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<br /> ---- canaelled, and to heve is4ued by the Truateo this Eull
<br /> � releasQ and eatisfaation and cancellation af the Moctqaqe
<br /> _ --__-__--°-_' and to have the Trustee enter satiafactfon thereof upon the T
<br /> - _— mortgage cecords, all in accordance with the cequirements of
<br /> - the Mcrtgaqe including, but not limited to, Acticle Twelve
<br />------ - --- thereoE. --,
<br /> " "_ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises
<br /> _ —`'� and f n consideratfon of the payment to the Tcustee of Ten
<br /> =���
<br /> -� ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration,
<br /> ,�
<br />_�:�- -- �..-.� --
<br /> the receipt artd suEEiciency oE which is hereby acknowledged,
<br /> r the Trustee undec the Mortgage, has released, discharged,
<br /> . �,.
<br /> . , and quitclaimed, and by these presents does RELEASE, _
<br /> � . 4' • DISCHAR(3� and focever QUITGLAIM, unto the Union PaciEic, its
<br />• ,: '' � �
<br /> - successors and assigna, forever, ail and singular the eetate _
<br /> = . � iic�tii., title, iatere�t aad demand which r,he Trustea may have
<br /> .�
<br /> ; acquired or may aow have in, through and under the Mortqaqe
<br /> •• •_• ;'�Q` .
<br /> �, � 'X;?�;;;�. in and to all vf the lines oE railroad, real and other
<br /> . - ,�,�,,:
<br /> �. ���:�,.
<br /> ,�,,.
<br /> property at any time subject to the lien of the Mortgage of
<br /> �� • . -; ",i whatsoever kind or doscription; and the Trustee hereby
<br /> . '�.�� ���.
<br /> " ?: consents that the Mortgaqe, and all liens created thereby,
<br /> .. .�.�'__i�.
<br /> ''�"Y"`� may be cancelled, erased, discharged, satisEied and released
<br /> r_,w...
<br /> , - .
<br /> "�"'•'�`�� � � -
<br /> of record; and the Trustee hereby consents and agrees that
<br /> . . �.
<br /> •,. _ ..
<br /> • w .�.,,:i.. �.:
<br /> . •;,,, �•� � the Mortgage, and all and singular the estates, cigt�ts and
<br /> .��, �;• .
<br /> � ,,:��; interests thereby created or granted to, or vested in the
<br />,� .,�:`�'���� Trustee have ceased, terminated and become of no eEfect; and
<br /> ��..ri�.� rt
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