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<br /> -� - - -- 1-4 FAM1L�' ��� .
<br /> — Assi�nment oi Rents �
<br /> _ ___ __.� TH13 1-4 FAMILY RIDP.R is mode thie 4th day of SeptembAr� 1�91 •
<br /> -- _ �i���p��y�yu�d s�U be deemod to amend and supplemeat the Mortgagc.Deed of 7tust or Security Dxd(t1�e
<br /> - "Securi Insuum�nt")of the some dote given by the undersig�ed(the"Bomuwcr")w soc�ue BomcwerS�Note w T h e
<br /> - � Equi�able Building end Loen Association, Grend Islend, Nebreake
<br /> — {�N�,/
<br /> -- OP til0/WI10 dillE Yild COYQ�tI$th0 PIi0pC11�dC9C�I70d�tl(I10$GCYTIty UISWI17C111811d�OCYf!'.�Ot:
<br /> -��
<br /> ��� 2708 end 2708 West First Street� Grend Island� Nebraske 88803 —
<br /> ::� (PmPu�Y Addmul
<br /> ____� 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to tba covenant�and agm,ements made in the Sccurity Inotrurnen�Borrower �
<br /> �.:�=9 ond Lutder further coveaumt and agroc as followa:
<br /> � --
<br /> =�� A. ADDITIONAL PROI'ERTY SUBJECT TO THE 3RCURITY MSTRl1MENT. ]n additian to the Property __
<br /> "-�� described in the Security Instrument,the folbwing itcros are added to the Property description,and shall also conatitute the
<br /> � Property covcred by the Securiry lnstrument: building metcrials,appliancea and gaods of every nature whatsoever now or
<br /> -°—���-!.,�;y��.�,.;,� hereafter locued in,on.or used,or intended to be used in connccllon w:th the Property,includfng,but not limited to.those
<br /> �°` "'�:"- for the purposes of supplyjng or disdibuting heating,cooling, electricity,gas, water, air and light. Me prevention and
<br /> _ :�. ��:.,,
<br /> .=.''�..,,.,.a� extinguishing apparatus. secudry and access control apperetus, plum6ing.bath tubs. water heaters, water closels. sinks,
<br /> -�:_�:,,�yr ;:�,: ranges,stoves.refdgeratas.dishwashers,disposal�,washers,dryers.awninge,storm windows,stortn doors. sc�+eena.blinds,
<br /> —_�-�=�'•�--;; ' shades.curtains u►d curtain rnds.a�tached mirrors,cebinets,panelling end attached floor coverings now or herrafter attached
<br /> - "'-��'_'_-, ta the Property.all of which�including replacements and additions thereto,shall be deemed to 6e and remain a part of the
<br /> ���'=•=." Property covered by the Security Insttument. All of the foregoing together with the Property descdbed in the Security _
<br /> _`����'•^•.,,� Insdument(or the leasahold estate if the Scxurity instrument is on a lewsehold)are roferred w In thia 1-4 Family Rider and
<br /> - ----.� the sx:srisy!nsl�smeat es the"Property."
<br /> �*;;:R�,,. �,+ B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH I.AW. Borrower shall not seek,agree to or make a change in the
<br /> ;�, a•.•.�`• use of the Property or its zoning clpssification,unleas Lender hax agreed in writing to the change. Bortower shall comply
<br /> `��y'I�~"' W�II111II IAWB�ordinances,regulationa and requircments of any govemmental body applicable to the Property.
<br /> �h:It�,�';; : ,
<br /> -'+�"`' .�� • C.SUBORDINATE WENS. Except as permitted by federnl law. Borrower shall not ullow ony lien infedor w the
<br /> �Wp(.'^� � Secudty lnstrument to be perfected against the Property without Lender+s prior written permission.
<br /> __Y���.�dd 4
<br /> ''=�: _,;. � �c',.;,,w 4•� D.RE1VT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintein insurancc ageinst rent lose in addition w the other iwzards for •
<br />` �•. *�'•��,,�^' • which insuroncc is required by Unifarm Covenant S.
<br /> .. 4f.eqh.• . '..
<br />_;�.�•-� �� ••�.,� ti;�: E."BORROWERS RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED. Unifortn Covenant 18 is deleted. �
<br /> _ i`•, -
<br /> -•_;{.�., � �.,;`�,'?�, " F BORROW�R'S OCCUPANCY. Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing. the firat sentence in
<br /> .i''. '� ?�r:,.:n;�'K-�.�•°„ Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower�s occupancy of the Property is deleted. All remaining covenents ond agreements
<br />_ �� � �•+?±�'�''��';�••� `� set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall re�rwin in effect.
<br /> ���•�`� � G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender�s request,Norrower shall assign to Lender all leasea of the Praperty
<br /> ' � � ��, � = and all security deposits made in connection with leases of the Property. Upon the assignment,Lender shall have the dght w _
<br /> ���-�--• ' modify,cxtend or[erminate 1he existing leases and to execute new leuses, in Lendcr's sole diecretion. As used in thie
<br /> ° :, .,,:., ,:.;.;.
<br /> - „ .•�; . .,� :'� paregraph(3.the word"lease"sh�ll mean"subleuse"if the Secudty Insuument is on n leasehold.
<br /> • ,,;��1.: . . � ,. • P°rtY• 8
<br /> ' �•°-•*•• . absolutely and unconditionally assigns und transfers to Lendcr all the rents ond revcnues("Rents")of the Pro . re ardless
<br /> , � � . af to whom the Rents of the Property are puyable. Borrower uuthorizes L.ender or Lender s agents to collect the Rents.and
<br /> �'•.,:.
<br /> �;,.w ,.;,; . agreex that euch ceneM of the Propeny shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However,Bomower shall receive the
<br /> . ...;:: ,. " ..
<br /> " ' ' ' � MULTISTATE 1�FAMILY RIDF.R-F1nnk Madt�eddk MNC Unfform Instrumenl Fbroo 3170 9190 qwge f r j2 paReil
<br /> ` , , ..6 ITEY t7Y01YtW1 f'reM IYs BYIOEU Pa�lec.�
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