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200403236 <br />(Based on survey by Thomas L. Jordan. L. S. No. 178, dated June 10, 1987, and <br />identified on said survey as Tracts No. 1 and 3, and per Deed Documents 98- 103217, <br />Hall County Register of Deeds Office, and on a partial on- the - ground bounddry survey. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1 /2 SE1 /4) <br />of Section Seven (7), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6`h P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (WI/2 <br />SEl/4); thence N89 047'14 "W, along and upon the south line of said West Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 SE 1 /4), a distance of One Thousand Eighty Four and Three <br />Hundredths (1,084.03) feet to a point which is Two Hundred Twenty Five and Twelve <br />Hundredths (225.12) feet east of the southwest corner of said West Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (W 1/2 SE1 /4); thence NO3'02'5 0"E, a distance of Eight Hundred Thirty Six and <br />Eighty Seven Hundredths (836.87) feet; thence S88 °03' 18 "E, a distance of One <br />Thousand Forty One and Ninety Three Hundredths (1,041.93) feet to a point on the east <br />line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1 /2 SE1/4); thence S00 °00'55 "W, <br />along and upon the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1 /2 SE1/4), a <br />distance of Eight Hundred Four and Sixty One Hundredths (864.61) feet to the point of <br />beginning and containing 20.010 acres, more or less. <br />f <br />