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'�•i �� _. _�i �f�...,;�il�l��� �. . ' �T_ <br /> — _t �^ <br /> � ' : " ..e..?]Gi:6t'�.�:.�uMf��;' '- <br /> ..y ,1 � 'ru .,.�,,,�_ --''- ------------ <br /> _.—�.�--- (�p"_ �Q�88�i _ _ <br /> �.�, — <br /> - '�I <br /> th�P�opnty I�w hken or d�m�ped,Londsr�heM hav�the oplion,In ib wl��nd�bsolut�dl�cr�tlon,to apply dl�uch ProcMd�, <br /> �-���+� �Mt d�ducdnp ther�f►om all co�ts�nd expsnws Incurnd by It In aon�eotlon with�uoh Prooe�ds,upon�ny Ind�bt�dn�a Ncund <br /> h�r�by�nd In suoh adsr u I.�nd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or to apply�il tuoh Proce�d�,Nt�►�uah deduadons,to th�r�atoratlon o1 fh� <br /> '"�� Propsrly►upon auch condidona ee Lender mey deMrmin�.Any appllaotlon of Procad�to Ind�btodnus�h�ll not exbnd or patpon� <br /> _ � th�dw dat�of�ny paym�nts undW th�NoW,or aun any dNwl!th�nund�r o►h�nund�r.Any un�ppli�d fund��h�Ul b�paid b <br /> .i��' Tru�tor. <br />- 8. P�rlom��na�br L�nd�r.Upon the oaaurrenae of a�Event of D�I�ult hereunder,or if eny�at i�t�ken o►lop�l proaNdlnp <br /> -- — commenced whloh matsNally eHeaa Lendsr'�Intme�t In ths Property,Lends�m�y In Its own dl�arMlon,but without oblip�don to do <br /> ;�:_,;� eo,and wlthout noUce to or demend upon Truetor end withaut relsaeing Trustor from any obNpaUon,do any act which Trwtor ha �, _ <br /> --__:;� �pre�d but hll�to do pnd mey dso do any other aot It deem�nace�eary to proteot the�eaurlty horeoL Trustor�hall,Imm�dl�tNy <br /> upon deme�d therafor by Lender,pay to Lender aN cosb and expenees Inou��ed end�ums exp�nded by Lend�r In con��odon wHh <br /> -� •- ��`A� the exeroi�e by Lender of the fwepolnp riphts,to�ether wlth Interest thereon at the default►ate provlded in the Nots,whioh�hsll bs <br /> "="��';"� �dded to the I�debtsdn�ss wou�ed h�r�by.Lend�r �hdl nW Inour any IIabIINy b�aouN of anythinp It mpy do or omit to do <br /> �- horaunder. <br /> '�"' 9. Il�s�rdou�M�bN�ls.Truator ehall keep the Property In aompllence with all appllceble laws,ordlnencea and�eputptlon� — <br /> ..�:,_}..�: <br /> ' _�'�'y�.�� ' relapng to induatrial hypiene or envlronmentel protecdon(oollectively referred to herein aa"Envkonmentel Laws").T►u�Wr shdl <br /> -'�"s �`;;.;> � keap the Property Iree kom all�ubstancea deemed to be hazardoue or toxlc under eny Envlronmental Law�(collecqvely rslaned to ff8z <br /> �'��r� hereln es"Hazardoue Meterlale").Truata hereby war►anta and repreaents to Lender thot there are no Hezardous M�tarlab on or <br /> "�-:-:w;,'�y�,�,, under the Properry.Truetor hereby eprees to Indemnlry end hold harmle�Lender,ib direator�,oflicera,employees and epents,and _ <br /> _ - any auccesaore to Lender's fntereat Irom and a�ainst eny and wll clalma,demeQea,loases and ifaWlitlee arlsinp in conneadon wlth <br /> �yY��'".;'' the preeence,use,dlepoael or traneport ot any Hezardou�Materlals on,under,Irom or about 1he PropeAy.THE FOREQOINO <br /> :•.��.ri..,., . <br /> �`r�c�-_':`�`'"'" � •.� WARRANTIE3 AND RHPRESENTATION3,AND TRU8TOH'3 OBU(3ATION3 PURSUANT TO THE FORECiOINGi INDEMNITY,SHALL — <br /> �'�` SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THI8 DEED OF TRUST. <br /> =`-'���{�_. . 10. AalynrtNnt M R�nt�.Truaror hereby asalpna to Lender the rente,isauea end prolita al the Proparty;provlded thet Truetor <br /> •'�=�'��:;;-;;., ehell,undl the occurrence of an Event o}Delault hereunder,heve the right ro cdlect end retein auch rent�,leauea end proflt�as they ° • <br /> �°'�� � �� � become due end payeble.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Delault,Lender may,eithe�In pereon or by e�ent,with or without _ <br /> _rsa�:,?'-_, 2y.; -• <br /> s;.�.