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'.,>.:- _ �. .. t .-" .'.:af • . ..,.,_ .. . .. <br /> - — _'__ - ..�"".__� ._. . _ . <br /> _,_.-.._ , . .. . _. _ .. __ . i.__ ' ____ . . <br /> _- . . . � . ...: - �- �� <br /> . - ., .. .. - . .. . � � — <br /> . -- :...__ .r� -. . -- . . � ,: „ . . .� ,_. �" �' -:�.- , .. <br /> ;, , ,�. . ; . ., u " 183" i0fi.�!!�- ' <br /> , TW�7'HBRW{ff�Ql�helmprbvemerd�naworhet�nflettfe�!edonthepropgnYeand�llu�anaM4+PPanmuroef�.und , . <br /> �: ttxnirci now or�pcfuiRer�� put of�Ae prq�ny, Ali rcplittmem� �nd ddllion� etiali �1s0 be covere0 by �hl� $auri!y <br /> '.� _ InµNmrnr,Ali of.tha fore�oin�is rokr.rd cu faihlA Sccurity TnstNntent aa Ihe"Propcay.° `' . <br /> �ORROW6R COYHNANTS thal Borrower la IawPotly ui�od of�Ao cstaro hereby conveyed end hne t4e d_oL�ro gnnt Rnd ' ' <br /> � convoq.tla Prupeny end�hat�he Propeny Is u�Cncumbercd,exiep�for encumbroiwea of�rd; Bon�owei watrima end wllk <br /> • detefht g�nsnllytlaihle.�otAePropeny�galnuallcl�Imsanddertund�.subJeatoanyencumbrance�ofrewrd,.. <br /> " 7'�ItS 6�CUR11"f.INSTkUMBNT wmAinw unlPomi covenuns for natlonal uso and non•uN(omi covenaots ad�h ttmlttd . <br /> v�da�tau by JdHSdie(iqn.iomnstfwte�uniPoroi sewrity tnslrument mvedng rcal pro�xrty, „ <br /> •UMFOR��V&NAN7'9.Bortower und Lender covenant end ogreo w foltowst <br /> •• 1r.A�ym!nt oI P�tnclp'1 md interesl� Pnpqmrnt end fatp Ctweges. Oorrowcr ehall pror�ipity p3y whcn duc�ho — <br /> princt{�i oP uq Im:rest on tha debt evidenoed by tAa Noro nnd nny prcpayment and tate chuga due under�he Nae. • . <br /> 2:Fundf Por T�Kes andlMUrMCe� SubJcM�o appliceble lew or to e wduen waiver by Lendcr,Bofrowet sha11 qy t4� . <br /> LenAcr on iha dny mamhiy paymentn are duo undcr tAa Note,umil�ho Note le pnid In fuU.a sum('FLnds')for.(U yearly W n <br /> uM osusSnxnta whiob may utlain pdority ovcr�ils Sccndty Instrvment av e Ilen on Wo Propeny:(b)ycariy leasohold pipmeNt <br /> oc graund rrnle on tho Propeny,if any;(c)ywdy harard or property insuranw prcmium.+;(d)ycady flood insunnce p(emluma, <br /> if any:(c)ycarly mortgage insuranco premiums, If eny;anA(�any sums payeblo by Oorrowcr to I.cndcr,in aaorduu�Y!t�h <br /> �Fo provisionn of pamgr�ph 8,In Ilu�of�he payment of mnngagc insuranco premiume.These item+nre ca11eQ"ESCiow fiaiu.' <br /> 4endcr may, et any�inia, collec� und hold Punds in an amnunt not to exc+ecd thc maximum enwunt a lender for a tederdly_ <br /> rclated mortgaga laan nwy rc�uire for T3orrower's cscrow¢ccount under t6e fcdcral Rcal Estuto Sdtlement Proadurca Act of. <br />'; 1974 as amcndcd from tima to Iime. 12 U.S.C.Section 2G01 er seg. ('RESPA"),uniess another Iaw thnt appilw�o Uw Funda , <br /> � stts a lesser amounl.if so. l.ender mny, a�any Unx, collect and hold Funds in an emount rrot to exceed the tesscr amounf. <br /> ! Ixnder nwy atlmata�m amoum of Funds duo on tho 6asis of�vrrcnt dam end rensoneble estln�ata ot expenditurcs qf Pofuro <br /> - Pscrow Itcros or otherwlac In eorordancc with applicablc law. . <br /> 7Lo Funds sAall bo hcld In an inst(wtion whose deposile are insurcd by a federal agency, lnsnunxntWiry, or erltiry <br /> i, (iccluding Lc+der,i(Lender Is such an Institutton)or in nny Pcderel flomo Loan OanY..I.cnder shnll apply tho Funds to pay ihe <br /> Fscrow Itenu.Lender may not chargo Bortower for holding and opplying tho Funds,annually enalyzing tho escrow aorount,ot <br /> vedfying tha Escrow Itcnu,unless I.ender pays Bnrtower imeres�on�he Runds and epplicabte law permfts Lendet to maico auch , . <br /> � a chnrga.However.Lendcr may reryuire Borrower to pay n onotlma cl�aree for an independcnt real estetc�ax rcponing servico <br /> usod by Lender in connceUon wl�b this loan, unless npplicable lew provides othe�wise. Uniess en agrxnxnt is made or � <br /> . appllcable law rcqulres imerest ro bo paid, Lendcr shnll not bo rcquireA m pny Ilarrowcr eny inrerest"or caminga on Iho Funds. <br /> Dortower end Lendcr may egrce in wrfting, however, tha�intercct shall�6c pald on�he f'vnds. I.endw shall givo to Bortower, <br /> without cherga