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<br /> =�.►�a�t.�.sr-.- -`...J ' . �7t
<br /> =._.� , d. Ttw ebovo awunt 1 s soaur�d �v�n thou�h al l or part of 1 t �asy not yat b� �dvatc�d.
<br /> I Futun advanc�4 undor th� sqro�nt aro cont�plat�d and w111 b� s�cur�d to th� �� �xt�nt
<br /> as .it� Mad� on th� d�t� thls dNd ot tru�t ia �x�cut�d.
<br /> .�
<br /> Yt. _ --.
<br /> °.s ,..<. '��• 1. 11 o1r Yl�1rl lN� tM�1rUcipl ot,ul tM� Uurut w,tM iM�lttl�u��rllaal l�tM�ot�, d�rN�� PNt ul�ll otlNr wu a�r�r11N r== _`-_ --
<br /> .. �,;,,"'.=.,:,� ., h 1M lou 1at�Rt��
<br /> � ��2•� '-�� � !. in�tor��n tM orNn of tM oraN►t�ul uu tM ri�At ul uUarit� to n�t�tMU O�N of tntt U n�Nct to tM oroN�t�.
<br /> _ �,;.w..:r;,�.��: �. To 0��, �hai da, �li tu�s,�ci�l us��s�ut�ud�lt otMr eAu���pl�st tt�Iroprt�, afon tM�u�McoN NI1M�ut. 1rv�un �
<br /> �11 ar�1)tua ul�u�ts�t�MIcM wy M 1�r1M�oa W�t1�1�ry's 1�tmst Mn1�or u�a tMi�Oud ot iro�t or tM I�t wanl Mnl�,
<br /> -�a���,��:� ritlat r�o�ro to u�la t1�t uy M w�oud iyo�tq o�p��t af th�rMoU or uy I�rt tM�nof�tM lu�ficl�r�, ---
<br />=-a,���- . .;. � 1. io ku1 tM 1Nror��h wr or Mro�ftv loc�t�d o� tl��rty i�end���int dw�by Hn ud wtA otMr luud�u tM I�a�ioiu� !.4= -_
<br />-�.=.���^�'-����`,';" W�np�ln, ta ua�ts ud copui�s uu�t�1�to tl�t�11c1uy, 8uA Uur��u�olk��I1 cat�i���tuUM bnpp ciuw 1�t�ror ot _,...�
<br />-;`���,,�:� .,�:,�_� �� Iu�Nci�ry. Tru�tor��11 praptl� npttr, w��c.t�ua nv��u tw�roar�r or ur a►t t�not� a th�l, uc�t for ordiar�w�r ul uu, tl�
<br /> � praNrt��h�11�ot I�brionw.
<br />��.��J"�''�. . .;. � i. I�tM�rut tb�Oroarty� or uy prt tMraf, �11 a t�ka b�ui�ut doui�, tlu lu�fiet�ry is atttlb to colUot ud nnir� �II �
<br /> '--�'�'' L'�� � ��tio� rM1cM u1 N oNd for u►oroolrt►tlkq ot tor 1W�u to�roNrty�ot t�ll�, ud tM N���1cf�r��11 y�l�s�eh eoyus�cia, �t ib
<br /> _,�+�:. ,s : �ty�a,�. —.
<br /> M=t:,.- =" __ optie���ItMr to�ndaetia ot ttu 1�6uduu s�nnl Mnl�, or to np�ir ud nstor� tM vroanr so t�kn. -�--_-- -z
<br />. .':�^`'� .� �.= i. TM p�1HN�q �q� Od 1Ad1 1�r� �o o1Ha�t1a to, do ay ut�icb Tro�ton ha��9rad 1�t tdl�d to lo, u0 tM N��tici�ry uy�la lo �"-"�"
<br /> `' ;: `{..a;�:��, � uy�e�1�au�s uc����rr to vra�cc te� nn lanof. Tn�tor��oru to nO�I� YpOA d11Qd, Qy W11 10 IAp1AE14 O/�IN IINNC1�f�I0��M 1601� ��
<br /> . ��`'. °' �rlos�s, ud uy�a�a a�ud�l�h�11 N�41N to tM� i�bt�d�as acur�d lunb�ud 6�coN awnd b�tlu 11��Mr�of. TM Nuficl�r��A�li�o �-=
<br /> : '.�;r. �:"� I�c�r ur 11�OI1it�6�Wa oi urtAi�� it uy k or ait to do Mn��ur.
