_ _
<br /> .g � . .
<br /> , .
<br /> :{t
<br /> ' � , ���;,,�,-�ar , �, :
<br /> , .{'['OOSTH�fiR WlT11'll lho Iiup�ovefpPMd(ww or herqRei'erb�clql od'l1q pm�feriY,Md YI aumeM,e;�ppupcn�AO��±rtiq':.
<br /> •;flRtNta i�6w o►,horallSr ' MrI bP tlw p �ly. All rcpi�omfe�n�eni! �ddillon� r1ui11 Qw tio mverad 6y thil S0al�S' ,
<br /> • inxn�r�r.M:A11 of�he farc�otn�te rcfsrred a��NIt.SQCllf�ly IM�NI(%11{Y IIIO•Wopeny,•. : .. ..
<br /> . . BOpROW$It'CQVBNANTS IhN tlnrroym I���iwMfy�elred of Ihe euNe hercby conveyed ud Iw�he N{At W�nril ud
<br /> convey�la P.rop�ny�iid tlui�he propeny f�unencv�berod,ox¢eq for eneua�brwce�of�cconf� Horrower wainnu�nd wili
<br /> ,. .. defend�enerylly iM�Ide�o�he Propeny�dnn�dt cidm��nd Aemind�,eubJauo�rry en�wmbnnceq of rccord�. : ,:
<br />- THI9 9I:CURITYlN5TRUMBNT combina uNfom�coven�nte for natlonol uso u�d non•uniforni covenailia wlih Ilmlted . ;���t�'!
<br /> v��iNlonsbyJurlbldiontocooi111uloauNformeecutilyfnatrumen�eovedn�ialpropeny. ,.:;�
<br /> - UNIEOkM COVCNAN'C9.Borrower ond Lefxler avenant nnd agrce�s toliows: - _ _
<br /> � It'P�yment af Pr(ntlpd uW idteCal� Prcp�ymcnt and laro Ch�na� Bortowei sh�il prompllY p'y WiKn dGq,lhe�
<br /> pdnelpil of end intera[on iho d�bt evfdenad by iho Nme nnd�ny prcpayment ond lato chaega duo under�he Nae, ' , „
<br /> 2. Elmd�for Ta��nd insur�aca Subject to appllcabla lew m to n wducn weiver by l.ender, Borrower shdl,phy�o
<br /> Lender on�ho day monthly paymen�e aro due under tho Noro,anNl tho No�a is pald In Poll,s sum P�'undery Por(q yudy 1ud
<br /> ' uid essessments which may aqatn pdodry over thls Secudry Insirument ns e Ilen on tha Propeny;@)YtaflY leaseltold p�ymente
<br /> or ground rents on tho Propeny,it eny;(c)yendy hazard or propeny insurena prcmiunu:(d)yrarly�1ood insunnce prEmlums;
<br /> if any;(o)ywdy mongege insur�r.co prcmiuma, if¢ny;end(�eny sums payablo�y Borcox�tr to Lendcr, In�orordmoo w�i�h
<br /> tho provislone of paregrnph 8, in Ilcu of�ho pnyment of mortgego Insurantv premiumf.7hese ittms uro callal'&�stuw ttu.n�.'
<br /> Lender may, et eny �imo, collat and hold Fund�In en emount not to excecd�ho muimum amoum��cndcr for�feAcnliy _ .
<br /> reiated mongage loan muy requirc for BonoH•er'e escrow emoum under�he t.�4em1 Real Esinte SGtlemen� Prnctdures Act of � ��._�
<br />. 1974 as emrnded trom tima to limz, 12 U.S.C.Sectlon Yb01 �r seg. ('R�PA').unleu ano�tr.r law�hat applip to Ihe Fupds- �,
<br /> scu a Icsser canoum. If so, Lender may, at any Hme,mllea und hold Funde in an nmouni nut ro exae0 the Icsser arcAUn�:,,_:�, -���
<br /> Lcndcr may estimaie�he w�+wunt of Funds due on the buis of cumnt daio arA rcasonable esiimvtcs at ex�:ndlturef of Pomro-(:•��?„-_�--�
<br /> &crow licros or o�henvisc in accordancc wlth epplic,bic law. "``(��j� :
<br /> � The �fur.ds shall be held in an InstltuNon whose deposl�s are Insumd by a fedeml 2cr.cy, Instrumem�lity, or_entfty..�,�'�.,��;�;�-
<br />� (IncludinE l.,.ndu,If Lender is such nn ins�iwtion)or in eny Federal Homo Loan Dank.Lender shaU ppply tho Fuids lnpnq the ����
<br /> Curow Itenu.Lender may not cM1arge Oorro�ver for holding nnd npplying the Funds,ennually onalyYing thC escroW.p.i'ooiint,;oY,: '�,,,�;;::.
<br /> vedfyfng tho 13scrow Items,unless Le�er pays➢orrowrr imenst on the Funds end applicxble law permlie Lendtt SQ�7ko,a0Ch �� :':-- `
<br />� a chargc.However, Lendcr may ra7uirc Bonower to pay e one•timc chargo for nn indcpcndcnt real eslnte tra mJx4rtlpg SCiUICC �.�"� - --
<br /> . used by Lender in wnnecUon wiih thi. loan, unless epplicnble Iaw provida otherwise. Unless an qgrzemenP is�intid[�ot,���'!!;;i. =
<br />� eppticable Imv requlres interes�to b:p�,id,Lender shall not be required to pay Aonoxxr any imerest or enmingx un the E+mdsi'. '•,. - -
<br /> .Botrp�vcr and Lender:nay egree in writfng,however, tha� interes�sh�ll 6e paid on the�unds.Lender ahall give ro Borrower.
