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�t=f';�/!��� - ����ws'rit; r� � ' - <br /> ir]... . �....u...j , .n - . . .. _..__ . ___ <br /> � � <br /> � �oR.� <br /> Tiw Fun�le shall bo he)d tn an Insqtutlon whoso deposlti aro insured by o fcderal a nJcy InstNnxn�otiiq; or cMfty <br /> (Inctuding I.cnder,If Le�der r�auth av Instllutlon)or In an Pederel 8omo I.oen B�nk,l.cixie�hill upply tho Furda tp{wy.�he• <br /> F,scrow Items.[.cnder may nol c�arg¢Borrowcr for hoidin�anJ opplying�ho Punde,onnually analyzing tho escrow wmum,or <br /> vcdfying tho Eiscrow Ittms,untus IRndcr pay�Earrower InRrC+ton tha PunJ�and ep Ilrnble law permiU I.anOer ro nuko sucA <br /> o charga 1{owever;l.cnder may rc�ulro Borrowcr�o pay a orr.�imo chugo for an I�tpendem n�l csiate�ox rtponing servlcc <br /> — used by l.endee In connccAan wi�h thfs lom, unlesa appIlwble law prnvlda mhetwim. Unlu9 an ngrctnxN Is nude or <br /> aDplicablo taw rcqulr.s INerut.m bo p3fd,l.ender ahall nol bc rcqulred m p�y Rorrowcr eny imens�or earnlnge on�hC�undp. � <br /> _� BOrtowcr ond LcnQcr may ngrw in wddng� howcvcq ihat intcrest shell bc paid on thc�unds. 4endcr shall givo M Ootrowcr, �_ <br /> —"—� without chargc, an ennuai aoconming of the Punda showing crcdits and debfu to tho funcis and �ho purposo for whkh tach ` <br /> �= debit ro�ho I�mde was medo.76o Fnnde nro piedgedas additlonal security for all sums aaural by�h�e Saudty Instmnxnt. <br />— ° If�ha Funds 6cid by Lender cxocod�he amnunts p:rmiued�0 6c held by np lirnb�e lew, I.cnder ehall ecmua�to Borrower �_, -_ , <br /> j==r= Por tho excess FuOds in axorAanca with iho rrqulrcnxnts of epplica6lo law. If tRo nnwuni of tho Runds h¢ld by LciMcr u�any <br />�+'�:;.,,� timo ie irol�ufflciem to pay eho[ixrow Reme w1�en dua I.endcr mey so notify Bnrtawer in wdqng, such ctlsa Borrowtt _ <br />��:.-�°�, shall p�y to Lender iho nmoum ncoessary ro mnko up tho deficiency. Oarrower shall mako ap�ho de(icicncy In no nare tlian <br /> '=-._��!� twelvo momhly payments,nt I.ender's solo diurctlon. <br />�"-X?;, Upnn payment in full of nll snms secur�d 6y ihia Security Instrunxn6 l.cndor shall promptly rcPond to lSorrower eny — <br />`?•�,;.!;._-:"� Funda hcld by Lcnder.If,under parn�mph 21,I.ender shall acquiru nr sell thc Propetl ,Lcndcr,Prtor to the acquisitlan or salo <br /> ..:".r� P� Y PPY Y Y 9 3 � y <br />_'-.,,,,;_�_.,> of tho Pm n ,ahall a I an �I�unds held b Lender ut 0e time nt ec uIslllon or sn c ns a credn o aanv�hc sunu ucurcd b _ <br />-.s` :- Ihis Sccudty lmtmment. . <br />- 3.ApplSca7Jnn�ot Pa�ynunts.Unlew applicabfe law provides othenviso,all paymems received 6y I.c'�tQe�uevSet pamgrephs <br /> . � � 1 and 2 shall be epp4M: fuse,ro any prepayment cRarges due under the Nac:sccond,to a.mRwncs p�yo"tc wder pvtgreph 2; <br /> :��;'�:= ihird,to Intems�due;founts,to gdncipnl due;nnd I.u4 ro any[ate cha�.s due under tRe Note. . <br /> • . .`.���� 4.Chargss;Lkm.