' r _�:-- ' '`; . �.�.. -._ .-- -� ^ --__ -
<br /> �'� ..::..� M:. - � - .
<br /> j . �._,� - - � . ' . r � _ „ d .: ...
<br /> — ,:� 93�'�afi.<rs� �.,.
<br /> 1, paynenlofPrtncipd,Idkr�lYndLfteCAar¢e_Borrowcrshnllpay.wlicndue�hnqinclpelo�;hryAlnfcrestort,
<br /> •��haikqlevldencedbg�heNdapndlalecharges�I,iauncHithoNom. �
<br /> , •- 2:MtNW�.�7mtnbM.Tixa,IqspnnCtr�ndOtbee Q1AVqp. Hortower sha11 inctude in ach moeihly p�Y�nt.
<br /> togdtrr wid�tM pficeipal uki tn�ercst u se�foith in�ie,Noto md sny�aw oeuBea,m mst�ument oP any G)uxes�nd�-
<br /> speclai�s%esSMepbkviedortolxleviedag�tnstthePt,�peAy.(b)RasehqldpnymeMaorgroundrcnroonthePropeny._�nd
<br /> (c)prcmtumsfothisu�nrorcquucdDyParagraph4. -
<br /> - Fach mon�hly Inst�lllmnu fa Items (o).(b)end(c) sAall tqupl onc•iwcifih o[tho annuni amnnnta, e�rceson�biy
<br /> �esN�aled 6y Len�'e4�p1�lz��u� amount suffic�ent io matntein nn addiUonal6alanre of na rorxe U�na-one•sixth of th0 .
<br /> ° estimited amounts. =�no full annwl arcoune for cach item 6hnll L5 eccumula�ed by t.ender wtNla a period ending on¢ .�_ __.�.____
<br /> mon�h befuit en icem WdulA bCCOme d"eltcqutnt. t.mder;T,ill Aotd the emounrs coltuted in ws�to pay Rems(a):@)enA
<br /> - � (0)4�foru�heyhxantlHelinquen4 ---
<br /> - If nt any fune Use toW of the p�ym:na held by Leudar Por(rem9(a).@)end(c),toBetF.ea wl�h N.q futvro m�mbiy
<br /> — payments Por cuch itun; payaDle Io Lender pdor to�lu due data of such Items, excads by mom than m.sintR tAe
<br /> = estlnutcd amoum ot p�ymenu rcqutred a pay such Items wtwn due,anJ if pa nxnw on mo Nae ere cuntiu.tM:n Lcndcr
<br /> — eha11 eitb:r r.nfund the exces.+ovtr oneaiz�b of tho estinuted paynxnta a c�t the excese over aie•alx�h qi t!a eslinuted
<br /> ' p�y mer�ts to subscqnent paymentt by Doaowcr,a�the opion oi Dortowcr. If the total ot tho paymcnu medn by Hortowor
<br /> _�� fot itein(a);@) or(c)ie insufilelem to pay�M Item when duc,then Borrower ehall pay m Lender uiy Rmaunt neeesauy a _
<br /> - mako up the de�iclency on or bcforc�ho dato tho Item Ixcomea duc.
<br /> - A�vud In thla SewdtY InstNmen4"Sarciary' mcuna�M10 Sarolnry of ifousing nnd Urban Ikvelopnxm or hb on c�r
<br /> designee. In eny ycar in which�M Lender must ye mongage insuroncc pnmiwn�a the SurNary.cuh monihly paynwnt
<br /> shall also Include ciiher: (p an insiallmenc o�iho onnunl mongago insurancc prcmium lo bc paid by l.endcr to�Ia
<br /> Secro�ary, or(III a monihly chorge ins�cad of n mongago Insurance premium I(thb Securl�y Instrument 1�held by�he
<br /> Secrctary. �acl�momhly insmliment ot the mongage Insuranca premium shall ho In an amoum sufflcirn�to aceumutoro�he
<br /> ... _ ._...... � NII nnnuN mongx�a Insnr,u�co prcmium wlih Ltndcr ono momh pdor m the dale tho fu11 annual mohgagc Imurmco _ _ __ _ _
<br /> prcmium la due to the Secrttnry;or If thl�Secudty Inetmmem Is held by ihe Sceromry,cach momtJy chugo shail bo In¢n
<br /> -- emoum equtl lo one-Iwel(Ih of onefialf�xrccnt of�ho ou�stnnding pdncipal balonco duo on�iw Noio.
