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<br /> wfw�y maN�n,7�rYkoH H (n¢refn'Truxa:v."r�tw.Tc¢r ortm u rcncL
<br /> tMTrw4e, PIYB E'OINCS BMI;f . •.._-_._.
<br /> whwe manirg td�ral�h � 0 BO�i 1507 GitAND IBLpNp Ru'3 68802 �n¢rNn'Tn�atoe'�ac� c- -
<br /> -� L°IYB'BOINPS BA`� . -�:• .
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<br /> wi�ois mamny�QOrya U � O BO% 1507 l�tAtm I8LI4tII1 NB 88902 �µy;em^�.om�er'}
<br /> FOR VALUA&.@ CONS�DHRATION,Indudmp Lendar'e eManalon ot cretlit Idemitled ho�eln�a�I��IDSEIIP F1�43& INC
<br /> (hereln"BOrroweP,whclher ona or more)n��U��he wsl Auotn ueetHO,
<br /> the qcelplof wtilch la Mreby acknowledyed,T�ustor hereby Irrerocably prante,lranstere.conveye end as9lpnalo 7ruslee,IN
<br /> THU9T,WITH POWEH OF BALE,lor the binefit On068CUrlty ol Len084 u�Aer and eubJcU to Iho terms Bn0 Contli�loru hotoinafler 68t �
<br /> IaM,lhe ral Properry.MwrlUetl��I011owa
<br /> ... ,., 74iR e.��,v P �Z.?� :.°,.,°: C: L�J: .°.�..°"3 ("�) �":S3 ar.r. ro �rm cI�s,r�_' �p)r . .... ..__.
<br /> .. "'_ cnu.a�-w . .. .. _. _.
<br />.-.. ' IN BfA�lF [LhNL'TY-NINB (99)� IN RAILltOAD ADDITYON 'PO TNB CITY IX' GRADID � .. - --
<br /> "";"'� I3LflND, Fb0[.t OOClIPY� SiBBIt�.4RA. °--°
<br /> i�#;:
<br /> � Topet�er wAA all bulWinps,inprovemante,llxNres,atreats,etleys,paesaBeways.ea>arne�fa,dghls,pdvllepea ar,d eDPurte• �i"i"�"- --
<br /> .-- nanCes IOCLIWJ tneraon oNn enywlso pertalning ihorelo,and Iho renLq.Issue�anA pmG�s.rrversfons and rumolnde+s f nreot,ond �
<br /> — sueh pereonel Ora�O�b 1ho110 elleohed to the Improvomonts eo ee lo conalil�le e fixlure,includlnp,bul n:ulmlted ts,hoating ond ����—
<br /> — — COOlIny6pV�pmBnCiOAtOp0lhotwllhlh9homo510atlormad1811nI0ro5�9.11eny,whlchlMerostABrohOrObymleaSedtnCWelVeC;oll '-_��.:�i`�j�,-
<br /> ----° olwhlch,lncluOln raD�aCamenteendeUAillonslherelo,leharob declarodtoboo anotNerealoslelesecured0� nlellenolthla ��r'.h- �-=�_�
<br /> �� Deetl ol Trusl and all ot Ne loroyolnp belnp relarred ro horeln es No"Propory'. � � �`�'�'}�F�'���`•r �ti���
<br /> ;it9l�<x"�.
<br /> :p:i,!!t`:�� y�..ro
<br /> _- —� TNa DOBA ol Tm6t 6�a11 eecure(a)Ihe paymont of Iho princlpal eum end Intorest erMenced by B promisaory noto or cretllt l�s����� i ._
<br /> ',� AU(#1ST 6, 1993 {7
<br /> - BpreemuN Aa:�U ,havfng o ma�ori:�date ol A1K�3SP 6, 1497 , � *). �e +'S;-.