en unnual ecmuming af tha Punds,showing crtdiis nnd debite w tAe Fund+end the purposa for whlch wch <br /> � debit to�ho Funds wes ninde.The Fund�erc pled6ed ns ndditional stcurlty tor nll sumx secured by thl�Security Insuunxnt. <br /> � If tho Funde held by Lender excad tha nmoums pemiltted ro be held by npplicxble law,I.ender sh�l eccoun[ro uortower `°` ° �°� -- <br /> - for�ho excess FLnds in nxordsnce with tl�e requircmen�s of appliwble Ixw. If�Ae amount of the Funds hcld by Lender e�eny <br /> - , Nme b nat suflident to pny the Gscrow Rems when duo,Lender may so mtify I3orto�ver in wrhing, such cave t3ortower <br /> . atwll pay to l.ender tho emount necesuty lo make up the deficiency. �orrower shnll make up�he deficicncy in no m�re Ihan <br /> �wclve monthly paymentx,et Le�cr's sole dfurction. __ <br /> '� Upon paymcnt in full of ell sunu securttl by�hfs Sewri�y InsWmcm, Lender ahall promptly retund to Oorrower eny _ <br /> : �unda heid b�Lendea If,under paragrsph 21,Lender sholl ncquim or sell�ho Properry.1.endar,prior to ihe acqulsi�ion or salo a:=_- <br /> , of tho Property,shnll appiy Tny Punds hcld by Lender ut Ihe�ime of ecquisiUon or sale as x crcdit pgninst�ho sume securW by ;?�x��'- <br /> �, �Als Sccuriry Insuument. �y'��n'`'''i.- <br /> 4':...., <br /> 3.Appllrntlon of Payments. Unless applicnble la�v provides othenvise,nll paymems rcceived by l.ender under pamgraphe ,�rtt�F,�Si.;-;;. <br /> � 1 nnd 2 aholl bo a Ilod: firsL�o un rc a nxnt chnr es due under the Note; second,lo nmounts x able under �ra ra h 2: '�'l'�-"�'" <br /> PP Y P P Y B P Y P� B P �-� �'`: {.;.w:: <br /> ` third,to Intens�due:Pounh,lo rinci al due;end lu4 m nn late char es due under�he Nme. '.'r�"`°`•_-s'=:. <br /> D P y h...,.. r....._..a ��'-- i`..1'::�:,:7-.- <br /> A.Chnrgcsl Llcnv. Uorrower shall pay all tax:s,a:.:�.r.:ea�s.^.....e... ..........�,. �.�w.,lUo���uuriuutablc w�ne PropenY r�.-:,�r`,_� ._ <br /> j ivhich may etiain pdority over�his Security lnsvunxnt, nnd Ieasehnld paymems or ground rems, if eny. Uortow�er;hall pay :.<i� '• <br /> � Ihese obligellons In the manner provided in parxgreph 2,or if not paid in�ha�manner, 13orrower shall pay�hem on time direcUy - ,�N�ti� <br /> to lhe person mved payntent. I3nrroo•er shnll promptly lumish to Lendcr xii nulin:+uf nmuunta lu In+paid under Ihts paragmph. .if,��� :�°� <br /> � If[iorrower makes�hcse paymems directly,Uonower shall prompdy fumish�u Lender rcceipis evidencing�he paynxms �__, _ <br /> �orrower shall proinptly discharge any lien which has priority over ihic Securiiy In�wmem unless Oorrower.(a)agrces in - '„�i�'�;k;� <br /> � wdting lo Ihe payment of�he obligmion secured by ihe licn in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)mntes�x in goad feith the lien �`�";',�.;� <br /> by, or defcnds againsi cnforecment o(thc licn in, Icgal pracecJing: which in �hc l.cndcr's opinion opemte to prcvem thc �;',;;��,"-'�psy`,�;_; <br /> enforeemem of�he Ifen;or(e7 securcs from�he holder of�he lien an ngreemem saticfactory�o Isnder xabordinating the lien ro i'�=`?t:�r,ti_� <br /> �M1is Seeurity Ins�mment. If Lender deierminec�hm any pan n!the Pmpeny is subjeci io a lien..hich may auain priori�y over ���?�; ._;--- <br /> this Secari�y Inswinent, Lcnder may give Dorroacr a nmicc idcmifying�hc licn. Borrou�cr.6ail sati.fy�hc licn or�ake ane or �����-��`�� <br /> more uf lhe aclions set forth obove wilhin 10 dayx nf�ht gi��ing nf nnlice. � <br /> :..��:�'?'. <br /> Fa�m 3028 8/80 :'!.,t y_ ':-�`� <br /> Pp�}o�0 <br /> �;. <br /> :_�}; <br /> �. . . i -:r �, '�:}.�';`Y,�:•�_ _ " ,�.."'.'_"_._'-"�,""'-r i j'i:C�r'iTl�7•`:'. 4 .^,,, ` . . <br /> _ . . _;�r .� .�-. .-7•.> -� � - - - <br /> - ,-. <br /> . .:. tr ,�. . . .. :.� .,' ,. � `� <br /> .; - <br />� .� . . _ . _ ' .:" . . .. � -_ 5 . -. .'_ <br /> �� :._ -.-;; .. - --:. .... .,, � �� _ _ - � + <br /> . . .. - ..., .;. <br /> "__ . _,�__ _"_� _ :,_.�. ".. . ... '- . . .� . <br /> . - -`- _.. � .._. _- ' _-.- y __ ___ -.. <br /> � ' � � q <br /> -� tyi ' . . 1)'. ... 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