TOGBTHER W1TH atl the in�provcsment�naw ar hereafter erected nn the pr��rty.and a1l easemanks,appurt�ancc�, and
<br /> fixtures now on c�rexfter a part of the ptopetty. All replacements and addic'tons shall also be cx�v�c�d by lhix Sr.curity
<br /> Inntrument.All of�for�sgoing iK ref�rnxl to in thic Secuclty Inscru�nznt a.s the "Pro�xrty."
<br /> BORROWER COV�NANTS thut Burrowu is lawfully sei�qf the�.titdte hereby conveyed yuld h4�thz right lo�;r,inl anc�
<br /> convey the Property au«3 that th� Pr�pc:rty ix unencumbered, ezcept fas encumM�anc�.a of re:cc�rd. Bormwt�r wan:+nl� :trxl will
<br /> defend gt,tterully tha titla to thc Prope:rty agrinxt xil claim�and clemand.�, cuhject to any encutnbrances aF tcx.urd.
<br /> 'fHlS$ECURI'fY INSTRLIMENT combmcs uniForm covcnxnts for national ux�s tand non-uniform cov�nnnt�with limitul �
<br /> variations by jarisiliction to coasticute a unifonn security instturnent coverinC r��I'��Y� �
<br /> UNTFUkM COV'ENANTS. Borrawer and j,endet Covenant and a�Cee as follow�: �
<br /> 1, Paymint uf Principui :uid Interest; Prepayusent and L�te Char�e.c. Borrow�r rhall promptiy pay when due the I°�►
<br /> principal of and iatZrost on the tkbt eviJtnascl by th�Notn and any ptapayment and fate cha���du�undrx the Note. O
<br /> 2. Ftindc for Tax� arrd Insuran��e. Subject to a��plicahle law or to a writtzn wsuver by L.�nd�r, �orrower �1ud1 pssy to 00
<br /> L.r.n�r on tho day manthly paymenls are duc under the NotC,unti!tha Noue is paid in full,a sum("��md:�")fur. (x}yaarly IaE�e M"r
<br /> xnd a��ments which may attain prioritq over tHis Stcurity Insln��t a+a li�xi on thu Property;(b)yaarly le:e�ehold paymon4s i�
<br /> or grouod rents on the Prop�rty,if any;(e)ytxtrly hi�ranl or prnp.,rty insurancd premiums;(d)ydarly ticxxl insurance l�remiums, �
<br /> if�u,y; (a) y�rly mr�rtgagcs inti-aren�premium.5, if any; and (fl any suu�s payable by BorrowGr to Lendar, in acc.ardxnu:with
<br /> the pmvixians af p�r�t�h B, in liZU of thC payraent of mortgage insuranr.�prZmiums. 3'he�;i[em.�are c�llecl "E.�c�t�w ltznts."
<br /> Lender mHy, at xny time, coll�x:t asxl hold Fund.v in :ui amount nc�t tn exeeed the msucinium amount a l�rtder fur x fed�r.�11y
<br /> rtliu,�d murtg�o lagn mxy require far Aormwer's escrow account uader the fackxxl Rr,xl E4txta S�tQemc;nt Prac�xlur�s; Act �F
<br /> l974 a.r•amended fr�n�time to timz, l2 U.S.C. Sac:tion 2601 et sry. ("RESPA"), unles:x:u�athec 1aw that appli'rs to the Fune�ti
<br /> sz1,c a l�ser amount. If so, �inder mxy, at ,my time, cc,llect and hc�ld Fund.c in an amount not to eacr,�cl thc la:��ar umnonl.
<br /> I.endCr may estimxte thc;uawunt of Funds due on tiie t�aais of currer�t �1gt$arHl t�arc►�ble��limat�;.�t of csxrxmditures of futut� ,
<br /> �scrow lt�ms or ott►tlrwi:�e in accardanca with a�plicaE�le law.
<br /> 'i'ha f•'und�x shall t� held in nn inFkitution whose deposits are insvre�l b� a fi:clrral agnncy, inr�tn,mentulity, or entity
<br /> (includin�Lender, if L,ender 19 such a11 InsCitudun)ot in uny Ful� Humcs Larn&tnk. I.encler Fhall a��ply tha FttnJy tu pxy thu
<br /> E.�crow Item.c. ixoder n�y aot Charga$orCOw�t fur holdin�and applying th�FuneLv, annualiy analyzing thz�erow aeco��nt, ur
<br /> verifyin�the EFCrow Itcros,unless Lencksr pnys Borrower inter�t on thz Fuuida And xpplicxblz law parmit�I.und�r to mxk�x��l�
<br /> a char�;e. T-Towcvar, L,c�nder may Cequit�Borrowzt to pay a ono-timZ Charg�for;�n inck:pesncicsnl r�a1�.titatr Wx reporting r*rvie;e
<br /> u.�eel by Lender iu eonnectioa witkt this loa�n, imlws applieahle law prc�vide.a ptherwiSd. Unless art agr�mc:nt i:� macle �r
<br /> sy�plical+ie law raquiros interest ta bc:paid, Lender ahall not be ratuirod to pay I�orrow�r uay int�r�t or c;arnings an the Fnncl.c.
