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<br /> �� UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lendor covemnl�nd�grce�fallowr:
<br /> '� "�' ` � ' i. P�yaaat ot iMaraql�nd fatuMi Pesp�ynwnt�nd I.At�Cb�r�a. eurmwcr rholl pramptlY paY when due
<br /> .'� " the principd of ud intercu on�he debt evidenced by the Note ond mY prep�ym�nt�nd I�te ciur�e�due under the Nate. �
<br /> . _ : �'°':'.�.. _ 2. Funds ior Tiucee and Ineurance. Subject to opplic�ble Iaw or to a wriqen wAfver by Lender. 8onower�hali c ._ -
<br /> `Y '"'"' to Lender on the d� mon�hl ment�rrc due under the iVota,untll the Note is paid in 1�11. a�um<"Fw�ds")for:
<br /> _.a :�"�"�:. P�Y Y Y WY
<br /> ;:,;;;;;.��. (�)yeuly hues�u►d ru�eASmenu which rtuy anain prfority over thi�3ecurity Instrument as e lien on the PropertY�(b)Yu��Y
<br /> ��`•� le�ehold p�ymen[s or�round rent�on the Ptoperty. if any:(c)Yearly h�zard or praperty insuronce premiunu;(d)Y��Y
<br /> '�`��'a�� iaod in�urmce premiurtu,IP any; (a)yeuly monQ�ge inwrwice promiunu. if nny;and(�anY wmi PsY�ble by Honower
<br /> '" p a to Lendet,in ucordance with the provision�of pArograph 8.in lieu of the payment of mort��ge insurance premiamc•'1'he�e
<br /> ,� .
<br /> ..,. .
<br /> . ' • . ,; • items ue alled'•Escrow Items."Lender may,at any dme.collect and hold Fundo in an wmount not to oxcoed the um
<br /> •.Yr,• i�'' � ��. unount a lender for a federally rolated mortgoge IoAn may require for Borrower'R escrow nccount uader thes federal Rea1 =�_.._-R_ ___
<br /> � � Estate Senlement Proceduroa Act of 1974 as amended from Nme to dme, 12 U.3.C. $2601 el seq. ("RFSPA"). unkts
<br /> y� ''� another law thot applies to the Punds sets a lesser Amount. If ao, Lender may.At any timc,collxt And hold Funds in on
<br /> � omount nw to exceed tho Ieasar amount. Lender may asUmnta the amount of Funds due an the basi:of current daw�nd
<br /> ''� , ,�•• rcasomble esdmwtes of eapendituraa of future Escrow Items or othervvise in accordance with oppllcable IAw.
<br />� _T;^ '.��-., The Fw�ds shall be held in wn fnstitudon whose deposits ares iaaured by a federal agency,instrumentality,or endty °
<br />�,��,� , ��, � f (including L.ende�. if Lender Is such an insdtution)or fo Any Federal Home L.00n B a n k. 1.en d er�h a l l app ly t h e F u n d t t o
<br />�. -•- p4y the F,scrow Items.Lender may not charge Horrower for holding nnd ppplying the Funda,annuolly�►nAlYzing the escrow
<br /> � `'A' '' ' account,or vedfying the Fscrow Items,unlesa Lender pays Borrower lntereat on the Funds and applicable lqw permits Lcndcr
<br />��' �I �,-�� � . � to moke auch a charge. Howcver. Lender may rcquin Borrower to pay a one-Wnc chuge for nn independent real estate �'
<br /> ''� tvc reportin8 servlce uced by Lender in connoc�ion wkh thls loan.unless applicable law provides othenvise.Unless an agoeement
<br /> , :;,,:;.. is nwde or applicable law rcquires interest to bo paid,Lendar sholl na bc required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings
<br /> . on the Funds.Bonower and I.ender mwy a�ree in writing,however,that interest ahall be paid on the Fwuls• Lender chell _�
<br /> � •.Y, .�� � . give to Hotrower,without charge,an annuol accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose �,�,..�.
<br /> for which eoc6 debit to the Fundr ww made.The Fwids are pledQed as�ddido�tol security for all su�secured by thjs Socurlty ��,---
<br />° . Inctrument. _--- —
<br /> [f the Fw�ds held by LeMer exceod tbe amounta perndued W be held by applicable law.Lender alwll account w Borrower _�__.�
<br /> '" for the excess Furtds in accordance with the requiroments of Applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at �_
<br /> . . � ony dme b not�ufftcient to pay the Escrow items when due.Lender may so natify Borrower in wr�dng,and. ie such case �;y.
