,. .. �.+.-' _ . .� i . y�� � L
<br /> i� ' 'Mb���l��l�l�iio.a,.::_.:.._.._....-_—_"`., ".._�. . . . . �_ . _..._ .:._ . __ .
<br /> ' �';� , �9�� 10f.9�i.��'
<br /> . ,. 7h6 Pu'nde.6hdl bP,held In �n Ins�{mllop wfase At it7 xra i�ured by a tMerai ngnx9, instrumentditp, Dr_bMD}�
<br /> <' '.•(inctuding Irender,If.l.ender le such en�ns�huqon)or In�A}��+pd4rx11tome Loan Bank.tRndcr badl appiy�ho funle m paY!he -
<br /> "G'sctow Ituns Lender ofay.not tf�arga Dortowai for holding entt applying�he PmWa,nnnunCy unalytlng�ho escrow�KCa!Pl.or
<br /> vtrifying IM Burow i(e ,uqles�I.eMer paY�dortower interesl qn the T�undf and apclicable law permi��Lerder to hukeauch
<br /> �cfilu8e.Howc�•en�r m�yrcq ulro Borrowar to pay a o�e•ftmo chargp far on Independem real es�ate�x.i cCp�hiny xrvlce
<br /> --- uscd'by �RnACr In eonnectlon with this loan, unlas uppllwbic luw providca othcnvls4. Unlcs� un ognYnxnt li nwda or
<br /> oppllea6lo l�w rcquirta fntercsl lo be pa�d,tendcr ehall na bo requlred to psy IbrroWcr ni�y Interat or taminge 4P I�ic 1'unet9�
<br /> Fiorrower and Lcndor n�ay egnq ii�wd�ing,howcv¢r, �hat intercst ehell bc pald on Ihe F'wrlx IztWer chall givS�n a4rtowa,' �
<br /> wttlwul sn+rgp, an annuai Accounling of iha Funda, showing cndlls and dcbt�e ro tM1e Runde and tha purposo fnr x$Ich eACh
<br /> debit Io tho Fl1�lf ws�madr.Thc�unds uro pledgcd as odditlonal secud�y for all sume secured by thb Sccariry Insuunknt.
<br /> --- - � - If thc FUnds hcid by Lcnder cxcetd�ho nmounu pcmilltM ro M h¢Id by ap Ilatbie In�v,I.cndcr eLall eccoum lolMrmx•cr
<br /> = -._ .._---_-._ _.
<br /> — for�he ezau Funde in aarordanca whh ttn�re�ulrtmenb o(ppplicahic I�w. If 1 o nmounl of tho�urds held by I.COdC�nt any - —
<br /> --___ �{nw is not sufflcicm ro{�vy tho L'scrow l�cnu wt�cn due,lsrilcr may so noiity Bortox•er In wrfting,end,in vcb tasb qotrowo� --
<br /> __.. anall piy'ro Lender ttw anwum neeessary to make up�he delicicncy. Itorrouzr ahall mako up�ho deOcicncy in no moro thon
<br /> �welve nwnihly paym:me,ai Lender'e solo discrcilon.
<br /> Upon payment in fldl of ell anms secu�al by ihle Smuliy InslmmeN. Lender chnll prompliy rcfund ro Ebrtpwor nny
<br /> ,-_;��� Funde hold dy I.endu.lf, undcrpa�r.�ph 21,Lendcr shall acqulro or ull�ho Propcny,I.cndcr, dor ro tho ncqu�d�lon or snlo
<br />-----= nf tl�o Pro�ny,spall epply any Pnnds hcld by Lendcr ai iho timo of ecqnidllon nr ufo nv N CM1`AP against the wnn securM by
<br />_ -:._:y� thie S3ctA�Y iwtlon ot Paynunls.Unlese a plirablo Imv rovidca othcnviro,nll � mome raxivad 6 I.cnder nnder pnruSnphe
<br />-- �,:w;•„�r'r_.v. �� P P P•Y Y
<br /> ;�Y,�„� 1 and 2 n I bo npplicd: Iirsi. ro anY Prep.9ymcnl cl�arges duo under�ho Nolo;semnd,to nmounu pnynblo nnder p�ragnph 2� . , .
<br /> -°���� �hird,w interest due;tonrlh,ro pdnclpal dua nnd Inst,to eny Inro rhargea A�m nnder Ihe Noto. �-
<br /> -�=�,�� 4.Chargal Llens� Uorto�ver shall pay all tnxes,auessmen�s,diargu, fina and Imposidon+nttdbnla6lo ro tFro Propetty .