<br /> wi�hnut chnrgo, an annuul ettnuming o(the Funds, showing credi�s an8 debi�a�o thc Funda and the purpose Por which each
<br /> ln1v�TA^h:Fn�yfa Wga�nAA;_'['M FuMa are nlrAonl{�c v41i[in�ul vcnritv fnr nll cnma vr�ynf hv IIIIR�'PdtV InSWIflCflt. ,. .. ,..._, <- .
<br />� !f ihe Fnr.ds held by Lcnder earozd the am.onms pe�mitted to be hcld Dy npplicable lew,Lender sholl eccouN to Oorrower
<br /> for�ho excev Runds in nccordnnce ei!h the requiremems oi aP?���Able la�v. If iho emount of�he Runda held by Lender at eny
<br />� Ume Is no�su(ficlem to pny�ho Cscrow Items when duz,Lender may so notify Oortower In wrl�ing, nnd,in such ease Dorrower
<br />• shall pay to Lcnder tho nmounl neceswry ta make up Ihe delicfeney. dorrower shnll mako up tho dcOcicncy in no nwro then
<br /> i �welve momhly payments,m l.cndcr's sole discrdion.
<br />� Upon paymcm In NII of ell sums sccured by this Sceudty Instmmcnt. Lcndcr sAall prompqy rcfm�d to Oarrowcr any
<br /> I Funds held by l.ender.If,under pamgrnph 21, Lender ahall acquirc or scll�he Propeny,Lender,pdor�o�ho ecqulsitlon or sele ___ _
<br />� of�he Propeny, shall eppiy any�unds hcld by Lender ei the time of ecqnisition or sale as o crcdit agains��he sum+secured by �.-
<br /> �_..___
<br /> �his Security Insuumem. r:�-_-�-�
<br />' 3.A Ilwtlon of Pa mente.Untess a Iicable Inw rovidce o�herwise,nll a mcros reccivod b Lender under are re hs '�`�`�° -
<br /> PP Y PP P P Y Y P S P �[:,..=,�:
<br />� 1 end 2 shall bo npplled: Orst, �o uny prcpayment chargcs duc undcr thc Notc:sccond,to amounts payabtc undcr pvmgmph 2: ;.k�=�;:��-�
<br /> t!elrQ,lo Inlcrcst Auc;founh,to prfncipnl dur,n�last,m any laic chnrges duc undcr ihc Notc. '_'.� i✓=;�:_-.
<br /> 4.Chnrqes; I.lens. Uarrower shnll pay nll�axcs,assessmcros,chargcs, fines und liupost�lons anributablc�o�hc Properly _--_�L .-�;.
<br /> which may e�leln prloriry over�his Securi�y Insuumcm,nnd Ic.�.cehald paymems or ground nme, if uny. Dormwcr shell pay s�„_Z::A-,
<br /> these obll a0ons in ihz manncr rovidcd in ara ra L 2,ur if uu� aid in lhal meuucr,Dmimti��haii a them un�Ime diatll ��'4""°°-'-�-
<br /> E P P S P Y" V Y Y �� {� g.
<br /> �o the person owed paymem.�orrower slmll prompdy(umish�o Lender nll noiims of amoums io bc pald under�his pamgrnph. � _
<br /> If Tforro���er makes Uiese payment:direcUy.Iinrrower shall promptly fumish�o I.ender recefp�s evidencing�he paymm�s. . .'.� --
<br /> Borrowcr shall promp�ly discharge nny licn a�hich hu prioriiy oret�hiz Security InstruuxN mdeu 6orro���cr.(a)ngrces in �'.�t``��:f.'f:.-:;
<br /> wthin In the a mem of�he o61i a�ion t.ecured b��he licn In n m�nner ncee �able ta Lender.Ib)cameas in ood fai�h�he licn ;'-�tl���"�'
<br /> 6 P Y B > P 8 --k;l,-,;>.
<br /> by, or Acknds agairtct entorccment of the lien in. Icgal pr�eedings which in dic L.ndcr's opinion opera�c io prc�•ent �he �5�'- � •�- �;..--
<br /> mfoteenxm of Ihe lien:or(c)sewrcs Irom�he halder o(�6e lien an ngrcemem salisfactory lo Lender subordinating�he lien to ''�.�,i�,"`;"��``- -
<br /> �hie Securily Imuumem. If Lender Jttermines �ha�any p�n of ihe Pro�rty is subjec� �o a lien�rhich inay allain priorily over ':',�%:.��:�:�-. .
<br /> this Securi�y Insuumem. Lender may gire fion�m�er a w�ice idemifying ihe lien. Uorro���cr shall w�isfy the lien nr�ake one or '.��-�."°f.jti'J-
<br /> �;':J���i�:;�;G'-�
<br /> more ot�he aciionx set fonh above wiihin 10 dayx of�he gicing nf nmice. .,�4ti_.,,;;frq,� --.
<br /> Po�m3028 8180 ,-''.'--
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