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F _n`. n ..� . '_�.. '. ' _ ' . <br /> TSjQE�FiEJI NFtFI rl lh�Y�worMwA� n4w G ,��e� �. rop�y M,a M�::,:�,v .�wt �:: ! ' <br /> . heAW nwe a MrMM�vr�a uN wo0«�r M A �d�o:°aul iM'o G.aru.a n}ur�wewM ` +� <br /> , A�.il_tM 1o�(pM/N tMrtrd b N tlN MffNwAM M Ih1 �'�P,M1y' . . ' - . <br /> -- , �,r ��o[r�owe+ cqv�wt►rte uw eaw�w�e pir�M w�na oi m.awu h«�r oo+,Yyra r,a�M. nu.rqh� .w'vrm«w ,; <br /> . c o n v�Y M�H'a p+�H!r!4 thN Nt� P ro p M t�N �c . a for mwabnncN��ot rN�(�1: Eacra�rK w k?!�(�rM MII . <br /> � .. .dM�nO t�n:�.."SM.h�9«b���d�N M d��W61w1 ta My' NKrk(eW'H Of tKWp �, - , �,� <br /> • n�I9 EEC m nls7fluMErrr oa�N» uMbm+ f9yM•�a la.n�r«w uN �nd. ran;nrara oo,rNw�t�,rAn, iNt.e, <br /> � vYMYOn�ty 1��ro oonNlhA��uNbm��uM N�Win�nt oorMnp rW propkly. r ' :. �' .. <br /> . - ., UNIFOHM COVENAlR9. 6arbww Mid lmAw unn�nt r�ndyre��a tofcwr - . • �. . , , .;'�: <br /> — • . . , 1..P+Ym�1M of PrMOipd wW IM�. ..ti�r.y.�"Tent wM L�p�Fwpltti BortW�w.�tatl preiri+iMwr+rtiM .._ <br /> — a�m•�nnuod a.�,e hi««�on uN a�a wi6+n6W Dy tM NaN�n0 r+y prp�}mmt�rid Mt}ctwQN M�W�da tR�NoU <br /> . • .._- ; � 2. ur'�OA�fw Texc3 enst lnsurtsoa.9S,:ct to e,.^F7r�a�•fr or lo n Y'��1 n�c'rn bY lm4rr�Bet%�er eh�pay-- _• `: -. .. —. ::--_,.... <br /> lo l�nd�r m-IM dr( �Fy O�SAnMb w Oa u�dM tM NoM,um1.tM Nop M YM7 In M��w.r('{unMq/a: p)YNM .. . <br /> . - - uxh rtd�a+M+�n[+�wHdi r�Y imdn P�9 ova Nte-6eturiH Menvmn�a a aen on tM q'ap+rM N)YwN h+4M1iy!' - ..-°---- <br /> p�yinmb a.�and r�np m IM itcoxN.Y wrl. (<)�='d�.uW a MoD�M A�wnb��ra��W�M�ood Nwfnu - <br /> •C+tm9xnf,M Wf h)YMib�9�hNama M�tdiMtt.Y�rq,�nd M MY�WY�b/Batower to L}n6M N�CC'Xd�nu <br /> .' - ' w�th SRf prc�Wlon7 M qnq�ph B,h�(w ol N�pyrn+nt ot mat9y�Nwwnu pr�ra. Thne INmf��Wp-'Etavu - = <br /> - - -- : �: tlrn�.•� LendM mry,al�ny tlmb tdtea r1d�dd Funda h �n rnounl noi to exasN-tM m�.Wwm m»wl�MrvAr fx• . • <br /> --__-_ :� fed�n.R/�rtl�!W��!f�:i r�y reG��in ta flartowir'a�aaav aceounl undrr tM Mdar-�HeJ.E��t�-BMYrn�ni koaAra .. .-- - <br /> AN ot 7A7�u trom Pm�lo Fm►,12 U.8.0.@ 2801�N ec� (•PESPA'), uN+s� �notnN Ww tTal�ppf�e lo iM FunM <br /> aN��WuN unax�! B a0.Lendtr mny,�t�ny�a, eoiat�nd hold FunAe N�n�nvwnt no1 b exutd U�ks�w�ntam6 <br /> - tendtt mry aWnit�Un ananl ol PonM dw on Ne basls of artmt dan and«�sm�Dla athvtn ot r�n6nxre ol tu�rs <br /> fauow F,mu a o'�aiwW�N�ccard�nee rAth�pplaMo Ww. <br /> -- --_ !�1 'm�nxw�sntt be naw h■n hsmvwn wnose srooen�ue�uurea tv a ita��yency.�,:wmenuttv,««nry�ncudnq <br />----— t�nda. Y Lmdar b eueA ui NamWm) a N m%FMxu Flans laan Buik Lmda eMl�ppy Ihe FcnOt to paY N�E�aow <br />��� Cxra. Und+r rcay not eh+rW Bortaxr fa hdQig uW�pMA�9 Ue Fund�,wxiY��nyzhp the�saav�ecoun4 a vwM�AnD <br /> - .