<br /> -,;�f which may a�tein pdodry ovcr tlda Sccudiy Insuumcn4 end lcauhold paymcnts or sround rentr, if any. Borrower stull WY
<br />; �17,�,Y�� �hcse obUSations In�ho manner providal ln aregroph 2,ar If no�paid in�hat manncr,Borcower ehall p�y thent on)Imo dlraYly
<br />_ :_,Fj:�,{__.,�r - �o�he person ow�pnyment.Oorrowcr shalPpromptly fumish m Lcndcr all notices of omounu ro be patd unde�th1B pamgreph.� - -
<br /> .,;�r�..:»S,i{ If Borcower mnkcs these p3ymente direcdy,liorrower shall promp�ly fumish to I.eneter reccipts evideacing,Ihe paymeNS..
<br />. -�;;�{;',����?;i Dorrower sM1nll prnmptly discharge eny Iicn which haz pdodry over ihla Savriry Instrument unless Bortower. (e)agreta In
<br />-. ` �--,_:!�1� vr�itlng to�hc paymcm nf ihc obligation saurM b�thc Iicn in n manner eccepta6lc m Lendcr,(b)rnmcsta In good fnith�ha Ilen
<br /> -,:;;�7�;R.tJ� Dy, n defend� ngatnst enformmem of Ihe flcn n, Icgal procecdings whfch in ihv Lender's opfnian opereto to prevenl Iho '
<br /> cnfor�nxnt of ihe Iien;or(c)smires from�he holder of the Iien nn ugrxmem snilsfectory to LerAer subordinating tho Ilen lo .
<br /> is *-��`�` this 5avidly Insimnxn6 If Lender detem�ines tha�eny pan of the Properry is sublec�to a lien whkh n�ay oltaln pdoflty orer
<br /> ..,', .,.,��:r��;i this Securiry Ios!mment,Lender may gIve Donawer o nmice Identifying the Iicn.i3orrower shall satisfy tho Iien or take ono or .
<br /> �� �i- moro of Ihc adianv set fonh ebovc wlthin 10 days of�hc giving of nolice.
<br />-�-� �°�'-''���� � 5. liozard or Propert Guurance. Dorto�ver shall kec the ImQrnvenxnts now exis�ing or hercafler erectcd on �lio
<br />-- ��.;�:., ,..;>�� Y P
<br /> -.`,•a. - ' Property insured egains� loss by flre, ha�ards included�viihin �he temi extended coverego'end any oiher huarda, including
<br /> ,��
<br /> �-`�y"�� itoods or itaoding,for which Lender reguires insumnce.7'his insurance shall be mnimelnal In�he amoums end for tho periode
<br />,�..,'���;�.�;�I�` Ihal Lendcr ree�nircs.7Tc Insurenrn camcr Providing Iho insamnw xhall be choun by Dnrtowcr subject to Lendcr's epptovel
<br /> ,,_ _�� � _
<br /> ..p, �•....:�)(- wiucn eYdll r� ������;o��atty wi�hhet3. .:u'v��olcEr f Ils lo ruirlain.L•::TdgG dcG:d.h..-'1. eE.:�:. LCnder nt�y. St S.CRd^_I! __ _.,. . .___..
<br />. �kit%� opqon,oblain eUrerage to pro�ecl Lender's rieh!s in�he Propcny in eccorAartm with paragraph 7. --
<br /> �:�:�,x�:= p
<br />- - All Insurance policfes end rcnewals shiN!�e acce �able to Lcrder r.-d shxll includz a s�andanl mongage ciause. Lender --
<br /> �, r
<br /> � � '� ��y,'}r shall M1ave the dght�o hold�hc policfes and rencxals. If Lendrr requirex,4orcon�cr shall promp0y girz to Lender a0 reccipts of -
<br /> t,a�t{ ���',, paid p::nlums a�renewnl�rolica.In Ih:e��tnt o(loss,Qono���er shall gi�x pmmpt mY:io:to Ihe in<nr,mce wrrier ar,d Lender. ., �.,_-
<br /> �� I.cmix may makc proof of Inxs if mm�t�xlc prompdy by Bo;roxcc ���.;
<br /> �1. Unless Lendcr und Bortower o�hernitr nern in�vriting, in�uranee pracMs shtill be nppIIeA�o restomtlon ur repair of�he .2e3Xt.'