<br /> ," � , 1. 1h�Ia�HNay �ful) Mm tie ri�ht, �oru ad utlaritr 1rr1�0 tM w�tl�nuK�ot th1�Dud of Tru�t to collut tM n�t�, fsw�� ul �
<br />- � . orotlt�of tM oroan�ud ot uy araa�l p�oNrty lu�t�d tMna rlth or richo�c«I��poan�ia�ot�M or�nr�ftatN b�nb�, ud T���ton
<br /> - • � •� MnEr �baluNl� ad n��o�ditioull��ssiy� �ll�neh ruh, 1s�un ad proHts to tM ba�Noiu�. TM 6u�Hctiry, howr�r, Mnl�eo��ub to �;�;;r_v
<br /> • • Tr��ton' COI�1i�10A Md nh�tia of weh nat�, 1�wa u0 orotits� a la��s Tr�stor��n�ot, �t weh ttw, 1�Nhult rftU n�aet to o��t ot
<br /> , uy 1�d�badMis suund Mnby,or U tM prfonua of u� ��nMUt Mnr�d�r. It uy�r�nt of d�twlt O�ur10�0 Mruft�r ia rnp�et to tNs '��='� �
<br /> b`,, a M!I OT TfY3t lhlll 1M1 OtiYlrld Qd E�COIL1111A�, tM1 N1�I1N�ry� �s�utt�r a� rl�ht u!rithout �otlu to iro:ton or u�a�ci�1�U���d�r �-��•^- "�
<br /> � •�� � Tmton, ud ritAo�t n��r0 to tM v�1u�of tM trr�t�st�t�or tl� I�t�rnt ot tM Trotors tMnH, �h�l) h�r�tM HOht to�ply to u�cowt �=��
<br /> , - - - - .- A�rUS �nris�ittlo�to�p�oUt�no�ir�r of tM oroart�. �_-
<br /> � �. iM 11u�t1eilry� or its�y�ets, �n ulbrti�d to ut�r�t uy rnso��b1�tiu nro�or t�ur o�r�or«oroanr ror c�.o��os�or �.n.
<br /> �• � i�s�et1�9 tM w�ud for th�pnrpo��of p�toni��uy ot tM tats tluy�n atborltN to outon r�d�r tl�bra of ay lou la�truiqts u��uud ��""
<br /> , b�1ru�tors.
