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<br /> - ; .A lraa! oi l�i1d aartQri�lba a part oE !Hd'Soi.tlhwiiE Q�iittlsr ot th� 8oull�rwr! " -
<br /> � � Quart�'r (SW� SW#) oi 8sCllon x1Henlq i+llne (29�; xe�shlp �lsve�, tl�)�Nor4h� han�� Nln� ,
<br /> (9) W��t dt th� 6th p.hi. ih ar.tia'�.l�,a� H. ! Cout�t�r� N�br�iiks� mor�.partioulsrly d��-
<br /> arRbrd ai io�lawl ' ' • . . . • ' . �•;i� ,�, . : , . , ; , �
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<br /> Qu�#tir (SyV� SW})� iaid polht bel„� Sevent�i Nihb.ukl 1f�see Tanth� (79.3) tebk noltth ct • '
<br /> tl�e aoulhaai! cotnee oE Maid Soutliwest QuMrk�br d� Ehi �aulhyu�j�t qu�trtsr (S1�V# SW�), alao
<br /> ._ 6efag a� po ink ori Ehe hostMor�p, xlght-ot-�rvily'lln8 pt N�keF NIg�ro4ay at�d �he wa�terly llns
<br /> ot �eoh drive� thence noklhetly ot� an aBe�tned kJeai�fng ot N 00 16! Ot! � along tha sas!
<br /> ___ Ilna ot oald Soulhareok Q�isrtex of �,h� Sout�6d�t Quarter (S1�V# SW#)� and•the v�estgrly llne
<br /> oE sald Tecl� brlve, � dl�kance ot 3everi Ilut�red C'lftj► (750.0) feet= ll�ence N OT I6'� a9" W
<br /> = alona !hs waslexly lihe oi said 1'eoh DrlVea a dislancb of Thrbe fturdted �'lve a�d Eighty
<br /> -- Nlne Ilw�dredths.(305.84) teet� thenae N '00 .16�•OZM'E along the weekbrly llne of aald
<br /> Tech prlve,a di�tancs ot 71vo Hwnclred xlventy Five aad L�Lfly Theee llundredths (2�5.53) tast
<br /> -- to tl�e aorth line ot aaid 5odthwaet Q�iarler o.f the Soukhare4! Qudrtar (SW� SW})i thenc�
<br /> � Due WeoE along !he north �llne ot said Southwest Quhrter of th� SoulM�ue�t Quarter (SW#
<br /> - - �N►#), a dlatanc'e of Qna 1lwuearid 1Wo Elundred �drty snd �nty �'our llwxlredtho (1,t�0.t4) _
<br /> == teet !o the e�sterly r!ghl-oE-aray 1lne o� U,.S. IIlghway No. 281= thence Du� 3oulls alon�
<br /> tl�� �a�lsrly Ilne ot said EIlgl�way No. 281;• a c�lelanc• o� ��e Tl�ouxand Orie 11u�xired Thirty
<br /> — �:;=s� �F'our ud Slxty Seven Ni�ndted (1�13�.67) teek� then�e S 58 11� 97"' E along the norlheast-
<br /> �� erly lln� qt oaid Ni�hway No. Z81, a dietance oi One Nuir�dred Seventq One aad Four Tenthe
<br /> _,,;,� (1T1.9j feelt thence 5�86° !1� 59p I£ along the horther�y righk-of-way lihe of o�ld Hueker
<br /> - -:= Illghway� � dietance of F'!ve Nundred 7hlrly arlll 11w+o Tehtl» (530.2) feiti'thence S 86° 20�
<br /> --� l9" E along the nartherly lihe�oE �aid I�ueker Nlghway�. a d�elan�e of One Flwzdted Seventy
<br /> _---,�;�;;,� sud Oae Terith (170:1) teati thence S 88 20� 14" E a�ong. the northerly line of said Iluekar __
<br /> �_.� Ilighway. a diolanc+s oE �'our.11ut�dral 1Wenty Nine and Slx Tenllis (9Z9.6) fent to ths place •,
<br /> , _ of beQinhina � .
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