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01, - .'—a.��� _._ ,.S_. ..__ _.._� � .:.1r _ <br /> �! __--_� '—••� f �:' __ ' � - f .-. . _ <br /> �• ' :-„ap y,-. - . - _ <br /> _ ._..__ ,.� <br /> . . <br /> -.�'.I1 i ....�.� .,�: - - — __ ..______ <br /> .:�i h# <br />_ -=� � � - . �.,._ 91—' 1n587� �_-- <br /> � UNIPORM COVBNAN'R B01'f�01Yef alid Lp1de�COVE1W1t 11i1d a�DDe�f foUowi: '— <br /> ` i. P�i�t o�PrVe1M� a�i 1�wi�Ml��ni I�q C��r�r. Borrower�hall prnmP��Y P�Y Nhea due <br /> ,��� the principd otand interat oa the debt evWaiced by tbe Nota�ad�nY P�Y�t and bte ch�r�a due under th�Note. — <br /> � Z. FM/s kr Tw�iui I�weaut. Subject W Rpplkable bw or to a w�itten wdvu by L,a�der�Horrowenhall psr �-'�'.� <br /> -_,� � W I,endtr on the day moethly psymena are due unda che Nae,until the Nde is p�id in full,a sum("Funds")oqwl to �._ __ <br /> oae-t�reltth of:(a)ynrly tr�a and auaunenb wh�h nwy�tt�in pdority over this Security Instrumrnt; @) yeariy <br /> ��.. • 't' kueho{d p�yments or�round renw on the Proparq�. if any; (c) yarly hwrd iosunnca premiums; and (d) yarly __---. <br /> ��` mortp�e insunnce premiwm,if�ny.T6ae items are called"aarow items."Lmder may atim�te the Funda due on the =_ <br /> ' bnis of cument d�t��nd re�sa�bla atimata of fl�ture acrow items. _ <br /> ` —___.. <br /> �� - The Funds sh�U be held in m inatitution the deposits or account�of which�+re insured or Quarantad by a federal or �- <br /> ��•zr,we�el.��.,:, __ -- <br /> �,�,..;���,.,�;_`: � �t�u��ency(includin�Lenda it'I�ender i��uch an instiwtion).Y,ender shall�pply the Funds to pay the acrow i�ems� _--- <br /> �'°`-' 3 Lmder m�y not chuge tor holdiva and applyinR the Funds.malyzinQ the�ccouot or verifying the acrow items. unleas <br /> ��— '"•'� Lender pays Borrower intereu on the Fund�and applic�ble I�w permits Lender to m�ke such�chpr�e. Borrower and Q=;_— <br />��.W;,,,•, . <br /> x�� � Lender may s�ac in ariNng that intcrat�hall be p�id on the Funds.Unlas an��rcemmt is m�de or Applic�bk law ,...� <br /> ,� lR.i_`ti <br /> V�,:, �'.. , � <br /> r`i..t�. � requira interat to be p�id, Laider ahall not be requirod to p�y Borrower�ny intereat ar esrnings on the Fund�. L�mder �:�_�- <br /> � �h#11 give to Bonower.wlthout chuge,u�annwl�ecouednQ oP the Funds ahowing credita uid debits to the Funds nnd the ��-W <br /> ° � purpine for which each debit W the Funds w�s m�de.The Funds are pled�ed w additional ucudly for the sums saure�by cp-='-=-=' <br /> �A.., �.. � <br />�.V .�C�, .,:;�_� � this Security Irutrument. —. <br /> �� If the�mount of the Fands held by I.ender,toQether with the fbture monthly payments oP Funds pnyabk pdor to � <br /> �'���b •��� tbe due dates of the escrow items.�hall ea�cood the amount requirad to pay the acrow items whrn due,the excess siull be, _ <br /> W':::�� Q <br /> � at Horrower's option,either promptly repsid to Borrower or creditod to Horrower on monthly p�ymenta oP Funds.lf the ���-_; <br /> ' �y,• �' iunount oPthe Funds held by Lender is not suf�cient to pay the acrow itema when due.Borrower:hall pay to I.ender any �-- <br /> � 4 amount n�ry to make u p the deflciency in one or more pRymentt as roquired by Lender. � <br /> ��� � �',.,-.. <br />;���.:• „ Upon p�ymrnt in iull of all surru securod by tbis Security Inatrument.L e n der s h�l l prompt ly r e Pun d to 8 orrower -��•:,r. <br /> k;�- ,�}• ' any Funds held by Lender.Iiunder pan�aph 19 the P�operty is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender sholl apply,no later � <br />�� �° t� ' • t h�n i m m a liatel y prior to the mle of the Pro p en y or its u;quitition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the time of _ <br /> ...-�..,:. ° � �pplie�tion as a cralit against the aums secural by this Security Instrummt. �—•� <br /> •`�,�.^ � ; 3. AppUqfion of Payreab. Unlas Applicable I�w provi�a otherwise. a!!payments received by I.ender under �_ <br /> �� ,�:.�.__ <br /> ^ p�ragraphs l�nd 2 ahall be applied:first,to late chuga due under the Note;second,to p�epayment chuga due under the <br /> a .�:' a l�-.' ` • Notr,�unounts payabk under puagraph 2;Pourth,to interest dur,and Inat,to principal due. �!'�;: <br />!� zr .�� 4. CY�rQa;I.ieas. Borrower�hall pay all taxa,essessments,chArges,flnes and impositions attributable to the '�.`•��- <br /> ' ��� ' Property which may attain priodty over this Security Insuument. and leasehold payments or ground renu, if any. __.� <br /> ,�'�' �� Honower:hall y these obli tions in the manner rovidod in ra h 2 or if not a�d in that maneer.Borrower shall �-==s�� <br /> • ,,,m;x. . W 8� P P�B P � P <br /> p�y them on time directly to the peROn owed payment.Horrower shall promptly furnish lo Lender all notices of amounts � <br />_ � " to be paid under this pan�raph. lf Borrower mnkes these payments directly,Honower shall promptly 1'urnish to Lender E,-_' _,_ <br /> - roceipts erid�rcing ihe payme�tis. ------- <br /> � ' : • Borrower ahall prompdy d'ucharge any lie�which has priority over thia Security Instrument unless Horrower.