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<br /> „ -
<br /> , . . . :�
<br /> .: � . .. ..�:,,,:. .. .. :.
<br /> . �., ., .,,_ .
<br /> �acrtawa;��aa��i�s9F oaEO or r�ibsr . �
<br /> ;�r�,�,Y►���_�:.�. . ;. � .: � ,g3=:� �� --
<br /> rn�leri�e.rw�n;a�tin�`d�xw��rn�+�ah�ou�a�H �n�r{,+ewu,r , .neMl�mppw•�ia��q,w.r,
<br /> N„w�w��cw.aa.r�,awaRaw +w.Mra�n�►rnb� m�onqn���u� wr�r;.�.�„«�a.ioe+,+�w��
<br /> c .a �D�q
<br /> Ma at ofoAN ixM�{1ry� ot11w►.Ine1uAl q� i 11fY fl iRg�!h� Ar�vf PropNy�Wd
<br /> h�_n�m.wwnnquk�nr�ud�r,�'}e�� iu�.rru�arrZpr.wn�n�nA�v�a(J�nrn �r����a�norti... ►.wa�x ww.bi
<br /> • lNirio►Oiir�a dl!��yuf(aii oi 3ha/ . ..8 +c4�"k t ._, ` . . . _ .
<br /> . . •."
<br /> .. , FI�� Tnn = _
<br /> . . . '. } . �.. _�a�ti� __-- —_ -
<br /> IIE�D OF TR1187�W�iN.F�li'iA1�tR AOVAMCF.B
<br /> - �THISOEEOOFTRlJOT;fomn0e��olthe '?� tlnp.oE �"'T �1M��by�d�^an3 --
<br /> qr}Trustat, •'.MIqiSE4 L SPOTAtb"sftI ANA lqLLSF &kCIdM1SU:t. �.
<br /> whos�md�Ilnp�dOt�Hl� 1608 YIHYaINIA QRIYE FRADVa Ifif�ID NB (ryere�n"huflor,"x2rothnoneor.rtwrea
<br /> u»TrutNt B1V6 POIlA'8 BAtIIC
<br /> whos�mnIIInD�AO�eN M P O BOX 1607 - CAniS? I6tPAfi1 DUi1 H'A02-1507 p,yra�n"ttua�ce'�,aM --
<br /> Uw BeneHClaryPIVE E�OINM1 &�2�M , �;:��
<br /> whose meilinp eddNae iq P O�BOX 1507 - (�iP1t0 IBLtAFJ!i@f GEF.4"d�150'! (nwoin"LanAOr"� �:-�:_-
<br /> FOR VN.UAF�.E 4bNSI0ERATION,includlnp Lendar'e exWnainn.atcradit Idenlified herein to�ICf�ABL L �
<br /> 3L�dPP21SRI�!�ID M�LLIB 9POTPa1SKI �nare�n"8crrowor",w�a�her one or moFe)enJ Uia W st Aerein create0,
<br /> the rc�IcNp ol,ifileh �hereby acknowi(:dpq0.�TrveNr hnrnby IrmvaceEly grante,lransle�e.wnvays anO esslAro to Tmslee.IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH VOWE�OF BALE,lot Ho Conofit end 6ecurtqi ol Lendor.under end euD�ed lo Iha lorme nrd contliL'ons heroin3Rer eet —
<br /> IarUR Iho ree4 propary,doscdDad ee laqnrva
<br /> Wsc'it�Itcai• (u'Zi }��iii Rw'Fi"eiCi'S a°Ti.�v� auv'JiYToi.�v °�P.INC. R °.',.°.T R° :B.°. . . ... ,°„_....._.-.-..-.....
<br /> - :�OUPIiOiST�Qt.TM'iBFA (bYli/AI�Gi' 5DQ'li€p�Ti�S11'Y-L�f1R (91{) '1bFEi9HIP 6L[iV13N (11)
<br /> , D1CFt'1Rl� F?d1C.E'TLi�.(10) WF.SS OF TiiL bi79 P.M., UAI.G WUN�1L� NFORt�3KA
<br /> TcyqUmrw.UO.NI 6uildinpq.ImDrovemonle,lUrtunre,eLVels,olloy�,passegewaye,easemenU,tlghU,prWl�eges nnd eppuAa• ��;z`-�
<br /> nanc6a IqCahidlhnreon or In enywiso Dortnininp thnroW,anA Ihe rontx lasues end proflts,roversions end romaln0en thereol.entl — ,,__'
<br /> - bveh por00�ni p�CpBrty Mat le attac�oA to No Improvemenb ao as to ConstiNte n fixture,�nclutltng,but not IlmitAtl 10.Dealing antl " �-r�„=-.�.
