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<br /> --� th�Prop�rty 1�w t�k�n w d�n�p�d,L�nd�r�11 hav�th�optlon,M It�wt��nd�baaluq dl�orNlon,to�pply�II wch ProoNd�,
<br /> �.� NNr d�dwsqnp fh�Nrom all aab�nd��p�n�Inaurr�d by It In aonmaUon wNh wah ProaNd�,upon anY ind�bt�dnw�Naund
<br /> h�►�by�nd In wch ord�r u L�nd�r m�r dst�rmin�,or to�pply�II woh P�ocNd�,db►woh d�duadon�,to�h�rNlontl�an d th�
<br /> ���-R� prop�rty upon woh eonditlons��L�nd�r m�y d�term�n�.Any�pplio�don ol ProoMds tu IndabWfnw�sh�ll not�xqnd or palpon� — _
<br /> - - - -- th�dw dat�of�nY paYn��a und�r th�Not�,or aur��ny d�hult lhmundM a MnuntNr.My un�ppll�d lund��h�ll b�p�W b
<br /> -�x��� t T�«jwio�ana by LMdM.Upon th�ooeur��na�ol an Ev�nt of Gfauit h�nundK.or II�ny�ot 1�tak�n or Npd prooNdlrtp
<br /> comm�nad whlah materlally�H�ab L�nd�r�int�rut In th�Prop�rry,L�nd��m�y In Ib own dl�ontlon.but wllhout obllp�tlon b do
<br /> so,�nd wlthout noUa�to or d�mmd upon Tru�tor�nd wlthout nlw�lnp T�usta from any obllpapon,do any act whlch Tru�tor ha� �
<br /> - _::� �prNd but INb to d0�nd m�y alio clo�ny oth�r aot It d«m�n�auury W prot�ol th�s�ourlty h��wl.Tiwtor�hdl.Imm�di�tNy
<br /> —_� upon d�m�nd th�rNor by L�nd�r,pay to L�nd�r�tl co�b md sxp�n�Inawnd�nd�um��xp�nd�d by Lrnd�r In conn�aqon with
<br /> th��x�ralrs by L�nd�r of th�torqolnp rlphu,top�th�r wilh Int�ns�th�non atth�dd�ult na provld�d In th�Noa,whloh�tutll i�
<br /> •.�� �dded to th�Ind�bt�dnsq Naur�d hsreby.I.��d�r�h�tl not Inour any IlabNly b�cauN ol�nythinp It rt�y do or omlt to do
<br /> ,n�,.�'� hN�under.
<br /> ,.,� g, Nuardou�MaNrlal�.Tnntor sh�ll koep the PropeKy In complfance wllh all applloabte law�,ordlnMncea and repul�don� .
<br /> �- -- �a�srx,... relatlnp to IndusMel hyplens or envkonmenwl proteoHon(collectively retarred to hereln as"Envlronment�l Lew�'7•Trustor shdl ___
<br /> _ =;;�rw��`-'"- kaep the Properfy trM hom�II�ubsUncee deemed to be hazardow or toxlo under any Environmenbl Law�(colleadvaly retoned to
<br /> �='�''K-:�� herel�ss"Heierdou�M�Url�lt'�.Trustor horeby werrente and repreoentt to Lender that there aro no Hezardous Mat�rl�l�on or
<br /> '``'s�� under the Property.Truetor hereby epree�to indernnify end hold hermlees Lend�r,la directoro,oi�cera,employees and apenb,and
<br /> - _�;'�'� � any succe�sors to Lende►'s interost,from pnd apaln�t any and all alaims,damepes,losse�and Uablllpes arleinQ In connectlon wlth
<br /> """"�==''�t Me pre�ence,use,dl�poeal or hamport of any Hazerdoua Meterlala on,under,lrom or about the Property. THE FOREDOINO
<br /> O9" --�- ��,,��� 10. AalOnm�nt ol R�nb.Trustor hereby asaipn4 to Londer the rente,iaeue�end p►olits of the Proporty;provided that Tru�tor _
<br /> � : •.;•: ehall,untll the occurrence ol an Event of Default hereunder,have the ripht to collect and retaln such renta,lesues and profits ae they
<br /> ��'�` "� :� bscome due end payable.Upon the oacurrence ol an Event of Default,Lender may,elther In person a by apent,with or wlthout
<br /> _u' � �r'rh brfn�inp any ecUon or praceedinp.or by e recaiver appolnted by a court and without�eperd to the adequacy of Ita securUy,enter
<br /> � �_��;�;._,, �, ., upon and take po�eesslon ol the Property,or any part thereof,in Its own name or In the neme of the Truatee,end do any acta which it
<br /> .,�,M� � , . . deems necessary or deelrabte to p►eeerve the velue,merketebilily or renteblllty of the PropeAy,o�any paA thereof or Interoat therein, -
<br /> `�":';,�" � Increaee the income therefrom or protect the securiry horeof and,with or wllhout tekinp posaeseion of the Prope►ty,eue for or
<br /> f Q � � '•�� oMerwlae collect the rente,isaues end proflts thereot,Includinp those past due and unpald,and apply the eame,leas coats and �
<br /> �M��� t��;:,.�,� „ expemea of operetlon and collectfon includinp attorneys'leea,upon any Indabtedneas secured hereby,all in auoh ader as Lender
<br /> -- ,.,��p' � - may determine.The enterinp upon end leking poas�asion ol the Property,the collection of such rents,Iseues and proNta and the _-
<br /> �--"..1�';:;.• ;•.�`'....