<br /> ',�•� Properly danugtd,ff�he resmrmlon or repalr is nbnamicAlly feasible nnA Lender's secumy is noi lessened. If the restora�lan or � �.�``�-��
<br /> n repalr Is no�aonomfu�lly feasible or Lender's security n�nuld lr lessemd,�he insurance rocceds shall be applicd to the sums . --„ �_
<br /> t '�� secnted by lhis Saudly Instrumcn4 whc�her or not �htn Anc. �dtl� ony exass pniA to�arro�ver. If Dorrower abandons �he ,. •{ - ��+��li
<br /> i �:'
<br /> ,±��(�: Propeny,or does not answer wi�hin 30 doys a noiice fmm LerAer Um1�he Insurene.carrier has offered�o setlle n claim, tlien �f." '.--Y._w-,;.
<br /> � - ��� " ' Lender nuy calltt� �he inwr¢nw proceeds. Lender may use �he procecda �o repUir m rcsmre �he Propeny or ro pay sums � ;-
<br /> 5 'i, securcd b this Secud� lnswmen4 whe�her or na�hen dua The 3Pdny riod aill M in�vhen�he noiice is Iven. - �' i , 45- ,r•.--,
<br /> � r:;: Y Y P� F 8
<br /> � - r Unles� IcnAer nnd Oorro�ver o�henvise ngrce in writing, nny npplirn�lon of praceds m principal shnll not ex�end or }{`�iz �,S' � -
<br /> - ��'?r �- st ne ll�e due date of�he mamhl a n cros uferred �o in ra ni hc I and 2 ot ehnn c Uie amonnt of�he a mcnts. ii , y, ('� # i�' r� �
<br /> `�F W P� Y P Y � W S P 8 P Y ) /t ,j ::
<br /> ,4; - ,i, under paragraph 21 �he Propeny is ncquimd by LerAer,fbrrower's righi to any iusunnre policfee and procads resulting from �;. �������{��Y{y,r _
<br /> - damage lo lhc Property prior lo Ihc erquisLion shell pasa m lendcr to tlx rxtenl of Ihr sunss ucurcd by llils Sceud�y Inslrumenl 1-; � 1 'ht �t7 t�i��
<br /> T'!7 Immcdietcly prior�o�hc ncqufsiiion. _ ?Ni ir�-: �
<br /> - � 6.Occupancy,Presenntlon,111elntennnce end Protenion of Ihe Property;dorro�rer's Loan Applirnllon;Leacchoidv. `� ��� - ;-
<br /> �-- ��`� Oortower shall occupy,es�ablish.and use�he Propeny u IIorroo�er's prin.ipal residence wi�hin six�y days afler�he execmion of �,<<SS .
<br /> ` �his Securi�y Insuumem a�xl shali continue ta ixrupy ihe Prupeny us I3nrrower'+principal residence for at least one ycar afier - F�(J�a`.=y '
<br /> .�.';�':,���;� �he da�e of occupancy,unless Lender o�henvi.4 ngrces in�vriiing, which consem chall not be unrcuonably with6eld, or unlrss .,'•i t f'�7>>�; .
<br /> �o.:-
<br /> extenuatlng circuins�anms exis� �vhich are bCyond Unrro�rer'. pmVOl. 6orro�cer shall no� destroy. damage or imp�ir �iie �-k-'[
<br /> Propeny, nllow the Propctly lo dcteriorme, or tt�mmil �vailc on tlic Pmperty. Oormser shall he in dc(auh it nnr fodcilum �i�, .�. �_-;
<br /> �� action or proceeding. �vl�clher civil or criminal, ix 6egun lhal in Lender s¢ixd failhjuJgmem muld rezull in (odtiturt ot the � - -� -: .-
<br /> +i�" Pro n or otherwise mmeriall im av tlte Ifen crea�ed b �his Securin Inavument or Lender'x.rcuri�g mmres�. Ourrower m:q� - �?�•'�'?�'
<br /> . :n.:--3:5. P' Y Y� P � Y . . � ..,^;
<br /> , �;`t cure such a defaW�and reinstate,as pnrvided in{nragraph 18. 6y cau�inF�he x�inn or proceeJing in he Jismisud���i�h a ruling _
<br /> � tha4 in Lender's good fni�h dc�cnnina�ion, prciludcs fnrfciWrc nf tl�c Borrn�rer's imcresl in �he Pmpcny nr oiher material - �
<br /> �-.il:" iinpairment n(Ihe lien crea�ed by this Securiiy Instrumem nr LenJer's securiiy imercs�. Dorro�cer shall alxo be in defauh if `�•,hj��
<br /> ;�����,� Rnrtawcr.during ihc lain appli�Alian procec.Facc maicrially falu or maccura�c m(omrunn or s�a�cmcros w Lcndcr lur failttl ....r . . ',•
<br /> �.'a£s: . .. . .
