<br /> �b. . '... ' ��,�� ��'G.,�:��:_ ---,,. ��I ��-`'_
<br /> " 7 y�.
<br /> '�'.�5�J�G...n.�_..
<br /> ,, J 4 . ..__--_--
<br /> . -�'}�', + �1 _-..--._.,.
<br />— �. ar.!"" _ �J _ .
<br /> ._�-� _ . _ _ f
<br /> � ' 1059
<br /> �j 91== 3 9
<br /> Y �s ��tr�t nasa ---- -
<br /> �,
<br /> ° �,
<br /> CLIFFORD R. WOOD1�1t�T, � ainqio persori, Grantor, in
<br /> - � aonsid�ration ol----- oNE DOLLAR ($i.00) ------ reasipt o! which is ` `
<br /> ��.. �-'� her�+by nck�towladqed, aonveya to C R i C P�TNERSHIP, Granta�, tho
<br /> +�r,�:-,, .° tollowinq d�scribnd rsai estato (aa daPined ia Nob. Rev. Stat.
<br /> =�.�::�:a.•,':;� �� • �4ation 76-201) in 8a11 County, Nobraakas _
<br /> r����". '-
<br /> ;�•� ��� Lot Two (2) in the Weat Ha1P oP tha Southeast Quartor —
<br /> .� � -
<br /> �. -.��.�::'��;;.:: „ (wl/2sE1/a), and that part ot taie west aalr or ttio __�_
<br /> ��.�- r°�� Northeaet Quarter (Wi/2NE1/4) lying South o! the River
<br /> .���""�`" Road, also kdown aa the Eim Island Ro�d, bott► in section _.
<br /> �'�` Thirty-Thrae (33), Township Nine (9) North, Rangs Twelve --
<br /> === ,--�'_"_.
<br /> u�;,,;�;,�� : (12), West of tha 6th P.As., Hall County, Nebraska, all of _
<br /> -_��;���. � tha abova with aaaretions thareto�
<br /> �'^��.:�:�.s�.. ---
<br /> '�`"4�" Southweat Quarter of the Southweat Quarter (8W1/48W1/4), _
<br /> - � :.';�.''. Seation Thirty-Two (3 2) , Townahip Nine (9) North, Renge Tw41ve °
<br /> �� : , . (?2j, Weat of tt►e 6th P.M., Hail County, Nebraskn, and the �_
<br />'�r;�; ,.��..,���_� .., . � . 8outh �0 aares of a Traat of land aontafning 31.68 acrea =�
<br /> � .. - _� (lying South of the River Road, also kriown as tha Elm Island
<br /> {s ` � � • Road) in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Saation Thirty-One
<br /> °;,�' . . (31), Townehip Nine (9) Narth, Range Twelve (12), West o! the =r•
<br /> � A� .. . � 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more partiaularly dssarihed �•��
<br />_ �� • ;�.�� . aa fol lowa:
<br /> ,: -
<br /> °,-°a:�:�.,�.��..:__. Bec�iruiing at a fenae post loaated in plaae of -
<br /> =�'" ` '. the original stake at the Southeaet aornor of �
<br /> - . - said Seation 31, thenae in a Northerly
<br /> °'��'` .. direation on the East boundary line of said ��
<br /> � ` , Seation 31 at a distance of 1,733 feet to a �
<br /> ° � qas pipe in the aounty road, thsnce in a ___.
<br /> t ' � � . , . SouthwQeterly direation along and upon said
<br /> � „ ° aounty road for a distanae of 824.7 Peet to a -
<br /> qas pipe, thenae in a southerly direation
<br /> parallel to the East boundary line of said �fF
<br /> � Section 31 a distance of 1,636 feet to the ���=
<br /> • • aenter of an old mound on the South boundary --
<br /> ' .fi,p�; .' � line of said Section Thirty-One (31) (whiah `�
<br />� �� mound !Ls said to bs the Northeast aorner of ---
<br /> ����-''r ,� s'� " Seation Six (6), Township Eiqht (8) North, -
<br /> ' � .. Range Twelve, (12), West of the 6th P.M., �
<br /> . � . Adams County, Nebraska) , thenae in an Easterly —
<br /> ' direction along the South boundary line of °_
<br /> `-` �'. `'•• Section Thirty-one (31) to the place of -_
<br /> . _, , bogiru�ing, said 20 aares being unimproved; _
<br /> n
<br /> �.^
<br /> ." � - A traat o! land situated in the Northwest Quarter of the -
<br /> �� � Southwest Quarter (NW1/43W1/4) lying North of the River Road,
<br /> o� also known as the Elm Island Road, Section Thirty-Three (33), ��
<br /> Township Nine (9) North, Ranqe Twelve (12) , West of the 6th
<br /> °� P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly desaribed as
<br /> . follows: �
<br /> � � Commencinq at a point where the North boundary �
<br /> line of the River Road, also known as the Elm
<br /> .. Island Road, intersects the West line of !
<br /> � Section Thirty-Three (33) above described, '
<br /> being the point of beqinning, and thence
<br /> ' i . running in a Northeasterly direction along and
<br /> _ ., upon the North boundary line of the said River
<br /> � -� � � Road also known as the Elm Island Road a
<br /> .. distance of 778 feet, thence running in a
<br /> � Northerly direction on a line parallel to th�
<br /> „ East Line of eaid Section Thirty-Three (33) a
<br /> dis�tance of 316 feet, thence running in a
<br /> � Southwesterly direction along and upon a line
<br /> that runs parallel to the North boundary line
<br /> of the �aid River Road also known as the �lm
<br /> �
<br /> l �
<br /> r,� �
<br />