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<br /> '�I TOOBTHER W17'H All Ihe Imprc�vements now on c�rca(tcr cnxled on thc propcny.un�all cuRCmenIA,appuncnancr�.
<br /> - --;,:, and fixtures naw or herenRer a purt at'Ihc property. All replacementa nnd udditfons Khull wl�n be coverai by�hi�Secu�ily
<br /> - lnarument. All of'thc forcgoing is rcfemed 10 in Ihir Secudty Inctrument a��hc"PrapeAy'
<br /> ��n BORROWER COVFNANTS Ihut BoRawer is lawfully xeixed af the c.rtntc hen:hy ronvcycd and has�hc right to gront ____
<br /> _ -' r _•,, arid convey the Property nnnd that the Property i4 unencumi+emcl,except for e�umbrunceK of reconi. Burn�wer warruntr a�d __
<br /> ;,� w81 defend generally the tfde to the Property AgpMet all clulmr and demAndc,aubject to s�ny encumbn►nce�of recard. _.__.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambinex unifcxm covenama for nutional u�: and nan•uniform covetwntr wi�h
<br /> "`-�----�---_°.�� limited vn�iations by jurisdicd�►n to rnnglftule u uniPorm,:ecurity inatNment covering real pmperty. 6
<br /> _�_� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower und Lender cavenont and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Pay�aent o�Priacipd and lntercsti Preps�yment aad Lpte CharRes. Borruwcr shall promptly puy whcn due the
<br /> �����:'.°� princlpal of and intcrest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and nny prepuyment uixf late churge4 due undcr�hc Notc.
<br /> _,n,��'��•. Z. �unds tor 7lwxes and InsurAnce. Subject ta applicable Inw ar to a wr�tten wniver by Lender.BaROwer xhull puy ta
<br /> _ .._,�,?_'�"'' ' Lender on the day monthly puyments urc due under�he Notc,until the Note is puid in full,u sum l"Funds')for:(u)yearly
<br /> --�._:i=�-?", taxes and assessments which may attain p�forlty aver this Secu�ity Instrument ua u lien an Ihe Ptopeny;(bl y��ly leasehold
<br /> ��—���_:,;���� -� payments ar ground rent� un the Prapeny, lf any: lc) ycsuly hAZUrd or pmpeny insurance premfuma: (d) yearly ftood __
<br /> ,. �nsurancc premiums, if any; le) yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if any; and(� uny aums puyuble by Borrower 10
<br /> -- ---"=�� Lender,in uccordance wi�h the provi�sianK of purngraph 8,in lieu of the payment of martgage insurunce premiums. These
<br /> -- =�"`;T �� items ere called"Bscrow Items." Lender may,at uny�ime,colltct nnd hold Funds in un Amount not ia exceed the muximum
<br /> �-_ ���;��"�� amount a lender for a federnlly related mortgoge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federnl Real
<br /> � `'l"6`� Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to�ime,12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> -~"""-'�`��'� � law that appliea to the Funds sets A legser amount. If so.Lender may,at�uty lime,collect und hold Flmds in an umount not to
<br /> . �._
<br /> — ��'�`�:����. _. exceed the lesser amouni. Lender may estimate the amount of Mlmds due on the bnsia of current duu+ and reasonaWe
<br /> —= + � estimatea of eapenditures ot'fuwre Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordunce with appiicuble law. _
<br /> ��. '�'• ,- � Thc Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposils ure insured by a federul agency, in�+trumeniality, or entity =
<br /> �. �.��. �, (including Lender,if Lender is such An institution)or in any Federnl Home l.oun Bunk. Lender shall Apply the Funds to pay —
<br />�..;� ;= r�. the Escrow Items. I.ender mey not churge Borrower for halding und applying the Funds,unnuully unnlyzing the escrow
<br />=;,� �; .��.. �.. '� account, or vcrifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays BoRawer interest an the Funds und upplicablc law permils �
<br /> ���.�' Lender to make such a charge. Howevcr,Lender may requirc Bortower ta puy u one-time churge for nn ind�pendent real
<br /> .?� • ' estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unleas applicable Inw provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ` '''�" ` agreement is made or applicable law requires interest l0 6e paid,Lender shwll no[be required to pay Borrower any interest or ,__
<br /> ~ '� �� � eamings on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may ngrce in writing,however,that interest shull be paid on the Funds. l.endcr _
<br /> ,�� :q`;.y~ - „.�` :�;. shall give to Borrower,without charge,an ennuAl uccounting of the Funds,showing crcdits and debits to�he Funds und the _
<br />����_; h,�:f.... purpose for which each debit w the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as udditionnl security for nll sums secured by
<br /> ,^�':. " � this Securiry lnstrument.