<br /> �. �;�;: ; • applicatfon thereof es a}oreeald,shell not cure or waive eny detault or notice of defeult hereunder ar invalldete eny act done in
<br />='r"?�����.�; "�; ' �eaponee lo auah defeult o�pureuant to such nodce of default and,notwNhatandlnp Ihe continuance in poeseaelon of the Property o►
<br /> "'�`����'•� , Me colleodon,recelpt and appllcaUon ol rente,isaues or proilt�,and Truetee and lender ahell be enlitled to exerolse every rlpht
<br /> t+ �`d-r provkl�lor In eny of the Loen Inst�uments or by lew upon xcurrence o(eny Event ot Delault Includlnp without Iimitatlon the ripht
<br /> •"`��"� '' •�� to exeralse the power of eale.FuRher,Lender's righta and remedlee under this paraqraph ahell be cumuiative wiii�,end In r�o way a
<br /> "`="�� Ilmltation on,Lender's riphts and remedies under any essignment o1 leases and renta recorded ayainat ttw PropeAy.Lendw,Truotee
<br /> _r,;rJ :� . .
<br /> •;��� and the�eceiver shell be Ileble to account only for thoae rents actually recefved.
<br /> r' � . 11. EYMf{01 D�YI1.The Iollowing shell constitute en Event of Del�ult under thia Deed of Trust
<br /> 'n.; �' ��?`� (a) Fallure to pay eny Inatallment o1 principel or Intereat of eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ���• - ' ' � (b) A breach ol or default under any provlalon contalned in Ihe Note,thle Daed of Trust,any of the Loon Inatruments,or any -�c-
<br /> :.. n��� ' K � other Iien or encumbrence upon the Pr ��
<br /> openY� L:..:.
<br /> ��' (c) A wrlt oi executlon or attachmeM or any similar prxeas ehell be entered eyalnst Truotor which ahall beCOme A Uon on -
<br />_. .�.:� •. ,�:i� ,
<br /> . . ,, ._ � the Property or eny portlon thereof or intereat thereln; -a
<br /> ._f,��, "a;,�;;,,., . . , (d) There ahall be Illed by or egafnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federal,etate or other
<br /> o, etetute,lew or repuletion reletinp to bankruptcy.insolvency or other relfel lor debtore;or there ehall be appol�ted eny trustee, �:
<br /> �w�'� recelver or Ilquldatoi o1 Truetor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Properly,or the renta,iasues or prolito thereof,or Truftor
<br /> �'!"ri` or 8arrower ahell make any generel assqnment lor the benelit of creditara; _..
<br /> - �•� . . �
<br /> .4: ��.:_� ,. , (e) The aele,tranaler,lease,eaefgnment,conveyance or lurther encumWance of all or eny pert ol or any fntereat In the 4•�=�
<br /> , , � properly,elther volunterlly or Involunterlly, without the expresa wrUten conaent of Lender: provlded thet Trustor ehell be ` - •
<br /> permilted to execute a lease ol the Property thet does not contefn an optlon t�purcheae end the term of whfch doea not excead �
<br /> . ,,. . ...su�, .. ona year, -
<br /> _ ;,,;�
<br /> '� (Q Abendonment of the Property;or
<br /> -.. ;���r;,;�.. (QI If Truotor Is not an Indfvidual.the Iosuance,sele.transfer,asslqnment.conveyence or encum6rence ot moro than a total .
