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:�:.1 _ <br /> ---- _. ., _ .���...��-.yyr�' - _ _ _. <br /> ��_•. .u,.v .-i..+� �y��i .r. � . • .. . . . . a"ti.'rMM'.� _'_' <br /> . — . � -,��__�--_—___ ' ___—�' "-�_�_ _ —'"_ ".. . _" ___ _'_'_ ' ' "' _ ' ' _'_-__ — . __—_ _ ._—.-_�—.--.:. .._...___.. -. <br /> .'_ _ " ' _ ..» ` . � <br /> .. . ..._... �.._ ...� _ ._ . _ � . . . _. . �_ _. . _ .. <br /> . _. -- "r" � '. Y . „. �x��1��T.„An r g1��.abBF�. E <br /> , , . � �, .� � . � . <br /> f�- -' .A lrsok ot ldkt�oonprl�li�g t�part�of 111i'SioifN�iri�f.Qd�rl�k oL Eln Soull�at " _ <br /> -- puarte� (SW� b'�Vl) o[ 3��sliah �nly�Nln� (z9); �oa�d�tp tCleve�. tll)�Nox4h, ka��� Nln�. - <br /> (9) Was! dt�!h� 6th �.I�� Ih Cit�iid �[�Iind� IIa�1 CoW�E�►j N�briika� npx�,pa�tlaulatly d��- . <br /> crfb�d s�l to�lo�r�1 . , . . . . ' ''!•;.,'� ���:r. ' .. '.. • . . � <br />-� .- � 8��lnnit� a!'i poln� oo th� ��i! jtn��'o� �i�ld SollNww��� Q��rker•ot,�i 5vdth��k , ` <br /> Qu�ktiir (SW� b1N})� iald polhE bdltia 5�venE�1 Nlnb aNd 71�ti�e ��nlh� (79.3� t�b! nokth oE . <br /> 'tl�� �out1���Yt corner ot �Rid �autlnvs�!Qu�l•E8k d� t1�8 $outl�q rE Quwrte�r (SWk SW�); al�n <br /> being � pnln4 cn1 Ebo Itott6er�y, rlght-o�-�bily;lln� dE tt3.keF Illgln4ayt a��d 4hi we�lsrlf 11n� <br /> o[ Tsch Urlv�1 El�ence nvkkhek�Jy olt an i��Unecl�libaking ot N 00 16! Ot". � •lon� tln ���! <br /> line ot aald Soulttav�sE QJerler of �I�o Soutl�d6E Quafla� (SW# 5W#)� at�•tlie �re�t$rly 11ns � <br /> - o[ •aid 'Cecl� V'rlve� a dl�k�nae of Sevb�i Itulxlxed �ltk�r (750.0) t�e!= kbe��ae N o7 16'� 09" W <br /> �lona tl�e vwskerly 11l�e ot �ald '1'eal� Url�bb !� dlsl�l�ch ot '11�rbe Ilundted �'iVe sn�1 El g1�ly <br /> Nlne Ilwxlredk{u (305.89D teel� kl�enao N 00 .l6�•02M 6 *lohg tl�e WeoEbkly' lll�o ot o�ld <br /> y'ech Urlve,i c�lrlanc• of 1ww IlunHred xVuenky �'ive �nd �l�ky 71�ked IlwKiredth� (Z25.53) i��t <br /> to tl�e horlh llne oE eRld 5outl�west Qlior�er ot tl�e Soukhwe�k Qudrter (SW# S�V�)i l benc� <br /> Due Wi�k Rla�g tbe north �llne ot sald Soullewee4 QuRrter o� tl�a Soutl�we�k Quarter (SW� . <br /> _ ;W�). a dl�t�nce ot Uns 11�audarxl �vo Iluudred l�drty �nd 7t�rbnty �'our lhu�dredths (1�2�0.2�) <br />__- -----�.- _ __ � <br /> __ teat !o tl�e ���terly rlghR-of-way llns of U,.S. Illgl�way No• Z8 s thenae e South alon� -� <br /> �- ll�� •a�t�rly Xin� ot •ald Illa��y No. 261;•a c�iakuic• ot gl�e 11wu�atd Qis Ilm�dred 1LLrty <br /> --- •E'our �txl $lxty 3even Iliu.dr«1 (1�139.67) teet{ lhen�e S 58 11� �?"'�S alote� tl�n noxtbea�!- . <br /> -� erly �ine ot rald Ill�haaq No. �Z81� a dletance ot One Ilundred Seventy Uns �ad E'our Tentho <br /> :� (171.�� le�t{ lhenc� 8'66° �1� 59" I£ along �the hottl�arly rigl�t-ol-wa�i l lhs ot rold I�drker: <br /> ��`' Illpl�way.. � dlst'���c• of Flva Ilurdred 71�IrEy dtiH �+uo'Tehth� (530.2) te�ki��hence 8 66 20� <br /> -- 19" E along !he nortl�orly llhe oE �a1d I�uoker illgl�way., a dfela�ntle ot One tluixlred Seventy <br />