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� �� � . � � 9� ioszos <br /> � <br /> 96. DEFEASANCE AND RECONVEYANCE BY TRUBTEE. Upon the payrt�nt and_performence fn full of all of the Obligations,Lender will execute and <br /> deliver to Grantor those documerrts that may be required to release this Deed of Trust of record. Grantor shall be responsible to pay any costs of <br /> reoordation and any reconveyance fee charged by Truatee. Upon written request of Lender stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid and u n <br /> surrender of this Deed of Trust and any note to Trustee for cancellaUon and retentfon and up n payment by Lender of Trustee's fees, Trustee s�hall <br /> reoorney to Lender,or the pe�son or persons legally entitled thereto,wktwut warranty,any p�rlion of safd premises then held hereunder. The recitals in <br /> such recorneyance of any matters or facts shall be condusive proof of the tnrthfulness thereof. The�arrtee 7n any recorneyance may be described as"the <br /> person or persons legally errtkled thereto". <br /> 37. CONSTRUCTION LOAN. ❑ This Deed of Trust is a construction mortgage under the Uniform Cortrnerdal Code,to secure an obliga�on incurred for <br /> the construction of an improvemerrt on land,induding the acquisition costs of land. This Deed of Trust secures a construction loan,and it will be subject to <br /> the temis of a construction loan agreemerrt between Grantor and Lender. My materials,equipmerrt or suppiles used or irrtended for use in the construction, <br /> developmerrt,or operation of the Property,whether stored on or off the Pro shall also be subject to the Ilen of this Deed of Trust,and Grarrtor,or <br /> Grarrtors oontractor if loan prooeeds are paid to such corrtractor, shall the loan proceeds to the paymerrt of Iawful dalme for labor and material <br /> fumished for such construction. <br /> 98. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD AND OTHER EXEMP110N8. Grantor hereby wa(ves all homestead and other exemptions in the Property to which <br /> Grarrtor would otherwise be errtRled under eny appiicable law. <br /> �. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. GRANTOR HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY CIVIL ACTION ARI8ING OUT OF,OR BASED <br /> UPON�THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 40. ADDI710NAL TERMS: <br /> GraMor admowledges that GraMor has read,understands,and agrees to the tem�s and conditions of this Deed of Trust,and adviowledges receipt of an <br /> e�cact copy of same. <br /> Datedthis lst dayof July, 1999 <br /> GRANTO . GRANTOR: <br /> ROG TS N <br /> GRANTOR: GRANTOR: <br /> THORTON <br /> GRANTOR: GRAN7�OR: <br /> GRANTOR: GRANTOR: <br /> NEDOTE Rw.t?/97 Pap�b d 6 <br />