<br /> -- ' -•'� - If the Fands h!�Id t+y Tender exceed the umounts permitted to bc held by applicuble law, Lender shall uccount �o
<br /> -- '�'� '� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordonce with the requiremenis oi npplicable law. �f the amount ot the Funds heid by
<br />_. .��.5'`_' . ' ,
<br /> .r, Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in
<br /> '••;, , „ . such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to mc►ke up the de�ciency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> ��,���' deficiency in no more�han twelve monthly payments,ut Lender'.s sole Jiscretion. �_
<br /> �.. t,�;.; � � . Upon pnyment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower uny __
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under puragtaph 21,Lender shull ucquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the ucquisition ar �
<br /> �°w ' sale of the Proper►y, shall upply uny Funds held by Lender nt the time of ucquisition or sale as a credit against the sums �'�
<br /> i �..
<br /> ' � . secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> � 3. Applieallon ot P�ymenls. Unless upplicuble I�w provide� o�henvise, all payments received by Lender under _•- -
<br /> �: paragmphR 1 and 2 shull be upplied:firxt.to nny prepayment charges due undcr the Note;second,to umounts payable under
<br /> � , �;.;�' • ..� „ paragreph 2:third.to interest due;fourth,to principul due;und last,to any lute churges due under Ihe Note. _
<br /> ..��N . 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower xhull pay nll tuxex, uxscssments, chnrges, tines and impositions attributable to thc
<br /> , Property which may nttain priority avcr this Security Ins�rument.und Icusehold puymcnts or ground rents,if uny. Borrawer
<br /> �' ��' -= � shull puy these obligntions in�he munner provided in pu�ugruph 2,or if not paid in tha�manner.Borrowcr shall puy them on �����,
<br /> „�� ^ time direcdy to the person owed puyment. Bormwer tihnll promptly Purnixh to Lender all notice�of amounts to be puid under �'
<br /> ;,;.,� , ' this parngraph. If E3orrower maker these puyment�direcdy,Borrower xhull promptly furnish to Lender receip�s evidencing �-'*���
<br /> '• " ;��; ' • • � the payments.
<br />: ., ' • Borrower shall promptly dischurge uny lien whirh has prio►tity over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(al ugnes ��?_
<br /> : . � '"' � " in writing to the payment of ihe obligation securcd by�he lien in u manner ucccptable to Lender,(b)contesls in good fAith the
<br /> � �±� .�� � lien by,or defends agninst enforcemenl of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent�he
<br />- ' -� cnforcement of Ihe licn;or(c1 secures from thc holdcr of thc lien un Agrecment.utisfuctory�o Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> -. ., to this 3ecurity Instrument. If Lender determines that uny part of the Propeny ix subjec�w u lien which may uttain priorily _
<br /> •l� �,,, ., over this Securiry Instrument.Lender muy give Borrower u noticr idcntifying the lien. Borrower shull sutisfy the lien or toke _
<br /> �"� • one or more of Ihe actions set forth ubovc within 10 dny�ot'the giving of nuticr.
<br /> � .° 5. Hazard or Preperty Insurance. Barrower shull keep the improvemcnts now exixting or hercaftcr erected on the
<br /> I'ropeny insured vgainst loss by fire,hazurds included wilhin the term"cxtendeJ covrragd'anJ uny other ha�arJ,,including �
<br /> floods or flaading, for which Lender reyuires in+ur�nre. 'fhis insuruncc +hull t+c muintained in Ihe nmounls and for the �
<br /> ., �
<br /> , �� FormJ02lt 919Y 1/�xe:ojelwKesl .
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