<br /> Bonower aad L.endzr may xgree ia writinL, however, tbat intorrst shAll be paict un the Fund:�, Lender shali Liv�tn Barrow�r,
<br /> without�rge, �n xnnuul accnunling of the Fun[Is, showing cr�xlits aod drebits to thn FuncLc and the JwrpoeC for which �:►c:h
<br /> debit to Ihe CunJv war nwcle, The Ftuxls are plalgad as ackliticmal�ec:urity fnr all sum.e securrd by this StCUrity Inurum�nt.
<br /> If�hz Fuads hold by L�,der cxceed tbn amaunts pernutted to be haid by applicable l�w, La:nclur�hall accaunt t�IIarruwar
<br /> for the exeess Punds�n ac:cx�nlHnc:e with the requicementx af applicabla law. If thz amount of thu Fuads held hy i,en�lzr xt:�ny
<br /> iime iA not sufficiant to pay t}x:E.ycruw ItemK when due, Lender ntay so notlfy Borrowesr in writ'sn�, �x1, in �uch csu�RorrawCr
<br /> shall pay to Lxa�dor tha amount nece,raty to a�alce up the tleficieney. $orno�+r,r shall malcu up the deticiency in n� rtyore than
<br /> twelve monthfy paymeo�, �t I.en�ler's sole diserction.
<br /> U�n paynient in full of all sua� securecl by khis Sacw'ity In,atrumZnt, Lcnder shall prc�mptly r�fund to B�nrwer any
<br /> FunJs hel�l by i.dnJer. if, u�cle�c�ata�ta�h 21, Lender Ehull ncquirrs oc soll th�Prtt�erty� Lender, ptint to th�acqnisition or val� '
<br /> di the Property, r�hatl aPply any Funds hcld 6y I.t�r►der at the time of acquisition or flale t�s s crzdit a�,►ain�t the tiums sCCUttitl by
<br /> tbis Sccurity Iastrua�nt.
<br /> 3.Appticxtiun uY Payments.Unless xpplic:sbl�law provide.v otherwise,aI1l�ymenL�reczived by l�der undac�+a�ubraphti
<br /> 1 und 2 :ahxll ba u�liecl: First, to eay pri�ayment chur�+e.a d�u�ader the Note; seCOeJ, to xmounl.�payahle under pars�Lraph 2;
<br /> thinl, lo inlere.�t Qua; fiwYth, to prinCipsl chiZ; ancl last,tn any 1:►te charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Chargcs� Liens. Burrower slwil�y all taxes, assessmeet,, c:h�rgr•s, fen�and impo�it}cm� :�ttrihutahla to thc Property
<br /> which u�ty ultnin priority ove� thig Szcunty Instrutai�t, and k�.�hnld payments �r gmund f�ants, if�ny. $orrc►w�r �hall �y
<br /> thes�obli�ations in thc:mnnner prnvid�xl in parA�ra(>h 2, or if not pAiQ in that numnur, Bnrrow�r shall�y thzm on tim�dinx:Ny
<br /> to thc�rvon owecl payniei►t. Bott'ower sh�ll prompdy furnish Io 1.ender all notices of xmounts tu bc;paid uncler this pa��u�;rx�,h.
<br /> lf&�rrower makes these�ym�►ts din;t;dy� Bcirrawet shAll prowrdy furnit+it to LGnck;r r�:euipts evidencina the p;�yutentti,
<br /> Boirow��,r shall promptly dischs�rrgt any lien which h�.�priarity ovar this Szcurity Instrnment imla,ti�orrower: (a)�;rees in
<br /> writin�to die paymennt of thz obligation secu�ec�by the lien in s mKnna Ae.�:eplHblc lu[�en�r; (b)contast�in buud 1'ailh thc lien
<br /> by, or defznds again:�t emf�rcnmwst �f the lien in, le:al prucer,�Jings which in the I.enc3rt's opinion op4satu tu pravent the '
<br /> enforcement of tht�lien; or(c)Fecures fram tha hotder of thc lien�n u�rraement satis��ctory to I,ender Fubordinating fhC lien tn
<br /> thea Security 1'nntrurnent. Tf Lender determinaa that any psrt of tho Pro�erty i�s subject t�a liCn whic;h may uttxin priority over
<br /> this Sec;urity tnqWment, I.endcr mAy Five Borrower a notic�id�ntifyin�±Ihe lien. Barr�wer r:hal!e+atisfy the lic��r take ane ar
<br /> iswro af the actian�set fotth above within 10 days of tha giving of n�tice.
<br /> Form 3Qx8 9190
<br /> �•BR(N!)402�21.a� Pope 2 oF 6 itiuok:�G�� llP8 1953
<br /> 9� �
<br />