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<br /> �•- TO(1k71-IER WITFI all the improven�enls naw on c�reafler crected a►thc property,nnd oll e�ements,appurtenanceR.
<br /> and Bxlure�now or hercafter A QAtt oP tho praperty. All replwcemenle and additionx siwll elso be covered by thic 3ocuritY
<br /> = Itwtrument. All oP the fotegoing is referred to ln thia Security lnatrument ua the"Propeny.
<br /> �� BORROWER COVENANTS that Harowcr is lawfully sciscd of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right w grant
<br /> _=� nnd convey�he Property and�hae the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrnnces of record. Borrower warrant�and
<br /> will defend gener�lly the title w the Propeny agai�st all clnims and demnnd�.subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> =�----___�--�--_-� THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMEN'f combines unifarm cuvenanta for netionnl nse and non-uniform eovenant� with _
<br /> -- limited varialiona by judsdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering�al propeny.
<br /> �c UNIFORM COVENANTS. 9orrower and Lender covenant and agree as followa: Wh�due ihe
<br /> " ___'- ,u 1. Pnyment otPrincipal and IMerest;PrepAyment aad I.Ate Chprges. Borrowcr ahall promptly pay
<br /> principa1 of wnd intemat un tha debt evidenced by the Note aad any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> - �`-..,,� 2. Fbnda tor 71�xes And Insorance. Subject to applicable law or ro a written waivcr by Lender.Bortower shall pay to
<br /> •�*�*���: ' I.ender on 1he day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fl�nds")for:(a)yearly
<br /> °m°�°°°--- �exes and as�essments which muy attain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property:<b)Year�Y�easehold
<br /> ����.'; ' payments or ground rents on the Properry. if any; (c) yeurly hazard or properly insurnnce premiums; (d) yearly fload
<br /> - insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly mongege insurance prsmiums, if any; and (� any sums pAyable by Borrower to
<br /> ---��`'„�,'. Lender, In accoMance with the proviRions of parngraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> , �._., •
<br /> items ere called"Excrow Items.' Lender may,at any time,callect und hold Funds in an amount not to exce.ed the maximum
<br /> ��' ' �'� amowri a Iender for a federally related mortguge loam m�y require for Borrowerk escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> ; .',�:�•:.: Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended Prom time to dms,12 U.S.C.�260t et seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> �.�,.�,. � law that upplfes ta the Funds sets n le.cser amount. If iso,l.ender muy,ut any time.collect and hold Funds in on umount not to
<br /> ---- - �_ �
<br /> ����� •'`"-+ �°' exceed the lesser amaunt. Lender may estimote the umaunt af ILads dua on the baxiy of current date and reasonpb c
<br /> '����'�"''�'` eatimatea of expenditures of future Excrow Itemx or otherwixe in accordunce with upplicable luw.
<br /> = n�``��� Thc Fundx xhall bc held in an ins�i�ution whoxe depoxltK urc insured hy s�fedcral ugency. inaln�mentality,ar emity
<br /> °`"""—�`°'"{'���' n UncluJing Lendcr,ii l.cndc�fa xuch an inwtitulfon)or in uny Pcdcrul N�Nnr L.nun Hunk. I.�nder xhall upply�hc Funds to puy
<br /> .__!�el�.e. �,y.
<br /> ��. 1he �Mruw Itcme. l.cndcr may n�H churgc Horruwcr li►r hnlding und upplyfng Ihc Fund�,unnually unulyiing the�:u:row
<br /> - -��' � ' uccuunl. �rc vrrfl'ying Ihc FMmw Ilem+,unleKw l.endcr puyx Nnm�wur intcrcr� un dx Funds und opplicublc luw permitK
<br /> —� ��-'= '���' l.cndcr Iu mukc Kuch u churgc. N��wever,Lendcr muy rrquim Burruwcr�o puy a one•timc rhurgc fi►r un{nckprndent real
<br /> --o!'�"_;.w,? `� � e�tule lux rc��rting Mrvicc u�d by l.cndcr in cnnner�ion wilh thlK I�wn,unlcrr uppUcublc luw providca othenvfhe. Unlcxx an
<br /> ,�.��,� � � wg�ccmcnt b mudc or uppIfcuhlc law rcyulrc�intcrcx��o Ik puiJ.l.cn�kr�hull not be rcyuired�o puy Sorcc�wcr uny imercat or
<br /> `'-�',�t�s s�.':�. carningK�+n Ihc Fundx. Horrowcr und I.endcr muy ugrcr in wri�ing,h��wcvcr,thut Mtcrest whall bc puid an Ihc�undx. Lcndcr
<br /> �W� -''�"'�" .°�'"°; nhall give tu Burruwcr,wilhout churgc, un unnuul uccuunlinR��f�he Fundx.�howing crcdits und debitx to Ihe Funds und the
<br /> ::��•�::.�,".. punxixc for which cach dcbit to�he Funds was mude. The Fundx ore pledged us edditional xccurity for ull sums�secured by
<br />-�:�-��.�=�i�`_�_ thix Sccurity Inswment.
