, .__��____.� �-
<br /> :.-r,' '7 . . :.j�{7• ��t.7-.91.� � .. . . .�.-. .• �
<br /> TOORTl1BIt WITH dl.the improvemenq now or hercaftcr erectat on da propeny,wM�il uxmenu,�ppunrnwkta;M'd'�-' .
<br /> flxturea now oY heraRet n pen ot tho propeny. All «pl�artaNe ruid eddiiloro shtll elw bo mvcrcd by chi� Saudty
<br /> Ins�rvmenL All of�Ao foregoing,js rekrrc4lo in�his Secudty Instrunxnt as tho'Propeny.•
<br /> BONROWDR COVRNAN7'8 that Dorrowcr 1�lawfully selstd oF tho esiato herrby convcyal and has ihe right to gront pnd
<br /> convey Ihe Ptop.ny xnd�Aat tho Property ie unencumbtred,exapt for eixumbrancea of nvord. Borrowet warrenb and will
<br /> dekM ge�enlly the Qtlo�o the Propony ngeinst ell claim�end den�nGe,subJect�o eny epcumbrencea of rarord.
<br /> THIS SRCURI7'Y INS7'AUMRNT mmbine�uNform covenante for nationaf uso end non•unitomi covename with Ilmited
<br /> � vodatlons by Judsdkdon ro conaHmlo n unitorm stcurity instturnent rnvedng«al propeny.
<br /> � UNIFORM CpVBNAN7'S.Dorrowcr nnd Lendcr covenant end egrco av folbrva: —
<br /> - = _� I. Paymcnt of Princtpal wnd Interesti Prepoymeat aixl late Ci�ar�{ca. Onrtorver sh�ll promptly p�y when duc the �•--,.---�-�-� _
<br /> - princ(p�l ot end Imerest on dia debt ovidenced by tho Nao ur�any prepaynxnt ond la�o chargw duo under�He Noto.
<br /> 2, FLnds for Tazcs qnd Insurnnce,SubJeet to opplicable law ur to e wrfuen wniver by GaMer, [iorrower shall pny to
<br /> _ Lcndcr on�ho dny monthly paymr.nts aro duo uMer�ho Notc,umil�ho Notc is pald In full,n eum('Punds9 for.(n)ycarly�aaw _.
<br /> � and avessnxnte which nk�y nttatn priority over this Secudty lnsttumem as e Ilen on tl�e Propetty;@)ywriy leasehold paymenu
<br /> . _ ur ground rertts on the Prop:ny,if any;(c)yea�ly ha�urd or property Insumnco premiums;(d)yearly flood insuranco prunium�, -
<br />� � - it any;(e)yrady moetgage insura�:ce premtmns,[(nny;nnd(p eny sums peynbla by Dortower ro I.ender, In nccordanco with
<br /> tM prorislons of pi�agmph 6, in lieu of the p�yment of mongago Insuranw prcmiums.77�aso hcros ero called'L+scroo•Itcros.'
<br /> l.c�cr rtuy.a�xny time, wltm nr.d holA Fnnds (n an amaum not to excccd ihe mezimnm emoum e Icnder Por n federolly
<br /> --= rclntod mongage Iwu�n�ey reqnim for porrower'e eurow aocount under tho federal Real Csinte Settlement Pr«xdnres Act of —
<br />.._— 197A es amended Rom time m time, 12 U.S.C.SecOon 2601 er stq. ('RESPA'),unless another law tha�epplics to the Funds
<br />. sGe e Iesser amonm. If so, Lender may, nt any�fine, mllec�nnd hotd FuMls in an amount rat �o exeeed tho Iesser emoam.
<br /> Lendcr n�ay cslimate�he emount of I�unds due on Iho bazis of curtcnt dala and n:ticomble estimxles of cxpendifurea ut futuru
<br /> �-��- ��' Qurow licros or othenvisc in eccoNancc wi�h appiicable Iaw. � . -.
<br /> 77�c Punds shall be held in en Ins�imtlan �vhose deposits erc insurcd by n tcdeml agenry, instrumentatf�y, or entl�y �«-;�
<br />----�-rs (Including I.ender,if Lendcr is such en Ins�itmioN or in any Pedernl Home Loan Oank.Lender shnll epply thc Punds to pay�he _°-�"�-
<br /> -- Cscrow Itenu. Lencx:c may not charge Uorro�ver for hotding ond npplying�he Funde,ennunlly en�lyzin¢�he esrrow ecooun6 or
<br /> _ --- verifying�ho G+urox f�ama,unless I.ender pays Dorro�rer interesl on�he 1'ands and applicable low pem»ts Lender lo make such �`
<br /> -~�'a a charge. However,Lender may require Ronower ro pay n oae•time charge for un Indr�ndent rcal esrete�ax rcponing servica �`=-�
<br /> _ .�:..,;`.
