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NEBRASKA 66aooios�e6sa000a °�� <br /> 203 Little Canada Rd DEED OF TRUST oo4es//v�xo� <br /> Ste 200 <br /> St. Paul, MN 55117 '' ��' � �'"� ,- �.� <br /> �. <br /> s=r.s� avi.=a�a �o�x aoane �, asn�e TsaRTat, sassaeac uw x=n <br /> AO�A TSO�tNTQi <br /> .............................................:##:#:�'r':#�:###:#?;:`:::?:;::•`:2�::•`:#�i:::<:::iSi:;::f::::�i;:%�i'r''r''r'i:;+:�;i:i�:3i�::�i�;:�:�:�i:;�i;;:i`•Si�53i:�:'r'i::�:i:%::�;:i:::i:�;:`•:�;#:�:#3::`•::�::::iii;:?�:�::�::;•` <br /> �i:;•::::::::::�::�:>s:;�:i��:::.'•i::i::�5:�;:;:�;S;S:>::%: <br /> :;;+::•::•::•::•t::;�:»:.::�:.>:;:.:.::.;:.::•;:•s:•>:•::•::•::•::•: .. <br /> 1 N,V71JC DA <br /> OR11ND I6S,71ND, NE 6880338I6 <br /> ..�.....:....:.......:....,,.#:::':>:::::;:::i:::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::;...................... : .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.........................:::::::::::::::::::::•<::::::::::::::::::::.:�:::::::....... <br /> �tu.�� yy�•1�1t�� y�{ .......:.........:y.....:�:i;::i::::::::::;;::i;:i::>:::::::::::t::i:::::::::::;:;::::;:::: <br /> ..���Tt. ..........::::::::::::::::. . 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OBLIGA710NS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the payment and partom�ance of all preseM and future indebtedness, Ilablifties, obligatlons and <br /> covenarrts of Bor�ver or Grantor(cumulatNely"Obliga�Uons")to Lender pur:uant to: <br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the fdlowing proMasory notes and other eReemerrts: <br /> ::>::>::>::>::>::>::r�....:+...:.,..:..:....:.:.:....:..:...::::::>::::::>:<z::a::<::><::>:<:::>::>::>: ��.{,::!:l:i>�:<:i:;:E:E>EEEE>':'':'::'':"�`..;.....:..........;:.::;;.;>:.:�.;:.;:.::.;:.:<.:.;:.;::.;:.;;::.;:.;:.:.: •..•>::»•<::::.:;:.>:.;:.;::.;:.;:.;:<.;: <br /> •::.>:.::.>:.;:.;:.;y.►y :: � . .......::::::::i': •. :.::.::.>::;:.::«<.;:.::.::::.::.::.::.::.::.r:.;:<.... <br /> �.�:::::::::::A.•.R.}I�:��::::::::k:::::::::::;::::::::::;;::;::;::i:.....=i5!........................ • .:.:::::::::::.::::::::.:::�:::::::::::. :.::::.:f:s:>:::::::::::::;:::::i::::: <br /> :.::;<.>:.>:.::.::.;:.::.::.:..�..yy.�..y.�y:: • �:.::.s::.:.::.:::.:.::.::.::•.:::: : . . ...�y.y�: •:.y�.>:.;::.::.::.;:.::;���y� .::.:::.::.::..:::.i:.::.:::.;::.;:.::.::;.::5:.:.:;�1::.>i::.;:.:::;:.>:.>:.::.::.>::.>::.; <br /> ::>::>::>::f� •: <br /> •;,::::::;::::�N�1RiM1:i::�::;::::Y:;::;::;:::::;::::.. <br /> R�Pki.�'kii::::::;::;::i::i::iR:;::: . � <br /> �'::i:;c::::;::::: ... .. .....................................:...::.::::::..... ::::::>::::>::::>::::>:':::;:::::i:::r::::::;:>:::::>::::::�Rtl[i::;::22:::#:;:::::i:::::<:::>::::ii: <br /> ....FMi.F�.......................................................... <br /> 30,798.30 07/O1/99 07/15/19 66Z0010578682000a <br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agreeme s w n r a re er s y o s o ru sr�xscu or •sams or dlfferont <br /> purpoass than the forogoln�); <br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or hereafter exeatted that refers to this Deed of Trust; <br /> (d) future advanoes,whether obligatory or optional,to the same exteM as if made cotrtemporaneously with the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or <br /> extended on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Grarrtor agreea that if one of the Obliga�atlons Is a Une of credit,the Ifen of this Deed of Trust shall oorninue <br /> uMil payment in full of all del�due under the Iine notwfthstanding