. . . , , . ....�. �.�,...:G�. .-..- �r n�.c...
<br /> . �,—� - ' - - �:n�=-�::; ..__.— _ —_—..
<br /> ' , i. .r.�.. . _._
<br /> 'i�.��.��' . . --
<br /> � - - _ ._ .._ . . ' --
<br /> � ---- 'r�te�ro�� .. ayle_ta� - --
<br /> �!i . c� � -..L° ��Aflfv�M .... ---���._ __-.
<br /> ��� � , 91-- 1o58"TO —
<br /> ,�. __.._.__
<br /> - -��, , �lao«n�n:d a�l.s.au�tr In.,ru�n�N a.00ntrw.a at.m►eNa.anor u a,...�►or:�.� e wy.�«.�on an.►n.noo...�p:c�bi.�.w -- ------
<br /> ' m�y�p�dh ro►nr+sw�n9 bMa.w.01 ui.P►ovw►r P�+h�a�r Pa+'�►a.w aonodn.a In a�l. 9.owlyr In.wm.nt;a(b) `—
<br /> ;r:-`: �W d�lu�ipnw���nb�W thb B�awNY Instnmw►b Thow oondlbm w th�t BoProww: W PM I.mdw�p wms whbh th�n woutd
<br /> � 'i I b�dw und�r 1hN 8�wlt�l InstNnwnt and t!a Not�u N eo�oo�tlon oaawnd�NI aw�r►y dNwk d �ny othw oovmmt a --
<br /> !._.1 W�t�: (a)PM r��t�Inaw�d h �0� �MY Insfianwtt MidudNq�WA not Nmltrd lo� ns�awbN �tlomq►s� ----- ----
<br /> _,�"� I�t md (dl C�Iw auoh�wqon u lnd�m�y n�wr�blY nqutn la�uq tMl tlw{kn d thl�8�aufty Instrummt. Lrndw's ifphte in �-— --- -
<br /> , .� , "'"� th�P�op�ty�nd Ba►ow�►'�oOlpWon to p�y th�w�m ��ar�d by thts 8�aw{tY In�nunrnt shaA aoMinw unoh�np�d. Upon c<_:..�.., ----�—
<br /> ' r',•;,,, • �n�Lt«rMnt b�r Barrowu.thls 8roudty ImOUmmt md tM obNO�tlons twund hwby sIW nnwJn fWY df�otN� u N no�ooNwatlon --
<br /> ,. ��.:5�'� ' , h�d oownd. How�vr.thM�1pM to ninsat�dW not�pplp In 1M ou�of�ocdrnUon undr P�rapmph 17.
<br /> ,,, - � � . 19. Rtlw Of NOt�: Ch�nO�Of LO�Q S�rvlOS�. Th�NoU a a p�fW bt�l b ih� Not�(lo0�lhrr wNh ihls 8�oudry �_-- -- ---____----„–
<br /> . ., � InsWnMnq mRY M wb om or mon tYn�s without Prb►notla to Bonow�►. A�nw�y nwR b�oh�np�b th��nrity Omown�s th� •---
<br /> - ,,,`�`b . . 'Lwn 8wiow')that ao1�oU monthy p�1n du�u�dw th�NoU�nd ihb S�aidty Inapumm� Th�n �Iso m�y b� on� a mon ,...<<----- �—
<br />�;,� , �`�_•�--- �
<br /> oh�r�M tlf�Lan 8�rv1aK unniat�d ta a t�N of ih�Not�. If th�n is�ohmp�of th�Lwn 8�vlar�Baroww w11 b� phim wdtt�n ���
<br /> ' `i � '° ` ' notlw of 1h�chmp�M�aoordana wMU prayny►h 14�bov��nd�ppYe�bl�I�w. Th�notla wiN�t�u th�n�m��nd addnss oi th�nwM �,�°1F:Y�.-:��ua��
<br /> •, Lwn BNVIar and th��ddrws W whbh pqrtMnts�hauld b�m�d�. Th�noUo�wAI �iw aonWn �nY oth�r Mamrtlon nquM'�d bY �,�.°:"`
<br /> ,r . • •�� --i4�eu,,;���..,,.
<br /> , o. � . .
<br /> ���W '�_�R�,-- _
<br /> Z0. N�dOY� SUbst�llGS. Borrowr sh�l nat oRUa�o►pwmit tha pm�na�� uw,dlspotU,aonps, or nlMS� oi �ny .��-_._r.�,.�-.-
<br /> � • Hwrdou�BubWnwr on a in th� PropMty. BoRawa�hN not do, nor�qow anyon��la to do� �nylhk�p df�linp th�Prop�rly th�t q ...,�., r'-.
<br /> w .