------�. -.. � lhe EeaGw RlmA ilnkse LMdM qy7 9ortowtf lYxtal on Ufa Fwde �nd �ppYrMle qw pamY� Lander lo nWu weh ■ �_. <br />':�;'�� � cAUpe. Howwv, lender m�y rpuY�Oarowa to pay � mstime ohupe ta u� hdependenl ral estate tw reponNp �xvke <br /> ._., uaW by L�ndw h annxlbn wXh Ihie k�n, uNesa �pptuble Nw Provldea othxwlss. UnNse ui ���pnmt h m�M or <br />--`?•pc�;�' �ppYrwble YH raqulre+itlxnl to be pakl,Ler+'xv eNl not be requYed to py 9ortowa�ny Nleresl a eert�ny� on Ihe fundx _ <br /> m �'� Bonowa�nd Lenda m�y oyee In w`ItYi9� han�e��cr,Nat inlaesl ahY be pald un lAe FunCn Lentla aAs7 pNe lo Bortowa, <br /> �:,. <br />. ,_S��-4 i�.f,m, xThoul clwrye. �n�nnwl aarouniN9 of Ns Fand�,�hovMg aedla ond dedU to lha Funde�nd the puryw�iw whkh weh <br />- �' . debtt to Ne Funda rna rtKde. fie Fund�ue pieAged ea edQNOn�I aecuAty Iw e0 auma neared by the NxaMy InslNmmL <br />-�"%1_`�'i�r It Ihe Funda held by Lmda ezceM Ne unounb pamXlM to be held by�ppicabb ww,Lmda nMl�uount lo Barower <br />;";��t.;t,���`�� la tAO excsse FunAe h acw�denee wNh Ne«qu4emente ol�ppOceble I�w.11 lha unount ol Ihe Funda hNd by Lenda�t�ny <br />_- -:�•1�_{;�, t'me la not euMdent to p�y the Eeaax Ileme whtn due, Lenda m�y ao noly Bonower In w�Xkig,u�d, h auch use Barowa _ <br />- . � �:-_:,p. �1u.9 pny to lanEa I�e �mount necessary to make up the defidmry. Durte�ver eh�A meke up ihe dMdmcy In no more Ih�n --��� <br /> ,�+�i• :�.;'•� lwetre monUJj peymenle,N Lender'e eole disaellon. __ <br /> � U}�on pyment N Nil ol�B suma necured b��hle Sewriry InaWmmq Lmder ah�t prom.�Uy reNnd lo Bortowa�ny Funda ��!�+_��- <br />�I t Y��u�si±`:-_ he:A by lmder. Il,pndM penyrnph 21,lmder ehY�equ4e or seA Ihe Propetry, LmAer, pr�a lo �he�equloitlon or Wn ot iho �4"�°' <br /> Ra�3.> <br /> • - RopeM.eheA eppy my Funds he7A by Lmder et Na timo ol neyuicawn or aoio oa a crsa�ayx�nsi tne sums sewrM ey m�a ��- � -'._'° <br /> q � - ` 6ewriry bsWmmt �.�`� <br /> � - �rf. 9. ApPIIC�t100 of Paymonta� UNess epplleeDla kw proNdes olhmvise, oil peym:ents recehed bj Lmder undtt ' .:r� , ��, <br /> j ' -i..;?; pungnpha t �nd 2 ehJ be�FD�� �4 lo mY pMVY�^�t eMrqn due under the ertaun4 Pey�We unAer �•. . —�—:. <br /> _ *' - qngnph 2;NFd,lo htaasl dur,lounh,lo pflnUpel No:md luri to eny uta charBea due under Na Note. �.Fr:i> > - Z'4i�?'- <br /> - A. Charg�t; IJant. Bonower eMtl p�y dl t�xea waaoesmmta, chergee, Mee nnd hnpaenfona amwuiaWe m the •� yuy� ;j,s;: <br /> � - ::- Ropciry which mey�IWn pdody over thia Sewdry IneWmeni, md leasehold p�ymmts or gramd renta.R ony. Bonover sAall �- f��fi ���-� <br /> ' '��•.��'-�' piY these obipatlone N the mennn previded N pen9rap�2. or N not Peid N �hnl mennw.Bortaxer sAall pay lhem on Ume � �`'� __ <br /> p c.: "%'t.