<br /> , .. „ /. It tll or at p�►t of t��pno��t�o�uy i�tuat of Tru�ton ts uld, tn��hrn0 or furthu�naurb�r�d ritAont tM rrittu eo�W�t of �,,,:.;.::-
<br /> � tM Wn�fiei�ry, tM IM�fieiur Ny Uc1�n �11 su�s ueund b�tAis Trust aN to b� Iwdt�t�l�d��ud 0���1�ud oraeud Io tM raNlu
<br /> �aV adI�6U to tt und�r tM Nftrlt prorieio�s co�taln�d Mn1�. "�
<br /> � •� . 11. IUr of th� tollorie�aiets s��ll b�duu0�n�ru�t of O�ttolt Mreu�der: '��� .-.;��
<br /> > 4 Troston shtll Aa�f�ilil to rtk�O�IN��ot uy Ust�llMnt of priACip�l or t�t�rut or ny otA�r�r�s s�crnd Mnb��M�Iw; =
<br />. ' � � ,; "" � 1. iMn �a ocearnd�bnuh of or Nf�ult��d�r u�bn, eornut, �yruMd, co�dittoo, �rortsia, r�pna�t�ttw or r�rruty eatH�N -�;�-;�,
<br /> � � . U tAls Ou0 of irost, tA� �ot�or ta�otMr lou t�str�u�t s�and Mno�; ��- `• -
<br /> � t. TMn I��beu�afalt 1� tM in�ton i� tl�ppN�t of uy prior or sultWu��t lla or uc�6ruu I� ruaet to�II or w� prt of �
<br /> _ � th Orop�rtf� �
<br /> - 1. irostors�h�11 HI��voluet�r� p�Ntio�i� bwkrwte�or sh�ll b��diodiuhd E�nkropt or inwlrnt, Ot fAIII U11 Q Il1191MOt�Of tM ' .•. s•��:,; T
<br /> Iu�Ht of er�ditors i�n�q�t b tla Orop�rt�;or u utio�to utore� u� ila or aeu�ruc�or iady�M�ts��H��t tlu proart� is f�:�,�.�__�
<br /> caa�c�d. --.� -_�
<br /> �� 11. I�tM�r��t of�ey d�twlt, tM l�Nfltiuy u1 dulu��ll 1nd�Etld���t s�curd h1r1E� to N d�1 Ind ply1b11 ud tM WM slul l tMr�Ypon ��_;�;-'-
<br /> } � . bcow 1w��d p�y�bb ritlant u�� pns�ntrnt,Uund, Drotnt or notic�ot u��ki�d. 1�erl�fbr, th�Bmtittu�Ny: ��`�"`-��w'
<br /> ��.yy.T.
<br /> } �, NtMr 1�arsa or br �9��t, rlth or rttlaut Irin�ia9�ay utioo or proa�0ln�, or 0� ncNr�r�ppoiet�d b�a court��d rltpout noul to tM `� ' •-'°
<br /> a, � �e�vuur or dr uc�rtcr, atu uoo� ud t�te po�ns�fa oi t��prop�rt�, or�n�O�n tMnof, 1� Its ow�u�or ia tM�u�of tM Tmtw, ud � �• ���•__'�-
<br /> � , do u�uts r61ch it dms �uns�r� ud d�:inpl�to pns�rv�tM r�lw, wrk�t�illc� or nat�llity of ch�vra�rc�, or p��t tMnof,or . ' -:�'i',;':.
<br /> . . � I�t�rut tMnt�� 1�cma tM incea tlurNra or protut tM�uurit�Mnot ad, rtthout t�kt�y oosassto�of tM orop�rtt, �N for ar � ` =
<br /> � • otMryiu collut tM n�ts, issu�s ud oroflt:tqnot, t�cludln9 thoq p�st dw�od unp�ld, ud�pp1y th� su�, l�ss co:ts ad apus��of
<br /> 0��1�10A Illd t0II/tt10A, 111CIU4111� ��lOf�1� �III� YOOA Q� 1AEIb11dA1li i/6Y►M hlflb�� �ll 1���ch orNr�s tM Naftct�ry��r d�t�niu. TM
<br /> .. �at�rl�o upo�u�d t�ki�y posassfo�vf tM� trutt ut�tb tM toilKtton ot such nnts, 1sru�s wd oroftts�ad�poltwtia tA�not�s ��anuld �
<br /> �hd100! cnn or r�1ri uy af�ult or�otia oi d�t��lt hu�u�d�r or Inr�lid�t�my ut��d ia nspons�to such def�rlt ar o�rauut to acl ,