<br />� •' ,-:'-�. �-:-- Bersower shn!!pey to Lender thc emM.�nt ns��ARery�o make uQ the deficiencv. Borrower�hWl nwke up the deficiency in —
<br /> � ° no more than twelve momhly pAyments,at Lender's sole discrction. --�
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums securod by this Securfty Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Horrower —
<br /> ony Funds heW by Lender.If.under parograph 21,Lender ahall acquire ar sell the Property,Lender.prior to the xcquisition - --
<br /> ° . or snle of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L,ender et the dme of ecquiaition or sole�a credit against the oums ,�
<br /> ' Q ' �eeurod by thie Securiry Instrument. ��b ��r under �
<br /> � ise all mentsrovei �=-. .�
<br /> � ; 3. Applk�aMNon of Paymepu. Unless applicable law provides dherw , pay Y ��
<br /> ,�; „ pangnpiu 1 tnd 2 ahwll be applied:tirst,to ony prepayment charges due under the Nae;second,to omounta payobie under y�.
<br /> para�taph 2: �hird, to interert due; fourth, tu princlpal due; and Inst, to any late chugcs duc under the Nou. ,�.....•
<br /> � .r 4. Cb�rQai Liem. Borrower shall pay�II taxes,asseasments.charges,fines and impositions pttrfbulablc ro the ���w��•.`� _-R
<br /> � ° PropeRy which may attain prlority over this 5ecurity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,If any.Borrower :"' � -
<br /> � � �'�. �$ �lull pay thest obliQadons in the manner provided in pAragraph 2. or if not paid in tiwt monner,Borrower shall pay them .,•..q,r;;�':.-- -_
<br /> '� • on tlme ditectly to U►e penon owed payment. Borrower s h�l l prom p Uy f urn is h to•L e n d er�I I ndices of amounts to be p aid ''�'""�_
<br />- �. under fhis pa�t�ph.if Borrower nulms drxe p�ymenu direcdy.Borrower ihal!promptlY ftunirh w Lerder recxipm evidaicin� ,;",j:.;_._'
<br /> . ° �WYments. Y:,
<br /> .' Borrower shall promptly diseturge any lien which has prlority over thia Security Instrument unless Borcower. (a) _ . _�
<br /> � ' a�ras in writfn�to the pnyment of the obligotion aecured by the lien in a manner accepu�ble to Lender;(b)contests in good =_-
<br /> 's• . fdth the Nen by,or defends again�t enforcement of the lien in,legal pracadin�a which in tha Lender's opinion opemte to � ., - __
<br /> , �"+`�'� � . pr+event the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrament sadsfacwry to Lender subor- • •
<br /> . ., dinadng the 8en to this Secudry Inswment If L.ender determines that any part of the Property is subjoct to A lien which
<br /> " may attain priodry over thls Security Instrumenc.Lender may give Borrower a natice idendfyfng the lien. Borrower ahoA F°
<br />� � . •� ati�fy the lien or wke one or more of the ocdons set forth above within 10 days of thc�iving of notke. � `.�'•`
<br /> � S. Hwrd or property imurance. Borrower sholl kap thc improvements now eaisting or hereafter erccted oe � , "''`
<br /> ' „ • the Property insured against loss by firc, hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazuds.
<br />• including floods or flooding, for which Lender requircs insurance. This insurance shall be mainwined ie the amcwnts and �
<br /> for the perioda that Lender requires.The inaurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to
<br /> ' Lender's approval which shell not be unrcasonably withheld.If Borrower faiis to maintain coverage described above,Lender �
<br /> may,at Lender's option, obta:n coveroge to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. '
<br /> All insurance policies and rcnewals shall be acceptable to I.ender and shall include a stendani mongage clause. L.ender
<br /> � shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requircs.Borrower shall promptly give to l.ender�II rcceipts
<br /> of paid prcmiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borcower shall give prompt notice�o the insurance carrier and ,
<br />', L.ender. Lender may make proof of lass if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be npplied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and L.ender's security is not lessened. If the
<br /> � ' restoration or repair is not economically feasible or L.ender's securiry would be Iessened,the insurance procads shall be
<br /> � applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not�hen due,with any ezcess paid to Borrower.If Borrower
<br /> ' � abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurence carrier has offercd to
<br /> . settle a cl�im,then I.ender may collect the insurance pmeeeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property
<br /> � � � i or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30•day period will begin when the nance
<br /> is given.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borcower otherwise ugree in writing, any application of praceeds to principal shall not extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.
<br /> If under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damege to the Propeny prior to the acyuisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the�ums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediately prior ta the acquisition.
<br /> FOmi�021 9�i0 IPap.r 1 uj S pogesl
<br /> • , �
<br /> � r ,
<br />