&srtoner shall pay eil laxcs,ntixssments,chargu, fines and impositions nttri6utaDlo to lhe Pmpeny <br /> •- �;�. which may eltnin priority o��er tl�is Security InstrumeN, and Ieauhold p�yments or grour.d rwts, if eny. I3ortou�er shatl pay <br /> _-� ��;�{f; thcso obligetions in tCe nunner provldcG In aregreph 2,or if not paid in tt�a�manncr, Oorrox�er shatl pay�hem oa time diracliy <br />-6�-";�'r;'�i- ro�he person owcdpaymrnt.Snrrower shalPprompily Pomish to Lcnder all r,aiccs of arooums ro�psid u�er this paragr_;h. - <br />�.:�?;(31i/r{'ti If I3orrower makes�hese py-menu direetly,Iionawer shall prom�iy Pomish�o Lender receipis eridencing the p�yments. <br />=q5�':`- s=i=.i Dorzo�ver shall promptT}•di.:harge eny lien which hav F+-iorny over�his Secudty Insuument unless I3ortox�er.(�a�rces in <br /> ; -j��;;_, wdting ro�hc payment of dr•ohligatlon saured by�hc lien ia a manncr acrccptablc lo Lendcr,@)contes�s in gcw�3 funh thc Ilcn <br /> -� �i",.- by, or defends egains! enforcem�nt af the Iien in, Ieg�1 Prnceed�ngs whict� In Ihe Lender's opinion apemk �o pn:vent the <br /> %•���'.i��y''• enforcemenl of Ihe Ilen;or(c)secures Gnm eh:F.older of�he licn an ngreement satisfac�ory�o Lenclrr snbnrdinsting tho Ilen lo <br /> '.-^i.,,;�k Ihis Sauri�y Inswmenl. If l.ender delennines�hs�any pan of�he Propeny is subjec�m x lien�chich n�ay etlafn prlodly over <br /> � �,�j�r;�� �his Security Insuument, Lei�der may give Bovower a notice Identifying�he lien. �orro�rer shall sn�iary�he Iien or�ako one or <br /> ` `-"�`� � more of�he ectlons set fanh abnrr nnhin 10 days of�he Fiving of no�ke. <br />;:�.y�..:,i,ir.- <br />;;;�rs, ..,. 5. Ilaiard or Proper�r Ins�mnce. Oovowcr shail keep thc Improvemen�s no�v cxisting or IiereaRcr erceted on the . <br />_.�: Propeny insured egainst loss h�� fir:, ha�rda included wi�hin the temi 'ex�rnded mverege' end any other hainrda, including <br />�*7�� ".�'�- Iloods or ilooding,far which Lend:r rcquires insumnee. This insurance shall 6e mainiained in�he nmounts and for Ihe periods <br />_. :---•�� , <br />���;.�-i��_, thal Lcnder�ulree.Tlie fnsurnntt carrier providing�he insumnce shall bc choscn by Dovo�vcr subJttl�o Lender's approvd <br /> � ° which shaii nol bc unreasuminiy �.iti�6clJ. if Rvuv:cti tdti5 ia.rai�d-nia cccta�t�ts:�ibt� .:�c:. Lc�.^r ma�..t Lera_•'s ---- - . .. .. <br /> i� option,obtein coverege to pro�ec�Lender's righ�s in the Property in naordance with paragraph 7. -=- <br /> t. �.�-�- s��_: <br /> +�„- All Insurnnce policles end renewals shell he accepta6ie �o Lender and xhall inclnd: n s�andarA mongaFe clauu. Lender �[{�,,,. <br />.i'3S4'.:�y��';: shall have�he righi to hold U�epo Ilcics nnd renewals. If Lender requiru,Qorro�ver shull promp�ly gi��e m Lender nIl rcceipls of �_--'--- <br /> �r _��ti rit paid premiunu end mne�val noilecs. In�ht event of loss, 6ormwer shall @ire prompt nmice�o�he insunr.te cartier and Lendr,r. .