<br /> =^-�q���p If Dorcox•er�endere to Lender�ho full paymem ot a11 snme secured by�hia Sesurity Insuumem.Ifotrox•erb account
<br /> �--����!� shall bo credited wiih thv Wlnnx rcmalning for nll installmenes tor iteme(n), (b)and(c) ond any mangage insurenco
<br />__*F� pmmium Insieliment thnt l.end¢r hm not become obligmed w pay ro the Secrctary,and Lender shall promptly refund any
<br /> - --�.�� exccU Ponde�o�orrowor. Immediaroly pdor to e for��closure sa[e of�he Propeny or Us ecquCsidon by Lender,Borrowerh
<br />-li��•'=yae. eccount st�all be en,di�ed wf�h any balenw remaining Por nll insr.JJm.:nts for itema(e),@)aiul(c).
<br /> -' _'� - " 3���A�V,PIluNon of i'aymen4v. All payments undcr Pwaa-a�i and 2 shnll bc epplLolCy Ezr�isr es[olln�zx _
<br /> '"4''•-'�% lo�ho mort n e Insunrr.e rcmfum w be ✓J� Le�d:r to�he Secrc� or w the mnctb! c6a e 6• Jie -�
<br /> f•..�_:;'l. +sa.a�.' 8 8 P P ' Y _ . ary Y rlt f _�_ ----
<br /> -'•<' - �rrzt (nsiwd of�hc maorMy mattgagc insaraeze 6a.mn»n:. —
<br /> - .�}+;r-�r�ta.
<br /> •_,.:t:?{��r SF�,�,ro nay tana.speciil a�>�a:ents.4r.asxSoA p.ymrms or ground renes.xs�A fire.(Iwd asd cthxr huaid �„���-
<br /> ...�:;�,:",t;�� msua,.^�mpremi�uns.ureqcirW:
<br /> �-_..,.�e.,.:i, Ifl1$Q,to m:.:�tst dce undenha Nme; ----�
<br /> , i q�..r� ro�� to e�o:li�a�lon ot No principai oi anc Ivotc: °".` .- `.`-'. -`..
<br /> ' ��,to late chargea duo andcr the Note. --
<br /> k! p �
<br /> -:-;�'.r^�+<•<<: 4, ff3re,Fload and Other Ilaznrd Insurance. Borro��cr shnll insurc all improvcmems on�he fTopeny,x�hethcr now �"`-'�:—.
<br /> , ��-� 1 i In existenrs ot subsequemly erec�ed�0gfilOSl flllY IIflZNSS�cncunl�ies,und con�ingendes,indeding fire,for o•hich I.end:+ _ _ ��y,
<br /> _� rcqulres ir,surance. This Insurnntt shall be malmained fn�he umonnu and for�he periods th:n Isnder requirrs. Dortower '4�1
<br /> shall elso Insurc nll improrememson�he Proyeny,xhe�her now in eais�ence or subuquemty ercded,agnmst loss by ilood+ F`-{, '� '�-:
<br /> ,�>>' ro Ihe ontent requircd by it:e Secrci�y All msurw�ce sha11 lY rnnieA with mmp:mies npproved 6y Lender. 7}:e faaurance Ir ��
<br /> �_ r�i�plE� policlea nnd any rcnewals ahall k held by Lender end shail incluAe loss payable clnuses in fawr of, end (n a fortn ,{-`.- .-=:..
<br /> } �ct4� eccc wbk�o,Lendcr. � '°�'-".
