcr shail keep tF.e improreroents now ex}uing or h.renfter ercc�ed on�he „ut, . :
<br />: - Propeny insured againsi luss by fire,hazards includ:d�vi�hin a1:term"ex�ended meerage'and any oiher hauvds,including �;i;': .`x``�"-"
<br /> - floods or(luoding, for which Lender rcquims insuranca "Rus insurance shall be maimninrd in ihe nnwunls and for [he ;'.-4.'1'$,����'" -
<br />- .,�3H� -:+i
<br /> -. ' �`�:r..
<br />. •.�;,�y�.,. FormJO1J 9rvn �p.iRe3nJ6NROi � ';
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