(a) '� <br /> '� ��' agrees in writing to the pRyment af'the obligatio�secured by the lien in a manner acaptable to Lender;(b)cantals in good �:_'; <br /> . � faith the lier�by.or defends agrinat enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to �i-__ <br /> � �� ' prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of eny part of the Property;or(c)�ecurea from the holder of the lim an s;-_:�_: <br /> , agrament satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lim to thia Security Instrument,If Lender determines that eny part of �;.; <br /> ��• • � - � the Property ia subject to a lim which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a �`� ° <br /> ' � ' notia identiP ing the lien.Borrower sh�ll satis fy the lien or t a ke one or more of the action:set forth above within 10 da ys �_�-�' <br /> Y <br /> e . of the�iving of notia. �� <br /> • � S. Ha��d Iasunaca Horrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erxted on the Property '���,�'_ <br /> � ' . . � insured againat loss by fire,hazords included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards for which I.ender <br /> requires insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounta and for the periods thot Lender requires.The <br /> • , insuronce carrier providin� the insurance slwll be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which slull not be -•-•- <br /> ' � ' " unrasonobly withheld. <br /> ' � All inaurance policies�nd renewals shall be acceptablo to Lender and shall include a stnndsrd mortgage douse. �4'";��- <br /> � ' y Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requira,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender .c�,�:'`�_ <br /> ''' ..' .� all receipts of paid premiums�nd rcnewal notica.!n the event of loss.Borrower sholl give prompt notice to the insurance ,,..•�- <br /> '' � ' � c�rrier and Lender.Lender m�y make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. —�' <br /> � �� ' � �"'� „ . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to r�toration or repsir �`�r:_+�. <br /> • of the Pmperty damaged,if the ratoretion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's securiry is not lessened.!f the �`�;..�.:_�. <br /> , � . � , rcstorAtion or repair is not economically feasible or Lender•s security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds sFwll be ��., <br /> �pplied to the sums socurod by this Security Inatrument,whether or not 4hen due,with any excess paid to Horrawer. lf �` <br /> � Borrower abandons the Pro rt ,or does not answer within 30 days a notice t'rom Lender that the i�surance carrier has ` ``~ ' <br /> ay <br /> •.. offercd to setek a claim,then I.einder may collxt the insurance proceeds.I.ender may use the proceeds to repair or reatore ; <br /> • + '" " the Property or to pay sums socured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin k , . <br /> when the notice is given, E <br /> . Unless Lender and Borcower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or � <br /> . . postpone the due date oithe monthly payments referred to in parpgraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc payments.If � <br /> • • under paragraph 19 the Propert,y is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting � <br />� ' from damage to the Propert y prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security � • <br /> . Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. � <br /> ' " 6. Pretervwtion ond Maintenaace ot Property;I.easeholds. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or substanlially � <br /> change the Propeny, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Security lnstrument is on n leasehold, � <br /> " Horrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease,and if Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny,the lesixhold and f <br /> ke tille shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> � 7, Protectioq of Leeder'e Rights in the Property; Mort�age Iniurnnce. !f Borcower fails to pedorm the <br /> � " covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signiflcantly affect <br /> Lender's riahta in the Proaerty (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or to enforce laws or <br /> -'� regulotions),�hen Lender may do and pay for whatever is necasary to protect the value of the Property and 4ender's rights <br /> • in the Propeny. Lender's ac�iona may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has priority over this Security <br /> Instrument.appearing in coun, paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although <br /> Lender may take action under th is paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts ciisbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional deb�of Borrower secured by t his <br /> Secunty Instrument.Unlas Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall be�r interes�fram <br /> , the date of disbursement at the Note rate gnd shall be payeble, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> � rcquatin�paYment. <br /> � . <br /> , � <br /> i f <br />