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<br /> •�:�i • � � . -
<br /> ', ,ai�
<br /> .,�� pursu� incooaiatant r�m�di�s. Nothing her�in shall be conatruect as prohibit .nh —
<br /> .,, ,�+� Ben�giciary fzdn s�oki.nq e fed.lci.�ncy 4udp�nti aqaln�� th� Triiatar to the e�ct�n0� .
<br /> �. �uch acti on :t■ permittad by law.
<br /> � �"' 13. RGQ� F�R tlOTICE. Trustor. herRby requeets a copy of any r.oi:i ce of dQfnult
<br /> and thaE eny not�ce of se11e be mRiled to !t es the addrese set forth !n the flrak �.�``l` T_
<br /> - ,r �: .
<br /> ° .��a�r pair.agrAph of thi� fleed oi' Trust.
<br /> . �, :
<br /> �� � '�''L. . 14. GOV�RNIr!G LAtJ. '!'hi s Deed of Truat sha11 be govRrned bY the ]aw� of the
<br /> `•.�-- ' .. .�: . , .
<br /> ��•�M �,
<br /> ��.;��,.,,�,� .. 3tete of Nebraska. In the event that any prov�s�on �r �l eu�e o� eny of the t.oan
<br /> -- _°-.=%a�i�.
<br /> ---—�:i.�'� • �' Inatrumcnts con�li at with appli ca�ble laws, such ca�f]i c�s sha?1 not affect other
<br /> =---�;�.'Z'!'ff^.°�rrme, —
<br /> _.��-,.—,, prov3s�ons o� a��ch L�o�n Insti-uments wh�ch can be g{ven ePFect wlthout the confl�cting
<br />-=°��' �� ' provi s 1 on. �snd �o thi s end the provi sions of thP Loan Instrurn�ntu 8re decl.ared tc be
<br /> _ �:.�1'�.��.'.
<br /> � �� � severable. This irstn�ment cannot be waived� changed, discharqed, or termjnatcd y�;,
<br /> =�� ' � • �t n
<br /> , ora.11y, but onl�� b�� an instrument ir, w'r!ting siqned by the party ag$9nst wham �'�--v`''4
<br /> "'�:'_� ... �
<br /> ':�� � � n enfnrcement oi' anv waiver, change, diacharqe or term3nation ia �ought. �- ---- -
<br /> ~'.�:`L� .r ..
<br /> - ��•.. o ' 15. R£COTNEXAP!CE BL TRUSTEE. ppon wri tten request o� Banefieiary atati ng that
<br /> � `�
<br /> • �•��j� - � all sums secured hereby hnve been paid, and upon surrender of thia Deed of Trust and �„E�,.
<br /> _ '.�� .
<br /> _ • . the note to Trustee for cancel]�tion and retention �nd upon p�yment b5' Truator of ��__
<br /> Tr�. '
<br /> _ . • '- • Trnstee's fees� Tzvstee aha�l reeonvey to Truetor., or to thQ per.son or persons ,�_�, _
<br /> . "' .. ).Qqa11 y entitled ther.eto, wi thout warranty, any portion of the Tx�ust Fatste then hPl d � � �
<br /> ;t�";
<br /> . . .. hereunder. The recitals �n such reconveyance of any matters or facts sha11 be con- ' "'
<br /> '-- , � ,. � M A. ..:
<br /> '•,__^_ � �i„$tv.. rrnof of the truthfulne9s thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may be --
<br /> . , ., � ,- _
<br /> . '' deacribed as "the person or p�r3ons leqa�ly ent�tled thereto."
<br /> � ._: •� 16. NOTICGS Whenever Ber.ef i c{ar��, Trustor or Tn�stee stha�7 dea�re to gi.ve oc _
<br /> • serve anv roti ce, demand, reque�t or other cor�um�r.i cat j on w�th respect to thi a Deed of -��------
<br /> , E,.;--�,.�{�
<br /> ' ' Tnist, �ach such noti ce, demar.d, reai�est, or other canmtxri cati on sha17 be i n wri ti nq E '- ` -�
<br /> , .
<br /> ,,� f � and ahal? be e!'fec*{�•e c+nt•� ' �' tho sr�me { s del i vered bv persona' serv3 ce or mei led �•y-.___
<br /> � �'.�*1._r± -
<br /> � b�• eert'fiect mai' � postr�qe prepaid, rPtnrn receipt r.equested, addreascad to the ��q.t�, .u�.
<br /> , . ,
<br /> ., addresa apt forth �t t1�� beqinrinq o` rhis be�d of Tn�st. Amr party m�y at anv tSme �, - " .{•
<br /> � cl�ange 't� addresa ''or such r.ot'ces hv del 'v�rt nq or ma;?i nq to the other �rties � � � ��•_:r.
<br /> {s..,.• . . .
<br /> „ • hereto, a^ at=or.psa�d, a notic� o� s��c}, chr�ngc.
<br /> • ' •• • . 1.7. ACC:PTAT:Cr BY TRt►STEF. Tru�tee eeeepts thls Tr.�ist when this Deed of Tn�st� �.+:�.,.__T,_----
<br /> �, .. P�J{
<br /> �'• , ' , d�i]�� exectrted and acknowledqed, �s m�de a ptib'►`� r�cord as Provi ried by T.aw. � �: ": '. =
<br /> .�` I
<br /> ; � It: l'JITt'ESS hJflf:l2linF, Tru�tor hZ,^, �x�cut��l this i7�c�1 ot Trnst as of the r]nV �
<br /> . � . and year .�bov� wri tten. �.��,;�ww,...
<br /> f .:r°'}''3�`�t'---
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