�U..—.: <br />- ��,_�,._,�, 6mcUy to the person owM paymenl Bartoner shaA promply Nmis�b lmdar ell nOtiva ol emqmts�0 6o peid unde Ihis �_�;��j��..i.;:;z,_. <br /> pe2�pR If Bortower makes thesa poymenta drecly, Borrower shen promplty NmJuh to Lender recelpb evltlmcing t�o � . �=� ' <br /> � - peymanb. <br /> �' if .�xf #ii�_�. <br /> Barowar aha0 pmmply Eischarqa any ilen whkh �aa piodry over thl�BewiM/InsWment wilase Bortowm. (e)ayees 4i ;. �,'�i,+qi- --� ,' <br /> xilJng to tho paymmt ol Ihe otlipntlu� eara:red by�ho Oen in e manner accepledo lo lendm, (b) eontesle in Boad ktth tho 1 �� <br /> Cen by, or delmde egelnsl mlcrceaent M Ihe Ilen N, legel proceedinga which N ihe Lendere opinion operato to prevmt tha -.i���`{ s;�� ��,� <br /> r � - mloreemml ol tha aen; or(c)aewi� Lan f�e holder ol lho Ilen en egreemenl satlslaelory to LenCet subordmeGng Iha Am�0 95 i - �->;�-. <br /> - ^ I�b 9eaAly InsWmml. II Lender tlelem�inea IhAI eny pert ol tho Propeity ia wb�ecl to a Iien whieh mey tltain pdwlry ovtt lNe '3�` �-;x?., <br /> � _�� v &wdry InnWmml,Lender nuy gMe Benower n nciiw Itlenlilyfng Iha Ilen.Bortower ahall sallsfy I�e Gen or laka onn w moro ot ,_� �jy¢J'{4���� :' <br /> � .�' Ne acllem ml fonh ebore wMin f 0 Mye ol the�7��nonc�- , � - - <br /> ' ��'�y � ' 6. Haud 0� PloPeAy IOSUf�nCB. Bortaver sAaO krep tha improvementa nov�Wsling or�ttea(ter erecled on�ho 7 'k'k°-r•��`"'-. <br /> �4%{ry+�} r__ . ;'_:ti/?\l�1•" ,. =. <br /> RopMy Insured egaNSt losa by fuo, hazards NGuCCd wNhN lho lmn 'exlended eoverege'and eny olher huierds,including .•v;y�.E};;?.� . - <br /> —�=�+���':"" Ibods or Iloadng,lor wMCh Lrndtt requtes insumnw. Thb Nsurenw shell 6e maNleined N Ihe unounle end lor Ihe ppiode --,�r.;���,�`::�� <br /> v � Ihat Lendtt requ4ea. Tha Insurenee caMer provi&ng iho Insumnco shatl be chosen 6y Bortovrer subJed lo Lender'e eppravN �.. - <br /> .� -.- , whlch aheA not 6o unreasonabN rnThhetd. 11 Barower lails lo meNmin coverego doscnbcd ebore, Lmder may, al Lender'e �, - !�� '� <br /> �- - �`-' cptlan,ob1�N eovaage lo proled LenOeYS dghls N�ho Property in euordanee wNh Daregraph 7. r,yt f- . .` <br /> �--,� .., M Neuranea pofides ond rencwals thall bo acceptede Io Lmder end ahall Nclude e nlandard mo�Igaqo dausn. lender ' -` � C' <br />�.; - " .�,� C'n;,....; <br /> � 4f � �: al�ell have Iha dght m hold Ihe poldes end renmrale. II Lentler rzqutrea.Bortowcl shall pmmplty gho to Lender all rceMpis ol ti ,,: •,,,!1���_ ; <br /> paW prenJUms anE renewel noticen. In tM1O Ment ol losa.Oarower nhall gke prompt notiee lo Ihe Nsurancro cartier end Lrntler. , - <br />". . �� ���,J� Lmder mey rcako proof oi loss N nol moEe D��P�Y Dy Bortower. _ -' , . <br /> .-�i�,.������..