-- <br /> �' _+1-!ai: Lcnder may makc pmof of loss if not madr pmmp�ly by Oorrowcr. er=-, _..,,,__ <br /> �- - °-- ��; Unless Lender und Qmro�ver o�henvixe ngrce in�vriting, inwmnce proceeds shall be opplied�n r.smmiion or repair ot the ��,-y "`— <br /> ., -?,��i' : Propeny dnmaged,if�he msmniinn nr rcpe�ir is economically fcuible ond Lender's sewrity�s no�Iesxned. If�he rcstomtlon or �S��t+y <br /> �^ '� rcpair Is no�cconomicnlly favihlc or I.cnder i securi�y���ould 6c Icsuncd, We insunnm procccds shall be nppllcd to�he sunu 1'2;��T"i�i;��„ . <br /> x-_.. <br />�ii"��°:,,.;;�� sewred by�his Sauri�y Instrumrnt. �vhether nr not �hen due. n�i�h nny excess paid m fiorron�er. If Oorro�eer ob�ndaru�he ;r�}���5`��j�.;-_ <br /> Property,or does na xns�rer wi�hL�30 dayx a no�ire from LenJer tlwt ihe insuranee carrier hac offercd lo seule a ciaim,�hen - , <br /> Lender may mlleci �he inmrance procv:�ds. Lender may use �he proceeJ. m rep�ir or rcstarc�he Propeny or �o pay sunu -�,����'Sr:. <br /> � � secured 6y�his Security Instrument,�vhe�her nr no�then dua The 30�day perlad will 6egin when�he notim is given. ����:�j,1 r �:;;•� <br />�t' �� " "� Unless I.cndzr and l3urrm�rr nthcnrisc ngrcc in wrning, any applica�ian of procttds to principal shall not cxlcnd or �'�:'�-'�S:{%�,!;a'+' <br /> � ��,,,,�ia� pos�pnne �he duc da�e of�he mnmhly paymcnts rcfcrnd �o in {wngmphs I anJ 2 or ahange �he amnunt a(�hc paymems. If -�C4`?:�`s;;{y�y''�_is;,� <br /> under pamgraph 21 �he Propeny is acqulrcd hy Lender. Bonower's righ��o any in.urance policies nnd pracecds resul�ing Gnm j�v�'+='i�Sy';�=•, <br /> �r-• damage w the Propert�prinr to�hr acyui�itinv�hall pa•��n I.ender to�he estem of ihr sums ucured by�his Security Instrument .,���i'�`� �} ' <br /> ` ;,� immcdin�ely prior�o i u acquisiiian. -;��`�� '- <br /> �� ;;� 6.Occup�nc��.Prcsen�ntlon. 111ninlei�nnce m�d Profatlon of Ihe Pmperl�; Iforro»er'n Loan Applicullon; Leaceholds. �-t-.:j i l °a`"' <br /> ..,.t��_.,•. [iorro�ver shall accupy.etlablich,and me�he Propeny:n Oorrow�rr'a principal rcsidenrc o•ilhin six�y Jays alter lhe execmion ul -n��ry`hry�1,.:��. <br /> �his Securiiy Inavwnem and sh:dl cnminue w�xYUpy the Prnpery n.Onrro�cer's prin.ipal re.idenee for at IeaN one year afler VGi,'tipYt `5-�` <br /> �he da�e of acupancy,unl.c,Lrr.der mhenvim agrcex in���riting.�rhich conxm shall nm he unrcasonably o�iiliheld,or unless Fr-�,�` �";. <br /> extenuating circmm�anca exi.i which ;iR Ir��onJ Bnrrm�er'x mNrol. Onvno�cr .hall nrn de+troy. Jamage or impair lhe f; � <br /> T _ Properly. nllow thr Pmpen�• �n Je�enoraic. or convni� �ia�te on the Prnp.rq. Harruucr .h:dl he in Jefauh i(any (nrkiwre '+� �:f `.. <br /> nclian or proceeding,whr�her rivil nr criminal. i.6egun iha� in LenJci s go�xl fai�h Iudgmem�auld rcsult in forfciture o(�ht �;�{,:..�.. .. , <br />��'" � � Prnpcny or mhenvice ma�criallr impair�he licn crm�cJ by�his Stturi�y In.trumen�or Lridcr'..aturi�y in�crc.�. I3nrro�a�cr ma)' �;c."i.� - - <br /> .cFt; curc such a dC(aull and aa proriJnl in paragraph IR. hy r.imiug Ihe aaian nr pnke�ding In be Jiami.