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��_� � .�.�.�. ._ _ ,�, ` <br /> � , . 93q ��� , �-;, <br /> :R1a PunA:shdl 6e helddn.u� Imilrotlon whose de�alU ua insu by a kderol r,�ency, Instrun�fnWi�p, cr enUty <br /> U�Ipolry U.nder,(fIgndek`A wc6�n lnsdwtion]or in onY Fodrr�l Hom��nan H�nk.LenGqrghel'app)y IhePuM.i top;y�he . <br /> � Burow tumi.Lenckt.m�y nx clurge Bortowa for holding uW�pplylng�he Nuryde.�n�ually:o�IJCtnp:t4F ekrow.�ceainl,or. <br /> rarifying Ihe kscror!iSem��Pdaf l.ender pflyB�ttowet IMeral on ihp Pnrids oiW ap llfablN,Iq.W.•ppm1111+.C:etder to nuke aurh <br /> a��urga HoN•ever,l.Spier nuy r u�ro Borrowoi�o p�y a onrriinx chnigo for'nn 1�pepAnnt,rcal.cslntq,(qx reponing service <br /> uxd 6y I,endu In ynnnectlon wi� tAle Iunn, untese eppIirablo lew providc! ahervri�e. llnhts�:an;.xpTeement li m�de m <br /> �ppllcable law ra�ukts intere;t m 6a pnid,l.ervkr clwll not bo requittd fo p�y Bortowor any.lnlorest nr,�cpl !ng�on:ttw Fu� _ <br /> Borrower and Lender rtuy agrco In wfldnp,hawever, thnelNerest shall bo pild o�t�ba[•Lnda.RcnAa�3bn1� iro to.Bormwer, �— <br /> witlwut ehuge,an annual accounting of tAe FuMe, showing crodits end debha to al�rt NnAy a�1A the purpe�e tor which each <br /> = deblt to Qa Puncl.;wu,mMe.Trie Funda�ro pie0ged as ad4itlonat security forall sum+secun'Aby����udry Instninxm� <br /> — If iAe Funds hetd by Uender cxceed�ho nnwums pennincd�o bo hcid by o� IicaAle luw,i.enilur shnll account to Borrower ; <br /> - --� <br />� - for Iha exttsf FLnda irt ocmr4anco wilh lher u�{uirenxNe o(uppllcablo Inw, If t n nmMmt uF tho Punds held by Lendcc�t ony ,. ^---� �-- -------— <br /> �In»ie not su(ficient a p�iy tha Fscrow Ircnu when due,l.ender may so noifty Borrower f4 wrULtg,w�d�in such raso Borrower <br /> stmll p�y to l.ender t6o omoun[necasnry to nuke up ihe defiNrncy. &.rrower sbnli m;Jfe up�ho deficiency in no moro Ihan <br /> t$•clro montAiy paynxnte,e[l.cader'e solo diuralon. <br /> ,� Upon paymr.nt In full of ell cuma securcd by �hls Sccuriiy Instrumene. Lencler shnll p�ompt�Y rotund �o Bortowcr eny <br /> - FunW Ixid 6y-l.erder.If,underp�regrapM1 21,I.endcr shall ocquirc or scll the Propeny,4enAer.pdor�p thu ecquisitton or salc <br /> — of th:Property,sAnll apply ony Funds hcld by Lcrder ei�hc dnro of ecqulsitlon or mia es n crcdic apninra�ho wnu sccurcd by <br /> tflle Secu�iq[rswment. <br /> 3.App1kaltaf G Wym�nts.Untese applicablo law providas oihervrise,ell paymema receivca ny�Lender under qmgraphs <br /> t ond 2 sfiall be appli¢d:6rst,ro my prcpayment charges due under�ha Note; second,tu amnunle pnyohtrt under pamgmph 2; <br /> �Mrd,to pdncipal duo:end lut,m uny la�e cLarges due under�he No�c. <br /> --— 4.Chtu6esi�erc�.Borrower sha]!pay all tues.¢ssessmcme,charges.fu�cs end im�wxitions auril���mblo to U�e Property <br /> -- wbich m�y uttaln pdod�y over.