<br /> �i " b vbMNon oi�r Envlronm�ntal law. Th�pnoulinp two swd�naM shdl not�pply to th�pra�no�,uu,or�tara�on ih�Prop�rty o1 ___,;r°..-,��'.�„
<br /> . �md qwnUd��ot H�ndow 8ubqanas tlu�t�n Orn�nN n��ntrad to b��PProP�t�to nomnl raWmtW uas md b m�Int�rwla
<br /> k . �.,.
<br /> w oi th�P�opwty '���»'-
<br /> �4' . M•.-- __
<br /> r.=.�u�ra..a
<br /> . � . . • SarowK�h�N WomP�Y ON�L�nd�r w�tt�n notk�ot ury InvMtlp�tlon�aWm�dwiwnd,l�w�ut or othir aotbn by�ny oov�mmmW ar v.a'st�?= ._
<br /> � nOuMtory W�n�9 a P�Ivat�pWty fnvWvM�p th�Propwty md ury HwMous Subsl�ne�w Envkonm�nW I.�w of whloh Borrow�r h�� -�
<br /> ov�rtuiwnW or npul�tory wthorilY�ih�t�ny nmov�l a oth�nrtwdl�don ot -�,.�"'�'° ;�'r►sr1�-:
<br /> h • �olwl q�owl�fq. If Borrow�r lam�,or b noNA�d by�ny y „ I ._`=-
<br /> . ., � �ny H�zstdous BubsW�o�dhothp th�PropeAy b n�onwty�Bortow�shaA PromPiN Wa W nrousuyr rwn�dwl�otlon�b tooadma . _;..o
<br /> �� wMh Envkonm�nW Law. • ftr .:A
<br /> � r `. As ut�d fn thls pu�yr�ph 20� 'Hwrdau�Sub�t�noa'w thos� sub� dMlrNd o toxb or hwrdou� wbsWioas by .
<br /> ,� EnvkonmwiW 4w and th�bWowinp uubaWca:piaopne,kros�n�, othr IWnm�l� or toxlo pN►obum praduats, toidct P�stlddM . ... .�' '
<br /> "�:�.y,��
<br /> �nd hN6lold�s�voMtiM soNmb,m�twhls ooM�ninp a�Msto�or tamatd�hyd�.�nd radloaetN�m�te�ls. As ua�d in 1h1�par�pnph 20, � 2,�,.
<br /> 'Envkonn�nW l.�w' awnt f�d�l t�wr and hws o1 th� urbdlatlon wh�r� tho Propwty Is loabd th�t nl�to hMMh, wlety ar '-Lx
<br /> M -
<br /> � ,.�:�'_;�`.--_
<br /> • alvlraMmnW P►ot�tian• .
<br /> . NON�UPMFORM COVENANT3. Bonow�r and Und�r furth�r aov�mnt�nd�prss��talows: `�.^�'"
<br /> ,:-.}'.r�t�:��:.�
<br /> Z7.Acad�radon:R�m�dNs. L,�nd�r sh�ll ptv�notic�to Borrow�r p►lor to acc�l�ratlon followlnq �. . .... .
<br /> BoROMr�r's br��ah of �ny aown�nt or prMm�nt In thls S�aurity Inst►um�nt (but not prior to • •,.,•a._ „
<br /> -- acad�r�tlon und�r pu�praPh i 7 uhi� �ppiio�bl� lavr pravldoa athemise). Tlse natice �h:ll �•_-__' _ '���
<br /> i, " sp�cfl�l: I�)t� dMault: (b) �� +�� ��qu lr�d to aun t h� d�hu l t; (c) a d�t o� n o t I�s s t h�n 3 0 d q r s i - - '��
<br /> hom th� dab th� notic�Is �Iv�n to Borrowor, b�r whlch th�d�hult mud b� cur�d; u�d (d)that hilur� i ;f��
<br /> to oun th�d�fault on a b�fo►�th�d�ta sp�offf�d In th� notla� mry r�wit in acc�l�ratlon ot th� �:�T.