the fect that from�me to Ume(but bafore tem�ination of the line)no balance may be <br /> outstanding. At no time during the term of this Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall the unpeid and outstanding secured prindpel future <br /> advances,not Induding sums advanced by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,exceed the following amourrt: S �o ,o a_�e <br /> This provision shall not constitute an obligation upon or commitmerrt of Lender to meke add�fonal advances or loans to Grantor;and <br /> (e)all amendmerrts,extenslons,renewals,modifications,repla�rrts or wbstitutiona to any of the foragoing. <br /> As used in this Paragraph 1,the tem�Grarrtor and Borrower shall indud�and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if mcre than one. <br /> 2 REPRESENTA710N3,WARRANTiES AND COVENANTS. arantor represerrts,warrarrts end covenant�to Lender that: <br /> (a) Grarrtor has fee slmple rnarketable title to the Property and shall maintain the Property free of all Ilena,securtty irrterests,encumbrances and daims <br /> exoept for this Deed of Trust and those descrlbed in Schedule B,which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by reference,which <br /> Grantor agrees to pay and perform in a timely manner; <br /> (b) Grantor is in compliance in all respects with all applicable federal,state and local Iaws and regulations,induding,without limitation,those relating to <br /> "f{azardous Materials,"as deflned herein,and other environmernal matters(the"Ernironmerttal Laws"),end neRher the federal govemmerrt nor any <br /> other govemmeMal or quasi govemmernal eMity has 81ed a Ifen on the Property,nor are there any govemmental,judfdal or administrative actlons with <br /> respect to ernironmental matters pen�ng,or to the best of the Grantor'a biowledge threatened,which irnolve the Property. Neither Grantor nor,to the <br /> best of Grantor's knowledge,any other party has used,generated,relessed,c�sctiarged, stored,or�sposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined <br /> herein,in connection with the Property or transported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Property. Grantor shall not co►m�it or pem9t such actions <br /> to be taken in the future. The tertn "Hazardous Materials" ahall mean any substance, material, or waste which is or becomea regulated by any <br /> govemmernal authority induding,but not Iimited to,(i)petroleum;(li)Mable or nonfriable asbeatos;(iii)polychlorinated biphenyls;(iv)those substances, <br /> materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuarrt to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or Iisted pursuarrt to Section 307 of the <br /> Clean Water Act or any amendmerits or replacements to these statutes;(v)those aubstenoes, rnaterfela or wastes deftned as a"hazardous waste" <br /> pursuarrt to Section 1004 of the Hesouroe ConservaUon and Recovery Act or any amendmerrts or replacemeMs to that statute; and (vi) those <br /> subatanoes, materials or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substanoe" pursuant to Section 101 of the ComprehensNe ErnironmsMal Response, <br /> Compensation and Liabiliry Act, or any amen�nerrts or replaoemerns to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, regulation or <br /> ordinance now or hereafter in eifect. Grantor ahall not lease or pemit the sublease of the Property to a tenarrt or subtenant whose operatlons may <br /> result in oontaMnation of the Property with Hazardous Materials or tox�wbstances; <br /> NEDOT RN.1?/97 Papa 1 d B <br />