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���'_- _�.— ,.. %i� },,. . . ,�. - ,.. __�_ <br /> —�' . ., .' . --- 1�,�..,,,° .. _•-- - _ <br /> . .. _ <br /> �_-. . <br /> �1 . , . ._' _ — <br /> , . � <br /> -•� --- .. <br /> _ ,. :•.;) .. . . __ - <br /> "�A�. � �� .. <br /> e � <br /> - - - -- _=s�-��i - � __ <br /> .r 1U5945 <br /> 1-4 FAMII.Y RIDEIt 91 . <br /> �_ —, As��nmept pt Itents <br /> THIS 1-4 FAIVIILY RIDBR i�mado this 13th day gP Auguet, 1991 . <br /> •nd ie inoorponted into wid sha11 be damed w�mend u�d�upplement the MortQ�ye.Deed of Thest or�acudry Dend(the <br /> ._�--��—�--_`-' , "Secur�ty Iiuuvirrons")af the wne dAte ven b the i • �� , <br /> Qi Y ��ed(ihe Bomnwtr)w cxwe Bortower�Note w T h a <br /> _ Equitable Building end Loen Asoo ietion, �rand Ielend� Nebreske <br /> _- phe"i.ander"1 <br /> of the wno date�nd cova�in�Ihc P�opeAy do:crl6al in 1be Security[nanunent�nd located�u: <br /> _ ___- _ V=-� 503 Eeat 11th Street� Grend Ieland� Nebreake 88801 <br /> --- Lot Five (S)� 81ock Thirty-Two (32)� F� s�sel�ieeler's Addition to the City of <br /> -- --_� Grend Islend� Hall County� Nebreska. <br /> -`� 1�4 FAMILY COVENMIT3. !n addition to ihe wverwnt�and a�reaments made in ihe Security Inshument.Horrower <br /> = wd I.ender furti�cr wver�rnt and agree as follows: <br /> -.� <br /> _ - --- A. ADDITIONAL PROPERI'Y 3UBJECT TO TH� SECURITY INST1tUMEN1: !n addidon to the Property <br /> _ _-�-��� dcscribcd in thc 3ccurlty Insuument.tha following items arc added to thc Property dcscription,and shall also consNtuto the <br /> "' �'="�'�`� Property covered by the Security Instrument:building matcrials.appUences and gaods of every nature whatsa�ever�row or <br /> � _-- hereAfter loc�ted In.on,or used.or intended to be used in connecdon wlth 1he Propeny.includin�,iwt nat limited w,those <br /> _�:r•r , �'I� i �", for lhe purposea of supplying or disMbuting heating,caoling, electricity,gas, water. air and light, fire prevention and <br /> `` oxUnguishi�g apparatus, security and access control apparatus. plurnbing,bath tubs. water heaters, water closete. sWcs, <br />-Y>��".� ran es,stoves,rcfri eratas.dishweshers,dis selo,washers, era, awnin s.srorm wlndows,storm doors,sct�eens,blinds, <br /> -.-_,, ' 8 8 Po �Y B <br /> ;:;� '� ahades,curtains and cu�tein mds,attached mirrors,cabinets,panelling and attached tloor coverings now or hereafter attached <br /> ��:.;� ,t�� to the Hoperty,all of which,including neplacements and additions tlrcreto.shall be deemed w be and remain a psut of the <br /> ?;^=•�'. '' . � Property covered by the 5erurity Insuument. All of 1he foregoing together wfth the Property descdbed in the Secudry <br /> ,, . ..;� �' Insuumenc(or the leasehold estetc if the 3ecu�ity Inatrument is on A IeASehold)are rcfeircd to in thia 1-4 Family Rider and <br /> _..:�;�. <br /> •t' the Security InQdument as the��Property�� <br /> "�='��i, � `� B.U3L OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shell not seek,agree to or meke a chenge in the <br /> • �" ' use of the Property or its zoning classification,unless[.ender has agrced in wridng w the chonge. Borrower chall wmply <br /> �►�':�� ..� �,• <br />: ��►' ` '°v� witb all IQws,ordinances,r�egulaUona and r�equi�ments of any govemrnental body applicaWe to the Property. <br /> : �"" '• C.SUBOItDiNATE LIENS. Exce as <br /> pt pennitted by federal law.Borrower shall not allow any lien infer�or w the <br /> •� �a'�. ' Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without l.ender�prtor written permiasion. <br /> � u$i�•,%Z: . <br /> ' " , � � .,;;, • D.RENT LOSS INSUItANCE. Borrower shall meintain inaurnnce against rent losa in addit�on to the otifer hazards for <br /> _ which insurance is required by Uniform Covenwnt 5. <br /> ' �'�. .','�� E."BORROWER'3 RIGHT TO REINSTA7'E"DELETED. Uniforn�Covenant 18 is deleted. <br /> ��"'"`"� F BORROWER'S OCCUPAIYCY. Unless Lender a��d Borrower otherwise agree in wddng, the first sentence in <br /> �"!''"°'''� Uniform Covenanl6 concerning Borrower§accupancy of the Property is deleted. All r�emaining covenonts and agreements <br /> •,.- . <br /> `••�-,� cet forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. <br /> .��:.:.�: <br /> � �"�''-• '='` � • G.AS3IGNMENT OF I.EASE3. Upon Lender'�request.eorrower shull assign to Lender all leases of the Property <br /> '� end all secudty deposits made in connection with leases of the Property. Upon the assignment,Lender shall have the rlght to <br /> , modify,extend or terminate the existing lenses and to execute new uses, in Lender's sole discredon. As used in this � <br /> '' ,�`'fs`:=.' paragraph�,the word"lease"shall meun"subleasc"if the Security Ins ment is on a leasehold. <br /> .'r;,�,- ..��_. .. �,-. <br /> » +r.. • r.�. H. A3SiGNMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMENT QF' R�C; LENDER IN P03SESSION. Borrower <br /> T".,'Y.�. <br /> • , ��. � .--- .- � absolutcly and uncondidonally assigns and transfers to I.ender al!the rents wid revenues("Rents")of the Properry,rcgardless <br /> •�. : _ of to whom the Rents of�he Properry urc puyable. Borrawcr authorizes Lender or Lender�ngents to collect the Rents,end <br /> " n�rees that each tenwn of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's wgenta. However.Bomower shall receive the <br /> �">=' .. nf <br /> ,a. <br /> ti.' : <br /> :�.,...�. ' . MULTISfATE 1�4 FAMILY WDER-�luqk MtelFhddk Mrc Ualform(aslrroeW Fbrm J170 9/90 fpogr/oj2 pngerl <br /> . . ir�r,�o ro,00� ��ea.r�.ru..i.e.■ <br /> ' r�orar c�u�aooasoaoxi o�ex�N.��•i w� <br /> Y <br /> J � <br /> � '�r44�tM/M•�.��.. � .� _ "'AT.�i—.-iG3.' -.T.:.::rt�w:9:+eY�M�f�++�-��R Y� � <br /> ._�_ <br /> . � '7 <br /> '___..____—�,— '�_•1SL!i�.'..d]L_.__--.—"_ —_._._-_._. = 1t—"_"_' _ ' . .. . . _.. ..._... . _ ._.__ ' " "--__ . <br /> # . ' J ' <br /> . •fi ., ' <br /> . <br /> �- . . <br /> . <br /> • � . � �•. � -- <br />