<br /> - .'�,y{:j lo provide Lender wilh any malerial infom�.�iimU in ronnmion�ri�h the Inan c�•iJenca�i hy lhe Note,incluJing.hul nol limilal �C��.
<br /> ` � .�> ro,rcpre:ematium mnmrning Dorro�cer's cccuFvncy nf�he Prupcny:n�prineip�l roiJcnce. If Ihis Srrurity Inslrumenl is ur a
<br /> `-',i�`� lea�ehold. 6orrouer shall comply wilh al! the prnri.ioni nf lhe Ieax. If �orru�cer acquire. fee �idr In Ihe Pmpeit)•. Ihe . . .. ':7� .
<br />. _ . .�."- Ir.�sehold and Ihe fee litle shall nol mcrFe unlc.�.LenJer aFrccx tn Ihe mergrr in nriling. ..
<br /> '� ,r-.' ` 7.Pratection af Lender'x Rtgh�s 6�Ihe Propertp.I[&,rro��cr f:�ils io pcdonn�M cm�enams and agnrRCr.:,mntainN in .
<br /> Ihis Securiiy Inslmmenl. ur Cx:r a a IeFat proceeJing�Ss,ma��iiguificantl��af(ect Ismler's right. in lht Pro�ern nuch a.a -
<br /> . . . procceding in bankmp�cy,pioba:e. fnr cnnirmnalion o� fndcilurc nr�,rnfnrcc ia�r.or rc�tule�iurt). thcn l.¢r.Jcr m:n Jn ar.J
<br /> � pay for �vha�c�er is�rceesvp m pm�ect �h: �alue of Ihe Pmpen� anL Ltr.dei� righb in Ihe Propr:ty Lender�s aUiom ma} �
<br />� - � - include pay�ing a�y iarr.i ucuced b�� a .r.: ahidi ha+ pnorily m.� �:�s Sccuri�) liutrun:rm. :i„^raring in cnun. Frayin�
<br /> .. . � reamnablc almmcy�i f�s ar�emcring mi thc Prnpcny io makc rcpaf rs.Aithough IsrAcr mar lakr:wtmn ur.d:r ihis paraFraph
<br /> .. – %.I.trUCI dOCS Iql h1Y[[O pp.n �- - .
<br /> ' Any a.�noums diebune:: h� Lender under Ihi� paragraph 7 +hall 6econr_ r.Sdmonal JeM of Uorrowet +ecur<J Ay lhi�
<br /> , Security im�rum�m. Unic.;s Borrowcr anJ Lcndrr agrcc m o�hcr�crm,�f paymrn�. �h;x amounls .hall hcar imcrc>I (rnm�hc
<br />� � ;.d. dale of dis6urvrcenl at Ihe No1e ralc and shall bc payablc. wnh inrcm�. u�m nolim from Lendcr lo Uorcowcr rcy�rsnng
<br /> �. paymem.
<br /> _-' � 8. Rtcrtgage Irtsuranm. It Lender rcyuireJ mongage inwrance as a conJitiun nf maAing the Ioan.civrtd Uy thi.Securiq {"
<br />..�:;` '� Inx�mmenL 6orrower shall pay the premiunu rcquind to mainlain Ihc mongage inwrance m e(ftt1. If. fnr uny rca.nn. the �
<br /> '_'r � 7."� mongagc insurance mrcrege rcqu�md by LenJer lapsn or aCax�to Ix in cffcct. Oorcmver shall pay Ihe pmmfum�rcyuirnl lo f
<br /> � ! �l� obiain mreregc subs�sntially equiralcm�o�hc mm�gagc insurnnre prceiously in c(fca,ot a m��wbslanlially equiralem�n Ihc
<br />- ' .�y,`�.' rnsl to Oorrower ot the nwngage insuranar pre��iomly in eff�ti. Gum an ahcmate mongage insurcr appmecJ by I..nJcc 1f
<br /> �:'t.,.' � • r.o.>oi� Form3028 990
<br /> " �_ .. -+�� .
<br />