�his Securiry [nswmem, end Ieasehold p�yments o[gtound renre, if any. Bortower shill pay <br /> -- — tNcse obiiga�ionz In thc mnnnee provtdcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in t6nt m;umcr,Curtowc�sMil pay�hem on�Imc dlreuly <br /> to�hr,persnn owedp�yment_Eorrower ahall promptly Nmish to Lender all noitees cd�nmuma to bo p�id under�his pangraph. <br />"3��„� iE Hortower m�kes�hese p�ymentx direc�y,I3orrower shall prompAy fumish to Lendet r<ccipte evldencing tho paymcnts. <br />--:�c:� Bortower sha11 promply discburge eny ILen which 6m priodty ovcr th(e Secudty iast[ument uniC�+Burrower. (a)agrces In <br />''"-`?r-�'� wriuna to the paynxnt of the obligatfen sec�red 6y thc licn in a manner eccep�able to Lender.N)contas�s In good fatih the Ilen <br /> _'' by, or defe�ds againsf enforcement oF�he licn in. Icgal promedinge whfch in the Lender's epininn.operate m prevem �he <br />''-`-i_ :;.,'.z - entorcement of[he Ilen:or(c)saures from Um holJer of tiio lien en agreement mtisfaciory tn L.ender w6oeNnating the Ilen to <br /> �Ais Secudry[nstrument. If Lender determines�hut eny pin of the Property is sublr.c�to a lion w6ich-may amin pdority over <br /> �, `- �I�is Secudry Instrunum.LeiMtr may give I3ortowcr a m�ice ideml[ying Ihe Iicn. Horrower shnll•salGdy thc lien or take one or <br />� �:�y����i more of tho oct»ns ut fonh aCuve wf�hin 10 dnys of the giving of nmice. <br />,�";_.�' '�` 5. F1Z�.a�1 or Property Insuranee. Oormwcr shall kcep �6c improvcmcntn no�v exi�iinp an c�rca(ter cr�cted on the <br /> .-.u,�r��� ,. Ptrpe�ry insurni ugain,t I�ss 6y fire, hazards Inciuded wi�hin the term•extended coverage' ond eny ortmr hszards,includiqg ���— <br />� ;,,.,-;;�t_ flxvady ea t};cr.tiryq, for which I.ei�der requires insurance•.Tliie Insurance sMl[6e maintnined in the amaunts er.d tor the periods �� <br /> ,.;�„�� - Nat Lender reQnres.The incnrancc camcr Providfng lhe irtsurancc sM1oll bc chasen by Eurroucr subJect to LenAer's epproval =__ <br /> � �-+ y.p�sh ehnit cr��x unmasowhlv withheld. If I3orrower fails m mnimahi cover�gu descrJied a6ove, Leader may, nl l.ender's <br /> � �"...-, oplion,o6ruinocverege to proiect LenAer'r r hta in�he Propcny In neccal:uice wi�I��para@r�ph�7. �� .... `- ° <br /> � , ti��, All Insurancc licfce and renewulx sh�l bc acccP�able�o Lender yid shnll include a s�andaid mongage clnuse. Lender ___.. <br /> itti�`' shall have the dght toholJ�hepo liclee md n-mavafs. If Lender reqnircs.I',�rrower shnll pmmpdy�i�•e�o Lender ull receip�s of 4�"� _-- <br /> 's' n�!d PremNms and rcnmvol nntices.In the event of loss,Qnrmwer shnll eive prompt noiice to the Insurence canier rtnd Lender. i ,-_�} ; '"°F�"- <br /> ���-��`+� Ix�:.4r may make proof of Inrs if nol nude promptly by Qamnver. !y . -�y --- —' <br /> - �+:� Uuless Lcader and Qurro�vcr o�hernisc ngrcc In writh�p.inuuanre prc�cctAs shnll Ix epplicd to restomUon or rcp�ir of ihc ,,- iy� <br />- �`��'s%�' Propeny damagat,i(the rcstora�lon or rcpair is economically fuxsil�le and L.ender's sccuri�y i.no1 k�ssencd.If ihe restoradon or '-;<r{�sY ;��� <br /> ., r �c. <br /> - . �f;� mpair Is nul emromically(easible or Lender's stturity wonlJ�6e lus.