<br /> e0ollnyBpv�pmenkanOtopalherwMNOhomoateatlormariulinlnrnsN.Ileny,whichlntereaberohEroGyroleaeedentlwaWC0.Nl :;ct;," �.f j;�
<br /> efwhlch,Includinyre0�ecementeandeddWOnsthoreto,leherobydeclarotl�o6ou0anol�herealosWtoeecurodhythellenollhlo � ����y��--
<br /> Duod of Trusl end all of che lorogoing being mtorrad�o homin ee the"Vroporty"• J�',i�, ,4 c s �r =._
<br /> 1�? t',.I wr,
<br /> Thlo Daed ot hual eheil socuw(a)lhe paymenl of the ptlneipal eum antl Interost ovidonced by a Dromiasory nole or crodit 1�",i��.,; �,� �
<br /> ')S(i;.:13;-:'%-.;.,,_._..
<br /> apreemont do.r,a ��ST 2� 1993 _ having a mnwriry Unto 01 AWY75T 21� 1990 `�Y�`,�I-
<br /> �� 'uy�" -
<br /> in Ne otl inel dncl al emoum of S—L��Q. �,and en and an moa��cauons,oxmns�one end renowals ``p �-.���.S:Y•r,��•�
<br /> 9 P P Y � �-;;`,....�_�..�.__
<br /> therwl or Nerelo enA any ar.d ali IuNro ndwncos antl readvancea lo Borrower(or ony ol thom If more than one)hereunCer n2 �: ,, r.-
<br /> putsuant to one or more O�omissory notea or erotlll ag�comenls(herein celletl"NOto"):(D)lho peymonl ol oNOr eums edvencotl Dy �� _j. ---;.
<br /> Lander�oD�osellhosecurlryottheNO:e:(e)tAepoAormancoolellcovenanlnnn0ogreomonLSOlTrustorsotlorthharoin;and(d)ell , �., r.,;j,.�
<br /> _�i, •� -
<br /> pmsenl eni INo�0lndebtednosa ond obl7ga11one ol 13orrowur(or eny ol thom II moro Ihan one)to Lontler wholhor direet InAlrect. i: .-'%`'` " ,_r�:��j�:
<br /> obaolut0 or comingenl and whothor erising by nolo,guamnry,ovordrafl or othorwiso.Tho Nota,thie Dootl ol Trusl and nny and t�ll -��' .- --�:;
<br /> o:herdceuonisNS16¢cureNaNOtoorolhe�wisaexocutetlinconnoetlontAOrowllh,induUinpwilhoutl6nita4onpuarent¢eaeacudry '--� !�t�•
<br /> 8 tCOft10018 711W A851 f11f10111Y 01108509 fifld f8018.6ha11 b01¢IUIfOd f0 h8f010 89 t110"L08111091lUfOQ018". ��'--." �� ,4
<br /> �J 8 (.�;..;.. ..��;,'?:,.:ii:v�
<br /> TIUSt0�C0Y8080UU0089�009WIIhL00dOfU9f0110We: �-, � ^�;; r"."�-''•
<br /> 1. Pe ntenl ol InE�b4dn�u.All Indobiodnoss s0turo0 hOrob shau Uo Dald wnon duo. �� .° Y�":^
<br /> Y Y `�: J.'.;. .'
<br /> 2. TNIe.Truslor is lho ownar ol ll:r�Proporty.ha�Iho right enU e�I�orlry lo convoy Uo ProOOrry.en0 warronla Ihat Iho Ilen '�,;��:�...�v��i•t+_���
<br /> tredlM horoby I9 a firet end pdor Iiun on ihe Proporty,ezCOpl lor fions ond oncum�rences set tonh�y T�ustor In wrlGn9 end : �-:��%";j$;���_.,,
<br /> q k'i .
<br /> CellvoredtoLnnderbafore0zocutlonollhieDoedolT�usl.nntllhaoxecutionnnddelWCryollhie0oetlafTrusitlooenolviotaloany �> �•;-��w��, -; ��
<br /> conirecl or olhor obligalton lo whic�Truslor la sub�etl. �}t..::.�:.e•,:,`��'�:�� '
<br /> 3. T�xu,Auo�m�n�.io pay betoro ticiin0uoncy Ni laxos,apeclal aseossmoms an0 all othar ehargae ngatnel Iho ProDorty '_'+� ,. �"' .'.
