r�{ �— .r . , f � . . ' -i__ " . . �Y.. l .
<br /> . � p!� . �� },._ _ 3. . ' �Y..•- . „v � . � - .t,.
<br /> Y �'L-ha"'JY�' r-l)+..- � . . . . ,. `_` _ .�
<br /> . �i� , P - • . � .. . ,� .. � . •_P(;4 �,
<br /> . _ ".r ' . _ . : . . `' -�L -r. .
<br /> � � i ,. . � . . ,. . . _ � .., `�.,.
<br /> i. . t-'1'' . '_ � .
<br /> ..}. . . . ' ... . .. - . . .. {�c .. _ .r�_.. .
<br /> .. .. - : � - '- _ .. . ,., ' - . .
<br /> _ . ,: . . ..:� .� _ ' .
<br /> p�,��xg.a����►�K p��„ a3- �a �.—
<br /> , • W�HSTBR f 60N9, e Partne�:ehip;� conateE�ng of Aibhard W. Webetei -
<br /> � and John n. wobetor, oRANTOR, in conei�do"ratiion ' ' '' '
<br /> - • ._ _ . . , : �.----,-
<br /> �, � .
<br /> INDEBT6ANB88 A(�AYHST Tti68£� PREMIBSS"^"°'^'�°"'^•"""" —"
<br /> xuacii`vad from GRANTSFB
<br /> �1 hu�dbnNangd�q artd wiPe, ae tenants in common,
<br /> t�ib�'t Rnv n�t�qE: 7G-r2Vi)�i eho folloving deecxibed real eetate (na defined in
<br /> A Cxene•oE.1nnA-comprleing a part of the Hocth 8elf of ehe Southeaae Quartor
<br /> (N�j9[S�).and�•nact of eho 8outh Half of the 9outh Helf of the Noxtheast
<br /> QiI0CC0Y•(S�SE1ti73�) of 9action Four (d), Towet�ip Nine (9) Noreh, Ronge
<br /> Slevan- (13)� 4fybK of the 6th P.H., iu Hall County. Nabreske, aore puzi-
<br /> - � � cu).arly dueari9ud ae follovat Begianing at the 9outheaet coraer of snid . -
<br /> Nont•bnaee Quarter (NN�)e ihance northerly along ehe Bnet line of eaid
<br /> - ---- NacChaaot quertar (N6}), �__ dietance of Six Hundred F1fty-nlne and Porty-
<br /> � fouc ttundeedehs (659.44) Feut to eUa Norehnaet cornor of anid Boulh Ilalf
<br /> — of tha Bouth AeYf of the Noztheaet Quartor (BiS�NB})s ehencu ReeCarly
<br /> along the North line of enid Soutlt Iialf of tlie South Nelf of tlie Northeast
<br /> - __= Qqnrter (9393NE�)� a dietance of 1Wo Thoueand Six liundrod Thirty-five
<br /> e'^'-`Ti��t� end•Onrs Tenth (2,635.1) Peet, to the North��eet cornur of eaid 8outh Unlf
<br />_:_v�L�� oE hhe South Half of eh¢ :7ortheaet Quarter (9363NE})� thence 8outherly
<br /> - olonp Sha Weet 11ne of said Northeaet Quertur (NS}), a dietance of 91n _
<br /> .i:i��;.1�s ----
<br /> .-_,.�� Hundred•SSxty-one and Thirteen Hundredthe (661.13) Peut, to tho 9outhweat _
<br /> � `�y', _ cacnur of eaid Northaast quarcer (ti�s�)i chenca Gaeierly alung th� "oaui�. J .�___ -�--
<br /> �"'.+'_T ��x`� linn oE euid Northeaut Quartur (NL�}), a dietance of Onu Thoueand Four �,;.,
<br /> -_"�;"_,,r•,.. --`-=� -
<br /> :_'.�,��v':!_.'-� iiundred Sixty and Three Tenthe (1,b60.3) Feet, to a point One Tlioueand ��_- ._
<br /> , -.,.��: One Ilundred Sevonty-one and Five Ter.ths (1,171.5) Feet Neet ox tLa 6uet �x —�--
<br /> lin¢ of seid Suction Four (k), thonce defluccing right 136°36'30" and � , .;.