¢ned, �he insurence proceeds shall be opplied to the sunu -, -��� �>.ttr--- <br /> � secured by �his Secudty Inxtrumem, whe�her m not then due, wi�h any exccss paid to 6orrox�er. If Dorrower ebandorts the -,,{',. + W F,_..)ix <br /> �� "�•?'�. Propeny,or does not nnx�vr.r wi�hin 30 days a noiice from�Lender�hm�he insuranre c.+rrier hac otfer.d to senle a claim. then �!�.5�.::.%:�'�t���t - <br /> - '�'� Lender may collect �he inrumnce pmcads. LenJer muy use �he proceeds io rcPair or rcsrore �he Propeny or to p�y sunss '�� � _� �o.,,.r„�- <br /> i; <br /> , -��-'� samcd by this Secudly In��vmen6 whnheror noi�hen due.The 30�day period�wll t+egin�vhen�he notice is giren. �a '�. , �;:'�,_. <br /> " Unlosa I.ender und I3orrower o�herwhe ngrx in a�riting, nny opplicmlon of prottxds to pcincipol shall not extend or - �-„ � ��- . <br /> i ff� postpone the duu do�e of ihe momhly payments rcfcrrnl �o in paragmphs I and 2 or change�Ac nmount of�he paymcma. If p �: - -. <br /> ��i���- under poregr�pB 21 the Pmpeny is ocymad by Lendea Dorrower's ripin to any inwmnce policies and prcettds resuhing from , "� r �`'= <br /> ' 4 ° damxge�o�he Propeny prior w�he acyuisi�ion shall p:us to Lender�o�he extem uf�he sunu securrd by�his Si�curity Ins�mmcm - . + '� t���. <br /> fmmediatcl riar to Ihc u uisilion. ` `"�t ��F <br /> K -+`� 6.Occupancy,PrescrvnHan,hlalnlenance and RateNton of lhe Properl}�: Durro�rer's luan Appllwllon; I.caseholds. r ��,�;�� �1��<�(S�j.,�� <br /> '�r � Borrower shall occupy, es�ablixh,�nd ux the Propeny us Omm�ver's principal miJence wi�hin sixty days alier tl�e execution of 4(�j�f,�,)ti, i��iSy�-.'_ <br /> - . � � Ihis Sewrity lnxaumem nnd xhall mntinue�o acupy the Propeny ��Borro�cer'.principal re+iden.c(or u� leasl one ycar afler --r� s .,_ <br /> " t�; �he daie of nccu anc , uniess Lender mhernise a rces in�vri�in , xhich can�ent shall noi be unrcamnabl withhcld.or unless � � '-- <br /> P Y F R y .. t�., � -- <br /> -''��- -� extenua�ing circums�ances ezi� �rhich are Aeyund Ik�rro�rer� cumrol. Borm���cr xhall no� des�my. Jamage or impair �he ��y.}._ i) i :.. <br />.�3.:.�;r'..�. Prapetty. nllow the Property ro de�criora�e. or n�mmi� waste nn IhC Prnpcny. Qortouer.hall l+e in dcfaull if uny forfeiiure 5-�7- ...�,n ; ..��_ <br /> .--.y;��.;; netion or pmceeding,whe�her civil or beFun�hnl in Lender's ga�l f:iith iuAgmem cauld rcsult in forfeiwre of�he °�f,.`t' � � <br /> � � Propeny ar o�henvise materially impair the lien crcat�d by Ihic Security In��mmem ar LenJer'c stturi�q imerei�. 13nrto�rer may ���� <br /> t -i`;� ctvt xuch a defaull and reintiale.a�prorideA in paragraph rau�ing the ac�i�m or pnke�dinu io be di>mizsttl wi�h a ruling 1�'h�:. `. <br />- . "��•;-�: �ha�. in Lendcr's gaod failh dctcrmina�ion. prccluJc> fodeilum of�he Ik�rro���cr', intcr.