<br /> /��_''I.a'
<br /> �� ot percent of(If a corporatlon)ils lasued and outstanding stock or pf a partnerahfp)a totel of percent of ' ��•_
<br /> pertnership Intereste durfng the perlod thla Deed of Trust remefns a Nen on the Prope►ly. � y
<br /> �:,-t�, . � 12. R�m�din;AcaN�ratbn Upon DN�W61n the event of any Event of Oeleult Lender may,without notice except as requlred by i
<br /> ' � � lew,declere all indebtednees aecured hereby to be due and peyable and the seme shall thereupon become due and payable -
<br /> �'` without any presentment,demend,protest or notice of any kind.7hereafler Lender mey: �`�
<br /> � � � (a) Demend that Truatee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall thereafler cauae Truator's �
<br /> Interest In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all In the manner provided in the Nebraska Truat Deeds ,:�
<br /> � Ack
<br /> • (b) Exerclse eny and all rlphts provlded lor in any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> � ° Defaulr end
<br /> �• (c) Commence en actlon to foreclose this Oeed of Trust ae a mortpaye,appoint a recewer,or specltically enforce any of the �•
<br /> � ° . covenents hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the ,
<br /> Loan Inetrumenta or by lew provfded or permitted.but each ahall be cumulaUve,ahalt be in addNlon to every other remedy given
<br /> ' hereunder,in the Loen Insirument9 or now or hereafter existing et law or fn eqwry or by slatute.and may be exerClaed concurrently, �
<br /> ' . Independently or successlvely.
<br /> 13. TruNN.The Trustee may reslgn at any time withoul cause.and Lender may at any time and wfthout cause appoint a
<br /> euccessor or subatitute Truatee.Trustee ahall not be Ileble to any party.�ncluding wfthout Ilmlfatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> , purcheaer o1 the Property.lor any loss or damege untess due to reckless or willlu I misconduct.and shall not be required to take eny
<br /> � ectlon fn connectfon wfth the enforcement ol thla Deed ot Trust unleas �ndemnifled,�n writing,for all costs,compenaetfon or
<br /> �� expenees whlch may be assaclated therewith In eddnlon,Trustee mey become a purchaser at any sale of the Property QudiCiel or
<br /> - ...d.1�ho Inur nr mll Iho �_.
<br /> � under the power of aaie grametl nerein►;pOS�pOne Ine 9aie oi aii or any pv�ii6ii�i ii�o����+o�:j,o.:v�••••-----. ._... _. __...._ .
<br /> �� Property es a whole,or in aeparate percels w lota at Trustee's dfacretlon.
<br /> ' 14. F��nd Exp�mn.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise ol power o1 sale,Trustee ahell be entltled to apply
<br /> eny sele prceeeda flrat to payment of all coste and expenses ol exerclafng power of sale,including all Trusfee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> and Truetee's attarney's leee,actually Incurred to extent perm�ned by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or T�ustor exerclses eny
<br /> , rlpht prorlded by law to cure en Event of Default,lender shall be enutled to recover Irom Truator all costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incurred as e reeult ol Truotor'd default, fncludlnp w�thout Ilm�tstlon all Truslee's and atlorney's fees.to the extent permltled by
<br /> appllceble lew.
<br /> 15. Futur�Advana��.Upon requeet ol Borrower, lender may,at�ts option,meke additlonal and luture advencea and re-
<br /> edvence�to Borrower.Such edvances and readvances,wlth fnterest thereon,ehaH be secured by thls Deed of Truat.At no tlme shall
<br /> '`.• ' the princlpal amount ol the Indebtedneas secured by this Deed of Trust,not fnclud�ng auma advenced to protect the securlty of thla
<br /> ` .,
<br /> ' , Deod of Trua4 exceed Ihe orlpinal princlpal emount atated herefn,or S��' �-� whlchever Is greater.
<br /> - -• . . ' 1
<br /> . {
<br /> 1
<br />