<br /> i � c� `��� ln the evem of loss,Oortox•er shall give Lendu immedi:ue noiice 6y mnil. Lender mny make proof of loss it nni ±Q'����' et ���
<br /> :%;��`����� maCa promytly by Uovower. R.ach Insurance company concemed is hereby nmhodud nnd direned�o mnke paymem for -�-:�+;,'v �'-'
<br /> �t °- � such loss duecdy to Lender,inxtead of�o Uovower nnd�o Lendrr joimly. All or any pnn of�he insufance pnxeeAs may be s t ,'4 ' .��_.__
<br /> ,` " epplied by Lender,at i�s op�ion,ei�her(n)to ihe rednc�ion o(�he indebtedness under�he Nole nnd�his Se.uritp Inswmen4 ` r,j'�
<br /> p .��--�. first ro any delin�uen� amoums epplicd in the order in Pnregraph}, end �hen lo prcp�ymem of pdr.cipal,oe (b)�o the �-".. t -''_�
<br /> i ,� j, rcstomllon ot reps r of fh�damnord propetiv. Any noPlicnlinn of ihe p.rcec�ls�a the pdr.cipsl shall na extend or pos�pone •i` �� �� ti,_,
<br /> the due dme of�ht mon�hiy paymems which ore reterted in in R�ragnph 2,or change ihe nmoum of such pa�mems. Any � �`+� l'�j �t�;
<br /> ��� excess Insumnce procecds over nn amount rcquired�o pay all nms�anding indeb�edness undcr�he Nme nnd�his Secariry -•- t � - -, _.,
<br /> , - i' " Insimment diall he pniA m Ihe enlily Icgally enl�tled Ihcrcto. -- � '� ' `-�'
<br /> �, - •. In thc evcN af(oreclosurc o(this Sccumy lnsimmcm or oihcr vumfer of Ii�Ic to�hc Propcny�hai cxlinguishes Ihe _;`�r^'Ti 3,� _ -`
<br /> ���,+{p� ; indebtedness,all righ6�i�le and imernt of Qorto��er in and to inmr.mce policics in force shall paes io�hr puichosee -,�� �' E - �' -:
<br /> � f�y� 5. Ottupnncy, Preservullon, �talnlenence nnd Yro�er�lon of the Property; florraxer'a Lonn Appllcatlan; .,1 �
<br /> +i��t���_� I.easeholde. Uorto�ver shall occupy.esublish,ond uxe ihe Propeny ns 6ono�ver\pnncipal «sidence wiihin sixq•days 1 t �_ -'.`
<br /> �f�, � nfter�he executlon of ih(s Securiry Insuumem�md shali cominue�o accupy�he Propeny ac Uortowerk principal re�idence t . �.
<br /> for ei Icas�une year aller the date of occupancy,unless ihe Scrre�ary de�emiines�his rcyuiremem will cauxe undue hards6lp ��F t---'
<br /> ,� �� ,, tor Oovo�ver, or unless exienna�ing circunis�ance. exis� wBich arc luyond Uom>o•crs comrol. 6ortower shall noti(y ��l__.
<br /> ,�'' I.endefs of uny exlenualing circumsiances. I3onower shall nnl commil w.ule ur deslroy,damage or xubslamially change ' .:'
<br /> +'�T�i���; Ihe Propehy or nllow ihc Property to dcMrioratc,reaxonable uear and�car excepted. Lendcr ma��mspca�hc Hopetty if�he . -
<br /> -'`t•t�rt:;;t� propeny is vacant or abandoned or ihe loan is in defnnli. Lender m.Ty�ake rcasonabic anion�o pmten and presen�e mch •�_ , �.� -., �
<br /> :i.:1:/n1:;?�t vncnnt or abmdoned Propeny. Oormwer shall also M in deLuN if l3orto�rer,during �he Inan appliration process.6aee .:i'.� .
<br />� .:,-;�����
<br /> _ �,7z1� mn�erially false nr innccur.qe infomm�ion or tIalemenu tu Lcndcr lor failcd �n pruvidc Lendrr ui�h any malerial
<br /> �''� infonn�uoN in cannre�iun with�he loan eviAr�xed hy�hr No�e,including,bw not limited �o.represcmations conceming . , .
