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.. _ —_..' .. -�_ Y i'i ... _ <br /> ��I -�"P'�� f .. .,. <br /> ����,wtw![�'+i(I' '_�14Y�► _"_�— ■ I _ _ .-.-- -`--_ <br /> 7`C( • �� � -� <br /> ,t, <br /> - _—�:_., . . .--_.-_ �. _ <br /> .. � ..__ ' _ v <br /> _: l... , �: . .�'rdtii.�.. <br /> ••i � .. ;� ' ' _. —__ _ . e.�tl1_.--...t.c l�l 'Y._�-.. <br /> �.� r <br /> ! .� .� <br /> -_- -- = , . <br /> �..-.�.� <br /> =_ - --- , .: .. gl- 105870 <br /> `" � ' ADJUSTABLE RATE R[DER <br /> _ T. -� --- (3 Y�u Trawry t�x—R�h Cy�! <br /> � `�� THI5 Ap1U3TADLE RATE RIDER i�made thi: 26th day of P►uguet , i9 91 .�nd i� <br /> � incurporutcd into and�iull be damed to�mend a�d�upplement the Mor�Rv�e, Deed of Trust or Securily Deed(tUe <br /> ,�� "Sccurity Imtrument")of�he�amo due aivon by 1he undeai�ned (the"Bor�ower") to securo Borrower's Adjwtable <br /> .--� ------ :-- "� Rate Note (the"Nota") to - <br /> � FIR9TIER SAVIN(i8 BANR� FSB <br /> ���� (tha"Lender")of the�me date and covarfn�the propany dacribed ia <br /> the Security Instrument and IoeAtod al: <br /> T�� 1527 Stageaoach Road, arand Island, NE 68801 <br /> v+ <br /> �Propeny Adda.s� <br /> �`=S= - _���i"::� THE NOTE CON'1'AINS PROYISIOAI8 ALLOWINQ FOR CHAN�iEB IN THE INTER�87 RATE � <br /> - �- � AND THE NIONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMRS THE AMOUNT THE BORfiOWEA'8 <br /> �u�,;'�,�.,.y INTERHST MT8 CAN CHANOE AT ANII ONE TIME AND THE MII�IMIJM AND MAXIMUM <br /> -:r t;j�.. � <br /> _��-: � a�r�s rr�eo�ow�n wusT�►r. <br /> -- - :; <br /> �_ _ ;,_ <br /> -- ;�;_•��== :' <br /> °�-` , Auuir�oN��.CovFn�N�. In addition a the covenants and aQreements made in the Security Inst►ument.Borrower <br /> `''`'�'�"� and l.ender further covenant end agra as follows: <br /> :��+c�--M � . <br /> —�=-�^{�� ° A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYM�NT CHANGES r <br /> _- _�a.�—�S�,h:���•.. `'`_ <br /> i '."` •• <br /> The Note p�ovides Por an initial intere�t�ate of 8.375 96.Thc Note providea Por chan�ea in the intarat rate and the - <br /> --�„���:',.;' .' :• . monthly payments,as fbllows: <br /> _._.�'^ ��'lF`.:�. • <br /> ,a��,-= �-�;.:;•+ , � • 1. INTERF'ST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMEN'f CHANGES <br /> _�_� ,,;,',�, ,,,+ <br /> .. - (A 1 Clu��e Dates <br /> �•.'.�s,. �..'�h <br /> �,_,_,�.,�,;^�.;..,,.; The interest rete I will pey mey change on the first day of Oetober , 19 9A �and on that day <br /> �_���:�.` o. -::;, � every 36tb month thereaitoa Each dAte on which my interat rate could change is called a "Change Date." <br /> -_- �"�'°�'"'`'' 1 B 1 7're ladex <br /> •r � r ' Beginning with the Brst Change Date,my interest rate will be based on an Index. The"Index"is the weekly average <br /> � ��. ` ''' ' yield on United Stales Treasury secu�itics adjusted to a constant maturity of 3 years,s�s made available by the FederAl <br /> -':,;�"''-�"'��.�,;,...:': <br /> _-_ a��-•h;.��� . Rescrve Board. The most raxnt Index Bgurc avoiloble as of'the date 43 deys before each Chenge Date is called the <br /> .,,;'�,������x��• . "Current I�dex:' <br /> -_•.� .1��, : , if the Index is no longer available, the Note Hulder will choose a new index which is based upon cemparable <br /> _,_,`' ,. information. The Note Holder will give me notice of thi:choice. <br /> _- . .��,:- .. :�. .. __ <br /> ;, � �C� Cakulation oi Cbaa�a <br /> ''�'�"' ' �"''"'' Bcfore anch Chenge Date.tFie Nate Haider will calculate my new interat rate by udding TWO and = <br /> �""-' ' '• ��W�,,.: 7 S/l 00ths percentage poinla( 2•75 7a) to thc Current Indcx. T6e Notc Holder will then round the 6 <br /> '� result of this addition to the ncarest one•eighth of one percentage poiot(0.1257G,). Subject to the limit�stated in Seclion �� <br /> ��. °�•rs °�'''��'4 4(D) below,this rounded amounl will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. — <br /> • , j"K'",� �-•',- The Notc Holder will thcn determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufBcieM to repay the <br /> - "s•�;�; ` • unpaid principai that 1 am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interat rate in �,., <br /> -'' � i.;..w: �:�,_ wbstantially equal payments. The result of thi:calculatbn will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> .