� Unlesa Lentltt anA Oortower olharvrise eS�ee h wdOng.Nsurence proceetls she0 ho appGetl to resloml'.ai or repair ol tho . - <br /> '- � Ropetly Cvrsged.X Iho ros�oration or r<palr la eccnomlceAy Ieasihlo antl Lender's necuHy is nol leu¢n¢d. 11 Iha rcsloretlon or -� <br />- - �'tll'� "-•� �¢ Ir Is nol econaMcally leaeblo w LenCer's sewdty would bo lessmed,tho Nsuranw p�oceeda 6ha7 be eppGed lo Ihe euma ' �. '�'" '`� <br /> •';.iti`...,�... . W Y :�.i., .. _ <br /> . _. eewrcd by Ihis Securiry Inswment.whether or nol Ihen due. wdh eny excese peid to Oortower. 11 Oortaxer eDandona the f . .. ,i.� <br /> � �' flopetly.a dooa not enawer vr:thin 70 daya n nollco Irom Lender ihal Iho In9urance ceRIM h�e oRered lo seNe e daim,Ihen - :. ' <br /> -- . � LenCer moy coliccl Iho Inauranco qoceeda. lendxr mny use the pwceeds lo repalr or restwe t�e Pwperty or to pay aums (, � ;_��.�;;,. _ � <br /> -_ _ _ " secursd ty Ihl� Secudry InsYUmeni,whether or no7 IM1en due. The 9Pday pefad w91 beqin when thc noi:ce U q4ca r ' y � <br /> � Uniasa Lendv and 6araver o�hercrise ap:e< N wri�ing. any eDP����on ol D�oceeCS to prMdO� shall not extrnd or i - - - <br /> ��� - poslpone Iho Euo dala ol Iho monih.y paymenls releReO lo in Daragmphs 1 nnd 2 or charojo lhn emounl ol Ih? paymmis- Il 4 , <br /> � -� . under pura5raph Y7 Iha Prope�ly is acqu5ed by Lender. Bonowei s d9h1 lo eny InsvrsnU potcies end D�oceetls resutlinp Iwm - - . <br /> ., Qamago to Iho Property pder lo lhe aequisBion sEan pasa to LenAer to itro ezlent of Ihe wms by Ihis Securiry ' <br /> .+ • ImmeEialcty p�lor lo lha ncquliNOn. i ' <br /> a (lec..nannv. Prnmwaelun. Mnlnfananco nnd Proleelinn o1 fho Prouartv� Hermwor'o Lnan � <br /> ' AppllCatlOn; L0890hOIde. Bortower ehull ocwDY. eslabfish. nnd use �he Roperry ns Barowers prindpai reslOrnce wilhin . <br /> ' - sAty tlays uller fha exeallon ol Ihb uewriy Inswmml and anall eonl4:ue Io ocwpy Ihe PrepMy 6a Oortower'6 prnclpal ' <br /> ' - residMUe lor nt INSt ona year uftM IF.o dato ol ocwpanry.uNess LM�dtt olhmHSe eg�en h wriiing,which consmi nhaC nol - <br /> --�..' 6e unrwsonaby nithhNtl.o�unless eAenuaGnq d�amslanan edsl �vhlcn ure beyontl Bortarer's conuW. Bonowtt sha0 nM , <br /> _ '=�:�`_Y_ ' Eesboy,damago or Lmpair Ihe Propttry, a'bw Iho Roperty to AclMorale,a mmmil waslc on Ihc Propttty. bortowtt sha0 be N <br /> •f�.,_� .. . delaul�X eny IoANNre actlon or praceMng, whethn cint o�ctlminal.b begun Ihat N Lendn 6 good latth Judgmenl rnulO resNt - <br /> - � -� "+ � N IodNlum ol lho Propnry c�ol�emiso matMaVy Mpalr the Gen vealed by thls Scariy Inswment or Lende�e securiry inittest. <br />-r:� '' <br /> '' • <br /> e <br /> ; <br /> )1 i <br /> . F1J:6.U!0(!H)) PvO� t ol 5 �_ ��v <br /> r C � <br /> '. I+ B]'.r..:.: <br />