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<br /> ° 13. Lan l.'b�raes. If the loen �ecured My ihix Securhy Inc�rument is�ubject to�Ipw whlch sets mrximum loan ��
<br /> ;.� . �r��"°� char�e�,And thot law ia flnally interprcled so�hot the interest nr c�lher las�n churges c�+llected nr tu be colkcled in rnnneclinn
<br /> :�, <<• w�th the loan eaceed the permitted limhs. then:(a)any such lan clwr�e sholl bc reduced by thc amaunt neceasary t�reduce
<br /> . ,,�...s, :
<br /> " the charge to the permitted limir and(b)Any sums elready collec�ed from Barrawer which excccded permiped limit:wfll
<br /> " F � " be refunded to Horrower.Le�er mxy chcwse�o make this r�fund by rcducing the principa)owed under the Note or by making �__--- ,--_-
<br /> ` .`%�:tS='�,;:.�� a direct payment to Sorrower. lf a rePond reducas principal,the reduction will be Ircated a:a paniol prepayment without �"-
<br /> .:^ -
<br /> �R��%'` .�r.� ,;:��� ony propnyment charge under the Notc.
<br /> -;�p"'��,,.�..;a.° 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrawer pravided for In this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar
<br />�...�,�.. .• - �
<br />�, � by mailing it b� first cla:s mail unlesa upplicable law r¢quues uae of another me�had. The notice ahall be directed to the
<br />�";.,.� �+ �►.� '� Property Addre:.�ar Any other address Borcowcr designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice ta Lender shall be given by �„_,�,
<br />�,F•�� •��;: . o,.
<br /> �..s- �+�a.,� first class rr�il to Lender's address st�ted heroin or any other address l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice -- .�.;:=�-,_,
<br /> �� � .;��� ` � provided for in this Secu�ity Instrumenl sholl be deemed to twve ban givcn to Borrowcr or l.cnder when�iven as provided - --�'� -
<br />'��" •''�� � ` ' �� in this paraQraph.
<br /> u...'• ,
<br /> o�: ' '=A� ^' • 1S. Covendn�I.awi SeverabUity. This Security InstrumeM shall bc govern e d by f e de rn l law an d t he law a f t h e _
<br /> �:,.,.
<br />�;�s;:� ;,,�n.-_,� � jurisdiction in which tha Property is locetal. In�he event that u�y proviaion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note _
<br />$'. .{ � ' ' ,�;,, • conflicts with applicabk law, such wnQict shell not affect aher provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nore which -�,-_
<br />:�#„:.; �y'-�t, �� ' , can be gfven effect witFwut the conflictin�provislon. To thn end the provisions of this Securlry Instrument smd the Note ��t�����"
<br /> �.. , �.-.-- ata declarcd to be severable.
<br />��� �. " L� ; �� . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given om conformed copy of the Note and uf Ihis Security lustrument. �,�- -----
<br /> • � .. 17. Tra�wter ot Ihe Property or a Benefklal[nterest In Borrower. If all ar any part af the Property or any � __
<br /> � • � ' intercst in it is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficial interest in Bonawer is sold or tnnsfcrced and Borrower is not a natural ._._ _ ,
<br /> i�,. .° � • person)without Lender's priar written consent, L.ender may,at its option, require immedia�e payment in full of all sums , �
<br /> � . ° • . �� secured by this Security In�tniment. However,this option shall not be exercised by L.ender if exercise is prahibited by federnl :�`-
<br /> � low as of the date of this Securiry Instrument. �'
<br /> • lf Lcndcr exercises this option,L.cnder shall give Borrawer noticc of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period � � -�- `
<br /> � � � o f not less t h an 3 0 days from t ho d a t e the notice is delivered ar moiled withln which Borrower must pay all sums siecured �^��A��'•�'
<br /> � by this Secudty Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ro the expiretion of this periad. I.ender may invoke �n>-�_: •��'�
<br /> • • • any romedies permitted by this Securlry Inst�ument without further natice or demand on Bonower. �
<br /> ,L 18. Borrower'�WQht to Relnstate. !f Borrower meets certain conditionx,aarrower shall have the right to have o:�`�-_
<br /> enforcement af this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any�ime prior ta the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period
<br /> - - - es a iicabie iaw ma s ci for rciintatemenl)befarc�w1C uf ti�c Fro ursuant to an• wer of�slc caetsfntd ia this �°`'=-�--
<br /> . . PP Y Pe fY Pz�P y P� .:,s�Fa��' ,
<br /> ! Security lnstrument; or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing tAis Secu�ity lnstrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: � . �
<br /> � ' (a)pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Inctrument and the Note as if no acceleration had ,yc�;;?�d�a;_._�-'"-
<br /> ' ". occurced;(b)cures any default of any dher covenants or agreementa:(c)pays all expensea incurced in enforcing this Securiry
<br /> , Instrument, including,but not limited to,reasanable attorneys' fees: and(d>tukes such action as I.ender may reasanably `•�'' --
<br /> � �equire to assure�hat the lien of this Security Instniment,Lender's rights in thc Properry and Borrower's obligation to pay ' _____. ���
<br /> `�' the sums secured by thia Security Instrurnent shall continue unchanged Upon reinstetement by Borrower,this Security In- ":��t-=,;,-`;,F„_,
<br /> strument and the obligations secured hereMy shall remain fully effertive us if no accelerwtion had accurrcd. However,�his -,4�:.'
