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<br /> -' ' applic�ble law may rpeclfy for roinstatement)bofore sale of the Property pursuant w any Puwcr of sala cantaine�in tliir
<br /> - ___- -_.__--_-� 3ecurlty Inswment;ar(b)entry of A Jud�ment enPorcing this Secu�lty In9trument. Those condidons�re tiut Bomower: (U
<br /> pays i,ender all swns which tMn would be due under this Security instrun�ut +u�d the Notc as it na accelerutlon had i--
<br /> -"�' -- occwnd:(b)cures any default of eny otha'covenwHu or agreementc;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> inapument,iricludiag.but not Umited to, reASOnable Attorneys'faea;and(d)takes such ucdon as Lender may ncosonably
<br /> roquirc w a��uro tlut the lien of thie Security Instrurnent.Lenderh rlghls in tho PropertY+u�d Borrowerl�obligadon w piy the
<br /> -- -- --- __=� aums sxurr,cl by this Security Insnument ahall caidnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowcr. this Secudty
<br /> � -f��_ Insdument and the obligations cecured hereby shall remPin fully effective ss if no acceler�tion had occuRed. However.this �--
<br /> - — d�ht to roinetate ahall not appiy in the case af acceleration under paragrePh 17.
<br /> , 19. Sqle ot Notei ChAn�e of L�onn &rvicer. The Note or a parti�l interest in thc Notc(together wbth this Secudty
<br /> Inshument)may be sold one pr more timeo without pdor notfce to Borrowcr. A sale may result in a chan,ge in the entiry
<br /> -- (I�►own as the'l.oan Secvicor")ttwt collxta monthly paymenta due under the Nate nnd this Secudty Insaument. There also
<br /> -=M" may be one or moro changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. If thcre is a change of the Low�Servicer.
<br /> Y�-_- - _ �-,_;� Botmwer will be given wrftten nodce of the change in accordnnce wilh paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice T
<br /> --=��- will state the name and Address of the new I.oan Servicer and the addre9s to which payments ahrn+ld be mude. The nodce will
<br /> __:,,F.".� alco contain any other information requirod by applicable lew.
<br /> --�� 20. Haz�rdous Subrtances. Borrower shell not causcs or permit the presence,use,disposal,storegc,or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances an or in the Property. eorrower shall not do,�or ellow enyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> ----==W��.� Propeny that ia ln violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentencea ahall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> __�:;� storage on the Property of small quantldos of Hazardous Substancea thAt are generally recognized to be appmpriate to normal
<br /> re.cidendwl uses and to maintenance of the Prope►ty.
<br />- � - ,�s�r;�;�'� Borcower shall promptiy givc L.cnder written nodce of eny investigation,claim.demand,lawauit or othcr action by any
<br /> ---�-'�`'`'�"�••_ governmental or regulatory agency or private pazry involving the Pmpeny and anY Haza�'dous Subatance or Environmental �
<br /> ���R�,_�;��' .. Lew of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Bortower leams. or ia noUtied by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> _ �-,:.��;N:;�_,,: authority,that any rcmoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ence affecting the Property is necessery. 8orrower _
<br /> - ` chaJl promptly take all necessary remediel ections in accordence with Emironmentel Law.
<br /> --� ""� As used in thfs paragreph 20�"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazerdous substa�ces by
<br /> -'�"�� Environmentel Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammable or roxic peuoleum products.toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.voladle solvents,mate�ials containing asbestos or formeldehyde,and radioactive mate�ials. As
<br /> a�;';J� � ' used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal iews ond lews of the jurisdictian where the Property is located
<br /> ..=oa.�.-�.
<br /> that relatc w health,sefety or environmental protection.
<br /> -�"" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree aQ follows:
<br /> -_��::�.Y�4� 21. Acceleratloa; Remedies. Lender sludl give notke to Borrower prbr to acceleradon following Borrower's
<br /> -� d-.���, breACh of any corenwnt or Agreement fn this Security Instrument(but not prior to accelerallon under paragrAph 17
<br /> _ _ .tY�y"-� uoless applicable Iww provldes otheraisel. Tiie notic�yi�wii�peciiy: tA3 thc del�o!!;{!t1 tlse actMa t�equ4red!o care the
<br /> -.:AS'F�" �
<br /> �.:.�,�,� � de�wult;(c)a dnte�not less thon 30 dpys Prom the date tl�e notice is given to Borrower,by which the dePAUlt must be -
<br /> �-„��,�-L- -� � cured;pnd(d)tl�wt fAilure to cure the default on or before the date specifled in the notke mAy result in accelerallon of
<br /> -� �, the sums aecured by tbLs Security Instrument and eale of the Properry. The notice shall further inform Borrower oP -
<br /> -- ,�' p� � il the right to reinafate aRer accelerotion s�pd the right to bring a couM actton to assert the non�exiatence of a default or _
<br />-_-����;,._;�.`;� ' any other dePense of Borrower to acceleretion and sale. IP the default is not cured on or bePore the date specifted in
<br /> the notice,Lender At its op t ion moy requ i r e i m m e d i a t e p a y m e n t i n f u l l o P a l l s a m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u�i t y In s trnment
<br /> ��'��_:--L- � wilhout Purthe� demend And mpy invoke the power of swle and any other remedies permitted by applicable law -
<br /> - -����� l.ender slwll be entided to collect all ezpens�.w Incurred in pursuing tBe remedles provided M this paragreph 21. �
<br /> °,�"����:"��;ra�., includiag,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs oP tille evidence.
<br /> `"`�a ° �. . �M° It the power of sa�e is invoked,7lrustee sholi record a notice ot dePault in each coanty in which any part of the
<br /> "'°'"'� ' d�'�^`� Property is IocAted aad shell mail coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by appiicable Is�w to Borrower und to
<br />::":;.�� ...S .�,y� 7lrustee shall give puMic _
<br />_,�;;;,;: �x.,�, , the otlier persons prescribed by epplicable law Aiter the time required by applicable law�
<br /> --. , .,,,•� notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable luw. 1Yustee.withont demAnd on Borrower. -
<br /> -=- • shWl sell the Property s�t public auclion to the highest bidder nt Ihe time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> �:�:.,� '�• T�- , the notke of sale lo one or more pArcels And in Any order'I�ustee determMes. 1lrustee may postpone sale oP All or any �°
<br /> .`,. �.
<br /> .::::�x � parcel oP the f'roperty by puMic announcement At the time and place uf Any previously scheduled snle. I.ender or its °
<br />�-A� `� ¢^�-yY;,� -. desf�nee may purchase t6e Property at any sale. �
<br /> y:.- , . Upon�eceipt of paymeat of the price bid.'Irustee ghall deliver to!he purciwser 7lrwtee's deed wnveying the
<br /> _.,':�f.' .�. �-�.;�?• •„ Property. The recilals in the'trustee's deed shAll be prima facie evidence oP Ihe truth oP the statements mode therein. p.
<br /> • ••,,. 'I�u�tee sholl Apply the proceeds of the sak in the followi�order: (a►to all casts aad expenses oP exercLsinQ Ihe power =`
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