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r -rc��}� � - - - . - ^ _ .. t. ., -- � � . ty ';sifl <br /> s�— ,:-. �� . <br /> ;�:, ,. • '1�"�t�OGi.402 ,. ,> <br /> ,� opp8cqbte lew Y�Y�patty for rclmuumrni)beforo MIe ot the�37openY Punwn�So�ny powle of�ale caenlntd In ih4 . . _ <br /> Sawity,inctl�imrn�;a(D)enuy of�jud�ent rnforcinp M��wiiy Inslrumrnt 1hae couQium..•�ra�!w Hbrrowa' (� i,• <br /> p�Y�t,a�lerail tum�wNch tAen wouW be due undu Uili 84curity InttiunKnt�n4 tia Nde t�.Jt no�SCe�et�� �.. <br /> otturted�(1�)'eWef�nydeGultofuiy�COVen+ptsot�Yfaments;(c)p�YeplloxpeeseslncurredlnenforcinQthls u� . <br /> I n p R u n e b�;l n C l W i n g;'Ml t:n o t I l m i to,ff+son+blo attane y6'far,uW(W ukef such xdon is Lender�iuy ru4onn Y;�: . <br /> la�uhn So un�ro thet Iha Ilen oflhle Seeudty Inswmeni,tRnderB dghts 16�ta Propeny uM Bortower6 Q*Yla��i d n l6 p►y.�M <br /> sum�'�Als Socuriry Insln�met�t sh41 conqnue unchwngtd. .Upon rcin:t�temeni by Rortowa, tht� .^iec��l�y — <br /> iminimt+it uid t1»obllg�tinns.secuted hcroby chili rcm�in W11y effaUVe u!f no keeleiytlbn h�d ocSwrcd: Hoxwva;�h(� : • <br /> n - -_�• ri3httorctni�atostultnotnpplyinthscasoofnecelerallonunderpungmphl7. <br /> 1q, g�p ot Nqe{G�uQe of Lqn&rrker. 'Ra Nao or aputla Intercst In Ua Nae(to�aher wi�ry�1e Securtry <br /> ' Insuumem)mey be sold one a mora tlmes wl�hout prior naticc-to Bortower� A sale may«auit in p chan6a f��hE CMi�y: <br /> my be o or more changes of Uro�Lo�an 3erviar unrolated!o a sala of�h Noto��if here 1 Su htngo of�the%l.o�n�abr <br /> Borrowor will tio�Iven wdittn notico of illo chango In acco�danoa wttA�wrpgreph 14 ubova and app]labin I�w. 'the nollca _ <br /> will ateto�ho nnmo and addrass of�ho now I.oan 3ervtcer and ttw eddmss to whtch paymente should be made. Tho natice wlil <br /> -- - - elw contein ony ahcr informntlon rcqalnxl bya�pt!crAa taw. ' <br /> 20. Ilaurdaue Subsf�ncts, �orrower sR�JI not eause or pertnG rhe Frexnce.usc,disposai,pamgo,or rolwso of any <br /> �{�dous Substanas an or In�ho Prope�qr. Baccower ntiail aa do,nor eltow anyoro elso to do,nnytrtng aftecWg.tho <br /> Ptopeny that Is in violation of any Iinrironmental 4aw, 7iw pnxedicg two s:ntenas slull�ta�ply ro the pmsena.�ur�,or <br /> srorage on tho Property of small quamiRes of Ftazudou�Substances thal nro ger.eraliy rvcogntzed to Do approyr[azo ro carival <br /> , rts'.drt;isl uses and to meintenance of the Praperq. <br /> . �Sn:rower she11 promptly glvo Lender wntten aatco of nny Inves�igallon,daim,demand.lawsnit or othee ocUoa Ey a�ny � <br />-.____. _.. _ <br /> ga�tmmantal or rc6ula�ory egency or pdvnta puty involving tho Ptopeny end m Harntdon+SuDslence or Environnr.nt�l <br /> �--� ,•Law o3 zrhich Bortower has actual knavlcdge. If Oo�rower Icartu, or is not fled 6y any govemmental or mg�zt:,:tiy -- <br /> eu�Aority,thal eny rcmoval or other remedlaflon of any Nazardow Subsianca affuUng tl�o Property ie necessary.Bor[o��•.t <br /> shall promptly�ako all necessary rcmedfal aciion+in ecmtdanec oith CnvironmCntal Lew. <br /> -=a��-��'�� As used in this pawgreph 40,"Hm.ardous Substanezs"azc�hoso sutuiences defined es roxic or haznrdau substenxa by <br /> � Qnvironmental Law and�ho following cubsiances: gnsotint,keroscrM,o�her Ilammablo or toxle pevolenm p:oduct�,toxic <br />=-=�x�,y� pcsdcides end hctbieldes, volnGlo solvents,maiedala�onnttining esbcsios or Pormaldchyd0.nnd radloattAr m�hdels. Ae <br /> __ - used in thia paregreph 20,"finvtronmemai Lew"means fcdrml0nas and Iawe of thejudsdicdon�vherc tho Propzrry le locxttd <br /> _�:--•=�,Tyjj thatrclatc�ohealtA,safetyorenvironmen�elprotution. - <br /> --�,°��;=� , NON•UMFORM COVBNAN'fS. 6ortower and Lender fimher covcnant md egree ea foltowy: <br />-- . � r��� 21, Acttkrotloni Remedks� Lender ehall glve notice lo Borrox�er pdor lo rcceteretion fdlowing Borrower'e <br /> ;�4},w..:xh�. <br />_,.�£���j� brcac�ot�ny wvenant or ogreement In ihts Securlty Instrument @ut not pflor to acceleralim�under p�ngraph N <br /> unless applica6la Inw providea otherxise). The notice sh�ll epecifyt (e)IAe de[oult{(b)the�etlon rcqutted lo curc the <br />_- ��"�1������� _ �t�(a��e;rr)o date,nM lesv�han 30 dnya hom the date the noqca is Riven to Borrower,by whkh lhe detoull must bt _ <br />- � cuml;nnA(d)thot tpilurc to cure Ihe defaull on or before the date speclflM In Ihe notice may resulf In�eceientinn u� <br />;•iry`.?i+�:.�.t: the sums secured Dy thla 3ecur(ty Instrumenl ond sate of lhe Properly. The no�ice shall N�her In(otm Bortower ot <br /> the ri�t�u retnttate aRer acceleroqon ond�he rlgM to Drinp o court actlon to uuA the non�ezistena ot p detal�ll or _ <br /> - �-•��., any other defense of�torrower to ecmleraqon nnd sale. If the detaW t b nm rnred on or be(ore the dnlc Rpecifled In _ <br /> `;;,<�.>.-•�'� IIx notice,I.ender at I�sopHon mxp re�u1re lmmedLne paymenl In full of a17 xnms secured by fhls 3ecnrlly lnstrmnml � <br /> ` wilhant PurlLer dcmend und me7�3nvoke the power of�ale and any othcr rcmedles prnnitted by nppykable Ipn. <br /> Lendu shnll be enf(tled lo rnliec� nil expensex ineurred in punuing the rcmcdles pmy�lded In Ihls paragroph 31, <br /> �'��' Includlng,but nol Ilmi[cd to,rensonx6le edorneya'tecs ond costa of dlle eridentt. <br /> �� It the poixer ot saie Is Invokcd,7Yustce shntl remrd e nolice ot de(ouit in each wunty In whfcfi nny parl of the = <br />