�"FJf,.::t .,�, -- F� '-' . - `_� � --
<br /> �.+�-+x+a e� - — -•- . _"' -_. . .,.-- _.
<br /> �,,..�
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<br /> . _ . . . 63- �t�.�t�
<br /> ,
<br /> abbia�tloa !0 1uy�r �xc�pL tor th� r�Curn ot 8ay�r�• �i3Oo0.00
<br /> dampaya�aE. �,E Clo�fn4 O�liar sh�il or�di� suyar Milh an �►�ouni
<br /> pu�l !o At►�-h�i! (6) a� tN+ tlEl� l,nsuranas pr�aiuw.
<br /> i i. e�ll�r �ha11 p�y (!) efio xwra�k� doa�s�antary traniter•
<br /> ,. t+ix �fM (ii) the q�n�rai r��l e�tnta Eax�� tor th� y�AY l99a �►rt
<br /> �li priqr y�aes. 8�ll�r �h�ll a1�o or�diE euy�r wilh 339/36Sth� ' "` =""
<br />- ot th� �f1Elwiit�d 3993 q�n�ral roal utal� hx�s ��tlsat�l•upon
<br /> — th� q�n�rai r��l ��lat� tax�� !or i999.
<br /> 9. B�ll�r �hall pay sli sp�olel tax assesanents ag�inst
<br /> thi� propsrty up to Clo�ing Data, �xcapt for the lollowLng whioh
<br /> — ' 8uy�r h�r�by agr�a� to as�uae md pay, to-wits Nnn�. —
<br /> —= 10. Upon Ch� Cloaing B�ll�r shsll convcy the r�al estete to
<br /> � Huy�r by Baxranty WW lr�s and ol�sr oL all �psalsl a��srsrenta
<br /> _—— not e�t torth ie pasaqraph 9 Reraby snd Pse� and ol��r of all
<br /> lieno. �ncuabrances �na eae�wnt� oxceptt
<br /> � 11. !►fly eaeeaenLs ehown upon eny plat of the zeal -
<br /> sstet� whioh haa baen recorded in the Ottice ot tbe Regi�ter o!
<br /> �' xr•'� Deade. :�
<br /> -.r��.�:
<br /> -- ..._
<br /> �-���y^°� 11. 3'ha follovinq is a list of ali pereonal prop�rty vhioh =_ _
<br /> ':.,�s�; i� iooludod !n the sele o! thie real setetes Ceiling lan, seovs --
<br /> .:;t::` end diehvaeher, all aini bllrfds, ehedea, Aitohen and domatalra ��.__.__.
<br />- ,,•, auxtains. f-:�_�--
<br /> �}��'�'�� 12. Ai�k o1 loss to the real eatate shall be upon Be11er �'"�--
<br /> unt11 th� tiae oP Closing nnd theraatter ehall Le upon Buyer. �t�"�'
<br /> i,� S:�C° Bell�s �hell aontinue in iorce until closing ell� �nauranoe nov in —
<br /> �4 torae on tho real eatAte. in the event Lhrt prior to Cloming !hm r Ft
<br /> '"���� f� building loaated upon the zeal eetate is burned or othonrleo E�,} '°"-4
<br /> Sr, desaged to euah nn eztent thnt it cannot rensonablp bo ie+paired ��., '`�•
<br /> � and pleoed in suhetentie�liy the conditian thet it is now in, thon �' - '���',
<br /> '""'.'�''�-�n`� Buyer ehail Aave tho rig:�L prior to Cloming to aancel t2�ie ;,c:: ` �•
<br /> ' , ';;';;� ilyreeaent and receivo Buyer�s do-.mpayaent baak froa Sellor. C�±;`z�:rr:�. .;�i-:
<br /> � -_ . ' n � ',- _.
<br /> ; 13. Bellor and Buyer each agree that ti�e is en eEqanCiel ��. �' ,�� -"'
<br /> ..r�� elemont oi thie Agreement. °���
<br /> �• �- ��^
<br /> „ : , -,
<br /> tfaj 1{. IY eithor Beller or Buyer broachae tial.s Agreoaont thmn �, ` �' . `•
<br /> j i}{�s `: that breaching party shell ba liable to tho othmr in thm emn�ant �� �� -t '.
<br /> +l't�{srf�`� of $1,000.00 ae liquidated damages. , �"- _
<br /> ..�_,r:,.�t ��'- -:xi.c-S-'..,,_;.
<br /> ' ;+� 15. Within twanty-oras (21) days after tho exooutioa� of thio ' f Y� ' '
<br /> ° r!� l�greoment Duyer ehall have a competont inspection mac�m of t3�m ; `Y `" �'
<br /> i _. ''''?:�'..r_�'.`^�
<br /> °x roeidence to detexmino vhether it ie now infeated vith tormite� �, .;.,._
<br /> ar or other vood dostro ing insecte and whother thora ie eny dama a � Y; ;;
<br /> �� ,°, Prom any prior infaetation. If there ie nresent infostriion ox • r �1'. `�f .
<br /> , r �Y iP damaqe exists from pgior infeatatios�, then Buyor mmy caraol �� -: �
<br /> ',�. � thie AgreemenY end Seller ehall then refund B�nymr's cluum�aya�mnl. `;� '.I";._''
<br /> � �, ncy�.¢c�� �':
<br /> r`t ;�� �-QAIL r� '7 ko ,��� 2'�c[0.1„-.c.�k �sL dUlir�a to. r.,�fs' � ji-:� .
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