<br /> . . - a�4.,•,.�,f
<br /> _ � F _—_"_
<br /> ��� In Ihe orlglnal p�inclpal emamt ol S 15��•� .ond eny enu x.t motlllicntlonA extanslone end renewale � r '=
<br /> IhOrool or therolo und eny end ell luture edvnneos antl roadvences to[iorrowor(aa anq ol them II more Nen one)hereunder , 1 .- �w�' P' ��
<br /> �`� purfuflnl lo one or more promissory notes or crealt agreemonts(hereln celled"NOto"!:l�)�ho paymont o1 otne�sum�n4vnnceA Ay � � e"�-a1 ;
<br /> . r. LendBttoD�otocnhesoCUdryollhoNOto;(c)thepodormanwolnllcovonantsenCegreomon18o1T�ustorseltorNhoreln;end(�nll � +`.� ,g�<_-,
<br /> < ,! resenl end tulure Indeblednoss enA obli a•os�ol 0orrower or un ol thom II moro Ihan ono fo LonCOr w�olhor OlracL IndlracL �� '•�2`;� �
<br /> -�:. P 9 • ( Y ) � r fs -
<br /> i��y ebfplulo or conti�5en1 and whol�or arislrg G�r.��A,guarenry,ovorAre�t or olnorwlso.The Noto.lhls Deotl ot Tmsl entl eny end o�l ---.-v
<br /> .�,�� otherdocuentelnaf6ocuroNONOloorothenv.seexeculodlnconneeuonlhorowlln,IndudingwllhoutllmllellonBUerenleos,socurlry y _ - �i� � ,,
<br /> -- �� egt0emonU end e541gmmonL9 of leasea end ronts,6ha�l ba�slorrnA to hercln es Iho"LOan IngVUmonls". y r �,� _
<br /> p-� Troetor covnntnle nnd egreee with lendor ee lo!lowa �cr �
<br /> -��� 1. Paymem m!lnd�ClMn�u.All IndrDtoCr.oss securr�neroby shnll bo pald when Auo. - ���4 + �
<br />, >�;ifri. 2. TIO�.Tuurc!o�ia lho ownor ol t�e Pm�eRy,hea lhe rgnt e�0 eutharity to convoy No Propnny,anO warmnU Ihnl tho Ilon - �-•
<br /> 'J,,��} croatetl homDy�s E Ilrat en0 prlor Ilon on Ine Pwporry,excegt la�ione ond oncumb�oncos sol lorlh by Truslor m wrWng en0 _ •�„.;.�.`�.��cg�:
<br /> J)' d011V0lOd10L00d0lbB10t0UxOCUI(OOOIIh18DCOdO1TfU91,tr`ArARCtOCU110n8�tlO011VOfyO11h19D00tl01TNB1d009001V1018tOBlly �� i"
<br /> ConVect o!olhor obllgoGO�to whlC�TmstOr Is 6ub�acl. #��Y{�� �1'--
<br /> �' 3. T�xe,MNUminU.49 Dsy bobro dotlnQuency mi t3.e0.spoelel nssossmonla nnA all olhor chorgoe agolnsl lho Proporry 7 } '"„ �
<br /> �1` noworhercaftorlovlod. �.ti�;y�`,,:.-* ..i'r).•
<br /> ;'���� 4. Iroumnr.e.7okoeDUOPropoitylnsuroa�:�amsldamagobyfiro,hazartlalncludotlwllhlntnelorm"exlontloticovomgo'.antl '�;�;';��y.._,.--�: .ed,���_ :
<br /> 6uM olher ha2n:JE oa lenOCr moy reQUlro,in ar.o�n�a ond wIN compunles nccopwblo to Londer,numinfl Landor ae an ntltlltlonnl � `1
<br /> -'�31� nemotl Insumcl.wn�ioee paynD�o�o�ho l.er.aec m caso ol loss unam auca ponems.mo�endor�e euma.�zed�o ed�us�.co�mci ena � ,,; �t'� �k���,.