� <br /> 'F,�. � brin�inp any ectlon or proceeding,or by a recelver appointed by a aourt and without repard to the adequecy ol its�ecur ty,en r <br /> '-4� s upon end take potseselon of the Property,or any pert thereot in Its own neme or in the neme ol the Truatee,and da a�y eab which it <br /> `"-� ~ '���� deeme neceaeary or de�ireble to preaerve the value,me�ketabllity or rentablliry of the Property,or any part thereol or i�tereat thereln, <br /> _-� la,y,P'bK.+ <br /> Increase the Income therelrom or protect the security horeol end,with or without taklnq poeseaelon of the Property,aue tor or <br /> ,°�'�,�r otherwise collect the renle,iasuea end profite thereof,includlnp those past due and unpaid,and apply the aame,leas coots and --- <br />_.:.� �T y expeneae of operadan end collection Includinp artwneys'tees,upon any Indebtedness eecured hereby,all In such order as Lender <br /> � � <br /> �'. ' mey determine.The entering upon end takinp posteaeion ol the Properly,the collectlon of such rents,faeues and protlts and the � <br /> --"— �ws ^ • • appliCetlon thereoi as atoreseid,shall not cure or waive eny detault or notice of default hereunder or Irnelidete eny act done fn <br /> �;`.�,�i,:.�.: •;�; ° reaponse to auch deteult or pureuant to such notfce of default and,notwithetandlny the conpnuance I�poeaesalon of the Properry or <br /> the collectlan,roceipt and appticetbn of rents,leauea or profits,and Truetee and Lender shell be entitted to exa�cise every ripht <br /> .W,�.��i..�� provided for In any of lhe I.oen InslrumenW or by law upon occurrence ol eny Event of Default,includinp without Ilmitetfon the rlpht _ <br /> ta sxsrclaa!hc por�er of sele.Further,l.ender's riphte end remediee un�2t thl!�pwragraph ahell be cumuleGve with,and in no way a __ <br /> � Iimltetion on,Lender's riphts end�emedles under any asel�nment of leasea end renta recorded a�alnat tFw Properly.Lender,Truetee <br /> -- ,� � and the recelver ehell be Ilable to account only br those rente ectually recelved. <br /> �' 11. Ev�nb ol DN�uib The lollowing shell constitute an Event of Detault under thia Deed ol7ruat — <br /> . ;y�. ;ti. (a) Fallure to pey eny Instellment ol principal or fntereat o1 any other sum secured hereby when due; _ <br /> • , , ,�:., , (b) A breach oi or delault under eny provislon contelned In the Nota,thls Oeed of Truet,any of the Loan Inatrumenta,or any <br /> : othvr Iten or encumbrance upon the Prope►ty; ��' <br /> ��°. •• (c) A writ of executlon or ettechment or any slmller proceao shall be entered eyainet Truotor whfch shall becoma a Ifoo on <br /> •-;:r.';, . -.;�+� the Property or any portlon thereol or intereat thereln; - <br /> • (d) There shall be Ifled by or agalnat Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or tuture federal,state or other <br /> ,, •� �� �� atetute,law or repuletbn reletlnq to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other reUef lor debtors;or there shall be appointed any trustee, <br /> � Y ��'• recelver or Ilquidetor of Trustor or Borrower or oi all or any part of the Property.or the renfs,iseues or profits thereof,or Truotor �r•� <br />_ ::� , or 8orrower shall make any general aeslgnment lor the benetit of creditors; <br /> = � c (e) The sale,trenefer,lease,aealgnment,conveyance or lurther encumbrance ot all or any part ol or eny Inte►eat in dte <br /> •,� ;� � `.� _ Property;elther voluntarily or Involunterlly,without the express wrUten conaent of Lender:provided thet Truator nhall be <br /> , ���`� � ;' pe►mitted to executo a lease ot lhe Property lhet does not eontaln an option to purch�se and the torm of whleh does not exceed - <br /> ..:_.., <br /> ,. ' • . 0119 y8a� d�'"` <br />_.�',� ,,� ; � ,,, (� Abandonment of the P►ope►ry;or <br /> � -r, � (p) If Trustor Is not an Individual,the lesuence,aele,trans(er,asabnment conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total <br />'�'..a t2.