<br /> . wms s�cund by thls 8�aurlly Instrum�nt and s� cf th� Prop�rty. Th� natic� �ludl turth�� I�form ;�:��;
<br /> '` . Bonow�►of th�rlpM to nin�tato �ft�r acaoleration and th� �I�ht to brinp� court acGan to a�s�rt th� � '=-s;F,-_-
<br /> non-�xlst�na� ot� d�fault a any oth�r d�hnw of Borrow�r to accot�ratlon �nd �al�. If th� d�fauk t� �=}-=ar�r
<br /> not curad on or b�toro tho dato sp�ciflsd in tho notic�� l.�nd�r�t Its optlon may nquir� Imm�dl�to r �"�'�
<br /> ' . paym�nt In full of all�ums wcured b�►this S�curUy Indrum�M without iurth�r d�m�nd�nd m�y Imok� I �-
<br /> th� pow�r W �I� and any oth�r nm�dl�i p�rmHt�d by applic�bl� law. l.�nd�r sh�ll b� �nNtbd to
<br /> . coll�ct all oxp�nN�Inounad in punuinp tha ram�dios providod in this puapraph 21� laciudinp. but j< .-_-:-
<br /> �...,-=
<br /> ° nd Iimibd to. na�on�W� Ntorn�ys'h�s u�d cost4 of tRl� �vidmco. '� '":'-
<br /> If th� pow��of al� h invok�d.Tru�tN sluill ncord a ndia� of d�fault In �sch county In whlch �ny . ,T;.:.:.-_
<br /> ,� part of th� Proparty I� locat�d and�h�ll mdl copl�s of ouoh notico In th� m�nn�r pr��aribod by
<br /> �pplicabl� I�w to Bonow�r �nd to th� oth�r ponons pr�sarib�d by apPlla�bl� I�w. ARK th� tim� ,
<br /> roquind by�ppl�oaW� I�w.T�udo�shall �iv�puWM notio� of sdo to th� p�rsons�nd in tM mannor
<br /> pn�arib�d by �pPllwbl�I�w. Tru�tn,without d�mand on Borrow�r, shdl wll tho Prop�rly at public ,
<br /> ' �uctioe to th� hiphat bldd�r at th�tim� and plac� and und�r tho tarm�d�ol�nahd in th� notic� of
<br /> wl� In on�or mow p�ra�ls and in any ord�r Tru�to� dot�rmin��. T�udao may postpon� wl� of a0 0�
<br /> �ny pucN ot th� Prop�rly by pubtic �nnounaom�nt at th�tlm� and pl�c� of ony pnvlou�lp �ah�dul�d f, ,�.��,�,��.•
<br /> s�l�. L.�nd�r or fbs d�slpn��m�ry► purch�s�th� Proporly at any wl�. � �
<br /> upon nc��pt of p�ymont M tho prko bld,Trutto� shdl dolivor to tlw purahq�r Tru�tn's dNd
<br /> '� conv�yinp th� Prop�rty. Th� ��cit�ls in ti» Trudo�'�do�d shaH bo prim� halo �vid�nc� of th� truth
<br /> of tho sht�m�nb mtdo th�nf�. Trushe shall appiy tho procaodr of tho�al� In tho followlnp ord�r. (�)
<br /> to dl awb and�xp�nsoi of oxarcidnp tho powor of wl�, �nd tho wlo,Includin�tho psym�nt of th�
<br /> Trusto�'s fws actually Incurrad, not to oxc�od 1 96 of tha prinalpd amount of th� not� �t
<br /> th�tlmo of th� d�cl�ratlon of d�fault� and rewonoblo attornoy'a fooa a� pormfttod by I�w; (b� to �11
<br /> wms wcur�d by thl� Socurity► Instrumant; and (c)any oxcew to th� porson or panons I�qtlly �Mkl�d
<br /> to k.
<br /> 22. R�eonv�yanca. Upon payment of oll euma eecured by this Security InaUUment, Lendor shall requett Truatee to
<br /> nconvay th� Property and eh�N eurnnder this Searity Instnimont and all notea evidw�olnp debt secured by thla Sacurity Inst�umant to
<br /> Trustaa. Trustae sh�N rQCanvey the Property wllhout wortanry end wUhoul chorge to the peraon or pernons leyally enddad to ft. Such
<br /> puson or p�nons shW p�y any rawrd+�tbn coels.
<br /> • � 29. $116ditYt� Tfust�Y. Und�r. �t Its opUon, m�y hom Uma to tfine remove Trust�e�nd appok�t o sueaossa busts�to�ny
<br /> TnistM�ppoMd�d hanundK by an Instrumenl recarded In the caunty In whloh thls Secudty Inetrument Is ret�rdad. Wflhout aonv�yu�aQ
<br /> _...._ ...' _' '_''_� y..�� ����w . .... T....�u I..r�ln�wA hv wf14��l1b I�W
<br /> 01 th0 PfOp��wOC�3s0�QUe188 e1WN OIIGGMU io�a u�a wo. M�nm.�w wr.o......�v..o...:j..,.. . .._.__ ...._..._._ _. -.-���---
<br /> 24. R�qu�st for Notic�s. Barowe�requeela ih�t copiea ot the noUcw of dalaull and ala ba sant lo Bortowu'��ddrsta
<br /> whioh la the Property Addreaa.
<br /> 2B. Rld�n to thls Sacurity Instrum�nt. It one w more rlders are sxeculod by Bortower and recordod topethar wHh lhis
<br /> 8�ourHy Imtrwmnt, tho ooven�nts md �prawnents d each such Nder ahall be incorporeted bto and sh�N emond and tuppNmenl the
<br /> oown�nts�nd preaments ot lhla Securily IneUwr�ent ae It Ihe rider(a)wera a perl ot thla 3ecurityy Ineuument.
<br /> � PaQc�ol 5 Form J010 9/9U
<br /> Fto�Y.lM(BNl) PlBN11 u(8/,N11
<br /> . I
<br /> .. ; I I
<br />