<br /> ���;;��•rt ' ' li the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounta permitted to be heid by uppiicnbie iaw. Lr�iSa►'shail accouat to
<br /> .-��= '��` � Borrower for the excess Funds in accordunce with the reyuirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> '7 .t..s,a;:.t .
<br /> -••�_�.��` L ert d er ut any time ia not sufficient to pa y the Egcraw Uemti when due,l.ender muy ,o notify Borrower in writing,und,in
<br /> -�+`'.- ''""�'�`�'�' ° such case Borrower shull pay to Lender the amount necessory to mnke up the def�ciency. Borrower shnll make up the
<br /> :�i���� . �: . , deficiency in no more than twelve manthly puymentx.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br />____ ..�,� .. • Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />___��,y .:��,�.,:. Funds held by Lender. lf, under parngruph 21.Lender 4hAll ucquire or xell the I'�aperty.Lender,prior to�he acquisition or
<br />. - • sale of the Property,shall upply any Funds held 6y Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> •�t'•. � � secu�+ed by�his Security Ins;trument.
<br /> •� """ , •� 3. Application of Pt�yments. Unle�s upplicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br /> � paragrnphs I und 2 shall be upplied:�rst,to any prepayment churges due under the Note;second,to amounts payuble under
<br />_,��,_' � '� o paragraph 2;third,to interest due;faurth,to principal due;und lagt,lo any late chsuges due under the Note.
<br /> �� . 4. Charges; Liens. 8orrower shull puy all taxes. �x+essments, churgez,fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> � ' •7P Property which muy m�ain priority over�his Security Ins�rument.nnd leu+ehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> �'��"'` '"� , shall pay these obligu�ions in the monner provided in parngmph 2,or if not paid in thet munner,Borrower shull pay them on
<br /> ' , . time directly to the person owed payment. Bort�ower shnll prcxnptly furnish tu Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under
<br />` '�•'. -• � � this paragroph. If Borrower mukes thece puymems directly, Bcxrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> _ . �,n... the paymeMs.
<br /> �,_u,� �� . � �'. Borrower shall promptly dischurge any lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ugreeti
<br />- � • .. ' in writMg to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a munner uccepwble to I.ender.(b)contests in good faith Ihe
<br /> �- lien by,or defends uguinst enforcement of the licn in,Icgul pmccedingx which in Ihe Lender ti opinion operute to prevent the =
<br /> �'�.� • enfoaement of the lien:or(c)secures from llx holJer��f the lien un ugreement�a�isl'ACtory to L�nder subordinating the lien -
<br /> �'�I' •'` �� � to this Security Instrument. If Lcnder determinez�hut uny purt of the Property is subject to u lien which muy Attoin piyorlry
<br /> � �;+ � �
<br /> � ' over this Securlry Instrument,Lcndcr muy give Borrowcr u noticc identifying thc lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy the licn or toke
<br /> .t� one or more of the actians set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice. _
<br />� '. S. Hazard ur Property Insurance. Borrower shnU kecp the improvemen�s nuw existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> n Praperty insured nguinst loss by fire,huzurds includcd within thc tcrm"extrnded a�verage"und uny olher hazurds,including
<br /> floods or flooding. for which Lcndcr reyuires in+urancc. Thi, insuruncc shull be muintuincd in the umounts and for�he
<br /> . Form3l2d 9/91 rywRe:njdpagesl
<br /> . - ..s-.- . . , . . . . .
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