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<br /> Ste 200 �2
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<br /> TRUSTEE: v.s. eaxx xanzaaai. assocr�►TSaeQ / �i� }
<br /> 111AGO, ND 58103 ��� /��Q (�'� �J(it.�
<br /> n oon n o oan or ot er acoo on na er an eny ure ances or ure ons,as n ere n,w
<br /> may hereinatter be advenced or incuRed and the uust hereinafter mentfoned and other good and valuable consideraUon,the receipt and suHidency of which
<br /> are hereby aclv�owledged, Grantor hereby irrevocably warrants, bargeina, aells,vansfers, grants, corneys and assigns to Trustee, his suxessors and
<br /> asaigns,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE br the beneflt end aacurity of II,�, ����, �ssocn�aa �n
<br /> ("Lende�'), the
<br /> un r t s o rust,un r an w �ect to e termc an oon s n sat o ontry an posse on o rentor's present
<br /> and future estate,�IgM,�Ue and irrterest in and to the real properry described in Sche�le A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein
<br /> by this referenoe,together wRh all present and fuwre ImprovemeMs and flxturea;all tan�de personal property induding without Iimitatlon all machinery,
<br /> ec�ipmerri, buil�ng materials, and goods of every nawre (exduding oonaumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in oonnection wfth the real
<br /> property,whether or not atflxed to the land; privilegea, hereditamerrts, and appurtenances induding all developrnent rigMs assodated wRh the Property,
<br /> whether previously or subeequerrtly transferred to the Property from other real property or now or hereafter ausceptlble of transfer from thia Property to other
<br /> real property;leases,Ucenses and other agreemerrts;rents,issues and proflts;water,well,�tch,reservoir and mineral�IgMa and stocks pertaining to the real
<br /> property(cumulatNely"Property");to have and to hdd the Property and the rigMs hereby granted for the use and beneflt of Lender, his sucoessors and
<br /> assigns,urrtil paymerrt(n full of ail Obllgations secured hereby.
<br /> Moreover,in further considerartion,Grantor does,for Grantor and Grantor's helrs,represematives and asaigna,hereby expressly warrarrt,covenant,and
<br /> agree with Lender end Trustee and their wcoessors and assigna as follows:
<br /> 1. 08LIGATION8. This Deed of Trust shall secure the payme�and perfom�ance of all preserrt and tuture indebtedness, liabilitlea, obligations and
<br /> co�renarrts of Bortower or Grantor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender purwarrt to:
<br /> (a)this Deed of Trust end Me following promisaory notes and other epnsmerrta:
<br /> ::::<::::>::::>::::>:::....:...:.....:.::..:.:.:...::••�:"':>::>:::<:>:::::>::::::::>:?::?::::::>�<::;:
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<br /> 11,78Z.88 07/OS/99 07/20/94 66a001064897�0001
<br /> (b)ali other prese or ure,w en agreeme s w r re er apea y o s o ru er execu r s sams or�fferont
<br /> purpows than ths fonyolrp);
<br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or hereaiter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust;
<br /> (d) future advances,whether obligatory or optlonal,to the sart�e exterrt as if made corrtemporaneously wtth the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or
<br /> extended on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that if one of the Obligations is a line of credit,the Ilen of this Deed of Trust shall corrtinue
<br /> urrtil paymerrt in full of all debt due under the Iine notwfthstanding the fact that irom�me to�rr�e(but before tertNnaUon of the Iine)no balanoe may be
<br /> outstanding. At no time during the term of this Deed of Trust or any extension thareof shall the unpald and outstan�ng secured prinapal future
<br /> advances,nat Induc�ng aums advanced by Lender to protect the secu�ity of this Deed of Trust,exceed the following amourrt: , 77�R4-pN
<br /> This provision shall not constitute an obligation upon or wmmitmerrt of Lender to mek�e ad�tionel advances or loans to Grantor;and
<br /> (e)all amendmer�ts,extensions,renevvals,rno�flcetions,redacementa or aubstRudons to any of the foregotng.
<br /> As used in thls Paragraph 1,the tem�e Grantor and Borrower shall induda and also mean any Cirantor or BoROwer If more than one.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Orantor ropreeenta,warrants and oovenant:to Lender that:
<br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple rt�erketable tltle to the Properry and shall malntain the Property free of all Ilens,sacurity interesta,ancumbrances and daims
<br /> except for this Deed of Trust and those descxibed in Schedule B,whk:h is attached to thi:Deed of Truat and incorporated herein by reference,which
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay and pertorm in a timely menner;
<br /> (b) Grantor is in oomplianoe in all respects with all applicable federal,state and Ixel laws and regulations,induding,wfthout limitation,those relating to
<br /> "Hazardous Materfals,"as deflned herein,and other ernrironmental matters(the"Ernlronrnental Lews"),and neRher the federel govemrnent nor any
<br /> other govemmerrtal or quasi govemrr�rrtal errtiy has flled a Ifen on tha Property,nor are there any govemmernal,judidal or administraUve actions with
<br /> respect to ernfronmental matters pending,or to the best of the Grarrtor's Iv�owledge,threatened,which irnolve the Property. Nefther Grarrtor nor,to the
<br /> best of Grantor's Iv�owt�,any other peAy has used,generated,releaaed,dlacharged, stored,or dispoaed of any Hazardcus Materials ss deflned
<br /> herein,in oonnection with t e Property or uansported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Property. (3tantor shall not oortrr�t or pertNt such actlona
<br /> to be taken in the future. The term "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any aubatence, material, or waste which la or becomes re�lated by any
<br /> govemmental authority indu�ng,but not Iimited to,(i)petroleum;(fi)Mable or nonMable aebestos;pii)polychlorinated biphenyls;(iv)those substanoes,
<br /> materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuarrt to Sectfon 311 of the Clean Water Act or Ilated purauarrt to SecUon 307 of the
<br /> Clean Water Act or any amendments or repla�rrts to these statutes;(v)thoae substances, materiala or wastea deflned as a"hezerdoua waste"
<br /> purouarrt to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservatlon and Reoovery Act or any amendmerrts or replacert�errts to that atatute; and (vi) those
<br /> substances, materiels or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuarrt to SecNon 101 of the Comprehenslve Ernironmental Response,
<br /> Compensatlon and Lfabiliry Act, or any amendmerrts or replacemerrts to that statute or any other aimilar atate or federal statute, rule,regulation or
<br /> ordinance nOw or heresiter in effect. Grantor shall not lease or pamlt the aublease of the Property to a tenarrt or subtanant whose operations may
<br /> resuR in contamfnation of th�Properry with Hazardous Materials or toxic wbstancee;
<br />