<br /> .r���a tomprGmbo,oLC�a.rA�Vq:e.-r.e•anEShail�avot�oopllonolnpplyinBnllorpartolthomsumncnproceotls(plonny1n0o61Mnose �%$� '��"� '����-
<br />--'+;�y� 6MU�WhoreDynn7��ecc�o•ue�eeLandermnydotormine.pqtothoTmsto�tobousotllorlhoropeiro�rostoro�IOnolthoPropory �`i���i���•�^ '�
<br /> :.,_� orp;PlGrE� otTNCUr ��1r.
<br /> , y posoaoL;aelsellsfeeloryloLOndorw«noutallectin8lholionollhls0ootlolTmsllortholullnmounlsocurod :ei.,,y, �
<br />-.,•�Tt�h�1f h3roLy @ofc'e suc� 6aymenl eve�look O�ac¢Any oppl1ca11an ol proceede fo IntlebloAnoas ehell nol anlend or poetpono Ihe tlue ;J��i�
<br />�. ity�(7, G�IO 01 finy pny��c�s under�ho Noto.or curo nny d0�ou111harCUnOnr or hoteuntle�. I
<br />�- j��S�ck�.,S; 6. Fscrow.�pen wtiuen demantl�y Lende4 Tmslor shall pay lo LonUCr,ln suc�mannor as Londar moy Goslgnelo,sullielonl t , '
<br /> -�":�';•' Bum9loanEDlOLOf.tlOIIODeYaBlhoyboCOmotluOOnoorm0ieo11holollowing:(i)ull�ax09.055o55monlsentlol�orchargu9apaln6t Li[ri_;_��_ '
<br /> -,;'s�.. V.g PrO�iR),(!I)No O��mlume on Iho property Insuronco requlrod he�ountler,ond(Ili)Ino prumlums on any mortpapo InSUrUnCO ` '�'-- —_
<br /> �_;:'y ro5'%tnJ D/Ler.Cer. ;u_f_ ,. . .
<br /> 8. Pr!nin7onune�,R�D��n end Comp9�ne�w11A Lewe.Truetor ehnli keop Na Propory In pootl eondillon nntl royeir,Ehail .
<br /> prpr,9,y rr,ur.o:roptace eny ImprovomoN w�ICh mey bo tlamaged or dostuyotl:eAall nol comm�or permll nny wnsto or - - �
<br /> _�"__i UN.NWraSa�eC�c+u Properly,sha�l nol romovo,Oomollsh or 6ubstentlni�y niier ony ol Iho improrumon4�on tho Proporty,s�n�l not -- .
<br /> " to6:valL�"�SrorpormltenyacttoboAOnolnoruponthoProDer�ylnWOlneonofenylaw,orCinanw,orrogWntion;enda�nllpayonu � . � �
<br />- _ prcmpSy Cschsrgo at Trvslor's cost nnd ox0onao olI Ilons.oncumbrancoe and d+argos Iovlod,Imposad or essessotl egalnst tha h�:y'� -
<br /> Prop¢.ry ci eny part lhorrol. -
<br /> _�f":_7 . ,.. `
<br /> t f�uaemM Domtln.Londor Is horoDy esalgneA all compensn4on.oworde,damagos onA a�ur paymenq or r�,e';ro�e�na!:e� ).,r' ��•
<br /> "Proco¢d�')�neonnectlonwi�hcondomna6onoroNCrWkingollhoProR9rtyorpatlNOrool.orlorconvr�sxnmivsao:r.er.Gecn*.r.• t.•� -�� � .
<br /> Iloa lond3r 6�aII bo ontiLCd ut IU opllon lo commento.aOC�ar In and D�osocuto In 1l9 own nema e^;xttan o�ixaceeCmgs.E+a . �_�
<br />� . _ ehall elso Do onti11M ro mako ony compromiso or setCemenl H connectlon wilh suc�teklnp or Oame�p.m uio¢�anz�•y perticn o� �? � �-,� ' .� -
<br /> tc�,'�_-'r -
<br /> � 19KN61Ukra/kvNYDN01rtw�dM .�1 t�/. . �{ � •-�
<br /> . O11qMxqMl�Ndh....wr<��rvu��d6nvp��U�ttuuonUnanxwnu �-- .
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