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_u��(y"..� . , .......—r--".-_----.>`:-'� F ' . A• -;�Mw _ <br /> S' d'� Y �l '] , I r' � .�.�V Mf.11.�- .� <br /> - . -.. � . . •� '' . . 1 . � ' "_: <br /> ..,. , _ : r, . . . �'" t . ` V , ^ _ .. ,' ,_ "" �s. _ . � , . <br /> +, i!�Yi1k+��uY nu lon{a bereyuI�NO�a Iho ofAion nf I.emlr+�tlmunNie imupnse coven{a(in Gw+mo4n1'�culiq Uw qribd <br /> „ r tlw i�ender r�iira)puyidc.d Dy in.1nwrer�PP�'�M'1���^hS+�!�+lvdl�Me�nd!�eWdned Bqn?N'«�U I�W <br /> — , uppi7miurtare�!!rod�omdnulnmari�a�elmurmcoi�snect,aaprovlde�loNmervo.u�utherequlmnaikfah�oryyo:", ' . <br /> ., trowrurca�In�ecordsnce w��A�ny w�lurn qreemeet Dawem 8�rtowFr�nb len0tt or y�IRable I�w. , . <br /> f.Tiwpettian:l�ender or tl�.�ycnt m4y rtukn«+�wnnblo rntrin upon uid InspeSifcri�ot iiw Propeny,l.ader WHI�llre ^ .; <br /> — . Borrov:crnakeutiqtimoototpAorloaninipd�tlonepectfyin`�hel6fpection. . ' , <br /> 10.Ct�dm�a�lba.7?io proacd�of any a�y�t ar rlsfm Por dumgd,dltwt'or mnuquenilal. Im m�natlon 4�J�i�ny <br /> con�:�rulon m aher Wcing of my prt of ih6 Pmpeny�or for conveyanco in Iiru of cp� hcreLy dkl;ned�n0. ...:,.% <br /> ____ . . shan tio p��a�o t:eiiUer, — <br /> � tn tta erent of t tdid t����of�Ao Propeny,tlw proFacd�shill be rpplicd to�M sunu saured by thia S�cudly fnstiumeM, . <br /> whaher<�r nai�hon due,wlth�ny oxxs�{uJd ro iforrox�er. In tho event af a pinial tpking ot Ihe pr8pony In Which tho fdr ' <br /> nwrtU value oF the Proptny tmnxdintcly beforo iho taking le cquai to or grqrcr Qun ihe ar.�uM of tta�upu sttivrCd Ey Ihlt <br /> Saud�y Inslrunxm ImmMiet�1�beForo�hp taking,onicss fiorcower ud I.ender otlierwiso agrce In writing.�ho v.un�eea{sa!by <br /> thls Saud�y Ins�mnxnt cMll he rMucal by �ho amount of�he prooada muitipllod 6y tho follow(ng Rxlion: (�) lhe IWaI <br /> ____ anwunt of rtw sunu sceured inmxdlelely Ixtoro thc taking,divlded by @)�ho folr muku valuo ot the Propeny immodltldy <br /> beforo�he taking. Any D�lanco sAnll Iro pnid io�orrower. In tl�o ovent of p panlal tatcing of tha Ptopeny tn whid�tho falr <br /> mvket valaa of the Propeny Immadlntcly betore r�e talctog le lese then�M1a nmounl ot�Iu sunu sxurcd Immedinely botoro�tw <br /> yking.unlese iiottower and I.enM.r oihcnvise atiree tn weiitng or unicc�appllcaGtc law otiicswiso providra,the proaed�shall <br /> Be epplir,d to�ho wms secured by lhla Sccu�iiy[nst�vnient vrGeUsr or not tLo sunu ece J�en Que. <br /> [f U1n Proper�y�is abandoned dy Borro'+cr,or[f,aRer cutice Ay Lender to IIortowee Uiat Ifie mixl�mnne offers fn make ui <br /> - aNr,rA cw seitto a dnim tor damaye�.Comovicer faiCs ro r�pocd ta Lendcr vritG[n 30 days afG;r rde dqte�'z ncttce is gtven. <br />- '-`-"''" I.erAcr Is nuthodud ro mltm a,-A a t t!w ron�&,::(ts o�.either to nstorztto�or r nt Iho Pr n or to t!te w�ra <br />::>k:iti.:+iE� �'i F � W� Y - <br /> �'-` securcd�y thb Secmieyr[aumuum,rrl�tt:er or not tRen dae. <br /> Unles� Lender end 6orrox�er attknvise egm: in writing, any appiication af praa°vd� to principal shall not ex�end or <br /> pastpone�he duc date of the mw.tLly pryrt+ents refemd to in paragrephs I arA 2 or ciwnge tAO e�noum of such paynxme. <br /> — 11.Borro�rer NM Hdeastti;6'orbear�nce Ry Lender Not p\VAfrer.8acenston of t�o Unw for paymcnt or nwdifla�lon <br />- - of emm�izatlon of�he wms secumA by this Securi�y Instrumxnt granteJ by Lender w any succeswr in Interest of Qortower shall <br /> i not operete to rcieam tl�e Ilabfliry of the original 6ovo�rer or[tortower's successo�in imemst. Lender sM1all not bo r.qulred ro <br /> wmmenw promatings egainst eny svccessor in imcresi or rcfusY ro extend tim„for payment or aherwise modify anwrtira�lon <br /> of tho surtu saured 6y �hia Securiry Inswmenc b�• rcason of eny dem�rA made by �he odginal 13orrower nr porrower'e <br /> — wccessors in imerest. Any forbrarar�by Lender in eaercisinx any right or remedy shall not be u waiver of or prcclude the <br /> exerciso of any right or�enx�dy. <br />._..:--.°- n ay��� �r" !WSs;i; ���..,;;a� ��y;� q;;yl Puvn�1 IJn1��jl��� Cn.clo,n�s; Thn mvenanlc md agrremente of Ihls <br /> '.e�' _ ._ <br /> '� Secudty insuument shall bind end bena�� �h: successors and aulgns of end Oorrox�cr, subjcci ro Ihe provlsimu of <br /> - paragraph 17. [iorrowcr'e mvenants and egrcemrms shall bc Joim nnA sc��craL My Dorto�vcr who co-signa lhis Sceuri�y <br /> -_ <br />