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<br /> 1 _._a ._ a_ 3 Ji 'f .�
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<br /> " . ,'.. . � � . � 93.�tofis�� � .
<br /> ' T'OGBTfIER WITFi�II tho Improveritcnl6 now a herc�(1er ercc�cd on Ihe property:and e11 euemeNa,�ppunenuicee, , �.'-
<br /> .. �upfudura how 8r.hat.�Oer�put of tho prcpen9, Ail rcpl�camnls�nA additions sMll also Ae covercA by thie Secudty
<br /> Inswmpnt. A�1o[,tlafoieloln4hrcforrcdwi��hls.4ceurltylns�Nmemutbe"Propeny."
<br /> bORROWER C�VBNAt�7'S�h�t BoROwer 1���wfully eelaed of Ila es�aie hereby eonvoyed onA hu�h0 r�8ht�o gruu
<br /> uid eanvey the Prooeny�nd thal Ihe Rtopeny 1�unencumbcTcd,exapt!or oncumbr+nce�oP record. Borcower wur�np u�d
<br /> ' WIIIdefMdginenityihaWlatothaPlupenyagalnstAlcl�Ims�nddemnnde,subJecllomyencumCronceaofrecord.
<br /> Ttit9 9EClIRiTY INS'i'itUMRNT rnmbinee unlfam mven�nla foc nailanai um and non•unf@mt wven�nte wiih
<br /> Ilmited variuiony by Juflsdlction 10 constlrole�unitorm si.eurity Insimmcnt wvering reai property. —
<br /> � , UNIFaDRMCOY8NAM1'S. BorrowerudLendercoven+nt�ndigrceesfollqwe: - '--_ _ -
<br /> �; p�y��o►prl�tlp�1�nd GtatMt�WY�t�nA L�te CM�r`a� Botrower shali prom�ly p�y when dua iho
<br /> pdncip�1 of�nd(ntercst on the debt ev�denced by iM Noie md ony prcpayment and�atc chargee due under�ho Nom.
<br /> 2. PlinAe for 71xa�nd I�sur�qca SuDjoct to�ppIlcablc law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender,Borrowcr shall pxy to
<br /> Lender on tha day mon�hly paymema are duo under�ho Nota,until iho Noto i�paid In PoII,p sum("I�nde")for.(o)ycarly
<br /> taxee and assessmema whkh mny etroln pdodty over�hla Secudty Insuument m a licn on tho Propeny;(b)yeady leauhold
<br /> pt�ymenia or ground ren�e on the Propeny, If en ; (c) yeariy hauvd or propeny Insurence prcmiums; (d) yeuly Ilaod
<br /> insunnca prcmiums,if.eny;(e)yearly mortgage�nsumnco pn;miume,If any; end (�any suma payeblo by Borrower to _ -
<br /> � l.ender,In accordance wuh Ne provlsions of paregreph B,in Iiw of-�Iw Qaymcnt of mottgago insvranco prcmium.+. 7licsc
<br /> Iteme arc cellcd"&urow ficros." Lemier mey,at any qmc,cofiu�aa�w�.i IbrAs In an omount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> nmount a lender for e fedemlly rcleiod mortgage loon may rcqui�u Cor Qiurnwerh escrow eccount under�ho Rderol Real
<br /> Est�lc Seulement Procedurcs Act of 1974 w emendcd hom Ilmc w t6ne.�T.U.S,C.A 2601 er seq.("RGSPA'q,unlcs�anoiher
<br /> law Ihat appties to Ne I'Imde sets a lesur anwun6 If so,Lender may,et tny tima collal end hold Ponds in en anount not to
<br /> excad the Iesxr emount. Lender may esHma�e Na amoun� of Nnde duo on �ho basie of curtem daia ond rwsonabta
<br /> - esumates of eicradiwres of furora Curow(lema or aherwiu in accordance wi�h appiica6le law. �. ,...
<br /> 1he Nnds sfi3t1 bo held In an Institution whate deposits uu insurcd by e (cdcrel egency,instrumentality,or emi�y
<br /> pncludtng Lender,if Lender is sucA an insGtution)or in ony Fedual Home Loan 6ank. Lender shall epply�he Ponds to pay
<br /> � �ho Cscrow Items. Lender may no�chuge Iiortower for holding end epplying the Iimds,ennually enaiyzing tho escrow ��
<br /> accounl, a vedfying�he Fscrow I�ems, unlose Leadcr pays Dortowcr interest on �M F'unds and epplicable law pertnite — _ �
<br />� Lender to make such e chazge. Ilowevu.Lender may require Dortower to pay n otw+dme charge for en independem rcal —
<br />�-- es�ato tan reponing servloe uzed by Lendcr In conncetlon with this loan,unless epplinbU Ww provides othcrnisa Uniaa an ___..
<br /> egcement i�nude or eppliwbie law rcquims intcrest to be paid,Lender eh�ll not be reqnimA io pay Bortower eny intercst or
<br /> eam(nga on�ho Pundx Bortower ond Lender may egnro in wri�ing,ho.re��cs,cha�inrerest shall bopaid on the Mnds. Lendcr
<br /> shail give ro Bortower,wiNout eharge,en ennual nccouming of dx t'.�Mls,showing crcAits and debits�o�he ILnd�nnd ihe ----.