�� in ihe Pmpcny nr other matcrial - - - �',5'. <br />� impairmenl of Ihe lien crcated 6p this Snnrily Inarumenl or LenJer'ti xcurily inlem�L Ik+rro��rr�hall alv+l+e in defaull if �����` �� . <br /> Borrowcr,during�hc loan appiicmion prae+..garc materiall� (ut+c or inanura�c in(orma�ion or�iatcmcm>lo Lcndcr(nr(ailcJ �. -. . <br /> ..• ` to providc Lender wilh any m:n.rial infonnntinn)in tanncclion ai�h thc loan cridcnced M1y Ihc Note.incluJinF,hul mrt Ii�uiial '. . - <br /> .; . '`.�. to.reprexmations rnncernmg Oorrm��cr'..ucupanq�of�hr Pru�xn� a�:�principal rr.iJrnce. If�hi.Sccuriq�Ir>Irumem i�on a . " . <br /> Ieasehold. �orroa�r shall cumply �ri�h nll the prnvi.iom o( �he Iea�e. If 6orto��cr acyuire� Ie.� �itlr lo tLt Propeny. Ihc <br /> - ��� Icauhold and lhc lie ti11c.hall nnt mcrgc mile��Isndcr.�gnr�tn�hc mcrgcr m�vri�ing. " <br /> � - -�-�i' 7.Prolttllon of Lender's Rights In 16e 1'roper�). If Uarrnxcr(ad.ln pcdomi thc corrn:+N.:mJ agrecnxm+contain�d in . ,.. <br /> - Ihis Sccurity InsWrecm. or thcrr is:� Icgal pmcecding thx� m:n .ignifi.anti� af(cct Irndcr's riFh�s in Ihc Pn.Pt'fl}' I501I1 Jl:1 i.'=- � <br />-. - prcettding in lunkmpl<y.praba�c. (or�Gon ar todciWre tp 10l'�1�OttC IBN�Uf ICFl1IAlIPIt�I.IIICII lAndcr may Jo auJ �.,_ <br /> Pay for a�hatever it nece.�q� lo pro�ea the �alur u(�h. Pro�wrt� and Ix•nJer'} righ�. m�Ire Frn�tl)'. LenJer'� acGon ma) I <br />.:�-. �'_ . meludc paying eny sunn sccurcd by � hcn uhidi ha• prinnq ottr thf. Stturiq Inslmment. apµaring in eoun. p.q�ing { <br /> ..,i�-.>;:__� rcaw�ablc a�11o•rorocy�nfcci a�'d�nicring an Ih. Pmpcny tu maAc rcpain. Although IF�IJff 1➢J\'13V.a':ICGPII Olhitf IIl1S PJfB(:f�rll F . <br /> � <br /> - ' �Any amoums disburs�d by Lcndrr unJcr this paragraph 7 .hali (nYnme aJJiliunal Jcbi of Ik.rro�ccr �ceurcJ hp Ihi� � <br /> . . SCClifllY I051NII1CIIL UIlIt55 UOtR�\Pf�Al1A IA`Iklf�•I�`RC 10 OIIICf ICM1II�O��Id\"I➢C�ll.IM1CK dltl�Nplf]IIdII M1l`d�IOICRfI GOIl11I1C �. <br />- _ da�c of disburscmcm at ihc Nnp:rale and shall h FayaMc. �cith imcmu. upon noli•e from l.cnJcr�o Ourrmecr rtqucsling !' <br /> . p�yment. ` <br />. - 8.�to�igage Insuranee. If I.c�xicr rryuired mnngage inwra�nr as a tt�nJition of making Ihc loan.ttvrtd Fy tl�is Savrily 1 <br /> Inslrumenl. �ortowrr shall pay lhc prcmiums rcquind w maintain�hc mongagc inw2ix�c in c(fca. If. fnr any rta.on, thc � <br />.�. _ mongage insurance a�vengc rcyuired by Lender lapua or ccaus ta fic in eR�r�. 6nrm�ccr.hall pa���he pmmiumti rcyufred ta � <br />- obwin mverage wbuamially eyuiralent�o�6e mungnge inwr�n�Y prcriou�l��in effcc�.at a co.�.ubstamially equiv:dem �o�he <br /> ms� lo Ourrow'cr of Ihe mongagc insuqnre prcrinu+ly in ef4t1, fmm un altcrnale mongagc inwrcr appm�eJ bp LcnJer. If � <br /> ' . i <br />� � Fo�m 3028 9�90 � <br /> ��x:o�� <br /> . <br /> ..:. ... <br /> ,.-.- <br /> .. , , : <br /> ., <br />