<br /> 6ortowcr4 occupMCy of Ihe Vropeny as n prinnpal residenoe. If thi•Sccuriq•Im�rumcm�c on a Ieaxhold.6orto�vcr shnll
<br /> eomply wi�L the prnvisions of�he Iease. If Dortou�er acquites fe.ii�le m�he Prope�p.�he I.•a•etuld and fee 1i11e shnll nnt .
<br />��?''!;��-,�_�,.�, bemcrgedunlessLendcragrccatu�hemargcrinw�riling. ,
<br /> — '=#;?:e. 6.;Charges to 6orroner end Pralec�lon of I.ender'e Rights in the Propcn��. Ilnrtmvcr Jiall pay ail govemmenml , �r - - -
<br /> `��* or muniCipal charges,fines m�d impucilions Ihal am not inciuded in R�ragnph 2. Ilortu�+cr>hnll pay Ihese ubligalinns on - ' .}
<br /> - time direcdy m �he emi�y wUich is ewed the paymcin. If faiWr.�o pay��ould ad��encl��aflect LenJer�interesi in Ihc - �
<br /> . Propcny,upon Lcndcrf rcyucst Dortuwcr shall pranp0y fumi�h m Lcndcr mccipi.c�'idencing�hcu paymcub.
<br /> - If Uortmver fails lo mnkc Ihcu paymcnl.or ihc paymcN�myuircd by Paragtaph 2, or faih �n prdumi :my olhrr -
<br /> � eovenanis end agreemeNS coniained in Ihis Securiiy InarmneN,or Ihere i�a Iegai procecJing�hat may�ignificantly ufkcl .
<br /> . �`�',_ LenderS riKhis in Ihc Propcny Uurh a.a procccJing in b.�nkruFiq�. fnr coaJ¢mna�iun or lo e�dortr Lm�ur regulalioml.
<br /> •.-_-;�'.-:E;=.- _.`_ __ -
<br /> � Ihen Lender may do and pay whs�ever is nmexsary lo prtntti me value ai me iTUpeny and�enurr:rigi�i.in mc m��srip -- - - -
<br /> ,_,�j��j,l�;�,1. including payntenl of laxes,h.v�rd insurence;mJ mhcr items memioned in P.uugraph 2.
<br /> - My wnounls disbuned by Lender under Ihi.Paragr�ph�h;dl become an nJJtl�unal Jebl of Uumnae�and be�ewreJ
<br />- � �;: ��.- by lhis Seturiry Inslrumenl. 'I7�cx amuuNs shall bear inlercsl Gmn qic dale o(di•buncmcnl,at�he Nule rale,anJ u1 Ihe �
<br /> � � oplion o!Lender,shall bc immed�a�cly dc<md payuble. -
<br /> n;(1r:=T„
<br /> ,•.�:.,:::'?.-� �. Condemnallon. Th:praeeds of any award o�cia:m fu�damages.dimet or conuqnenlial.in cunneclion wilh auy
<br /> . ""�?41Yf eondemna�ion ot olh:r taking of a�� part of�he Pwpei:}.ar fm conreyanee in place o(mndenma�ion,are hereby as�igneJ
<br /> _.`�N� and shall bc paid to Lende�to�he extem of the full amoont of�he indrbtedncsz Ihat rcmains unpaid unJrr Ihe Nole anJ Ihi+
<br /> - Security Insirumeni. Lender shall apply such proceeds w thc redunion uhhe indebteJness undrr Ihe Nole nnJ this Securily _
<br /> = .�-'� Insuumen4 frst w uiy delinqu:m amoun�s applied �r. �Le orCer prwideA in P.Ifil(:fJPII 3. anJ �hcn �u prcpaymem uf _
<br />._ principal. Any npplicotion of�ht proceeds to ihc pnnapal shall no� cxicnJ or Fwxlpone �hc Juc dxtc ut tl�c womhly .
<br />. lryRr1 JI/nFnl � .
<br /> '' -:.:.' �).
<br />