<br />- puryose for whlch wch debit to Ihe Mnde was mado. 71�e Cvnde aro piedged as edAUional security for all sume secured by
<br /> --
<br />-�— Nb Sceurity Invrumem. —
<br /> ---
<br />�----° If�he['unds hdd b Lendet excad Iha amounis pemti�ied to bt held by epylicable Inw,Len er s a eccount ro
<br />.- -- no`mwa ior ur.e.tsss�rds ia na��aa.a viih L`�e�Woi�mcrds al.�r:r-able ta�. :�tF:smcur.a a!the R:rv±�!�ln hy —_—.� ..... _. ___.
<br /> -_--- Lender a�e�y tvx is not sufFiciem to pay the Gscrow items when dce.Lan3:r muy so notiry 6orto��er in wriHng,and,in — �
<br /> ----�=-%+ such case Bwrmrer shall pay to Lender�he amoum nexssnry�o m9Ae uF�he defldency. Bortower shall make up�ha �.._,
<br /> deficiency in n�more lhan lweh�monthly payments,at LenderS sole diunGon. -i���
<br /> y.�,�.{i� Upon yaymept In full of xll sums securcA by�his Sauri�y Insuumcnt,Lender s6a11 promp�ly refund to 6ortoa�r eny y
<br /> r.y:r�� Wnds held by Lender. If,unc@r p�ngraph 21,Lender sh�ll acquire or xll �he Property,I.ender,pdor to�io ecquisidon or -zy'��; -,�,�„�,
<br /> �,;��,� salo"ot tho Propeny,shnll opply any f�nds heid by Lender et the�ime of acquiaftlon or salc es e creAit xgainst Iho sums !it f.�trtM=.
<br /> secured by Ihis Securiry Inswmem. � � ��-�
<br /> -- 3. Applleafion ot Pxyments. UNess applica6tc law provides oihernise, all payments rcccived by Lender under � 4�' � � -
<br /> -- paregrepha 1 end 2 shall be epplled:firs6 ro nny�rcpaymen�charges due under�he No�e;second,to amoums payeble under "` -': ���`
<br /> � paragmph 2:tl�ird,to Intcresl due;founh,ro pdnc pal duc:end las6 w¢ny Intc charges duc undcr the Note. " '^, � --
<br /> �� 4. Chargcs� Lfens. 6orto�rer shnll pay all laxes, nssessmenu,charges, Mcs and imposiiions a�tribmabto w�hc ,^._t�� x -._
<br /> Ropeny which may ennin pdomy over�his Security instrumem,end leasehold paymems or ground rcNS,if any. �orrower i � . �-; � -
<br /> �F��'� shall pay Ihese obligatlom In the manncr provided In paregraph 2,or if Irot paid in thnt mnnner,6ortowcr shall pay them on -_�? ���S .`'
<br /> .:���,;� tima directly lo�ho person owed paymem. Borrmver shnil promp�ly fumi:h w Lender all notices of emounts to be paid under •., �.�.,:n,.ik�,,rj_:;
<br /> _� this paregreph. If Oortower makes�hese paymrms din:ctly.Bortower shall promp�ly Nmish ro Lender receipts evidencing i .,i, �„ k _
<br /> t6zpaymems. f'f�g� �� :_
<br /> Sorro�ver shall prompdy disckvge any lir�i wha�i�ii�u priori�y orer fiis Security lnstrvment unless Borzower.(n)flgmes :,z T�p
<br /> < �, In wtidng w the paymenl of�he obllgaqon secorW by tAe lien in e manr.er ncceptable�o Lender,(b)comes�s in good fni�h tTC -� 'e 1 r
<br /> '�l�- Ilen by,or defends against enfo¢emem of�he litn in,legal proceedings�rhich in the Lenderk optnion operete to prcvem�he � - y�. � ' -
<br /> � -� enforcemenl oi ihe lien:ot(c)stturee f�om�he holder of Ihe licn nn agreement satisfacmry lo Lender subordinating Iha lien k�-- S ' � :
<br /> Y y_!� ro thls Security Inswmrnt. ff Lender de�emiines tha�any pnn of the Ropeny is subject to e lien mhich may e�tain priority --,f�YS�� $ p:�
<br /> ovu�his Seeurity Insirumem,Le�cr may give Dono�ver a naicc idemifying the licn. Borrowcr shall sa�isfy�he lien or�akc i-t -
<br /> 04 ° ont or morc of tfie ac�ioro set fonh above�tiiihin 10 d:+ys of�he giving o(noUce. - �S� ��+) - -:
<br /> ` '�� 5. Hazarci or Property Insurance. Eioaox�er shall kcep�hc impovemcnts now exis�ing on c�rcafter ercacd on thc + - - ; - �
<br /> �..s�-�j}� Propeny insured ageinst loss by fire,haurds included wiihin�he term'extendtd covenge"and nny other harards,ineluding ••�; C:' i�:`_.
<br /> Floods or Ilooding, tor which Lender requires (nsurance. 71iis insurence shall be maimeined in the nmoums end far ihe ' -'S'���""..f
<br /> .:,it.+•;rl.I..:. .
<br /> . _ 'ri��5'rj-�-•: ._'
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