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! ..ITY . ' . �. : : ' . ��l-. ( .. - <br /> . .'i _ . . . . . . M _,I-M�W�i.�i. .._� . • <br /> � . . . . _ . . .u:.. <br /> ,i. ,:, \9�" ���,- . . , <br /> caxkmnnlonorq rt�kln�of�nyputoPthoProperty,orforcunvey�nwinlieuofwndamna�lon,ueherebyaselgned�nd ..?�,, <br /> eh�l)�e qW ro fk�r. <br /> ,. In the event ol a ta4 taklny of�Iro Propeny, the eed� shall bo appliCd lo tba sums ucure4 by thb 6ccud�y <br /> instrumenh whaher or na nc�n due,wlih eny encce�pal �o Borrower. In�ho evsnl of a p7nial iaking of A�o Propeny In " <br /> •. � whkh�M tdr muket valup of ttw P�opetty Imnudla�dy beforo�ho lnicing Is equal to or grcatcr then�ha amount of�Iw supio _ <br /> """' ucured by�hl�Sewri�y Instmment Immediateiy beforu thc�aking,uMes�[3orrower nnd Lendcr aherwisa ngrco In.writing, � <br /> _ , �he eums securcd by tAls Secud�y Ins�mmm�shali�6o rcdnced Ay�he emoum of tho procecde mul�iplleA by tlie following <br /> trx�ion: (e)�Fro taal mnoum ot tlw sums sccurcA Immccilnicty beforo the�alcing,dividcd by @)11ro fuir marlct valua of tho - <br /> . Propeey ImmMinteiy 6etorc�Ite Iohing. Any balnnce s4�11 ba ppld to�ormu•er. In�ho event of o panial wk6ig of�ho ,._ .. <br /> - P�openy In which Ihe fnir madcel value of qro Propcny ImmcAintoly beforo ILo�aking is leu th.�n�he amount of tho sums � � �� <br /> --`-'-' securcd imnxdimely betor thc uJcing, unlcss IIortowcr ond LenAer o�herwisc ugrcc In writlns or unlcu upplicabla law <br /> — o!hernlse provldn,tho proceeds shall be applh:d�o iha sama secnrcA by ihis 8�udty Insuumen�whcther or nol tl�o soms orc <br /> �Frn duc. <br /> -`"' If�ho Propeny Is ubandoneA by Qovo+vcr,or IL a(Icr notico 6y Lendcr to Oorrower thm�ha mndemnor ofkn�o mako 'c <br /> - nn award or settlo a claim far damagcs,Ronower falls to«spund�o I.ender wiihin 30 dnys nfter�he da�o�he noqce is givcn, <br /> - - � -- Lcnder is an�horiud lo wllcc�anA apply tLc procecds,ut he op�lon,sithcr lo restnration or rcpair of�ha Propeny or m�hc _ _ __ . . __. .._. <br /> sums sccured 6y�hlsSecuri�y InstNmcn6 whethcror not then duo. <br /> Unlc�+LenAer nnd Dorrower o�henvi.0 agrco In wri�inp,any aPplicaiion of praecds�o prinoipal shnll not ex�end m - <br /> posipono tho duo daw of tAe momhly paymenta rcleRCd�o in paragrophs 1 ond 2 or chmge tho emnunt of such payntems. <br /> 11. Borrower Nal Relcasedt FnrAtaranre Dy Lender Not a 1Yalver. [iz�ension of �he timc for pnyment or <br /> maditieatlon of amonlzaiion of the snms secnred by dds Secudty InsWmem gronted by Lender to e�iy succeuor in interest <br /> of Dortawer�hall nol opereio to releace�ho Ilabilily nf the original 6ortower or portower�successon in imercst. Lender <br /> Fhall not M requircd ro commence proceedings ageinst any suceessor in imercs� or rePoze to ex�enA tlme!or payment or <br />--"- � `° o�herwiu modify amonization of�M10 sume sewred by�hia Security Insuumeni by reuson of nny demand made by the original �--��-- �--- <br /> portuwer or 6orcower§suttessors in imercst. Any forlxarancc by Lender in exercising nny dghl or mmedy shall no1 be u <br />