<br /> now or horealter InvloO. .:��,;�tt°j 1i�
<br /> 4. In�umnce.TOkooptheProperryineurodepainslUamagobyliro.hezerdsinNutletl�ri�hinthelmm"oxiondedcovorage'.end • .,-�,p;,-. ;
<br />�� 6uc�other�azorEs ae LunOar muy ro4oiro.inamounte on0 wi�h companiea nccopteble to LonAe�.naming Londor es un ntlOiUOnnl -•�::;C --
<br /> p2ptfid Illsufp0,WIN 10]8 DdY8610IO Ih0 LUntlCL In Cd50 011035 UnOOI SuGh p011c1o9,ih0 LPnCef 15 OuLhOnZOtl 10 ad�ull colloCt enU _,�;�'y�':
<br /> Comproml9o,xIICIUlm9th¢r6untlerontl6hullhavolheoD��a�oloDP�Y�nqnllorpar1o11heinsurantuD�aacU9p)IOenyintlebtOdn89B '�`3 . -:�,.'
<br /> sewrodherebyunOineucOO:AeruaLOndermuytlo�ermine.(ii)IO�noT�us�ortobousedlonnerepa�rorresloreGOnolthaProDOry ' �
<br /> or(III)lor(inyoUlerpur0osoorob�oclseli9lectorytolonaerrdlhoutoltuctinglhellonollhisDcodolTmatlotlheluttemountsacuretl . •
<br /> hureby Ueforo svc�paymont ever look place.Any epplicaUOn ol Oroceetls lo in0ebbdnose shall no�oxten0 or pos�p000 No tlua -. -���
<br /> dato ol uny paymunte undo�No Note.o+cwe any delauit Ihoreundor or�ereuntlar. - - -�1� �
<br />-� 6. EaCrow.Upon wrillm EomonO by l9ntler,Troslor shali pay to Lentlor,in euch mannar aa LondOr moy Oosignelo,BuffideN - - -
<br />� .....�nmew�mnn.�n�uveeennuAeriunnnunnnnn.m`unnflholellewina�lllallUxnsassaismonlvnndoNOrcheraofaaalnst •`��[i'
<br /> �...�.��..��._—.'__'_'_'�_"_'____"""____"__" _ _ _ _ _ _ - "'- " _ _ �
<br />- No Proporly,pq No pramluR9 on Iho ptopary insurenco reqWmtl horountlor.Un0 p�91ho premiums on eny mortgago Insuranco '
<br /> r0qulretl by Lentlor. 'i;i���'�, . ': .
<br /> B. M�InGnena,R�O������d Comptlaneo with Law�.Trustor shall koop l�o Preporry In good condi0on entl repnir,shali ��':�
<br /> promp�y rt9air,or mplaw nny Improvemnnt which moy bo Aarnagetl cr Coslwyo0;ehan no�commn or pormi�eny waslo or �
<br /> Ae:arloraNOn of tho Proparly,6ha11 nol remove.domo��sn or subslsnfinny el�ur any ol tho Improvemen�e on Iho Proporly:shall not �'
<br /> comm16su1fororpormltnnyeottobatlonoinoru0ontnoProporryinviolationolanylaw,ordinanco,orroga�auon;undsnallDayand , _
<br /> prompUy Cisc�nrgo ol Trustor e cost and eoeponao oll Ilens,oncumbmncos nnd charBas IoWaO,Imposod or besossea ageinst tho
<br /> ProporryorenypertUOrool. `..� -. -. .
<br /> 7. Eminanl0omiin.Lontlur is horoby easignod ull componsnllon,ewnrds,Aamepos ond othor DaymoNa or renol(horoinnitor � - .
<br /> "Prxood9')InconnocllonwiNCOnOOmnnllonorolhrtrlukinpolNOProporlyo�Dortthareol.orloreonveyancoinllauolcon0omna• , -.
<br /> 8on.LonUOr shall bo enUilod el I�s opiion to commonco,apPOer In onO prosoa�a In Ile own namo ony ncUOn or procoodings.en0 .
<br /> shall olno bo ontillotl lo mako eny compromiso or SoNOmont in connoction wiN suc�teking or tlama��nrfqevem any oa�uon ol �
<br /> x¢f9/MavprwvnOwSnMaie � � - '
<br /> O t�yN�M1V�YGr�N W�w�pTrrn�MS�xr��4a¢ntwwluxVnxW�fli
<br />