<br /> },- ` - running Southuneterly, a dietnnco of One Thousend Nine Ilundred Sevnnty- ��""""-�
<br /> i":.^�,F,«�._
<br /> - u1ghC and Eight Iiundredthe (1,978.08) Feet to the Southweet cornar of ._ ,�
<br /> - � soid Kortli ilalf of eho Southeaet Quartnr (NiSE})y thence 6ueterly olona ;� '��i
<br /> � S --'�'� ehu South linn of eaid Noxth Ilulf of tha Southeeat quector (N�9St), a '" "`r`.�^�-'='_°�_
<br /> . i � �i ', -. .
<br /> �- :_ dietance of 7tro Thouennd ltao liundred 8lxtaen nnd One TenChe (2,216.1) .._
<br /> •� � FeeC, to a point on the highway right-of-way line, said point bain� Four S�,tizt'� :,
<br /> . - -��- Hundred 7\+o and Sixty-five Ilundretha (402.65) Peet West of the Southenat ���d} �' '" -
<br /> �,;. �dt,tr= �"�= '
<br /> y j�,, � . corner oi eaid North NalY of the Southenst Quaxtar (N�S6}); thence daflecling y , � -_�_..
<br /> ; S t� r. ��...
<br /> � �� ��� left 30°17'ld" and running Northeaeturly along eaid hSghwey righc-of- �r {/,� ; -
<br />� ;jFti ''"`�•:' wa line, n dietance of 7t+o liundrod Sixty-nine and Eigh[y-soven IWndredeho •�JisS� �r� '"�-�
<br /> � .��v4 1i� .
<br /> �Ii �, . Y -.�.
<br /> �ra� ���{_: _� (269.87) Feet, to n point of curvnture; thence sunning Northeoeterly a.long �•�,,.yy,j �
<br /> tfj' , }x� thn arc of a wsve uhoae radius !e 283.3 Feet (lnitinl tnngent of vhich :�qN(}};� 4'g� '�
<br /> � 'r - --;:+t; forms a deflection ongle of 00°07'17" right vith the laet daeccibad coureo), -,y�� - ,- �,.
<br /> lt� nnd alon eaid I�1 hva R.O. W, e dlstance of 1No Hundred Ninuty-onu nnd �'�� �"'(�
<br /> Y
<br /> i/ * � �?'� - d -
<br /> ,�rr��� ?;� Four Tenths (291.4) Fee[, to a point 376.3 Feet North and 35.0 Feet West '���R�)` ��1� ':
<br /> �i�,�. �: ` � of the Southeast cornec of eaid NortM1 Half of the Southenat Quurtar (N}SEE); ,Gk�( � V.,.
<br /> F+. ,;,�."; thence Eaeterly perpendiculer to the Enet line of anid Southeut Qu¢rter }t��Yti'�+ .. n i
<br /> "''} (SE}), e dietnnce of Thirt fivo (35.0) Feet to the East line of naid �'*s "` �' '
<br /> , +i,` Y_ � ,: �.i'..
<br /> �
<br /> � ;;y Souq�eat Quazter (SE}); dienr.e North¢rly along eaid 6neG lina of ti�e Southeoet : ��
<br /> Quarter (SE}), a distance of Ninu Hundred Forty-[vo and Seven Tenthe (942.7) '+"� - ..
<br /> YS t :.:.. ...
<br /> . Feet to the place of begining and coneaSning 96.189 acrea, more or leas. +�j��� - �-� -
<br /> • � of whlch 1.214 acree, c�ore or lxse, are presently occupied by County ;•���,t,�� - --:- ��
<br /> �ir;1�i:�',, :;aa,. .
<br /> � Road right-of-uay. � ) ;_�',;;;.���.-
<br /> ,. . ..t�.:.
<br /> ..- . . EXECUTED: �'/v , 1993. .';,(„'':!':..: `
<br /> - �-.;�;;��- WE6STER 6 SONS, a Partnerahip .
<br /> ' _ �� o/7�e. � �� ic,A
<br />- -- -- „y ,.� ��-,.., =- -
<br /> � �.,-' I ichar.� j t9ebst r /f --
<br /> . .- .._ .�� ���-�• C���l . ..
<br /> _ .�"�` �t,,, aY ,E.:"� '�.� . _
<br /> -�'����- " - -John D. We ater I . -
<br /> - 'Pi
<br /> A..r•,..., /
<br /> . ..y
<br /> . „ .s` ,
<br /> ,:i'
<br /> ii,:
<br /> .. ;?� .
<br />