� . <br /> � �`'�� , of percent bf(If a corporation)fts Issued and outstanding atock or(If a partnershlp)a total ot percent of <br /> ;';�,:�. pertnerehip Interesfs durinp the perlod this Deed o}Trust remalns a Ilen on the Property. <br /> ^.` • � � 12. RNn�11Nr.AccN�radon Upon DHault.ln the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without noiice except as requlred by <br /> • lew,declere all indebtednesa secured hereby to be due end payeble and the same ahaU the�eupon become due end payable �y` <br />��� �, � without eny presentment,demend,proteat or notice of any kind.ThereaRAr Lender may: w;M.. <br />' � .� • " (a) Demand that Truetee exerclsa Ihe POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Truatee ahall thereaker ceuse Truatw'9 � <br /> • � '.. interost In the Properry to be wld and the proceeda to be dfstrlbuted,all In the manner provided In the Nebreske Trutl Deeds <br /> Acx <br /> (b) Exercfse any and all rlyhta p�ovlded for In any of Ihe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event oi � , <br /> Defeult end . <br /> � (c) Commence an ectbn to foreclose this Deed o(Truat as a monqaye.appoint a recelver,or apecllfcally eniorce any ol the <br /> s covenants hereof. �� <br /> � No remedy hereln conferred upon or reeerved to Truatee or l.ender fa intended to be excluslve of any other remedy hereln,in the I <br /> . Loen Snetrumenta or by law provlded or permltted,but each ehall be cumulative,shall be fn additlon to every other remedy given I <br /> �. � hereunder,in the Loen Inelruments or now or hereafter exfsting at law or In equfty or by stetute,and may be exerclsed concurrently, , <br /> Independently or succesalvety. <br /> 13. Tru�tN.The Trustee rnay resign at any Iime without cause, end Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a <br /> succeasor or subatftute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Ifable to any party,Including wlthout Ilrnftetlon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or eny <br /> purcheeer of the Properly,lor any losa or damage unless due to reckless or wfllful misconduct,and shall not be requfred to take any <br /> • ectlon In connectfon wifh the enlorcement of thla Deed of Trust unleas lndemnilied.In writing,lor all costa,compensetfon or <br /> expensea whlch may be assoclated therewith.In addltlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale ol ihe Property Qudlcfal or <br /> under the power of sele granted hereln);poetpone the sale of all or any port�on of the Property,as provlded by lew;or sell the <br /> � .. Property es a whole,or in separate parcels or lota at Trustee's diacretlon. ' <br /> 14. FN��nd Exp�ns��.In the event Truatee sells the('roparry by exercise of power of aale,Trustee ahell be entftled to apply <br /> � � • eny sale proceeda Ilrst to payment of all costs and exponses ol exerasing power ol sele.Includfng all Trustee's lees,and Lender's <br /> � ' end Truetee'e atlorney'a fees,actually Incurred to extent permffted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or?rustor exerclees any <br /> • right provided by law to cure an Hvent ol 0efeult.Lender shell be ontftled to recover trom Truator all costs and expenses actuelly <br /> ,, Incurred ae a result of Truator's detault,�ncludlnq wlthout Ilmitatlon all Truetee's and aitorney�8 f6B6,to the exlent permltted by <br /> . appliceble law. <br /> 18. Fulun Advanc��. Upon requeat ol Borrower, Lender may, at Ita optlon,make addltfonal and}uture advences and re- <br /> � advances to Borrower.Such advences and readvences,with Intereat thereon,ahell be secured by thfs Oeed of Trust.At no tfine shall <br /> ., the prfncfpal amounf of the Indebtedneas secured by thfs Deed of Trust.n cIu g ms advanced to protect the secur�ry of this <br /> • s�'". ." DYed of Truot exceed the orlpinal prfnclpal amount atated hereln,or$ f��'e�•� wh�chever�s yreeter. <br /> ,:._ _ � <br /> , <br />