�ed xilh a mling j,�, �`� , - - <br />�., �� Ihn�, in Lender'a g�xd fail6 Je�enninalinn. prctlude. H,deimrc nf �he 6nrro�cer'. intrrn� in th. Propen��or rnher material o!,;'�S^,-"`. <br />.'1'� ° �:�L impairmcm of�hc li.n «emcJ hy �hiti Sccurity In.lrumem nr lwnJcr s .ccurity imcrai. fiorro�scr �hall alm t+c in dcfaull if <br /> - ���<4� UO(IO\PCL dllfl�l�IAf IOJII 8r(Illl'JIIOII�lluit��.�JYI`IIIAIIfI]II\' GII�C tlf IIIBC('pfJll`III�Uryl1�11011 UI.Q.IIt111i0B 10IRIItIC!lOf�JIII`lI '. <br /> : . - lo proridc Lcr.dcr nilh an)�m.ncrial infonnaunn)in comatlion��ilh Ihc inan criJcnttJ by Ihe�n�r. inclaJing. bW not limild �:•.":_-_. <br />��i:: � �n. rc rescnlatiou.runa�emin Ik�sro�c.r'.i+:a� mt)�nf thc Pn+ rty ati� riuci J ce�idtnn. If ihi.Sccuril In.irumcm i.nn a <br /> i: P F P� f� P F° Y . <br /> ;_� k:nrhnld. W�rrmvcr shall c.:�:ph ui�h all Ihc prari.iun. uf thc Ic�.c. If IA�rrourr .i:quirc. ftc �illc ta ihc Pmpcny. lhc � �� . <br />=- +- I.:�rhold and IF.e fee Iille�hall nnt mcrgc unlc..IsnJcr a}m. io ihe mcrgcr in writmg- <br /> ti�„ . 7.Fro�ec�lun of Lendrr'r.HI�his In tlte I'rnperl). If Uurru��cr(aii,tn�xdo�m Ihc corcnann anJ agr.�cmcnb cnntainnl in { <br /> .. . . Ihit tiecurit} Ins� Ihere i.a Icg:d pnx�YJing Ihai�pa� .iFmGemtl� nffre� i.trxier'. ri� tlic NNrCfi\ (apl'II:1�e � <br /> proc<cding ir.bankruplq�.prubatc, for.onJcnma�ion�tt Inrfritvrr�,r !��.nlmcc la�.�. r�rc}ulaiion,L tlxn IsnJrr mac J�.and <br /> - pa} fut wha�t�'cr i�nccesvn �n pmlccl Ihc taluc uf�hc Y�optm anJ IsnJrr'. nthe m ihc Y�n�xn.- Ixnd:r'� <br /> �r.ciuJr paying an�� .um� xccrd b� a licn �ehut h:, ;n�nry urcr Ihf. �ruri�� Irocmntcm. ap�annt �r. :�un. p��ing <br /> -'� � reasonable allorneyi fce.anJ cmering on�Lc Pro�crt. ��.makc rcp:ur..Nthuu�:h I_cr.Jrr n:a7 ta1.a z�uvn mr.l_:rtn���:�r�:��i� , <br /> . - - - 7. Lcndcr dces nul harc la Jn sn. . . <br /> - Any amounl.JiabuncJ by LcnJcr undcr Ihis paragraph 7 .hall Ikcumc aJJiunn.�l dr`- ,�: EWrroocr scrund M �h�. <br /> Securily Imuumetn. Unle+>Uortmcer anJ IsnJcr.igrtr In nlhcr Icrm.ul lhc.c anw::•.•> .hali bcar inlrrta fn+in ihr <br /> . . da�c of di�buocmem al Ihr Nmc raic anJ \IIJII M �41\dM1ll. tl11I1 imcrc.�, u��+n nnlicc lrum LcnJcr In Ilo�m�rcr r.yucaing <br /> '_ . paymcm. <br /> -` � 8.lforlgagc I��surencr. I(LcnJcr rcyuircJ munE:�gc inwranit a.a rnnJitiun of nuking�hc luan.�rurcJ l�r ihi.tir.vritr 1 <br /> Instrument. W�rm�rcr xhall pay �hc prcmium. nquirad tn maintoin thc mongagc inwranar in cRa�l. If. lor anr reaou. d�c � <br /> � �� mm�gage inwnnee rn��ernge rcyuired b)� LenJer lapse.ur araxa lo he in effect. U��rmxer .hall pa� ihe pr.mium•rcyuinJ to <br /> , �� OS��Ip CO\'CI"JFC�IIbS1811G:lIIY fyUiY8If�11 10IIlf III�III�J�C IIIWf011fC�1fC\90U�I)' Ip l`��fl'1.JI :1 tO�i WI�310p11AII\Ct�UIYeII'lll (n lhc I <br /> mst m 6urm�cer n(lhe morlgage imnrance in efYati7. fnnn an aherna�e mongage fnwtrr appro�nl hy Iwndc�. If <br /> ��� . � r.y.�o�+ Fo�m 3020 9/90 <br /> ' :i ..-� • . . <br />