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<br /> — ..C�_.�_�_�J �� -
<br /> • 91- 10585�
<br /> .�---- - � • 1-4��1Ii�Yi.Y �DER .
<br /> _— - Ass��nment of Rents
<br /> - - THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDE'R ie made Uil� 4th dry of September� 1981 .
<br /> _ ---- �= �ad ia incapotrued inW aad ehall be deemed w amend wtd suppicrnent the Mat�a�e.Deed of'Iiust or 5ec:ueity Deed(tl�e �---
<br /> "Security Iastrwna�t")of thc oame d�te glvan by the undenigned(the"Borrowee")w�ecuro Bnmowery Nata to T h e
<br /> Equiteble Building end Loan Association, Grend Islend� Nebrae`a���»�
<br /> •� of tho u�a�e date And coverina U�a Property dcccribed in the Security In�trwnent and located wt:
<br /> �.�
<br /> - . .___,.;��
<br /> 1321 North Huston� Grand Islend� Nebreake 68803 -
<br /> '-�-�N�...� p��
<br /> ._._._:,_-� �••..1""•J�IlJ/�
<br /> ��z��
<br /> 1�4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to the cavenwntx wnd agreemen�made in�he Security In�trument,Horrower
<br /> ------:•� � ond L,ender further coveiwnt and agme as follows:
<br /> _..
<br /> --- -"`-�"��� A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE 3ECURII'Y INS7'ItUMEN7: In addition to the Pr+aperty �-
<br /> _-"`_°• � de.scribed in thc Security Instrument,tlie following items are added to the Property desedption.and sholl also consNtute the o,
<br /> --a��
<br /> __:���,� Property wvered by the Secu�ty Instrument: building materials,appliances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or
<br /> - hereafter lacated in,on,or uaed,or intended to be used in connection with the Property.including,but not limited to.lhose
<br />---1'<r••v�'' for the purposes of supplying ar diatributing headng. cooling, elecMcity, gas. water. air and lig6t, firo preventian and
<br />�'�`> .:�'':;• , cxtingufshing apparatue. security and access control apparatus, plumbing, ba�h rubs, water heaters. water closets. sinks. �-
<br /> �y,z;-.��,-,, ranges,swves,refrlgerators.dishwashers.disposals,washers,dryera.awnings,storm windows,stam doors,screens,blinds.
<br /> s shadea,cunains ar�d curta�in rods,attached mirrors,cabinets,panelling and attached floor coverings now or hereafter auached
<br /> „�,o_ .
<br /> .}��::r��-,-- .., to the Property,all of which,including mplacements und additlons thereto,sh�ll ba deemed to be and remein a part e -
<br /> --�1�&:tl°.• Property covered by the Security Inswmant. All of 1he foregaing together with the Propeny descdbed in the Security =
<br /> ------�,;,;�i�ry,� Instrument(or the leasehold estate if the Securlty Instrument is on a leasehold)are rofernd w in thia l-4 F�amily Rider And
<br /> -_�.-�.�,„._�-_— sbe Security lnstnlment es the"Pmp"►ry,"
<br /> _ � `�:�„,.:,
<br /> =°K��;; B,USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek,agree to or make a chnnge in the
<br /> + -'�.��,#,� use of the Property or ita zoning dassiflcation,unless Lender has agrecd in writing to the chonge. Borrower ahell comply
<br /> _� �...
<br /> .:';�'�y,: , with all Isws,ordinsnces,rcguludon�and requircments of any govemmental body applicable to the PropeRy.
<br /> _�._-%,�� .
<br /> ,! ,�`-- , " C.3UBORDINATE L[ENS. Except as permitted by federul law, Borrower shall not *.iow any lien inferior ro the __
<br /> � Secudty Ingtrument to be perfected egainst the Property without Lender�prior written permission.
<br /> �,�:.�
<br /> -:,;�;�:;^ =• . D.RENT LQ3S 1NSUttANGE. Borrower shaU maintam insurance againal renl losa in addltlon to the other hazard�for ��
<br /> ,;��_, :;,�;� ; . which insurance is requir�ed by Unifortn Covenant 5.
<br /> ���� � E."BORROWER'3 RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Covenent IS is deleted.
<br /> ---`''�=.�
<br /> - .�3�lE.:.`:;.�.,'`" � F BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the first sentence in =
<br /> - -�1�-�:':�.��• Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Borrower�occupancy of the Propeny is deleted. All rrmaining covenanls and agreements
<br /> .-,-��'^'�i!;g`� —
<br /> __._�,�.F.� • cet forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in eifect.
<br /> c--:a
<br /> �_�,.s1..._...t�.i...,
<br /> G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEA3ES. Upon Lender's request,Borrower shull assign to L.ender ell Icasea of the Property --
<br /> ��'��`�"'. and all security deposits mede in connection with leases of the Propeny. llpon the nssignment,Lender shall have the right to �
<br /> ��„���• .:._. - modify. extend or tertninate the existing leases und to cxecutc new leascs. fn l.ender's sole discretion. As used in this `�"-`
<br /> :�,:'c��.�.,. ..��� paragraph(3.the word"lease"shall mean"subleasc"if the Sccuriry Insuument is on a leaschold. _
<br />