<br /> • �otiu of d�f�ult ud �otrithst�ndioy tM co�tinuuc� i�potussio�of th�proarty ar tM collatlaa, na10t ud epollc�tio�of nots, ttsa�s or
<br /> �� Orofits, irustu or th�qnfict�r�u�6��ntitl�d to�Mercia�v�ry ripht prorid�d for la wy ot tA� lo�a i�strw��is or E� I�r r0o�occ�rr�a • ,
<br /> of 1�►�r�nt of d�t�ult, 1ncl�ding th�ri9ht to��ucis�th� oor�r of s�l�;
<br /> 1� caw�o�u utlon to lonclou thto Oeed of Tru�t�s ��orty��, �p0otnt �natr�r, or sactflall�utorN�nr of th�to�o�nts I�r�ot;
<br /> o, d�lir�r to irusta�rritbn dulu�tioa of d�Ault�ad d�uad for s�l�, ua�rritta�otia of defwlt�nd Nutioa to cws�T�ustors'
<br /> i�t�nst in th�proput�to b�so10, r�icA aotia TrustN shZll cpu to b�dul�ftlb tor raord i� tM offiti�l ncords ot tM to��t� I� rhltA
<br /> � _ � tM orop�rt� is locdk,
<br /> Ii. Sho�ld th�i�a�ficiur�lut to fmcloi� b�u�rcia of th�por�r of s�l�hmta co�td��d, th�Uatftitr� sh�ll notify Truttu od sA�ll
<br /> �� ,,,� aposit ritA Tr�stN t�is O��d af inst �M th��ote�ad �ncA naipts ied�rfNnoe oF upndituns uN ��d sltund h�r16� �s Trustl���� r�auln, �
<br /> ud opo�npunt of tM UMficlu�, tM Trostu sh�il cuu to b�record�d, publi�h�d�b d�livmd to Trnstor srth Nottt� ot OHwlt�ed Notta of
<br /> � `• S�U ts tM� rpuind E� Iw �ad Oy tM1s Oud of Trust. irustu thtll ritlaut du�ad oa Iru�tar, Ht�r sucA tIM u ur ch��a na��nd br la�a0
<br /> . i dt�r ncord�tio�of s�ch Motia of af��lt uE�it�r Notic�of S�I� ��rtay b��a ylr�n u n0ulnd 0� la, t�ll t��prop�rt� �t the ttw�e0 plu�of
<br /> , ull fi��Q b� it in s�tA Notttl ot Slle, �itMr�s �r�oll, o�la s�pu�tl lot�or��rc�li or ttus u irustN�h�ll d�u��p�dlut, ud in snC�ord�r
<br /> u It N�d�tuHn�, �t O�Olic�nctioo to th�hi'h�tt 1idNr tor cuA ud sh�ll dolir�r to s�cA purcA�a�r or porch�s�rs t��nof i dnd to th� OroO�rt�
<br /> ' Isoll� �OA{11�IGt Yftll�M IIY�MA 1A I�fl<<, wee�c�i� ��eM Tr�,ca�s a��a ���i b�oriu f1t11�r1Net�ot th� trntM of tM st1tlM�ts nd1
<br /> , t�u�fa. iru:tu sh�ll �pp1� t��Orapds of tM� i�l� ia tA� follorfn�orNr: (�)to �II n��on�l�costs�nG��p�as�s of tM s�l�, iacludiny Ed aot
<br /> lidt�d to iruste�'s tus ot not�ore thu tt ot th�yross s�l�prta, nuon�Ele �ttornr in:ud co:ts o�t�tli�rtdan; (11 to�ll sus �cur�a
<br /> 0�tAts 0��4 aF Trust; �ad(c)t����uss, tf u�, to th�arso�or ano�s 1�9�I1���titled tMnto, �nr o�rsoe, incl�dtn9 tM B���ttciu�, ur
<br /> p�rcMs�stid orop�rtt�t a�id s�l�. Trust��N� ia tM�u��r prorldb 0� Iw, postpoN a�l�of�ll or �a� portto�of t�� Drapert�.
<br /> � i
<br /> � y �
<br /> . 1 _ . . . _ _ . ._ . - - -- -- . .
<br />