� ,,,. .. . . <br /> . tir�, <br /> -� ����,,��,� (D) Limits oa I�terat R�te ChaaRes <br /> � �F;�z, . � � � The Mterest�ate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than �0.375 gb a�eas�han �" <br /> `'�"'�� ':�.:e,.`�.�.. 6.375 96. interest rate will never be increased or decreased un any single Change Date by more <br /> ,��,,;, ,.. <br />_ _ .',` �V.,,,y;:;_',' than two percentage points(2.096)from the rate of interest!have been paying for the prcceding 36 montlw. My intere�t <br />� • � �,��,� rate will never be greater�han 13.375 °,6 or lesa than 6.00 y�,, <br /> '��'',,:�;�.�'� (E► EBectf�e Date ot C1u�u�a <br /> � My new interest rate will become eflectivc on each Change nate. 1 will pay the Amount of my new monthly payment ( <br /> • ' •• beginning on the first monthly paymcnt dete after the Change Da�c until the amount of my monthly payment cl�ngea � <br /> � ° again. — <br /> . 1 F 1 Notice of Cluages � <br /> The Notc Holder will dcliver or mail to mc u n��ticc uf any ch�nges in my interes�r:�te and thc am��unt of my monthly , <br /> ps�ymcnt bcfure the ctTcctivc date ol'any changc. The nulice will include inform:itiun rcyuired by I�w t��be given mc nnd <br /> � ' ul.o Ihc litic and telephune number of a person w�ha will answcr uny yucstion I m.i} have regarding the noticc. [ <br /> ' � � B. 7'RAN�FER O�TIIE PROPF:RTI' OR A BM:NEFI('IAI. IN1'F:RE51'IN !�ORRON'ER � <br /> � <br /> • l'niform C'ovcnxnt 17 uf thc Sccurit� In�trumcnt is:imcnded �i�rc:�d a� 1�►Iluwti: � <br /> • ,. �' 7'r�aaferuf Ihe Properly or�Beneflchl IMerest in Borrower. If ull ur uny part uf the Pro�xrty ur any interest in it is � <br /> - e�ar:,, ,c..,_I,,_a__ _ sold o�trunsferred (ur if a� benelicic+l in�crcx�in Borro�ver is suld�►r�ransl'errcd and Nurmwrr is nul a naWrul person) <br /> - - � � " ' withuut I.cndcr�prior writ�en conscnt,I.endc+muy,at itx�iptiun,rcyuire immcJi:ilc paymcnl in full uf vll sums secured � <br /> ' b� this Sccuriry In�trumcnt. Ilowcvcr,�hiti�►plion xhall nw be etercixed by Lrnder if cxcrcisc ix oruhibitcJ by kderal law � <br /> • , � u. uf the d:�te uf this Sccurity Instrument. I.ender alsa shall nul exercise this npliun if: lal Norrower cAUSes�u be <br /> . ° submittcd to I.ender information reyuircc+by Lcndcr to cvaluatc th�intcnded transfcrcc a.if a nc���loan were being made <br /> . „ tu �he trunsfcrec; anJ (b) Lender reasonubly dctcrmincs that L.cnder', �c�urity Nil) nul tx impaired by th¢ luan <br /> ossump�ion and that the risk of a breach uf�ny cuvenant or ngrccment in thix Security Instrument is acceptable to <br /> •, Lendcr. <br /> • � To thr ea�ent permitted by applicablc luw,Lender may churgc n reas��nuble f�c a.a cunditiun to Lender's consent to <br /> ' � Ihc luan axsumption. Lcnd¢r may also reyuire the�runsferee to siRn an ussump�iun ugreemcnt Ihat is acceptable �o <br /> , - Lcndcr nnd�hat obligatcs the transfcrec tu kecp�II the promises and s�grcememx madc�n the Notc and in this Security <br /> „ - Ins�rument. gorrower will rontinue to be obligaled undcr the Note und this Scrurity Instrumcnt unlcss Lender rekascs , <br /> ., Norrower in writing. � <br /> � ' MULTISTATE ADJUSTABIE RATE RIDEii—ARA1 PLAN 837—Smqi��I an,d�—f�nl�Ab�Unllam Intlrum�nt Fonn 31:6 � 86 <br /> �48s.�A1l7091 VMPMORT(fAl{f FONMS • I.11L293N1p0 • �pp0�511 7701 . ...___ <br /> 1 <br />