<br /> " ., � ri�ht to reinstate shall not apply in the case of accelera�inn under paragraph 17. . '�
<br /> � � � . 19. S�le ot Note;Change ot Loan Servicer. The N�►tc or a partial inrerest in thc Nate(together with this Security r=
<br /> . Instrument)muy be sold ane ar more tirnes wi�hout p�ior n�uice ta Borrower. A sele muy resulc in a change in the entity i I.��
<br /> . (known as the "Loan Servicer")that callects monthly paymcnts due undcr the Note And this Security Instrument. There , .
<br /> also may be ane or morc changes of the Laan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If thero ia a chaoge uf the Luan � .. ..._» '�
<br /> „ � Servicer, Borrawer will be given wrinen notice of the chunge in accordance with pa�agraph 14 above and applicable law. � 'v""'
<br /> � The naice will state the name and address oi the new Loan Servker and thc uddress to whlch payments should he made. { � �
<br /> .. � � The notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. t`�'"'""':�+�•'•'.•`'-__
<br /> 20. Hazardous Subttwnces. Baruwer shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, ctorage, or release � ' � '`�> ,
<br /> . of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Prc►perty, Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone clre to do,onything affecting � ' ,> .,; -
<br /> -� � the Property that is in violation uf any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc. , :.�
<br /> . •� use,or gtorage on the Property of small quanti�ies of Huzardous Substances thut nre generally recognize d to b e eppropriete � , - -
<br /> � ' to normel rcsidentfal uses and to rt�ainteiwnce of the Pruperry. , •.'���_�"_
<br /> „ Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigetion,claim,demand, luwsuit or other action by ._-_
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party invdving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or ;
<br /> � � Environmental Luw of which Horrower has actual knowledge. Ii Borrower learns, nr is ndit'ied by any governmental or '
<br /> • rogulatory auttiority,that any removal or oiher remediation of any Huzardou�Substnnce offecting the Property is necessary.
<br /> Borrower sh�ll prompUy take all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Environment�l I.aw.
<br /> � As used in this paragraph 20."Hatardous Substnnces"are ihose substances detined ns toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> , • by Environmental Law and the fallowing substancex:gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> , pesticides And herbicides, volatile snlvents, materials containing asbesu»or formaldehyde,und r:+dioactive m�teri�ls. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."Environmcntcil Law"mean�fcdcral laws and laws�f the jurisdictian where the Property i�located .
<br /> . that relate to health, safety or environmental protcctiun.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrowcr and Lcndcr t'unhcr ruvcnant and:�gree a�fi�Uows:
<br /> � 21. :�ccelerallnn;ltemedies.L.ender shall Rive notice tn Borrower prior to qcceleration following Borrower's
<br /> . - - � breach of an��covenant ur aRreement in thls 5ecurity Inst�ument(but not prior to acceleratlon under paragmph 17
<br /> unless�ppNcable Iow provides otherwisel.The notice ch�ll xpecify: (al the default;Ibl the action required to cure the
<br /> ' defoult: (c)n dnte. not less than 30 davs ttom the dote the nntice ix Riven to Borrower, by which the defAUlt must
<br /> l be cured;end(d)that fallure to cure the defoult on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleratlon
<br /> Y i of the sums secured by this Security Instrument nnd wle of the Property.The notice shall furlher inform Borrower
<br /> I of the right to reinstate after accelerption pnd the right to br•ing a court actlon to assert the nomexistence of a default
<br /> or any other defense ot Borrower to accelerntion and sak.If the default is not cured on or before the d�+te specifled
<br /> In the notfce.Lender at its option mey require irnmediate p�yment in tldl oP oll+ums secured by thls tiecurity Instrument
<br /> wlthout further demand and may invoke t6e power of sale and ony other remedies permilted by applic�ble I�w.Lender
<br /> shall be entltl�d to collect all expenses(ncurred In pursulnR lhe remedfes provided in this paraRraph 21, includfng.
<br /> but not Ifmited to. reosonable attorneys' fees and costs of titk evidence.
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