<br />.-.-y1��- uscd by Lender In rnnnceUnn «ilh this loan, unless applicable la�v provides uthemice. Unleu an agrecmcm is made or e�;;:r�
<br />;.:�f;,-�.;.�.: appllcabto lew rcqulrcs intercx� ro be paid,Lcnder shall not b�required�o pay[lortowcr eny INCrest or eamings on�he Funds. _ --
<br />_�::;�;' I3orrowcr end Lcndcr may ogree in wriling,ho�vevcr, ihnt imrrest shall be paid on thc�unds. Lender shall give to 6ortower, -___
<br />����x�<c•- without charge, an unnual accounting of ihe �unds, showing credils and debiia lo�he�unds and Ihe puryose Por which each _-�-
<br />:'�;htix_- debR to the Funds�vas ninda The�unds ere plcdged as additional sceuriry for nll xmns secured by lhis Security Insin:nxnt. �"�:i,Fr..=-
<br /> � . - If Ihe I�untls I�eIA by Lendcr excecd lhe nnmunls pemiiued lo bc hcld by xpplicn�lz law, Lender shall ecooum a.Borrower r�L�j �� -- �
<br /> n iyi-. for�he exeess�unds in accordantt with the requimmems o(applicuble Inw. If�he nrt:oc:v of�he �unds held by Lender et eny , ���
<br /> � °`: �Ime is not su(ficien��o pay�hc Escrow Ilcros�ehxn duc.Lender may m notit��Borrower in wri�ing,nnA,in suc6 case Danowcr �} j7,�,r -
<br /> .c�Y{l , , 1,br1 �
<br /> r��, shall {�y m Lander iha amount necessery �o make up�he deficiency. Dormwar shall make up the defiriency in�m more tlian Yq�,�t �, ;:
<br /> 7 -��( re�clre momhly yaymcnis,n�Lendci s solc disem�ion. 74 js'-,'}��!l'�1y`y.�;;
<br /> � ,:� =' M1lpon paymem in full of nll sums secured by thix Seccriry� laammen4 Lender shnll promptly refund to 9orrower nny �-��',i3'�L?���?�+�:
<br /> . - ti` Puuds hdA by Lcr.Acr.If,undcr pamgrnph 21, Lcndcr shnll acquire or xll Ihc Propcny.Lcnder, prior�o�hc acq�6sit2on or salc +��fa'.'f,}p �,;y.^'�:-
<br /> � ` of 16e Propcny,shall apply any funds held by Lendcr m�he�ime of arqnisition ar snlc as a credit agninst the smns scavred by ��,;s;,,,,_ i; -:'6 s;
<br /> `c't�. �his Security Insuc�aem. 'l;. ^ , ?s �_.
<br /> ` '_� 3.Appllentiun oi Payments.Untcss opplicable Imv providcs o�hcn��isc,ull payments rcccivcd 6y Lendcr undcr pu�R�Dh� )Y�(4 i i :
<br />�;,_,,.;,-,�_ 1 nnd 2 shall bc npplicA: fin6 in any prepayment charges Jue w�dcr ihe Nn�e: scrnnd,m amounts payable under parageph 2: �>;,��,;;;�t��,,; ;,..;�„��;_
<br /> r ' -": thfrd,lo intttesl due:founh.�o principal due:and lu4 m ony la�c chnrges Juc under the No�c. �44�1<s�<L � �,
<br /> � {�;�. 4.C6arges; 41ens. i3orroa�er shall pay all taxes,assesimemx, cha�gts, fines anJ impusiiions auribmnble�o the Propeny ` s��l!' ?tif�,�t�ry.��_:.
<br /> ne�3fril Which may ouein prioriiy mcr �his Sceuriry Inumnem, ond leaxehnld paymems or gmund rems, If any. Oarm�vcr shall pay c. �� � Rt���r�., .,
<br /> thesc obliga�ionc in thr manncr providcd iu pamgraph?,nr if nn�raiA in�hai m:mncr. �nrm�rer shall pa��diem un timc dlrectlp - , _
<br /> _ s'�n �o ihe person ox�ed arymem.Bnrto�rer shall prompilp furni.h�n L.ndcr all noticec of amnums to be paid unJer�hit pafagraph. f �;'
<br />.. If Qorrou�er nukes iheu p�ymrn�s Jircctly.6ornnrer shull promp�ly(umi�h tn Lender«.-rip�s c�•idencing�he paymems. '� „-�Us1;�7,::,' ;r�
<br /> -- ' 13arrower<hall prompdy discharge uny licn�rhich ha�prinri�y rn�cr rt�i.S..uriq Imtrumem uniess Qnrro�rer. (a)agrces in t , -�+ i �
<br />. .-c1:;;;�� x•riling lo�hc p:q•mem af�he abligatinn secured by�hc licn in a mannrr.aepiahl.�n Lendcr,lbl comcsls in gaod fuith Ihc licn �:�- , , ,i,,
<br /> " 5.1_. by. or defcnd+ aF�inq cnforcemem of�hc licn in. Icgal pnxatdin�, uhirh iu thr Leixler'> upinion opem�e �o prcvem Ihe ) �y�' � g -
<br /> -r , � enformment of�he lien: nr(c)secures(rmn�he hoWer of ihe lien an agrarnxne•ni.fiutory��o LenJer.uMxJinatin��F.,licn to s,�...:. - `-
<br /> . . ...,�,,::�, .. _:,t. -
<br /> y�-:� �his Sceurity InstrunKm. If lxndcr de�cnninet�hai any p.m n(�hc Prn�rny i.wlyeu io a licn�chi.h ma�� auain prirni�y o��er ��.��- - };�-
<br /> - y. lhis Securily Inumnkn6 I.enJer may give Barrnner a nmirr idrmif��inp Ihc licn. Ilorrmcer.hall .ati.(y Ihc licn nr lake nne or f%f.. � ,���.,�(
<br /> more of�he aclirn.!el farth abnve ai�hin 10 da�.nl Ihe giring of nu�icc � ?.+ � �"
<br /> : t/ �Si _�..
<br /> Fo�m 3018 8/80 -C}�! f ,�41�t"
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